Some are misleading and some are absolutely true. Trump has documented success on 90 percent of 289, or 260, accomplishments at 18 months. Signed the first Perkins C.T.E. Expanded access to medication-assisted treatment and life-saving Naloxone. Unprecedented support for law-enforcement. Signed VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act, expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care. For 2020, Mr. Trump initially proposed a pay freeze, but then changed his proposal to a 2.6 percent increase. Trumps EPA gave $100 million to fix the water infrastructure problem in Flint, Michigan. Started a program to provide the HIV prevention drug PrEP to uninsured patients for free. On Trump's watch, the S&P 500 has rocketed from 2,263 to 3,768 a 66.5 % boost. I examined each claim to the best of my ability, reaching out to people and institutions who had special insight to see if they considered the claims accurate. Drug overdose deaths fell nationwide in 2018 for the first time in nearly three decades. The USMCA contains powerful new protections for American manufacturers, auto-makers, farmers, dairy producers, and workers. Won bid to host the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, California. 39. Trump Accomplishments. ET. 81. Trump signed a bill to require airports to provide spaces for breastfeeding Moms. True. Ensured greater transparency and certainty in the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program. Sean Hannity, once the most important mouthpiece for Donald Trump, seems to be increasingly on the MAGAworld outs. Entered into three historic asylum cooperation agreements with Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala to stop asylum fraud and resettle illegal migrants in third-party nations pending their asylum applications. Under my Administration, veterans unemployment recently reached its lowest rate in nearly 20 years. Trump Administration Accomplishments (UPDATED) Almost 4 million jobs created since election. In 2018, President Trump launched the Pledge to Americas Workers, aimed at boosting the private sectors role in training American workers. While Mr. Trump did sign the John D. Dingell Jr. Conservation, Management and Recreation Act of 2019, he has stripped protections from far more land than he has preserved. 6. Hannity was best known for his role as cohost of the Fox News Channel's liberal-conservative debate show Hannity & Colmes (1996-2009). . On January 23, President Trump reinstated and expanded the . The Times is committed to publishing a diversity of letters to the editor. If he were serious about doing so, he would push Republicans in the Senate to pass the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act, which Democrats passed last year. The Trump administration announced a total of $28 billion in aid for farmers in 2018 and 2019, and another $23.5 billion through the coronavirus stimulus package passed in March. In 2018, Mr. Trump claimed in a tweet that ISIS had been defeated and ordered a withdrawal of U.S. troops within 30 days. Jobs have been recovered 23 times faster than the previous administrations recovery. Trump increased funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) by more than 14%. Brought jobs, factories, and industries back to the USA. Secured a $400 billion increase in defense spending from NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) allies by 2024, and the number of members meeting their minimum obligations more than doubled. Hannity texted a White House aide saying Trump should stop talking about the election being rigged. Made HBCUs a priority by creating the position of executive director of the White House Initiative on HBCUs. Announced the establishment of $1 billion AI and quantum research institutes across America. Stabilized the food supply chain restoring the Nations protein processing capacity through a collaborative approach with Federal, state, and local officials and industry partners. And negotiations with Canada are underway as we speak. Delegated authorities via the Defense Production Act to protect breaks in the American food supply chain as a result of COVID-19. TCJA refers to the presidents 2017 overhaul of federal tax law. Renewable energy production and consumption both reached record highs in 2019. 57. Launched new online tools, including eMedicare, Blue Button 2.0, and Care Compare, to help seniors see what is covered, compare costs, streamline data, and compare tools available on As host Laura Ingraham began highlighting . While the party of treason has spent the whole of the past three years destroying America and persecuting us (via Trump), President Trump goes from one major accomplishment to another. 5 of those 10 The list of POTUS 45's successes goes on and on " Kirkus Reviews (starred review) In this well-rounded, deeply-investigated biography, the first full look at the vice president, two award-winning journalists unmask the real Mike Pence Hargray Outage Today Hannity List Of Trump Accomplishments To Date Sean Hannity But . . China lifted its ban on poultry, opened its market to beef, and agreed to purchase at least $80 billion of American agricultural products in the next two years. NBC"The conservative movement, led by their chief propaganda outlet Fox News, has a problem," Seth Meyers said at the top of his latest "A Closer Look" segment Wednesday night. Trump capped off 2017 with his first major legislative victory the passage of the Republicans' tax-cut bill, which slashes the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 . Ms. Stockman is a member of the editorial board. 97. Pfizer and Modernas vaccines are approximately 95 effective far exceeding all expectations. Released 1.5 million N95 respirators from the Strategic National Stockpile for distribution to over 3,000 nursing home facilities. Authorized $28 billion in aid for farmers who have been subjected to unfair trade practices fully funded by the tariffs paid by China. Committee chairman Rep. Bennie Thompson and vice chair Rep. Liz Cheney urged Hannity to comply with their request out of a sense of patriotism. $ishomepage = is_front_page(); Fully enforced and implemented statutorily authorized expedited removal of illegal aliens. Mexico City Policy, which blocks funding for international organizations that perform or promote abortion. Get their official bio, social pages & articles on The Sean Hannity Show!Full Bio, PROMISES KEPT: Read the List of President Trumps 289 Accomplishments in 20 Months. Signed an executive order making clear that Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 applies to discrimination rooted in anti-Semitism. 12. Invested an unprecedented $8 billion in tribal communities. 2 min read. The hotline identified 16,862 potential human trafficking cases. That's true. Finalized the Most Favored Nation Rule to ensure that pharmaceutical companies offer the same discounts to the United States as they do to other nations, resulting in an estimated $85 billion in savings over seven years and $30 billion in out-of-pocket costs alone. Streamlined energy efficiency regulations for American families and businesses, including preserving affordable lightbulbs, enhancing the utility of showerheads, and enabling greater time savings with dishwashers. Expanded Health Reimbursement Arrangements, allowing millions of Americans to be able to shop for a plan of their choice on the individual market, and then have their employer cover the cost. Trump signed a law to make cruelty to animals a federal felony so that animal abusers face tougher consequences. Trump's eldest son and one of his most devoted loyalists, Donald Trump Jr., also begged Meadows to appeal to Trump. The First Step Acts reforms addressed inequities in sentencing laws that disproportionately harmed Black Americans and reformed mandatory minimums that created unfair outcomes. $bannerservice ='gtm'; 24. Richard Grenell is leading an effort to decriminalize homosexuality around the globe. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) awarded a record $9 billion in grants to expand access to prevention, treatment, and recovery services to States and local communities. Blocked illegal timber imports from Peru. Completed several multi-year nuclear material removal campaigns, securing over 1,000 kilograms of highly enriched uranium and significantly reducing global nuclear threats. 68. 48. Mr. Trump has not kept that promise. Signed first-ever bilateral AI cooperation agreement with the United Kingdom. Although NATO countries were already modestly increasing their military spending before Mr. Trump took office, there is evidence that his public complaints led to a deal that allowed the United States to decrease its own spending, while some other countries increased their share each year that he has been in office. Signed into law the FUTURE Act, making permanent $255 million in annual funding for HBCUs and increasing funding for the Federal Pell Grant program. Secured permanent funding for the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund for first responders. The hosts of MSNBC's "Morning Joe" jumped on Donald Trump Friday morning for posting a bizarre "viewership report" on his Truth Social account that said his visit to the Ohio track wreck site . Pfizer and Moderna developed two vaccines in just nine months, five times faster than the fastest prior vaccine development in American history. Approved 29 state Medicaid demonstrations to improve access to opioid use disorder treatment, including new flexibility to cover inpatient and residential treatment. Launched a new tool that provides Veterans with online access to average wait times and quality-of-care data. Issued strict sanctions on countries that have failed to take back their own nationals. 38. Stood up for religious liberty in the United States and around the world. Requested critical data elements from states about the status of hospital capacity, ventilators, and PPE. Revitalized Project Safe Neighborhoods, which brings together Federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement officials to develop solutions to violent crime. Launched a new pro-American lesson plan for students called the 1776 Commission to promote patriotic education. Issued an executive order ensuring critical medical supplies are produced in the United States. If a Democratic president had accomplished half of what President Trump has at this point in his presidency, the liberal media would be trying to put him on . Expanded access to telehealth, especially in rural and underserved communities. Launched a groundbreaking program to test safe and innovative commercial drone operations nationwide. Launched the Family Fraud Initiative to identify hundreds of individuals who were fraudulently presenting themselves as family units at the border, oftentimes with trafficking children, in order to ensure child welfare. Modernized and recapitalized our nuclear forces and missile defenses to ensure they continue to serve as a strong deterrent. Former President Donald Trump announced a comeback presidential campaign in November. Launched a campaign to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic in America in the next decade. President Trump has signed a series of executive orders aimed at making it easier for states to import cheaper drugs from Canada. Killed the leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, and eliminated the worlds top terrorist, Qasem Soleimani. He also hosted the Fox News shows Hannity's America (2007-09) and Hannity (2009- ). LNG exports are expected to reduce the American trade deficit by over $10 billion. Sign up for notifications from Insider! 41. The Pledge to Americas Workers has resulted in employers committing to train more than 4 million Americans. Updated the way Medicare pays for innovative medical products to ensure beneficiaries have access to the latest innovation and treatment. And heres our email: Unemployment rates for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, veterans, individuals with disabilities, and those without a high school diploma all reached record lows. Endorsed by the 355,000 members of the Fraternal Order of Police. 89. 70. Deployed Federal Task Force Strike Teams to provide onsite technical assistance and education to nursing homes experiencing outbreaks. Established the 24/7 FEMA National Response Coordination Center. "The Capitol Police tweet is not enough." Secured $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic. to increase U.S. exports. Deregulation had an especially beneficial impact on low-income Americans who pay a much higher share of their incomes for overregulation. Issued unprecedented reforms that dramatically lowered the price of prescription drugs. 63. Approximately 1 million Americans will be lifted from poverty as a result of these new investments. Though he initially cooperated with the investigation, he's since reversed course, refusing any further help and filing a lawsuit asking a court to invalidate the committee's subpoenas to him. 1. This appears to have been true, before the coronavirus struck. Made millions of vaccine doses available before the end of 2020, with hundreds of millions more to quickly follow. More than 400,000 manufacturing jobs created since his election. Brokered historic peace agreements between Israel and Arab-Muslim countries, including the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Bahrain, and Sudan. Authorized ethanol producers to sell E15 year-round and allowed higher-ethanol gasoline to be distributed from existing pumps at filling stations. Trump was a real-estate developer and businessman who owned, managed, or licensed his name to several hotels, casinos, golf courses, resorts, and residential properties in the New York City area and around the world. According to Hannity, those accomplishments included Trump's approval ratings. True. Protected Medicare beneficiaries by removing Social Security numbers from all Medicare cards, a project completed ahead of schedule. Stopped the Johnson Amendment from interfering with pastors right to speak their minds. A Fox News spokesperson referred Insider to Sekulow's statement. African-American unemployment is at an all-time low. True. True. Congress also deserves credit for the Friendly Airports for Mothers Act of 2017, which was championed by Senator Tammy Duckworth, Democrat of Illinois, and former Representative Stephen Knight, Republican of California. Brokered economic normalization between Serbia and Kosovo, bolstering peace in the Balkans. 96. Signed and implemented the Forever GI Bill, allowing Veterans to use their benefits to get an education at any point in their lives. Took action against France for its digital services tax that unfairly targets American technology companies. Issued an EUA for the monoclonal antibody therapy bamlanivimab. "We are evaluating the letter from the committee," Sekulow said. Signed an executive order that directs the Federal government to replace outdated degree-based hiring with skills-based hiring. 62. The USMCA guarantees the strongest environmental protections of any trade agreement in history. Safely transported, evacuated, treated, and returned home trapped passengers on cruise ships. Launched a centralized website to educate the public about hate crimes and encourage reporting. The First Step Act expanded judicial discretion in the sentencing of nonviolent crimes. Offered same-day emergency mental health care at every VA medical facility, and secured $9.5 billion for mental health services in 2020. Over 460 companies have signed the Pledge to Americas Workers, committing to provide more than 16 million job and training opportunities. First world leader to recognize Juan Guaido as the Interim President of Venezuela and led a diplomatic coalition against the Socialist Dictator of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro. Announced the Vision for Peace Political Plan a two-state solution that resolves the risks of Palestinian statehood to Israels security, and the first time Israel has agreed to a map and a Palestinian state. Eliminated costly Obamacare taxes, including the health insurance tax, the medical device tax, and the Cadillac tax.. Negotiated leasing capacity in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to Australia, providing American taxpayers a return on this infrastructure investment. 9. It was last updated . Affordable and high-quality Child Care for American workers and their families. 29. Advanced apprenticeship career pathways to good-paying jobs. Trump secured Billions that will fund the building of a wall at our southern border. Trump signed a law ending the gag orders on Pharmacists that prevented them from sharing money-saving information. Mr. Trump promised in 2016 to end Common Core, but according to PolitiFact, 37 states still use some version of it. Provided critical investments of $4.1 billion to Moderna to support the development, manufacturing, and distribution of their vaccines. It is also true that the bill will increase the U.S. debt by at least $1.5 trillion, a shocking amount during prosperous times. Signed the Safe Policing for Safe Communities executive order to incentive local police department reforms in line with law and order. Signed legislation ensuring no reduction of VA education benefits under the GI Bill for online distance learning. Issued travel advisory warnings recommending that American citizens avoid all international travel. . He eventually gave military leaders more time after their objections. Tucked into the National Defense Authorization Act was a provision that gave all federal workers 12 weeks of paid parental leave for the first time in history. Distributed billions of pieces of Personal Protective Equipment, including gloves, masks, gowns, and face shields. Moved U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. 88. Established the first-ever principles for Federal agency adoption of AI to improve services for the American people. Implemented a cap on remittances to Cuba. Completely rebuilt the United States military with over $2.2 trillion in defense spending, including $738 billion for 2020. Trumps OMB published new anti-trafficking guidance for government procurement officials to more effectively combat human trafficking. Before the pandemic struck, low-wage workers saw wage increases. Reversed the previous Administrations disastrous Cuba policy, canceling the sellout deal with the Communist Castro dictatorship. Five days after a pro-Trump mob attacked the U.S. Capitol, a board member of the Fox Corporation, Anne Dias, reached out to Rupert and Lachlan . The Commander-in-Chief addressed the nation from the White House lawn just hours after US and Canadian negotiators struck an 11th hour deal to replace NAFTA; calling the new policy the US-Mexico-Canada-Agreement -better known as USMCA. First president to meet with a leader of North Korea and the first sitting president to cross the demilitarized zone into North Korea. Argentina lifted its ban on American pork. . Manufacturing jobs growing at the fastest rate in more than THREE DECADES. True. Acknowledged Israels sovereignty over the Golan Heights and declared that Israeli settlements in the West Bank are not inconsistent with international law. This is true. Retail sales surged last month, up another 6 percent over last year. Reversed decades-old ban on Second Chance Pell programs to provide postsecondary education to individuals who are incarcerated expand their skills and better succeed in the workforce upon re-entry. posted by Hannity Staff - 10.16.18. But Congress deserves most of the credit for the unanimous 2018 passage of this transparency law, which prohibits gag orders that prevent pharmacists from sharing prescription drug prices with customers. Cut red tape holding back the construction of new energy infrastructure. Now recall the campaign slogan, "Hope and Change.". The Army Corps of Engineers built 11,000 beds, distributed 10,000 ventilators, and surged personnel to hospitals. Over 90% of those benefiting from the retroactive sentencing reductions in the First Step Act are Black Americans. Provided up to $270 million to the American Red Cross and Americas Blood Centers to support the collection of up to 360,000 units of plasma. Brought kingpin designations against traffickers operating in China, India, Mexico, and more who have played a role in the epidemic in America. Established a new commission to evaluate best practices for recruiting, training, and supporting law enforcement officers. Called on Congress to pass the Education Freedom Scholarships and Opportunity Act to expand education options for 1 million students of all economic backgrounds. And thanks to our efforts, many drug companies are freezing or reversing planned price increases. The document, which is up to date as of early August and provided by the president to Breitbart News during his Oval Office interview on Monday, goes through what the president said was "page after page" of accomplishments. Provided support to states facing new emergences of the virus, including surging testing sites, deploying medical personnel, and advising on mitigation strategies. Delivered a future of greater promise and opportunity for citizens of all backgrounds. Guatemala and Tunisia opened up their markets to American eggs. Sean Hannity 'had been privately disgusted by Trump for weeks': court docs Behind the scenes at Fox News after the 2020 election, it was becoming clear that conservative prime-time hosts were saying one thing to viewers and another thing privately. Deployed Federal agents to save the courthouse in Portland from rioters. Signed additional legislation providing nearly $900 billion in support for coronavirus emergency response and relief, including critically needed funds to continue the Paycheck Protection Program. Fully forgave $322 million in disaster loans to four HBCUs in 2018, so they could fully focus on educating their students. 297K views, 6.6K likes, 1.8K loves, 2.7K comments, 1.2K shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Fox News: During a town hall hosted by Sean Hannity, President Donald J. Trump discussed what he thinks his. 95 percent of U.S. manufacturers are optimistic about the future, the highest ever. Signed the most comprehensive childhood cancer legislation ever into law, which will advance childhood cancer research and improve treatments. Signed an executive order to fight kidney disease with more transplants and better treatment. 59. Higher state and local minimum wages are results of state and local laws increasing the minimum wage, not federal law. Pfizer announced its vaccine is 95 percent effective and is pending FDA approval. "Mark, the President needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home. Announced Federal support to governors for use of the National Guard with 100 percent cost-share. President Donald Trump in a six-page list of accomplishments provided to Breitbart News said his administration has, among other things, saved the New York Times, Washington Post and cable television, launched the greatest national mobilization since World War II to vanquish COVID-19, stood for law and order and delivered fair and reciprocal trade to defend American jobs and expand exports. Agreed to a new trade deal with Mexico & Canada that will increase jobs here and $$$ coming in. True. Reduced burdensome barriers to ensure Native Americans are free to keep spiritually and culturally significant eagle feathers found on their tribal lands. if(get_field('thops_ddads','options') && !get_field('thops_asynch','options')){ Because of a bill signed and championed by Trump, In 2020, most federal employees will see their pay increase by an average of 3.1% the largest raise in more than 10 years. Virtually eliminated the unfair Estate Tax, or Death Tax. Probably true. Issued regulations to combat the horrendous practice of birth tourism.. NEW You can now listen to Fox News articles! . Signed an executive order and awarded new development contracts to modernize the influenza vaccine. Individuals working for Irans proliferation-related programsincluding scientists, procurement agents, and technical expertsshould be aware of the reputational and financial risk they expose themselves to by working for Irans nuclear program,said Pompeo in a written statement. Greater promise and Opportunity for citizens of all economic backgrounds to test Safe and innovative commercial drone operations.! To discrimination rooted in anti-Semitism another 6 percent over last year retroactive sentencing reductions the. Most devoted loyalists, Donald Trump announced a comeback presidential campaign in November distribution of their incomes overregulation! Be lifted from poverty as a result of these new investments including gloves, masks, gowns, and Cadillac. 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