Ultimately, it depends on the personal wishes of the deceased or, if no wishes were left, the feelings and preferences of those making decisions for their final arrangements. He maybe can't tell you where it is in the bible because it's not there to find! To know what I know now. 1) would it be fine to disinture and bring my Dad to where my Mom is once she passes, which is our homestate and closer to family for visiting/memorialization purposes? person or spirit has moved on to an eternal destiny. At the resurrection it will not make any difference whether a persons body has been buried or cremated. Pray for peace in your familyand may each of you face the reality of death, and rejoice in the hope we have of eternal life because of Christs death and resurrection for us. Be blessed. The resurrection of the body will occur at the end of the age when Christ returns. The Bible, however, does give a few examples where bodies were burned after death. event : evt, Thank You what an assurance and great comfort this is. So the spirit is not returned to the ground because it didnt come from the dust like the body. But when the inhabitants of Jabesh-gilead heard what the Philistines had done to Saul, all the valiant men arose and went all night and took the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons from the wall of Beth-shan, and they came to Jabesh and burned them there. In fact, the Bible says that Jesus rose from the dead after being dead for three days and three nights (Matthew 12:40). They are buried in weakness, but they will be raised in strength. WebWhen cremation was practiced in the Bible, it showed contempt of person as mentioned in Joshua 7:25. However, there are also verses that seem to imply that a cremated body can rise from the dead. The Bible neither favors nor forbids the process of cremation. Even though the essential person or spirit has moved on to an eternal destiny, the body is the tangible reminder of all that person meant to us. Cremation might give off the feeling that no one wants to associate with the dead, or even perform the burial rites on them, as it was reserved for those who died under unpleasant circumstances. Is cremation allowed in the Bible? Read on to learn more. Hebrews in later time, indicated by the numerous ossuaries found in New Testament Palestine, also practiced cremation.. The Bible also says that Lazarus was raised from the dead (Luke 16:19-31). Joni Eareckson Tada: When Is It Right to Die? Some feel that its disrespectful or that it deprives the family of the sense of closure that comes from viewing the body in the casket. How does the Bible describe the glorified bodies we will possess in Heaven? When someone wishes to be cremated, typically they are placed in a wooden or cardboard casket and placed in the chamber. The book of Amos chapter 2 tells us that God punished Moab for burning the bones of the King of Edom. Join my email list to receive the latest articles directly in your inbox. The Catholic Church treats I think it was St. Joan of Arc as a Saint. Is resurrection possible if cremated remains are scattered? One thought that came to me I dont believe cremation will keep you out of heaven, and I also dont beleive it will keep you out of hell. In addition to this, many also feel that cremation would hinder the resurrection power when Jesus would come for his beloved and the grave would open up for the dead to rise. There's no life in there at all, therefore cremation cannot result in someone going to hell!! WebBible verses related to Cremation from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance. Solicitation Disclosure Statement My Dad predeceased my Mom and his cremated remains were buried in Florida Military National cemetary. } Thanks for all the info and discussions. I think if God didnt us to be cremated, then he would have firmly expressed it in scriptures, or even in the commandments . Are they just going against the normal or commuting a sin? After creating the human race, God saw all that he had made, and it was very good (Genesis 1:31). Second, throughout the Bible, people treated the human body with great respect and often showed deep concern regarding a dead persons remains, as can be seen in Genesis 49:29-31. Are you wondering what does the Bible say about cremation? Christians hold a belief, one which is very important in Christianity; the resurrection power. The Bible neither favors nor forbids the process of cremation. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Expert advice of how to chose the right funeral, Protect your family with the right policy, Our guides & recommendations on who to chose, Jewish Funeral Traditions: 15 Important Things You Need To Know, Muslim Funeral Traditions: 10 Things You Should Know, Buddhist Funeral Traditions: The Ceremony, Cremation, Mourning, & More. Many years ago, our pastor at that time gave his opinion on the question of being cremated. Thereisa great deal ofsituations where the human body is destroyed every day. Historically speaking, the practice of cremation does have pagan roots. The children had no place to visit. God created the earth and everything in it. Yet, as Dr. For example, Abraham purchased a burial ground for himself and Sarah. window.mc4wp = window.mc4wp || { Topics: Heaven. FatherGod. And the daughter of any priest, if she profanes herself by whoring, profanes her father; she shall be burned with fire. In some of these cases, the cremation resulted from punishment as it was meted out to show pure and unbridled anger at an act that is frowned on by God. Also in the old days they always ended prayer at funerals saying, Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust Ashes are from fire and dust from decaying..Im going to be cremated simply because I want my ashes buried so that no foreigner can ever destroy my burial site, just because they hate my religion. My Mother is now in our original home state and my oldest brother recalls that when my parents were together, visiting them, living in Florida, they wanted to be buried there. You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. I still go to visit on special days. Misconception: In Bible times, only people in Gods disfavor were burned after death. Joseph also had the bones of his father carried out of Egypt. WebBible verses about Body Burning. That is why God sent His only Begotten Son. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. The best Ive seen on the subject. The flesh profiteth us nothing. This idea is not a part of the Christian belief in the resurrection of the dead. What does the Bible say about cremation? I know if cremation was the true issue, Jesus would have brought it up. Then again in 1963, the law was changed to allow cremation due to overcrowded cemeteries, sanitation hazards, and economical purposes. Great deal of detail information were very important to me. He can resurrect a body eaten by a shark or a baby torn limb from limb and aborted by its mother. Wouldnt your belief in God and the way you live your life determine if you go the heaven? The bone fragments are then placed in a special processor that crushes the fragments to a fine powder. This could prove problematic as faith, choices, and practices might differ. Some, like your husband, oppose cremation on biblical grounds. The resurrection of the body will occur at the end of the age when Christ returns. The children of Israel convicted a man name Achan of a grievous sin against God. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that a cremated body cant rise during the second coming of Christ. Genesis 2:7 tells us God formed man from the dust of the ground, and without the breath of life, he would have just been a sculpture made of dust. The Catholic Church does not in any way forbid or recommend against cremation. The reasons for burial. It is widely held that our faith would have been null and void without Christ resurrecting from the dead. I trust the Holy Spirit, GodAbsent the Father and my Lord Jesus Christ. Where in the Bible is cremation mentioned? Does the Bible Say a Cremated Body Cant Rise? In a few short years after burial you will be ashes. Are you wondering what does the Bible say about cremation? Its simply a way to honor the deceased. It also doesnt dictate if a person should be buried or cremated. Once you die your spirit will be with our Lord. I Dont visit my loved ones remains but I remember them daily, and keep their memory deep within. So much so that some crematoria (where cremation of corpses takes place) were overwhelmed in Northern Italy, and were running beyond maximum capacity. After creating the human race, God saw all that he had made, and it was very good (Genesis 1:31). Fact: The Bible says that those who die return to the dust, which is what naturally happens to a corpse when it decomposes. There have been examples ofburning the body, like in the case ofSaul and Jonathan. Anna Citelli and Raoul Bretzel have developed an organic, biodegradable burial capsule that will turn the deceaseds body into nutrients for a tree that will grow out of their remains. claims the Bible says you cant go to heaven if youre cremated. 2 Years After Billy Grahams Passing, Will Graham Reflects on Promise of Heaven. So glorify God in your body. However, this begets the question, do we think that its too hard for God to breathe life into dust, or to raise the dead from its dust? Churchgists.com covers prayers, spiritual meaning, bible verses and dreams interpretation. A common reason why more people are choosing cremation is to avoid the expenses related to funeral services and burial. They respect the desires of the individual. Does our Christianity allow us to cremate our dead?. Christians that died hundreds of years ago are certainly turned into dust by now. WebWhen the people saw that Moses delayed to come down from the mountain, the people gathered themselves together to Aaron and said to him, Up, make us gods who shall go before us. This final bible versebelowis a powerful messageto read and contemplate: Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of Gods mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to Godthis is your true and proper worship. This is completely a preference IMO. We become joint heirs with Christ; we inherit the promise of heaven and eternal life. The Bible says that this body is sown in dishonor and will be raised in glory (1 Corinthians 15:43). The Israelites always buried their dead or put them in a tomb. WebThe Christian Tradition of Cremation Why a Cremated Body Doesnt Rise in the Bible . I do not find it disrespectful at all because the spirit is what lives on eternally and of which we came into being in this physical body. Would that preclude them from resurrection? My question(s) that have to do with their burial are: In Christianity, the belief in the resurrection and the afterlife is a crucial part of our faith and is not tied to the way the body is disposed of after death. It also doesnt dictate if a person should be buried or cremated. God is very specific about how a person becomes a are Some, like your husband, oppose cremation on biblical grounds. It will be changed in a moment..to that new body. Many of the heathen nations around the Israelites traditionally cremated their dead. WebHeres what the Bible says about cremation: Leviticus 20:14 and 21:9 If a man takes a woman and her mother also, it is depravity; he and they shall be burned with fire, that there may be no depravity among you. Your physical body is not the same atoms they were just a few years ago. This was God channeling his power through a mere mortal; now, is there a limit to what he can do on the day of resurrection? WebWhere does the Bible say a cremated body can't rise? Many years ago, our pastor at that time gave his opinion on the question of being cremated. However, although Jesus did not give definitive answers, He did make reference to the disposal of the body. To be cremated is a method of final disposition of a dead human body through burning. Barrier points out in What Does the Bible Say about Cremation? no matter which burial practices one follows, the results are always the same: Dust to dust, ashes to ashes Published: Jun. Just last year, during the spate of the COVID-19 pandemic, when hospitals and morgues were filled with dead bodies, the people of Italy opted to cremate their corpses instead of burying them, out of the fear of catching the virus from the dead. They are buried as natural human bodies, but they will be raised as spiritual bodies. Barrier points out in What Does the Bible Say about Cremation? no matter which burial practices one follows, the results are always the same: Dust to dust, ashes to ashes The children of Israel convicted a man name Achan of a grievous sin against God. In summary, the Bible does not explicitly state whether a cremated body can rise or not. Contact Us. For the first time in American history, the majority of Americans are choosing cremation rather than burial at 50.2%. After all, he created man from dust; can he not do it again, or are we of little faith? { While cremation was common among Romans and Greeks, Christians soon started to bury their dead, just like the Jews had always done. Common practice is burying the body six feet deep under the earth; what do we say about those who cremate their loved ones? The reasons for burial. These are my feelings and probably dont agree with anyone else. We expect the resurrection of the body. It is widely believed that once the body is burned, it wont rise on the day of resurrection; this is supposed to be a fate for sinners. WebCremation was not practiced on both Lazarus and Jesus' body, as they were placed in the ground upon death (John 11, 12:17, Matthew 27, Mark 15, etc.). Nowhere in the Bible does it say that a cremated body cant rise during the second coming of Christ. However, numerous Bible passages suggest that a persons physical body is essential for the resurrection. God is equally able to raise a persons remains that have been cremated as he is the remains of a person who was not cremated. I know the graves will open up when the Lord comes back for his church. If yes, you should click right here for the key things to understand. This could be taken as evidence that a cremated body will not go to heaven, because it would have been burned up in the fire. Rightly so, because the above cases were all one form or the other, that was void of dignity and resulted from an act of shamelessness. Also, most people were buried. WebWhen the people saw that Moses delayed to come down from the mountain, the people gathered themselves together to Aaron and said to him, Up, make us gods who shall go before us. If yes, you should click right here for the key things to understand. We expect the resurrection of the body. Biblical Perspective on Cremation You may do well to investigate why your family doesn't approve of your cremation choice. Within a few hours, the body is reduced to bone fragments. Privacy This practice is becoming the norm. Even bodies buried traditionally eventually decompose. Cremated bodies become part of the air and ash and buried bodies become part of the ground and plant life. I agree, it helps me to be near what remains of my mother. Achan was caught in possession of some of these accursed things. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that a cremated body cant rise during the second coming of Christ. Long ago, cremation only became an option when there was a global pandemic and people had no alternative to bury their dead when the graveyards were full. Moreover, the Bible speaks of the heavenly bodies and implies that the new body will be different and suited for eternity. The new body of a Christian will be a radically changed and glorified body like the body of the exalted Christ. WebAt the resurrection it will not make any difference whether a persons body has been buried or cremated. Ecclesiastes 12:7 (NIV), the dust returns to the ground it came from and the spirit returns to God who gave it. In Matthew 27:52-53, Jesus is resurrected after being buried for three days and then coming out of his tomb. Cremation is an alternative to the widely accepted practice of burying the dead. Should Christians be cremated? Its also not about destroying the dead body or spreading disease. 10, 2014, 11:50 a.m. NEW! Our body is our temple. God has the power to bring you up from the ground any way he wants,ashes or a rotten body , we should not cause strife over words , God is in charge and will do as he wishes, if he can create me from the dirt so he can from my ashes. So i believe that no matter how we die that God will remember all of us and bring us back to a life of eternity. He can resurrect a body eaten by a shark or a baby torn limb from limb and aborted by its mother. Lewis said: God loves bodies. Bury the body. Many of the heathen nations around the Israelites traditionally cremated their dead. The Bible does not explicitly say that bodies that have been cremated cannot rise, however, it does provide some evidence that suggests that a cremate body will be resurrected differently than that of a non-cremated body. This is because the body is completely destroyed by fire, and it cannot be resurrected as it is not possible for God to create something out of nothing. You can rest confidently knowing that you are safe in Christ and cremation wont change that. Besides, there are individuals who do not bother about burial as well as cremation because it is the spiritual body that is allowed to enter Heaven, not the physical body. Should Christians be cremated? Moreover, as God is known to be all-powerful, it should not be impossible for Him to resurrect someone even after cremation. listeners: [], WebWhere does the Bible say a cremated body can't rise? However, some Christians believe that the dead rise from the dead. I hope your family wont be divided over this issue. Anyone saying otherwise is reading their preferences into the scriptures. WebAt the resurrection it will not make any difference whether a persons body has been buried or cremated. My Soul leaves my body goes Heaven. After a dear friend was cremated, I felt badly for his children as his ashes were spread in the church rose garden and I felt it was like he had never lived. In 2016, the Vatican issued definitive guidelines concerning cremation. Or more than that, howGod feels aboutit? Local: 704-401-2432 Yet, as Dr. If it is mostly for you and there desire was to be buried not only together but in Florida, then Florida would be Honoring your Mother and Fathers wish, you have heard that before I am sure Honor your Mother and Father all your days. The Bible does not have any commands or laws against cremation. While cremation was common among Romans and Greeks, Christians soon started to bury their dead, just like the Jews had always done. In His Words: What Billy Graham Once Said About Eternity, Will Graham Devotion: When My Grandfather Entered Heaven, Will Graham Devotion: When My Grandfather Reached Heaven. Achan (Joshua 7:25): After the children of Israel had committed a trespass in the eye of the Lord, which triggered the wrath of the Lord against them as they lost and were smitten in a battle against the people of Ai. And the daughter of any priest, if she profanes herself by whoring, profanes her father; she shall be burned with fire. Many of the heathen nations around the Israelites traditionally cremated their dead. My husband is buried in Ky., in a military cemetary. He that breathes life into a sculpture made of dust, is it too big for him to raise such a soul from the dust again? Published: Jun. Most Christians believe that God lives within us all. In another instance,Achan and his familywere stoned to death and then cremated when Achan deliberated committed the sin of taking the spoil of the battle of Jericho. BGEA is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. However, there are several scriptures throughout the Bible that speak of burning the body,such as the two below. The Bible does not say that a cremated body cannot rise. WebBible verses related to Cremation from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance. ( Genesis 3: 19) Cremation speeds up the process by reducing the body to ashes, or dust. In early Roman Britain, cremation was diminished by thefourth century. It may serve as a funeral or post-funeral ceremony and as an alternative to burial. How does the Bible describe the glorified bodies we will possess in Heaven? This is another excellent argument against theassumption that a cremated body cannot be resurrected. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Consequently, their practice was to bury the dead. Some feel that its disrespectful or that it deprives the family of the sense of closure that comes from viewing the body in the casket. Since time immemorial, people had one way or the other let go of their dead; embalming, mummification, and the widely known burials, amongst many others, were methods in which people said goodbye to their dead. WebAt the resurrection, it will not make any difference whether a persons body has been cremated or buried. Christians that died hundreds of years ago are certainly turned into dust by now. 1 Samuel 31:11-13 ESV / 7 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. The bible does not outrightly approve or go against the idea of cremation; if anything, the idea further strengthens the notion that from dust, we have come, and to it, we shall return. But in our quest and furtherance to understand the word of God, we sometimes tend to overthink things and begin to question a thing or two about Him (Acts 36:8). Would that preclude them from resurrection? when we get to heaven , He is not going to ask what did we do with our bodies .,but rather I believed ,H e would be asking us, what have you done to my Son? In John 1: 12 the scripture says But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become the children of God, to those who believe in His name. NKJV and that my name is written in the Book of Life ,for I believed Jesus work of redemption was done and I am waiting for His return as promised,in John 14: 1-3 to take us all with Him ,and will be with Him forever and ever. In fact, the Bible says that Jesus rose from the dead after being dead for three days and three nights (Matthew 12:40). Thank gor sharing Greatly appreciate this debate as Im trying to help my aunt build her case that she wants to be buried NOT cremated and she is afraid her son is intent on cremation. The early Christians practiced this; as witches, people with unclean spirits, or those who had committed abominations were burnt at the pyre. In 1917, the Code of Canon Law, which is a compilation of the Catholic churchs laws, allowed cremation only in times of disaster, plague, or other circumstances that necessitated a quick disposition of a body. If your Mother has the ability to answer this question I would first ask her. By the time you get to the funeral whether cremation or burial (which is usually days later) it is just a body. Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. They respect the desires of the individual. Your soul shall rise to meet him on the day of resurrection. Privacy Moreover, the Bible speaks of the heavenly bodies and implies that the new body will be different and suited for eternity. Home I have prayed with no result in answer. Daniel 12:2. The Church Handbook states, The family of the deceased person decides whether his or her body should be buried or cremated. In fact, with Ecclesiastes 3:20 quite literally mentioning dust, and with the prevalence of the phrase "ashes to ashes" in Catholic culture, the act of cremation has been seeing a bit of a renaissance. He explained that in the days of Jesus on earth, the people that were criminals were thrown in a fire to be burnt outside the city. ( Genesis 3: 19) Cremation speeds up the process by reducing the body to ashes, or dust. Visiting remains do no good to no one. Here are some examples below: Saul and his sons (1st Samuel 31:11 13): Saul and his sons who suffered severe injuries and had their bodies mutilated by their assailants and hurriedly got buried in terrible and unfavorable conditions in a strange land. Toll Free: 1-877-247-2426. Its simply a way to honor the deceased. The Bible does not explicitly say that bodies that have been cremated cannot rise, however, it does provide some evidence that suggests that a cremate body will be resurrected differently than that of a non-cremated body. Ecclesiastes 12:7 (NIV), the dust returns to the ground it came from and the spirit returns to God who gave it. My Mom and Dad lived there later years in Florida. There was however a stipulation that the funeral service had to be performed before the cremation. The Bible neither favors nor forbids the process of cremation. Some feel that its disrespectful or that it deprives the family of the sense of closure that comes from viewing the body in the casket. It involves burning the body, reducing the body to bone fragments in the process, after which they are ground into dust. They all eventually integrate into other things, including, in There is no Biblical precedent for cremation. Some may be kept in the family, mixed with paint, added into a coral structure, thrown into the sea, or even still interred. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? WebFirst, the Bible doesnt forbid cremation. WebMisconception: Cremation dishonors the body. Genesis 3:19 - In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. Feelings of comfort and peace. Samuel 31:11-13 ESV / 7 Helpful votes Helpful not Helpful funeral or ceremony. When Christ returns registered 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) non-profit organization to bury their dead, like. Nor forbids the process by reducing does the bible say a cremated body can't rise body coming out of his father carried out of Egypt and Lord...: [ ], webwhere does the Bible neither favors nor forbids the process of why! 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