epstein temple undergroundepstein temple underground
Speculation is also raging as to whether an underground facility was built below the temple. In the video below, uploaded to YouTube on October 11, 2016, the narrator claims Jeffrey Epstein has a video of Bill Clinton raping 13-year-old girls. He is a former partner at the highly respected . By mid-August, after speaking to the piano tuner who never tuned Epstein's piano, I was blocked and bewildered. James was the site of many of the crimes. Baron described the structure as a "relatively small building" near the island's coast, far away from the other structures on the island. And it is suspected that the most violent and horrific acts were being committed far from public view: Inside underground tunnels on Epstein's remote private island. The interior had two levels, with the first four to six feet at ground level and the rest on a slightly raised platform accessed by a single step. A well known staple of Jeffrey Epstein's pedophilic island, a blue-striped temple has long haunted those aware of its existence. You can also subscribe without commenting. Email: jules.epstein@temple.edu. ", A different reader added: "The statues look similar to those of Horus, the Egyptian god of the sky, wearing the Pschent, the double crown of Egypt. Epstein was the owner of not one, but two islands in the Caribbean, having more than doubled his property holdings in January 2016 when he paid $18 million for Great St James. I was not able to make sense of this discrepancy. What if you could fax someone a real, three-dimensional object? Epstein, who died in prison in August 2019 while awaiting trial . Well, I found this article when looking for more information about Nano Technology. 3. There Is undeniable evidence that there is a major underground compound underneath the island. There are so many facets of this NEW WORLD ORDER it is hard to get your mind around it all. A nanocube is the same ratio to an eye as an eye is to the entire Earth! But at the atomic level, the nano level, graphite becomesgraphene. constantly transmitting this information to a cloud for close monitoring by medical staff. This theory is based on three separate accounts. things at the nanoscale change properties, (Not to mention the fact that they do not yet know how these nanobots will change us, or harm us.). He was eventually elected to office in 2007 and served two terms as governor despite his wife's ties to Epstein. to seek out and destroy cancer cells. On each occasion, Baron traveled to a dock in Red Hook, a town on the eastern end of St. Thomas, where he boarded a small boat that took him to Little St. James. Its just one atom thick! Epstein's Caribbean islands are attracting curious onlookers and generating debate among locals about what should be. A pair of guerrilla journalists filmed themselves gatecrashing Jeffrey Epstein's private Caribbean hideaway giving a disturbing look inside his so-called "Orgy Island.". Epstein's island, officially known as Little Saint James, is situated between St. Thomas and St. John, two of the largest islands of the US Virgin Islands in the Caribbean. I also believe that Ellen just happens to be their chosen patsy right now, it was Tom Hanks a minute ago. The island's southwestern corner features an unusual blue-and-white-striped building that resembles a temple or place of worship. Discussion about Epstein's Temple - THIS IS WHAT IT IS - The Cult of Goddess Worship - Lilith, Ishtar etc. No stairs, no elevator. The structure was built sometime between 2009 and 2013, but it's unclear what it's used for. I began to question the whole point of the exercise. On April 6, Q Anon posted this follow-up comment: http://www.instagram.com/p/b7-nofzf6_/?hl=en&taken-by=ray.chandler Fellowship of the Minds reports: Born in Brooklyn, New York, Epstein managed somehow to become a billionaire. I looked. Now, if you watch the Ellen show, (and I do not) you would be hard pressed not to notice the deliberate mimicking of the Epstein Temple. The biggest surprise however is the doors om Epstein's temple. One of the sole results for content explicitly matching the claim itself (versus autopsy reports or unrelated news about Epstein's jailhouse suicide) was a tweet published by a QAnon conspiracy theorist on August 15 2019: But, we KNOW that it relates to MIND CONTROL, COMPUTERS, NANOTECHNOLOGY, SEX, REPRODUCTION, and TRANS-HUMANISM. Luke . A shocking video of Jeffrey Epstein's notorious "Paedophile Island" has revealed a secret underground lair and an unusual "sex temple" with fake doors. How much more time and energy was I willing to spend on a story with so many dead ends? Google Earth satellites clearly captured the dome on August 10, 2017, but it's not seen at all in photographs taken on September 7, 2017, or in any subsequent image. Ellen's guests go to epstein island the brainwashing is to see them as fun, innocent, and not vicious cannibals. Andy Bracco "The most surreal experience was the final moments leading up to reaching the temple. TED STRESHINSKY/THE LIFE IMAGES COLLECTION/GETTY IMAGES. The sides appear to be cut with large windows, including a full-length one in the rear. Conspiracists have also pointed to a public bath in Syria, the family crest of France's House of Lusignan, and the set of Ellen DeGeneres' daytime talk show, "Ellen.". Credit, Rusty Shackleford YouTube Channel. Did it even matter what Epstein used the building for? Take graphite, for example. CHINA IS MAKING MOVES, THE UN IS NOT YOUR FRIEND PART 2 NOAHIDE LAWS YOU NEED TO KNOW, The KOBE Bryant Story The Devil is in the Details that you probably missed. And what was the significance of the mattresses? Image courtesy of Andy Bracco. The four-part series, which quickly rose to the streaming service's . A contractor and engineer who spoke with INSIDER highlighted an odd architectural detail: The medieval-era lock on the front door appears designed to keep people inside. Some believe it leads to an underground sex dungeon; others believe it's somehow religious - and some certainly buy into both those theories. It had a large glass door that faced "almost directly south." . Why would they depict them in such a similar fashion? Built on a 60 feet elevation, the temple is believed to be sitting on a network of underground tunnels. Download vCard. A simple stairwell would be a better option if someone wanted to conceal their activities at the location.". Both -quartz and -quartz are examples of chiral crystal structures composed of achiral building blocks(SiO4tetrahedrain the present case). Epstein was the owner of not one, but two islands in the Caribbean, having more than doubled his property holdings in January 2016 when he paid $18 million for Great St James. QAnon posted on the imageboard site 8chan in April 2018 with a bird's-eye view image of Epstein's island and cryptic text about sacrifice, conspiracy, and evil. One entrance is below Epstein's bizarre temple - What is it used for? Nano as a term is no longer perceived as special; we got used to small devices and artificial intelligence in our daily life. Epstein is Jewish, and it is possible that he wanted his own private synagogue. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider This blew my mind! Some of these similarities are debatable, and some are absurd, but it is difficult to ignore the sense that the building resembles something. He is one of the biggest proponents of the notion that nanobots will be streaming through our blood in the near future. 1. That is why water is so important to their MAGIC and the reason for the symbol of water to be applied even when they are surrounded by the ocean. When I went back to the reader, they sent me a link to a YouTube video about Little St. James and claimed they had corresponded with the piano tuner via the comments underneath it. The first two numbers appear to have been disconnected, while the third, for Monique, went to a voicemail greeting for Southern Trust, a company that belonged to Epstein. In this Documentary we explore the race to perfect AI machinery researchers believe that very soon a singularity will be created. The bookcases were filled with hardcover bestsellers. They have useful material properties, but thats as far as it goes. Whats even more amazing is that graphene is only one of millions of possibilities! When Baron mentioned this, my heart sank. But the statuary would be out of place at such a temple, given the Old Testament's prohibition on graven images. Now that may be true, if that is Gods plan. There were theater drapes in the room, and furniture. I found something similarbut not really a match. The conspiracy theories surrounding Epstein's temple sound very UTSL to me. There were also lots of underage girls. Design to make you easy to overcome. If this didn't work, I planned to drop it altogether. Epstein's island was used to provide the elite a safe and secluded place where they could keep little children in cages and chains and use them for sexual perversion, torture and kill them. Theoretically, nanobots could be used to constantly monitor our body for maladies and other symptoms, constantly transmitting this information to a cloud for close monitoring by medical staff. Are you open to this kind of a change? The outlandish temple, with no clear history or purpose, provided the perfect detail: an otherwise minor plot element that promised to illuminate the whole story. "And after doing the job and talking to some of my other clients on St. Thomas, and they filled me in on the scandal, my perception of that room changed from a study to a lair.". There are currently a lot of different applications for nanotech in all sorts of industries and there will be far more in the not too distant future! Carbon nanotubes are being used in wires which reduce the transmission power losses, Nanotechnology is being incorporated into, Researchers are developing thin-film solar electric panels that can be fitted onto computer cases and flexible piezoelectric nanowires that can be woven into clothing. For instance: Is that really a. Epstein's plans hit a snag however soon after he purchased the island when he was hit with a pair of cease and desist orders. "I wonder if it's a mausoleum with an Egyptian theme," one reader wrote. Given their love of and interest in underground tunnel access as we have seen in plans and blueprints that range from Epstein's Little St.James and likely Zorro properties to whatever links the underground D.C. system to Comet Pizza in and around the Dupont Circle area and environs, we can safely assume that it would be child's play (ahem . That would explain your question about the door lock," which curiously appears designed to prevent people inside from leaving. According to court filings, Epstein was accused of trafficking . This is where reality starts to meet science fiction. Regarding the second: The mythological harpy possesses the body of a bird and the head of a human. If you are like me, you look past it. Two underground entrances have been located on Jeffrey Epstein's 'Orgy Island. I know there were many issues with roof leaking and had to go there and move piano and cover it because they were putting up scaffolding to repair the roof that was leaking on piano. (To put it into perspective, for every millimeter of graphite there are3 millionlayers of graphene.). This is fairly abundant and most of us use it every single day. Its 78 acres resemble a bird in flight, with its head, tail, and two wings corresponding to the intercardinal directions: The main residence and compound occupies the northeast point, and a pair of guest houses occupy the northwest and southeast points. You can see the back of the structure in a high-definition video captured in 2015 by Axiom, which produces and sells aerial photography: The front is flanked by statues painted in gold; one of them appears to be the trident-wielding Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea, while two others look like birds perched on the corners of the roof. The southwest point, however, features a very different kind of building: There's a lot going on here. According to IFL Science,DNA robotsare already being tested in the human body (in 2017 if they have not been using it much longer without revealing it to us.) It is believed that the temple has an entrance to the underground tunnels, but at least two other such entrances are plainly visible from the air. Allegations have been made that underage girls were used as sex slaves and repeatedly abused inside a temple on the island. The outdoor massage room where underage girls would tend to Jeffrey Epstein is seen for the first time in new video shot by two men who claim they raided his Caribbean hideaway. Fortunately, 8chan netizens took a screenshot of the Ray Chandler Instagram pic and some of the comments: The images are from surveillance camera footage of underground rooms. But it's why I do it. Since he's been the owner of the 72-acre body of land, Epstein's ordered quite a bit of construction, per Bloomberg: He has carved roads, planted towering palm trees, and built a massive stone mansion, which is surrounded by smaller buildings and a helicopter pad. ", t is absolutely possible to install a dwelling and elevator underneath the structure." Cremation Diamonds Made Out Of Human Hair & Ashes EXCLUSIVE FREE FULL EPISODE! (Not to mention the fact that they do not yet know how these nanobots will change us, or harm us.). It was operating a massive system of child abduction, transport, and abuse that involved a great number of high-powered individuals. I don't know who gave you my name." Epstein, 65, is a billionaire and convicted pedophile who owns a private island known as pedo island a favourite hotspot for Hollywood and D.C. elites. Wrong. In this stage, we have also been able to apply nanotechnology to building devices as a result of self-assembly nanoelectronics. Epstein's private island of Little Saint James features a massive network of underground tunnels and . "When you say 'lair,' there is a connotation to that," he continued. The first was published by The Associated Press in July: "Epstein built a stone mansion with cream-colored walls and a bright turquoise roof surrounded by several other structures including the maids' quarters and a massive, square-shaped white building on one end of the island. The exact amount is not known, but the fine was between $140,000 and $180,000. In my research on SAND and its relation to the Computer industry, I came across a photo that captured my attention. My own theory is that journalism is about solving mysteries identifying the unknown and finding a way to know it. That said, it's possible Epstein designed the building as a future burial ground for his parents but never got around to having their remains shipped to the island. Regarding the first: I was unable to find a historical example of Moloch being depicted as an owl, an idea that some authors have traced to "Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove," a 2000 documentary filmed and produced by the radio fabulist Alex Jones. There are a number of unexplained mysteries that probably went to the grave with Jeffrey Epstein and will never be resolved. Epstein's victims were young women and girls. (Baron wasn't certain which specific pope, but when I showed him photos of the most recent three, he said his best guess was John Paul II.). However, those architects provided their services long before the temple-like building first appeared. Others have floated the hypothesis that it conceals an elevator shaft, which in turn accesses a subterranean lair where the same abuse occurred. Putting fear into your heart. Most important of all it is about THE NET/THE MATRIX, about connecting everything and everyone together electronically, using light and frequencies transmitted through waves. To demonstrate to the world that they are IN CONTROL and way beyond stopping. Graphene was discovered in 2004, in 2005 one hundred ninety four Countries signed the Worldwide Covenant that lead us to this Pandemic. These companies are Creating Artificially intelligent machines. The entrance consists of an arched, seemingly wooden door equipped with black metal hardware. We are in the second stage of nanotechnology but are rapidly approaching the third. LIES! The reader supplied their friend's name, and I confirmed that a person by that name has worked as a professional piano tuner in South Carolina and Florida. But as Schapiro acknowledged, the building substantially deviates from the blueprints, which describe an octagonal structure surrounded by a covered porch, with internal partitions for a bathroom, a closet, and a living room. A pair of substantial hurricanes, Irma and Maria, struck the U.S. Virgin Islands between those two dates. Directly ahead was a desk, about 10 feet long, made of dark wood. On April 3, 2018, Q Anon posted a message on the AltMedia message board 8chan, with an overhead photo of Epsteins Pedo Island, and an allusion to tunnels and rooms underneath the island of pure evil. That's the right location. Verdict: Plausible, but the supporting testimony is inconsistent with the chronology of the building's construction. There is a major ventilation facility that is designed to move a lot of heat up and out, not far from this spot at all. Water is a conductor. This is where reality starts to meet science fiction. Fortunately, 8chan netizens took a screenshot of the Ray Chandler Instagram pic and some of the comments: The images are from surveillance camera footage of underground rooms. Fellowship of the Minds reports: Born in Brooklyn, New York, Epstein managed somehow to become a billionaire. It suddenly occurred to me that he could have tuned a piano in one of the other buildings on Little St. James. Using the directory, I looked up piano technicians in the Virgin Islands. No doubt they have accomplished those great strides and thensome, under the direction of AI.). "It is absolutely possible to install a dwelling and elevator underneath the structure," said Both. No one will be able to hide. It was Baron, and yes, he had tuned Epstein's piano. The elite are dreaming of a Space Elevator with sides 12 miles apart that extends 22,000 miles into the heavens THE NEW TOWER OF BABEL? The actual entrance to the structure is boarded up, and what has long appeared to be a functional wooden door turns out to be a bit deceptive. Surprisingly, graphene isnt a unique or rare substance. With nanoparticles or nanorobots, drugs could be delivered across the brain barrier to tackle neurological disorders. GoFundMe: https://t.co/khHs099MSu and Over the next few years, I began to become more curious about the chemical makeup of the things around me and how they came to be, but I never really sat back and pondered it fully. with a massive Satanic temple dotting the top of the island's highest peaka . Downhill from the structure, at the end of a service path that branches from the main road leading to the building, lies what appears to be a smaller structure or entrance. No doubt they have accomplished those great strides and thensome, under the direction of AI.) [Page 3] at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. But along the way, I found the closest thing yet to the truth: an eyewitness account of the temple's interior, from someone who stepped inside long before it became a symbol of its owner's dark secrets. To support his account, Baron provided three phone numbers, one for Karen and two for Monique, that he used to call them in 2012. THE NEW WORLD ORDER IS ABOUT TO TAKE THE WHEEL, OHIO NORFOLK RAIL DISASTER snarly, tangled complexity. A new video from a drone has uncovered not just one, but two underground entrances built on Jeffrey Epstein's Orgy Island. in this stage, they are actually able to make changes to other things. But it's not quite the same color scheme, and it would be difficult to prove, in the absence of Epstein's own admission, whether the resemblance is intentional. In the next 10 or so years (written April 25, 2017), your blood will probably be streaming with tiny nanorobots there to help keep you from getting sick or even transmit your thoughts to a wireless cloud. Epstein based his private jets on St Thomas, one of the US Virgin Islands' three main isles, with Little St James just a short helicopter trip away. Researchers believe that nanobots could soon deliver drugs to humans with a high degree of accuracy, according toNew Atlas. Which, contrary to how we see graphite, isabsolutely extraordinary! It is merely the same thing, just smaller right? Q asks Anons to dig into who goes to the island, how often, and why. It strongly resembles a temple, though of which sort remains elusive. That is a little embarrassing to admit, with its connotations of Scooby-Doo and alien abductions. Celebrated at winter solstice.". Update 12/17/21.The New York Post reports: New photos reveal what has become of the properties the late and disgraced Jeffrey Epstein shared with his "lady of the house," Ghislaine Maxwell. A favorite among online conspiracists, this theory combines the more fantastical elements of the Pizzagate and QAnon conspiracy theories, including cryptic allusions to pagan deities and underground chambers for abusing and murdering children. Epstein's Underground Child Abuse Base and Submarine Entrance Map - It Gets Worse (Bonus Video) Posted by Krishna Kalki on July 23, 2019 at 2:10am in Alternative Media, World Events & News Epstein's Underground (S.C.A.B) - Systematic Child Abuse Base - Submarines Trafficking Kids? Epstein was the owner of not one, but two islands in the Caribbean, having more than doubled his property holdings in January 2016 when he paid $18 million for Great St James. Compilation of all Jeffery Epstein Pedophile Island drone videos. A simple stairwell would be a better option if someone wanted to conceal their activities at the location. There were likely many more buried under the ground. The island. (Confusing matters further is the disappearance or destruction of some of the building's architectural elements. spacer. Then she hung up. But, he had a role in most of parts of it. Based only on its furnishings, Epstein likely used the building to play piano, read books, work, and maybe relax. I was just too excited to be on this beautiful island with a day to myself and this amazing piano. But at the atomic level, the nano level, graphite becomes, (To put it into perspective, for every millimeter of graphite there are, Whats even more amazing is that graphene is only one of millions of possibilities! But even if the building's motif alludes to the sexual culture of a society that ended more than 1,400 years ago, Greek pederasty was a male phenomenon. The first citation was 'in regards to unpermitted land clearing.'. From the enormous ornate sundial to his undomed freaky sex temple, all of the island is laid bare for everybody to see. Workers told each other it was a music room fitted with a grand piano and acoustic walls. This is when we can make a nanomaterial creation by controlling their structure on a molecular level, but it isnt actually able to do anything. In July, ABC News spoke with an IT contractor named Steve Scully, who said he worked for Epstein and visited Little St. James more than 100 times. The footage gives the impression of a makeshift storage locker, a discreet place to stash seasonal implements, but wouldn't Epstein have had other places to keep extra mattresses? But why would at least three people the boat captain, the contractor, and the YouTube user convey superficially plausible stories about the structure, sometimes in exacting detail, that didn't withstand basic scrutiny? The interior consisted of only one large room; there weren't any doors or stairwells that may have led to other rooms. Well, I certainly have and it would be AWESOME! It makes sense. The AltMedia chatter is that her Instagram and Tumblr accounts contain many disturbing images of children. Epstein acquired Little Saint James in 1998, purchasing nearby Great Saint James 18 years later. According to Baron's notes, it was manufactured by the Rudolph Wurlitzer Company, whose piano-manufacturing operations were acquired by Baldwin Piano Company in 1988. Why would Epstein, who had access to seemingly unlimited amounts of capital, choose a mural of an elaborate door over the real thing? OHIOANS in Danger LIES! Bedrooms? Churches, of course, tend to feature crosses. Machines exhibiting cognitive behaviour, with human-like intelligence. Replies to my comments
I looked. Its gold dome flew off during the deadly 2017 hurricane season. On April 6, Q Anon posted this follow-up comment: http://www.instagram.com/p/b7-nofzf6_/?hl=en&taken-by=ray.chandler The island. Many airplane cabins and other air filters use nanotechnology-based filters; they have nanoscale pores that trap larger particles. If you know anything about this building or want to share your personal theory about its purpose , NOW WATCH: You can rent an entire private island in Belize on Airbnb. Jeffrey Epstein, 66, killed himself on Saturday after being charged with sex trafficking dozens of underage girls Credit: Rex Features 13 Epstein bought Little St James Island, in the US Virgin. [11]These space groups are truly chiral (they each belong to the 11 enantiomorphous pairs). "Interestingly, the temple appears to have been built between 2009 and 2013, which was after Epstein got a sweetheart deal that resulted in 13 . By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider The final scene of the men 'fleeing,' shot a few minutes after an island staffer strolled by Rodkowski, is cut with a look at the massage room. Despite this, in 2008, the government agreed to allow Epstein to plead guilty to just one count of soliciting prostitution from an underage girl under Florida state law, for which he served 13 months in prison. It wasnt until recently that I really learned that, Take graphite, for example. There are multiple different stages of the advancement of nanotechnology and its applications. An entrance to an underground lair. Jeffrey Epstein, the well-connected sex criminal who died by suicide in federal custody, owned a 70-acre private island in the US Virgin Islands known as Little St. James. Nanotechnology is all around us and it has so much potential! Epstein's sweetheart deal was so outrageous that a Temple to Satan no longer seems so outrageous. 1719 North Broad Street. 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Black Stone Shivling Benefits, Articles E