They could have just as easily remained a footnote in the war, left behind by fate. All things told, it's not bad for helping keep shells out (especially when angling). This doesn't look like a good ship at all. However, California's an important release and, more pressingly, I don't feel she's a good ship. Once you get past MO, then you enjoy shelling APs at broadside of whatever that comes into the harbor. I for one wouldn't have spent a nickel on your game without her. This would have made her functionally as fast as Nagato under manoeuvres. (37% damage reduction for Arizona vs 36% for California). The 0.8s improved reload time and harder hitting AP shells are okay, but you can't feel the 0.1 sigma difference. Taylor Jones. "Ooh, 1.9 sigma with twelve guns? These reviews have significant amounts of data and stats, plenty to draw your own conclusions. Had she been strong, I think I could have just sat aside and let people discover that for themselves. For them and cruisers, reduced spotting time after firing is long over due. If you swapped out Florida's 25mm bow and stern for 26mm versions, she'd be a perfectly normal tier VII battleship. Improved penetration on her AP shells for their calibre. You know it. She has greatly improved anti-aircraft firepower and she's more stealthy. ET. California has higher sigma (1.9 vs 1.8). California, like most of her standard battleship relatives, features a 26mm bow, stern, and most of her deck. While at lower tiers this may be enough to deflect enemy fire, the normalization of the 406mm or higher guns at tier VIII and IX means that players will have to be careful in engagements against most higher tier battleships. Now, Republican Florida Gov. It's just the 26mm outer portion until you smack the transverse bulkheads protecting her citadel. Arizona has better upper-hull armour. So you can play a mid tier IJN or RU DD that while better respectively at torpedo attacks and gunnery, could opt to play more ninja torp assassin or wild west cowboy based on player preference - and still be good at it. WebThe water temperatures differ in California vs Florida beaches because of the different climates. The final difference is cost. In her third slot, you have the choice between a, In the second slot, begin your fire resistance build with, Most people are going to want to spring for more range for California and thus, 3% bonus concealment from surface targets, 10% reduction to post-battle service costs, California has more range (19.9km vs 16km), California's AP shells do more damage (10,500 vs 10,300), California has a faster reload (34.2s vs 35s). ", WG Executive 2: *Looks at sekret spreadsheet*"Oh look how popular Arizona is; let's pull it from sale so there is no cheaper alternative. Short of adding a turtleback, it's as well protected as you could hope it to be. You can see just how massive her 35mm anti-torpedo bulges are. See Full I'll play a shoddy ship back to back for hundreds of games provided she's fun (I've done it too -- I loved Atlanta before Surveillance Radar was a thing). Irrelevant trivia time. There is a 16mm hidden plate dividing the upper and lower parts of Florida's citadel. The line of it can be found between her 285mm upper belt the 213mm of her lower belt. Same is true for Ashitaka of course (or And the disparity between Gun and Torpedo boat types should mostly be reduced (especially since when subs come in they should really be more torpedo based and without the damn ping gimmick). Horrible gun handling and appalling gun firing angles. They need radar to have some limitation - be it not going through rocks or only working for the ship using it (and only mini map spots for the team). Ships with stars have been changed or added since patch 0.9.6. Her horrible gun fire angles necessitate that she swing out and show a lot more broadside in order to bring the weight of fire to bear on targets. The perks they gave her to compensate, namely good AA, nice range, good concealment and more accurate guns, don't cut the mustard for me. Main Battery: Twelve 356mm/50 guns in 4x3 turrets in an A-B-X-Y superfiring configuration.Secondary Battery: Sixteen 127mm/38 guns in 8x2 turrets in superfiring pairs on either side of the ship facing fore and aft. "Philly Daily" hasn't visited the forum site since 2016, did you know? WebThere are thousands of Pow Wows held across North American. For me, Lyon is the best BB for Narai, Ashitaka being the second, due to their speed and DPM. Im gonna judge based on the review its probably a Mehbote. Are they good enough to be tier VII guns? But seeing how she was being released reminded me of why I write these reviews in the first place: To protect other players from making bad purchases. Based on our research, heres the ranking of states where average annual car insurance rates are the most expensive: Florida: $2,560. Based on this contests moneyline, Southern has an implied win probability of 76.2%. Florida basketball got back on the winning track on Tuesday night with a 77-67 win over the Georgia Bulldogs on the road in the penultimate regular-season game for the Gators. California has a boring ol' 14% healed over 28s, not the 16.8% of the KGVs and Hood, the 40% Nelson or even Colorado's 18.48%. The Tigers got monster performances from a pair of standouts in Angel Reese and Jasmine Carson, who each scored 25 points in a win that saw them walk away holding Hes played the game since then but you can tell he has not played it much based on HOW he plays some ships. There's a stigma against lower-calibre guns for having poor penetration performance and this is largely undeserved. American 356mm AP shells, for example, have very good penetration and Florida's is improved even beyond this. She is capable, for example, of penetrating upwards of 400mm worth of plate at 15km. She has more than enough punch to land citadel hits against just about any broadside target, including some of the softer-skinned battleships up to ranges of 20km. So you don't need to worry about Florida not having enough teeth to citadel an Iowa in most encounters, should the opportunity arise. I stress the word opportunity, however.. She's just not fun and you can get a similar (and better!) While California does have some minor improvements over Arizona, they are (in my opinion) inconsequential. Thx mouse. And another premium ship to skip, even Zoup has a different opinion. Florida had a cumulative rate as much as 84% higher than Californias last fall. In terms of pricing, Legoland Florida is slightly cheaper than Legoland California. WG!!! They're not thick enough to keep battleship caliber shells out. As for the ship herself, WG pitched her at someone who wants a moderately fast (not quite 30kt, but not 20 either) US BB with lots of gun barrels at Tier 7. The Jaguars have not played a game with moneyline odds of -320 or shorter. I give this rating 5 out of 10. Coz no mehbote to gudbote rating, except angry anime girl gif The 0.1 sigma difference is imperceptible in game play -- you couldn't tell the difference if you tried. You can also forget about successfully kiting or disengaging when things turn sour. That depends on the player. Aside from a few times, the last run of Narai had me using no other vessel than Florida. I've very much enjoyed using her there. As pointed out, she is squishy. If you nose on to MO and the CO that shows later on (and they take a liking to you), they'll very easily citadel you. If you angle properly however, you will bounce them all day long (minus the occasion stray that can and will hurt). Avoid going nose on against any of the BB's regardless, and sure as spork do not show too much side either. Yet CDC data indicates that California's death rate is gaining ground on Florida, with seven-day average daily deaths at 1.4 per 100,000 residents, compared to Sadly, Florida's HE are lacking. Their modest damage per-shell and slow reload might not be such a bad handicap if their fire chance was better, but her fire chance per shell is horrible. The 22% value she's shackled with is downright painful for such a slow rate of fire. Getting one permanent fire to burn is a feat, never mind doubling up. Her HE performance is so bad that I would happily recommend sticking with AP spam if it weren't for the aforementioned issue with angled and higher-tiered targets. It's stupid-important to be patient with your shots. Look for opportune targets where you can maximize her AP efficiency. You don't want to have to start spamming HE. Similarly, you don't want to force encounters where this is your sole option. Florida doesn't have the armour or hit points to facilitate trades against same-tier (or even tier VI) opponents. Blapping a full broadside of HE into an enterprising lolibote is hilarious, don't get me wrong -- her improved accuracy means that she easily can land four to six shells (or more!) Good concealment with a surface detection as low as 11.8km. Her 27 knot top speed has the illusion of meaning something only because she's an American battleship. All other American battleships from tier VII and below cap out around 21 knots as their top speed. With the nerfing to American Standard-type battleship agility with patch 0.9.6 Florida's speed advantage is even more pronounced. Were she a battleship from any other nation, her 27 knot top speed would be unremarkable. So yes, Florida is faster than Colorado or California. Big deal. So is everything else at this tier. It's akin to (but not a copy of) the UFO-style acceleration found on British cruisers and destroyers. Both wins and 109k average damage. Looking at the charts, i'm surprised how average Poltava is. AP penetration is more of a contentious issue for Florida. I'm not telling you which ship is which. I've sorted these by the formula of [ AA dps x { range - 1km} ]. It's not a perfect system but it does weight heavier, longer-ranged firepower over masses of short-ranged defence. As much as I would like to be excited about her range, she needs it or the ship simply doesn't work. Other than Shimakaze (which needs it only really on it's stock torps) the old IJN torp line needs the range it's torps are spotted back down to the same levels as every other nation not using DWT's, or at least cut in half or reduced to .1 over. She rewards good aim and positioning - she needs to find USS California's inclusion in World of Warships bothers me on so many levels. I have spent a TON! LittleWhiteMouse, October 12, 2020 in General Game Discussion. Simply put, it's the only thing which makes this ship viable as a tier VII vessel and even then it barely passes muster. The victory snapped a three-game losing streak and was only the third in February following the upset of the Tennessee Volunteers to open the month along with a WebA Captain's hands-on guide to effectively helming the U.S. I dunno what's going on with California's turrets with her Freedom camouflage. Whenever I use a BB for Narai, I prefer to go east of convoy so that I can catch MO broadside when it turns. Florida uses an American battleship version of her, Finally in the last slot, you have your choice between a, Finally, in slot four, fire damage mitigation is still your best option so. Before patch 0.8.0, the levels of AA firepower California puts out would have been formidable and worth celebrating. Lemme stress: They're fine. As much as I need a break right now, USS California is a big enough name to elicit sales simply merely by reputation. Wargaming will try and sell you this ship bragging that this reach is to California's advantage. I admit a terrible reluctance to call any battleship's AA firepower "good". This said, when a pristine Florida activates her Defensive AA Fire and doubles her DPS, she has good AA firepower. 4 minutes ago, General_Lee_Miserable said: 27 minutes ago, General_Lee_Miserable said: Florida (on the left) using a standard dispersion test. This is 180 AP shells fired at a stationary Fuso bot. Shots are coming in from the left to right (Fuso is bow-tanking). California is on the right with the same parameters. They could have made California powerful. Florida Scoring. Oh well, missed opportunities. She would have felt immediately tankier but still vulnerable to higher tiered ships. Floridas games this season have gone over 6.5 goals 37 of 62 times. California has access to two camouflage patterns: Type 10 Camouflage California and Freedom -- California. The totals have gone OVER in 7 of Queens' 11 last games at home. Here's a better view of how deep California's belt extends. Look at all of this negative space! This is what happens when I scale the HE values to the same scale as the AP values. The order of ships shuffles a bit with German HE shells being terrible and British and Japanese HE shells doing more damage than you might otherwise expect for their calibre. Florida's HE performance remains unfortunate. However, given the troubles with her AP shells, you'll still be reaching for them often. Long range is nice, so flex those aiming skills you've acquired, but her gun caliber and long reload will largely limit the impact this has. After an impressive week that saw the Tigers go 3-1-1, Auburn begins a new week by welcoming in Florida A&M to Plainsman Park for a Im gonna judge based on the review its probably a Mehbote. Mileage probably determined on if you want a premium USN BB for Narai or not. With that in mind, this review is going to myopically focus on the differences between Arizona and California and why one ship is worth the money and the other is a slap in the face. They provide the same bonuses and are merely a cosmetic swap. It's just a matter of making the ship fun and/or interesting to play. Shells which fuse inside this bulge but outside of the hull spaces underneath result in zero damage penetrations. Carriers must anticipate that she will always have Defensive AA Fire ready and it's best to bait its use by ducking in and out of her 5.8km bubble and then waiting it out, even if she's not your primary target. Florida is effectively a no-fly zone for tier VI carriers because of this consumable and raw AA power combination which is a pretty impressive boast. Add on a catapult fighter and Florida duplicates this for tier VIII carriers too, at least until she comes under sustained HE attack. Thanks for your hard work. I bought the super Pershing in Tanks.. opps. She is a powerful tier VI battleship, so you might think my comparison unfair. So while California is an obvious gunnery upgrade over New Mexico, California is only a soft upgrade on Arizona. Would you prefer if they decided based on other CCs instead? As of December 2020, Floridas (preliminary) unemployment rate was at 6.1% while Californias was 9%. in other words, you are more likely to find claifornians in claifornia than floridians in florida She's the worst at turning but its kinda funny how middling Poltava turned out to be., A shame about shipcomrade's closing. Hit Points: 51,800Min Bow & Deck Armour: 25mm extremities, 26mm upper hull & 37mm deckMaximum Citadel Protection: 285mm belt or water + 213mm belt + 56mm, 96mm or 140mm citadel wall.Torpedo Damage Reduction: 26%. follow. However, the premium standards Arizona, West Virginia 1941 and now California, all lack this boost. +1 on the review but I am enjoying the Florida. It could be worse, I suppose. As a result, Florida is growing; and California is watching an out-migration of the wealthy, the middle class and major employers. She doesn't have a nigh-impervious citadel like Scharnhorst and Gneisenau. You'll probably have to shell out some extra cash for the Freedom camo, whether that will be through a bundle or with doubloons after the fact. Furthermore, that big 26mm area is just begging to receive hits from HE spam. Although nothing can beat Atlanta in Narai in terms of farming potential, I think Florida is one of the OK BBs to use in Narai. However you're paying for the improvements with very crappy gun fire angles. Florida is the state that more or less stayed open during the pandemic and thrived in its defiance. Instead, it's so much thinned out swill with a rancid aftertaste, leaving you to wonder what could have been. I'm left to wonder what the point of California's design implementation as is. Me either until I put my mouse over his name., Knowing the early beginnings of all your work and that of others, well, sort of rounds out, fills out my own knowledge and experience of the forums since the very earliest days of the game., The influence given and taken by those you mentioned (and probably a few not mentioned) have helped shape this game in a way the devs simply could never have seen. Florida wins this battle hands down. Ez fix". I fear that these buffs will blindside people to what is nothing more than an already existing tier VI premium with a tier VII price tag. Deposit $200, Get $250. Now that said, with this high-profile release covered and my feels (hopefully) clearly broadcast, I'm taking some much needed time off. Calfornia does have a higher muzzle velocity and thus better AP penetration over distance. Time to re-use a graphic because battleship skill optimization has stagnated! If for any particular reason I needa fast American battleship, I have Georgia.. The historical design was called for a ship with nine 250 mm guns in three triple turrets with two superfiring at the front and one at the rear. Florida played solid defense throughout the night, holding Georgia to 33.3 percent from the field and 18.2 percent from 3-point range (4-of-22) while recording 8 steals and 6 blocked shots. Solid rearward firing angles, well suited to kiting. Florida basketball got back on the winning track on Tuesday night with a 77-67 win over the Georgia Bulldogs on the road in the penultimate regular-season game for the Gators. In its win over Florida State on Monday night, UNC basketball set an all-time program record one that not many people probably saw coming. California's reach partially mitigates this, but only partially. Rather than look for something new or novel, Wargaming played it safe. Top Speed: 27 knotsTurning Radius: 760mRudder Shift Time: 15.4 seconds4/4 Engine Speed Rate of Turn: 4.1/s. You need to play a total of 20 battles to post in this section. How likely your shells are to do damage if they do hit. Pow Wows In Your State Pow Wows in California Redbird's 21st Children of Many Colors Intertribal Pow Wow 2023 Jun 2 - Jun 4, 2023 - Oxnard CA 356mm guns lack overmatching ability against targets with 25mm+ extremities. For me, Ship Comrade allowed me to greatly increase the quality of my reviews. This long format, like you're seeing here with Florida, was facilitated entirely by having my content written for Ship Comrade. Critter8 encouraged CCs like myself and @Aetam to host our content on his site. As you can imagine, writing for a web-page is much more forgiving than writing for a forum post -- it didn't have to all be written in a single sitting, for example. In going over Ship Comrade's archives, it was a treat to watch how my reviews grew in size and ambition. My early reviews were usually written in an afternoon and seldom held more than four or five jpegs. Florida's review has nearly thirty and has been written over the course of a week.. Build for survivability and fire resistance. You need speed to reach thatposition in time, but if you do, you can sink MO in two salvos, allowing you to not rely on torps by other ships to take it down. The only thing to watch out for is if one your DD/CL uses smoke and hide all other ships, MO will target you and you don't want that with Florida's armor. Whenever I use a BB for Narai, I prefer to go east of convoy so that I can catch MO broadside when it turns. Same old, same old. She's missing an ice-breaker bow like the aforementioned German ships. In theory, California has some pretty good AP damage output. You are usually not shot at by much due to how target selection of bots works, so Florida's armor won't be a big issue even with the short combat range in OPs. The victory snapped a three-game losing streak and was only the third in February following the upset of the Tennessee Volunteers to open the month along with a With a base 900m advantage over Arizona, this is supposed to facilitate not only engaging the enemy but escaping from difficult situations. If you had to choose one, Arizona is the better purchase, hands down. As for the economic impact, Californias unemployment rate more than doubled to 9.3% since February 2020, while Floridas rose by less, from 3.3% to 5.1%. Tip from Donald L. Tucker Center is at 7 p.m. I'd actually rather get California, because she's an extension of a ship type (US Standards) thatI have played a lot and really enjoy. As easy as border-humping battleships can be, Florida asks a bit more of players in order to get her to perform. Neither her AP or HE shells are idiot proof, requiring players to be dynamic with their ammunition choices. That's bad enough, but even when you have the right ammo loaded for the right target, her anemic shells leave a lot to be desired, especially with so long of a reload. Even her good improved accuracy can be a bit of a turn off -- at least with bad dispersion even a poorly aimed shot might have something strike the target. Finally, this ship just feels cumbersome with sloppy handling, a slow reload and sluggish turret traverse. California isn't broken, she's just not over-tuned the way Arizona is. However, she has very poor gun fire angles, horrible agility and no appreciable gains in defense all while being up-tiered to tier VII. Well, this accidentally turned into a much longer review than I had intended. I was originally just going to line up Florida alongside California, compare the two and then pull a surprise-reveal that they both suck equally. Instead, I learned last week that Ship Comrade, the site run by @Critter8 that has hosted my reviews since the first quarter of 2016 was going to close down. Instead of working on how to cleverly cast shade on anyone that enjoyed either one of these tier VII American premium battleships, I spent the better part of two days going through years worth of archived jpegs and text, reflecting on the years I've spent writing for World of Warships and all of the help, support and encouragement Critter8 provided me. There's lots of ways they could have gone about it, though I think the most elegant solution would have been to give her 32mm structural plate on her bow, stern, deck and upper hull, akin to a tier VIII battleship. Hard pass, ladies and gentlemen. The totals have gone OVER in 3 of Queens' last 5 games. i feel like its an insult to the playerbase that WG expects people to actually spend about 50 bucks on this garbage, truly a waste of devs time and money but isnt that par for the course with WG nowadays? So California has good concealment! Quick Summary: A tier VII, prototype version of the North Carolina-class battleship with twelve 356mm guns instead of nine 406mm guns. She's highly accurate but her guns don't hit very hard, even for 356mm rounds. On top of this, she's super squishy. Hmm Thanks Mouse really good food for thought. Florida Scoring. Her top speed of 27 knots is completely acceptable for a tier VII battleship. Florida's AA power is nice. Taken on it's own merits, her AA power is pretty fearsome when it comes to personal defence. In the support role, she's not bad either, with a sizable chunk of her AA power dedicated to long and medium range weapons. When her Defensive AA Fire is active, she can wipe out full tier VIII squadrons -- it's not contest here. A determined CV player will still be able to make a drop, but it will cost them everything. The Gators average only 0.2 more points than the Wildcats allow (69.3). California's protection scheme is perfectly adequate for a tier VII battleship. LittleWhiteMouse, July 2, 2020 in General Game Discussion. Nothing can touch California, though, which sits smack in the middle of the tier VIII American BB range, rubbing elbows with Alabama, North Carolina and everyone's favourite: Massachusetts. Let's pretend Arizona doesn't exist. Her 31mm rear deck will help shatter small-caliber HE shells too, as will her 50mm armoured secondaries. +1 upboat for the review. I was looking forward to this review because I was unsure about if I was going to spend some dosh on Florida as a USN fan Flak Bursts: 5 explosions for 1,400 damage per blast at 3.5km to 5.8km.Long Ranged (up to 5.8km): 137 dps at 75% accuracyMedium Ranged (up to 3.5km): 364 dps at 75% accuracyShort Ranged (up to 2.0km): 490dps at 70% accuracy. California vs. Florida: A tale of two Americas From a distance, Florida and California look similar: beaches and natural disasters, theme parks full of tourists, and Arizona's weapons are amazing at tier VI. Though they would have to actually work on balancing CV's (a lot of ordnance damage needs to come down, AA needs to be fixed/balanced, plane regen/hanger needs to be worked on, etc) and bring back odd tiers before we get to that. Florida's secondaries are too short ranged to be worth specializing into. They also lack the accuracy buff that makes Massachusetts and Georgia such units. These twin factors are enough to discourage anyone from spending skills or upgrade slots on them, to say nothing of Florida's durability issues (which I will [edited] about at length below).. Observe: California has absolutely horrid main battery traverse rates, coming about at a glacial 60s for 180. It's not high-velocity Soviet-good like Poltava's, though, nor does it have Duke of York's improved auto-ricochet angles (which shares the same penetration as KGV). It turns out that even substantially better accuracy often nets only marginally more hitsoften indistinguishable on an engagement to engagement basis.. Her rudder shift time of 15.4s is the most remarkable thing about her and not in a good way. It's slow. Jones Angell, play-by Most, if not all,also need their alpha nerfed slightly so they aren't deleting cruisers quite the same way they are now (enough that basically instead of say 2 citadels and 4 overpens to destroy a cruiser you'd need 2-3 of those overpens to be solid hits). In closing, I should stress again: Florida is fine. She's not broken. There will be some people who really dig her sniper game play. I'm not one of those people. I like to have the option of getting in close and hitting people with my sword. Florida doesn't let me do that. Overall, the accuracy is very good, but not "crazy". If you're trying to get from A to B as fast as possible, you're not going to want to touch your rudder. Despite all that, what I really like about her is that her guns (while not powerful as you'd expect, which is mentioned) are fairly accurate at all but extreme range. I also like her secondaries, as they have decent enough accuracy and reach out to 6.6 with aft+flag. The single 5" guns tend to land their hits a lot vs the dual 5" guns (though that is not be saying much considering. This isn't exactly welcome for such a slow brick with a big squishy snoot to boop. Catch the excitement and bet with Tipico! Tier VII battleship. The totals have gone OVER in 7 of Queens' 11 last games at home. They need to get rid of that junk mod they added that makes it all torps are spotted at 1.8 km cause especially against slower torps, like USN's, there's almost no excuse to not dodge torps if you take it. Now it's just a reminder of how much potential is wasted in the current meta. As good as California's lateral protection is, her big weak spot is her bow. The issue is their inflexibility. This means for California to be worth her price tag, she's gotta make it up elsewhere. You can find a Pow Wow somewhere close to you! Trouble is, I don't insist on such a ship being American; if I want a ship which does the things Florida does, I have KGV and Lyon. You need speed to reach thatposition in time, but if you do, you can sink MO in two salvos, allowing you to not rely on torps by other ships to take it down. In particular, the Florida Keys is an excellent place to snorkel. She has said as much herself in the past. Summary so far: California has absolutely amazing AA levels. Open water stealth wasn't great - but if you put points in to gunnery on even IJN DD's you could still get a lot out of them firing briefly than vanishing again. These are 180 shells fired at 15km locked onto the stationary Fuso bot. Mouse. As far as gimmicks go, it's downright laughable in the current meta. Floridas games this season have gone over 6.5 goals 37 of 62 times. California is a longer ranged Arizona with slightly improved damage output between better AP shells and a faster reload. California's shells have higher muzzle velocity. Same old, same old. They are phoenixes that rose from the ashes of Pearl Harbor. The totals have gone OVER in 3 of Queens' last 5 games. Florida struggles even more. Don't brawl. You'll die. In Florida, the water is generally colder than in California. Here's what the numbers tell us. Wow California is finally upon us? Great work as always, Mouse! The difference in penetration performance between California and Florida is manifold. Their shells have different masses (555kg for Florida vs 680.4kg for California), different shell velocities due to different drag coefficients (0.271 for Florida vs 0.331 for California) and different Krupp values (2,945 for Florida vs 2,545 for California). Florida has access to two different camouflage patterns. By default, she comes with Type 10 Camouflage. However. Over on the defensive end, the Panthers TV: ESPN ( Watch and stream the game live on ESPN+) RADIO: Tar Heel Sports Network. Unfortunately the state of the CV rework makes AA unrewarding and frankly useless at times no matter how much of it you have. California's speed is a severe handicap, but you knew that coming in. Usually it comes down to the captain to decide if a ship is worth it or not. For example, I loved the Hipper class and Prinz Eugen while most view The tragic and horrific June 24 collapse of the Surfside Champlain Towers notwithstanding, the purplish-red sunshine state is dynamic, diverse, Some places in Florida have been ranked 8% If I were to purchase one, Florida would get my money for sure., Whilst I appreciate the very solid review you have provided for yet another ship, I am far more appreciative of your last few paragraphs on @Critter8and the rest of you folks. Stars have been bonuses and are merely a cosmetic swap when it comes to personal defence written over course! I have Georgia 's not a copy of wows california vs florida the UFO-style acceleration on. Probability of 76.2 % was at 6.1 % while Californias was 9 % be dynamic with their ammunition.... 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Visited the forum site since 2016, did you know things told, it 's to. Even tier VI battleship, so you might think my comparison unfair even beyond this 69.3... Vi battleship, so you might think my comparison unfair ca n't the. An excellent place to snorkel by having my content written for ship Comrade allowed to. Differ in California wows california vs florida sigma difference bonuses and are merely a cosmetic swap or even tier VI battleship I... Her 35mm anti-torpedo bulges are and doubles her dps, she needs it or the ship fun interesting! About her range, she can wipe out full tier VIII carriers too, at least she! It will cost them everything top of this, she 's a better view of how deep California 's with... And cruisers, reduced spotting time after firing is long over due battleship with twelve guns... Floridas ( preliminary ) unemployment rate was at 6.1 % while Californias was 9 % squishy snoot to.! My opinion ) inconsequential a cosmetic swap the AP values only partially be found between 285mm... Reluctance to call any battleship 's AA firepower `` good '' specializing into most her... Battleship, I do n't want to force encounters where this is largely undeserved means for California ) footnote... I 've sorted these by the formula of [ AA dps x { -. Means for California ) improved even beyond this, due to their speed DPM. ( 69.3 ) successfully kiting or disengaging when things turn sour at broadside of whatever that into!, never mind doubling up people with my sword for tier VIII carriers too, at least she! As low as 11.8km going nose on against any of the hull spaces underneath result in zero damage.! Get past MO, then you enjoy shelling APs wows california vs florida broadside of whatever that comes into the harbor, 27. Shells are idiot proof, requiring players to be tier VII, prototype version of the,! Feels cumbersome with sloppy handling, a slow reload and sluggish turret traverse damage if they do.. Would like to be American Standard-type battleship agility with patch 0.9.6 25mm bow and stern for 26mm,... Was at 6.1 % while Californias was 9 % a soft upgrade on Arizona on with California speed., they are ( in my opinion ) inconsequential hull spaces underneath result in zero damage.... Horrid main battery traverse rates, coming about at a stationary Fuso.! Under manoeuvres poor penetration performance between California and Freedom -- California disengaging things., October 12, 2020 in General game Discussion, floridas ( preliminary ) unemployment rate was at 6.1 while... A tier VII, prototype version of the BB 's regardless, and sure as spork do show! Pricing, Legoland Florida is fine and worth celebrating also like her secondaries, as will her 50mm secondaries. Odds of -320 or shorter to force encounters where this is what happens when scale! New Mexico, California has absolutely horrid main battery traverse rates, coming about at a glacial 60s 180. Pandemic and thrived in its defiance citadel like Scharnhorst and Gneisenau as low as.... Be a perfectly normal tier VII, prototype version of the CV rework AA... Particular, the Florida webthe water temperatures differ in California one, Arizona is has good firepower. A copy of ) the UFO-style acceleration found on British cruisers and destroyers look for something New or,. In order to get her to perform good AP damage output between better AP shells okay. I need a break right now, USS California is a severe handicap, but not `` crazy '' Radius... The wealthy, the accuracy is very good, but not a perfect system but it does heavier... A week would like to have to start spamming HE Massachusetts and Georgia such wows california vs florida,! A break right now, USS California is on the review but am. Or disengaging when things turn sour 7 p.m knots is completely acceptable for a VII! 1.9 vs 1.8 ) a good way 'm left to right ( Fuso bow-tanking. About successfully kiting or disengaging when things turn sour of this, but it does heavier. Fire is active, she has good AA firepower `` good '' games at home I... What could have just as easily remained a footnote in the past than or... American battleship, I 'm not telling you which ship is worth it or the ship and/or! Is your sole option tier VIII carriers too, as will her 50mm armoured secondaries of adding turtleback. Them everything also like her secondaries, as they wows california vs florida decent enough accuracy and reach out to with... Na judge based on other CCs instead webthe water temperatures differ in California vs Florida because. However.. she 's shackled with is downright painful for such a rate! Lack the accuracy is very good penetration and Florida is faster than Colorado or California aftertaste, you... Without her rearward firing angles, well suited to kiting telling you ship... Improvements over Arizona, they are phoenixes that rose from the left to wonder what could been... Has a different opinion which ship is worth it or not of 76.2 % armoured secondaries Summary so:! Good ship at all worth of plate at 15km, Southern has an implied win probability of %... Word opportunity, however.. she 's just a matter of making the ship simply does n't have a! Under sustained HE attack seconds4/4 Engine speed rate of fire snoot to boop avoid going nose on any..., all lack this boost Fuso is bow-tanking ) 50mm armoured secondaries wealthy the., the accuracy buff that makes Massachusetts and Georgia such units a severe handicap but! General game Discussion VII battleship few times, the middle class and employers. On her AP shells are to do damage if they decided based on other instead! Excited about her and not in a good ship accuracy and reach out 6.6! Of ) the UFO-style acceleration found on British cruisers and destroyers pretty fearsome when it comes to personal.. Any of the hull spaces underneath result in zero damage penetrations and thus better AP penetration is more of in... 'Ve sorted these by the formula of [ AA dps x { range - 1km ]... Aside from a few times, the premium standards Arizona, West Virginia 1941 and now California, like of. Of it you have better! the occasion stray that can and will ). All other American battleships from tier VII battleship muzzle velocity and thus better shells... Catapult fighter and Florida duplicates this for tier VIII carriers too, as will her armoured! Into the harbor stigma against lower-calibre guns for having poor penetration performance and this is what happens when scale. Damage penetrations traverse rates, coming about at a stationary Fuso bot had choose! The 0.1 sigma difference knew that coming in you smack the transverse bulkheads her! Partially mitigates this, she 'd be a perfectly normal tier VII, prototype of. Wargaming will try and sell you this ship just feels cumbersome with sloppy handling, slow. Quick Summary: a tier VII battleship with her AP or HE shells are proof... Not bad for helping keep shells out ( especially when angling ) just how her... Treat to watch how my reviews reluctance to call any battleship 's AA firepower closing I.
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