You will not have to work on weekends or holidays. Real estate agents decide how many clients they take on, which means they are in charge of how much they can make per year. Insurance agents consult and sell insurance products to their clients and make sure that they are covered in case of emergency. Job Security. You are left entirely to your own devices. Due to the nature of the work, and the general high-stress that goes with being in law enforcement, FBI agents may experience stress-related health issues such as depression, anxiety, heart problems, digestive problems, chronic pain, sleep difficulties and poor nutrition. The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency has its roots in World War II's Office of Strategic Services, according to National Archives. How Much Money Does a Lieutenant Make in the Marine Corps? He became a double agent: by successfully pretending to be a Stasi agent, M would acquire valuable information on the personalities of his Stasi handlers for the Dutch service. Everything you need to create your best work, delivered from our brains to yours every other Wednesday. The mock arrest and meeting with Wolf were unsettling for M, as he often said during our interviews. Officers may have to adjust to changes in the government policies and and funding. He asked for their assistance in getting treatment from an agency with experience in treating the emotional burdens of a long-time double agent. Being Creative Under Pressure. Contract - they can be entitled to compensation on termination of the contract even if they breached the agreement. Advantages of Being an Insurance Agent. People all over the world are idolizing creative agencies. But throughout this time, his primary loyalty was to the Dutch service and the CIA. Sales methods - an agent might not sell your product or service in the way that you would like. One of the most used tools to collaborate and organize projects is Trello. Salary. Consequently, insurance agents dont have a high social standing and you may also get many snarky comments when you tell people about your profession. CIA clandestine service officers serve globally, both in the so-called war against terrorism as well as in nations unfriendly to the U.S. Three or four burly fellows in uniform are standing around me, one of them behind me with a truncheon Sie sind ein Verrter! What does he accept? The day has clearly left a deep impression on him: I was mentally put off-balance, I couldnt wrap my mind around it. As he put it: I did not consider myself as someone who was deceiving others. Might get to have a cool job like doctor/astronaut/CIA agent. You are given the luxury of networking with other agencies, clients, suppliers, media owners and consultants as part of your business. Ms motive in sharing his story stems from his desire to learn more about certain episodes from his spying career. As you can see, there are definitely many advantages of becoming an insurance agent. With all of the intelligence policy debates of the last few years, people sometimes forget the CIA has a kinetic, operational role in dangerous places throughout the world. Even though you may be able to make a decent living from what you are doing, you will still not get rich as an insurance agent. As an insurance agent, you can avoid those issues, at least if you are financially responsible and dont waste your money on things you actually dont need instead of investing it in senseful investment projects. The CIA takes the best and the brightest students: CIA officers must have at least a bachelor's degree. Be on such a high intellectual plane that you forget to bathe, brush your teeth, wash your clothes, etc. Hence, make sure that you are properly insured in this regard to avoid any financial consequences that could significantly harm your future life. Free Download Pros and Cons of Working in Advertising, Get the Free Pros and Cons of Ad Agencies Guide, The Risks of Working at an Advertising Agency, The Advantages of Working at an Advertising Agency, Summary Pros and Cons of Working in Advertising Agency, 29 Surprising Facts About The Agency Business, Best 19 Agency Software Solutions to Manage Your Agency, Speed up your review and approval process in 9 simple steps, Sometimes you dont even get a compliment for your work, Lower salaries than in the corporate world, Agencies are a great place to learn all the tricks, It is easy to find an agency that fits your personality, You can focus a majority of the time working on your creative projects, Creative agencies offer relatively safe jobs and a steady income. If a target is in a very stressful or frightening position, for instance, the first person they talk to who shows them kindness and compassion is in a great position to glean information. Listen to Eleni Braat and Ben de Jong talk about Ms life in an episode of The Conversation Weekly podcast. At another meeting with Wolfgang and Heinz in the East, I received all kinds of special treats because I had gotten married six months earlier [in 1970]. You are ordered to undress completely. Professional staff positions, such as those in information technology and business management, generally won't see you in the field or in dangerous situations; however, FBI police, a division that is grouped within professional staff positions, is an obvious exception. Once your life is stable and you have done other things you are going to make a much better agent and operational officer. The Hohenschnhausen Memorial in Berlin, a former Stasi prison. Agencies pay creatives on average $40,000 to $60,000, which is more than most freelancers earn. Border officials of the German Democratic Republic on the Berlin wall in front of the Brandenburg Gate in 1980. However, if you have good people skills and your clients will trust you blindly, you will have good chances to succeed as an insurance agent and can make much more than people working in a fast food restaurant and many other people out there. Creative agencies are known for providing social environments for their creatives to thrive in. Joining the bureau can bring multiple benefits, including great job security, prestige and the knowledge that you're helping keep your country safe. Sometimes M would also exchange messages and material the East Germans were interested in by way of fleeting meetings in hotel lobbies with East German diplomats. Compared to being a freelancer you have benefits like a steady income, paid holidays and an adequate retirement plan. You passed the test, you are now one of us!. Advertising is a meritocratic industry. His obsessive interest in spies, agents and treason is striking. While some clients are nice, others can really annoy you and you may have to stay polite even though those people might not deserve it. Candidates must be at least 23 years of age and no older than 36 years and 6 months, possess a bachelor's degree, have three years of work experience, pass a physical fitness test and qualify for an accounting, computer science, language, law or diversified special agent entry program. The male bonding and the toasting were over and their body language had changed. While M spoke eagerly of the excitement and disillusionment he felt as a result of his spying career, he initially was reluctant to talk about this traumatising mock arrest. As you can see from the previous discussion, there are many advantages and disadvantages to working as an insurance agent. These are the words of double agent M, who operated for the Dutch security service and the CIA against the East German Stasi for 22 years. If one is unable to meet the sales target, his commissions will take a hit. Besides, to improve your creative workflow, our web application Filestagestreamlines your client reviews on videos, pictures and documents. Insurance companies may also set pretty ambitious goals for you which you have to meet. Creative agencies have earned their reputations through genius ideas, consistency, and high ROIs for their clients. Not only can this be quite interesting, but it also gives you the opportunity to really develop your people skills and to get to know how the human psyche really works. For decades in fact, CIA field agents have operated unseen and unknown in parts of the world antagonistic to the U.S. Vital to U.S. security interests, field work carried out by CIA field agents can also be dangerous. And if somebody would arrive from the opposite direction, they would push your face against the wall It was overwhelming, to put it mildly. I was naked, tied to a hard chair with handcuffs. New special agents must also undergo a 20-week training course at the FBI academy. Increased ability to get high and fuck around through all of college vs. having to study to maintain average GPA. Insurance agents have a low social status, Insurance agents can help their loved ones, You will not get rich as an insurance agent. If you ever get a client you cant handle, or you hit a creative block, your colleagues have your back. Yet, you will still spend most of your workday in a rather artificial office environment while foresters and many other people are able to work in a more interactive manner outdoors. When he became engaged to his future wife, M confided during an intimate dinner at a restaurant that he was working as an agent against the Stasi. The full names of Wolfgang and Heinz also appear in publications by the Stasi archives in Berlin, and a man said to be Koch even appears in a photograph in a book on the history of the Stasi. Years later, when M got access to his BVD file, he found that at the time of his marriage, the service decided M would not be given a special present as he had been declaring too many expenses. When considering a career with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) or other law enforcement agency, it is beneficial to understand the potential hazards and disadvantages that one may encounter on the job and throughout a career. Certain positions within the FBI in particular, special agents and police expose you to traumatic situations. Kiplinger: Should You Work for Uncle Sam? You will also be able to build a strong network as an insurance agent. Not everybody can handle this. The end of the friendship with his East German handlers and the insecurity and threat that it generated, in Ms words, had a considerable impact on his wellbeing. I was recruited in that old fashioned way, but of course these days the service has a website and a recruitment team which goes round universities and run open evenings at various places. Working as a real estate agent is pretty relaxed. None other than Markus Wolf, the legendary chief of the HVA (dubbed The Man Without a Face) officially handed him the medal. Looking at a gruesome crime scene, knowing that you pulled the trigger to kill a criminal, seeing pictures of horrific things that enable you to try and piece together an those things can weigh on you and cause incredible amounts of stress. A lot of agencies tend to overwork their creatives. The connections you make from your agency job can help you land the job of your dreams. He spoke about issues he hadnt even told his wife about. Sales methods - an agent might not sell your product or service in the way that you would like. Resource analyst 9. In between debriefings, they drank Georgian cognac with him, covered his expenses without much ado, took him for day trips and copious dinners in restaurants and accompanied him on visits to nightclubs in East Berlin and elsewhere. Feel smug about Trebeks mediocrity. The buzz is taking part in a world that nobody else knows about often you are aware of things happening behind world events that other people don't know and possibly will never know. You can build a strong network. You have potential for great advancement. Sueddeutsche Zeitung Photo / Alamy Stock Photo, in an episode of The Conversation Weekly podcast, Committee Member - MNF Research Advisory Committee, PhD Scholarship - Uncle Isaac Brown Indigenous Scholarship, Associate Lecturer, Creative Writing and Literature. Every creative is familiar with the nagging worries about a potential creative block. Copyright 20102023, The Conversation Media Group Ltd. A lot of being a spy is terribly mundane. Your typical day will vary from agency to agency. How honest is he? Also, I would have put myself in a vulnerable position with the East Germans by saying yes. In other words, M always had to be on guard in his dealings with the Stasi, even with his friends Wolfgang and Heinz. Finally, in early 1990 less than a year after the fall of the Berlin Wall the HVA cancelled a meeting abruptly, and that concluded his career as a double agent. Eat, Drink And Be Wary: Ex-CIA Officer Reveals How Eateries Are Key To Spycraft. There are certain situations in which people also tend to be more forthcoming with information. Sometimes it gets to the point where creatives are working nights to try and meet tight deadlines. Who wouldnt want to work at a place that is known for spectacular ideas, free food and beverages and huge after work parties? But with the BVD, it was different. They would even take M to toy shops where at their expense he could indulge his love for model trains. Little Public Recognition CIA clandestine service. In most cases, a CIA field agent operating clandestinely is a spy and subject to detention,. In such a case, you as an insurance agent can greatly help them out and explain what insurance will be most beneficial for them so that they can avoid getting into trouble sooner or later. While you might take this for granted, it is actually a luxury since many other people have to work during those times. If you are really good at what you are doing, you will also be able to climb the corporate ladder pretty soon. Please note that all the information I provide on this website is to my best knowledge. 1. As an insurance agent, you will also be able to enjoy regular workweeks if you work for major insurance companies out there. Wolf had arrived at the safe house in a Volvo, the favourite car of high officials in the German Democratic Republic (GDR), escorted by motors at the front and rear. I can forget people's names two minutes after being introduced to them, but I retain a lot of seemingly unimportant details which can be terribly important when dealing with a mass of paperwork on your desk or when you are out in the field trying to remember what your brief was. When you start off as a young recruit, you think, 'Fine, that suits me.' Ms spying career began in the second half of the 1960s when the Dutch security service, the BVD (Binnenlandse Veiligheidsdienst) the predecessor of the present-day AIVD (Algemene Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdienst) recruited him. CIA operations officers must also be able to obtain security clearances. In the end, however, he told us about it in great detail something he had never done before, not even to his wife of many years. Passionate about communications and client relations. I knew very little really. This puts a lot of pressure on a creative. This means that you can meet up with your friends or spend your leisure on your hobbies. This flexibility gives agents the opportunity to fit work around their lives easier than other professionals. Instead, you can work from home in a rather quiet and cozy atmosphere and this also gives you more flexibility to do your private work. In turn, your clients will be much better able to plan for their future since you have removed significant insecurity from their lives. Why the Stasi subjected M to such a harsh and intimidating interrogation has remained a puzzle. Paradoxically, M bonded most with these two handlers that he was deceiving. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), police officers and detectives have one of the highest rates of on-the-job injury and illness. Decent since good insurance agents are needed right now. CIA agents operating in Afghanistan have reported working in mountainous environments in all weather and among people ready to turn them in for the right price. You have to find the resilience to get through those periods. A lot of being a spy is terribly mundane. We interviewed M extensively between 2019 and 2021 about his career as a spy during the cold war. His wife did not know the details of his spying, but she was aware of the many trips he made behind the Iron Curtain to meet his Stasi handlers. In fact, an increasing number of people use the internet to inform themselves about insurance and do no longer want to rely on insurance agents. Do All Jobs With the CIA Need to Be Kept Secret? Increased ability to manipulate drug dealers to sell you drugs for way less than they are worth by tricking them with simple math, the use of the metric system, and saying phrases such as price per unit, and/or bartering for them with stoner things like the DVD of Terminator 2 which you idly purchased from the bargain bin knowing how irresistible it would be to a high person looking for something to do at 2 a.m. Know answers on Jeopardy. On several occasions, M discussed the possibility that someone like Aldrich Ames, a notorious KGB mole inside the CIA between 1985 and 1994, was responsible for betraying him. Both sides of the Medaille der Waffenbrderschaft (Medal for Comrades-in-Arms) that M received from the Stasi in 1984. I conducted various interviews with employees to give you a good impression of what working in different fields will look like and that you can make the best possible decision regarding your future career choice. Field Agent Dangers CIA field agents operate in both friendly as well as hostile nations. The trouble is that even though the rules have been slightly relaxed now certain members of your family are allowed to know you can never discuss details of operations or what's happening with particular agents. In most cases, a CIA field agent operating clandestinely is a spy and subject to detention, arrest and even harsh punishment when captured by an unfriendly nation. In turn, those people dont have that much time to meet up with their friends and often become socially isolated. They have to operate every day so that people who dont have a car can get from A to B. Over a period of more than 20 years, from the late 1960s until the end of the cold war, the HVA considered M their agent and he gave the East Germans information much of it acquired through the multinational he worked for. As the largest employer of American citizens, the federal government has become synonymous with bureaucracy. If you're working CIA clandestine service overseas, for example, you'll receive housing as well as additional overseas service pay. They taunted him constantly, saying things like You betrayed Marxism-Leninism and You are a CIA agent. These messages consisted of numbers read out monotonously according to a pre-arranged transmission schedule. While some real estate agents work independently, others work for a licensed broker. Control - it can be difficult to control the agent's activities and to make sure they continually work hard on your behalf. Nothing, therefore, had prepared him for the interrogation in the Hohenschnhausen prison. You will just work your normal 9 to 5 job most of the time and will have free evenings. While popular media tends to portray CIA spies living a glamorous life, the job is always potentially dangerous and frequently arduous. No customer will be like the other and youre learning each and every day. As an employee, the client needs to be your number one concern as well. He feels the BVD did the same when they handed him over to the CIA in 1981, renouncing any further responsibility towards him. What are the disadvantages of joining both the military and the intelligence services at the same time? M was from a working-class background. Others are known for their competitive kickball teams. But one interview followed on to the next and I was sent on a training course. Disadvantages of using commercial agents. You will not need to rely on other insurance agents that may try to sell you shady insurance products. He allowed us to see and check all of these documents. Changes are high youll find the perfect match. There are a bunch of great marketing agency tools out there that help you to handle several creative projects simultaneously. Hopeful CIA clandestine service officers must also possess strong academic credentials and highly developed interpersonal skills. Whether using commercial agents can help you develop your business often depends on the nature of your product or service and where you want to sell. You could get called out anywhere and your target could be anyone. Still in pyjamas, he was taken from the safe house where he was staying for debriefing sessions with his Stasi handlers to a van with darkened windows that transported him, under armed guard, to a prison. Might get to have a cool job like doctor/astronaut/CIA agent. All this time he would have to pay attention to every detail, however small, and make sure that he didnt betray himself as a double agent by a careless remark or gesture. While some insurance companies dont require a college degree, others want you to have at least a bachelors degree. Creative agencies help you build strong friendships with colleagues through different activities. While it can be lonely, you arent always in danger and a lot of the work is mundane former intelligence officer, Harry Ferguson, on a career in the secret service. I had interesting contacts. It is also clear, however, that traumatic memories from that period continue to be a considerable burden to him. If you are a rather introverted person who doesnt like to talk to people that much, chances are that you will not become happy in this field. At an agency you might get the feeling like youre just a number. He told us: The BVD abandoned me completely after all those years that I had risked my life This document came to play a role in his dealings with the Dutch service after his spying career had ended. Their meetings always took place behind the Iron Curtain and the two East Germans showed their appreciation for Ms work on numerous occasions. Working on commission, they earn part of a property's sale price. The lobby of the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. Because of their undercover nature, CIA clandestine service officers receive little public recognition for their sometimes heroic service. Wolfgang and Heinz entered the room unexpectedly and approached him in the most cordial manner: Congratulations! But it is emotionally crushing for officers in the secret services and you can never really share that guilt with anybody. You may even be able to afford some luxury and some insurance agents even make a six-figure income. We see the varying degrees of gratitude and recognition that the Dutch security service, the CIA and the Stasi showed for Ms work, from personal attention and verbal expressions of gratitude to material gifts. It transpired that the humiliating interrogation was in fact a mock arrest led by Stasi handlers to test his mettle. Photograph: Alamy, arry Ferguson is a former MI6 intelligence officer and was an undercover agent for the National Investigation Service (NIS). Button spy camera on display at offices of East German secret Police (STASI) Museum in Berlin, Germany. In 2005, he starred with Mike Baker of the CIA in the BBC2 series Spy and wrote the book accompanying the series: Spy A Handbook. Long hours and little down time can also take a toll on family relations. As an insurance agent, you may also be able to work from home. This is not how they should treat people that have worked for them for so many years. Situations such as trying to extract an organized crime ringleader from a house or attempting to rescue a kidnapped child put you in volatile positions that could leave you injured or even dead. In fact, good insurance agents will have many different promotion opportunities and you may also get into a leading role in your company rather soon. Markus Wolf, the former German general and ex intelligence service chief who went on to write a book about his life as a spy chief. Stick with me since I will show you all the pros and cons of being an insurance agent so that you can better decide whether you still want to work in this field or if you want to go for other career options instead. M was untied from his chair, handed back his clothes and taken to a room to freshen up. Real estate agents can set their own schedules. In turn, this means that train drivers will also have to work during those hours and so do many other people. Several times after Ms return from the Eastern Bloc, she was the one who made a phone call to transmit a pre-arranged coded message to the CIA, implying that M had come back safely. M was supplied with a number of fake passports to carry out his undercover work. The Stasi supplied M with Dutch, American, Swiss, British and West German passports that enabled him to travel inconspicuously under different names, especially when he was on his way to a rendezvous with his Stasi handlers. As an insurance agent, you will also be able to work for many different insurance companies and can also sell many different products. More is known, however, about the frequently tough conditions under which CIA spies must work. Whether the insurance industry is a good place to work for you also greatly depends on the type of person you are. Being a real estate agent is a great deal for many investorsbut not everyone. Others are emotionally scarred by such encounters. After they have taken you in, they examine you. Tony Guerra served more than 20 years in the U.S. Navy. Some CIA field agents also serve as paramilitary operations officers overseas, frequently engaging in combat special operations. No, they will approach you You are appreciated for your efforts, but [these services] remain a dark cloud that you cannot enter. The job of a spy can be very lonely. As an insurance agent, you will also be able to sell people insurance policies that can protect those people from serious issues. Consequently, if you are a family guy but still want to start a serious business career, working in the insurance sector can be a great way to go for you. Later, in West Germany, through a stranger who approached M in the street, Herr Gerber sent him his regards and asked for a meeting in East Berlin. Most creatives are allowed the liberty to wear what they want. A career with the FBI can have a profound effect on family life. You can make decent money as an insurance agent, You will not have to work on weekends or holidays, Insurance agents have the privilege of working indoors, You can help people make better decisions regarding insurance, Good job if you like to sell things to people, Insurance agents can build a strong business network, Becoming an insurance agent can also help you in your private life, Disadvantages of Working as an Insurance Agent, You have to sell products you dont believe in, Insurance agents dont have a high social standing, Your success as an insurance agent depends on your trustworthiness, Rather questionable future job prospects for insurance agents, Working as an insurance agent may become boring in the long run, Some insurance companies require you to get a college degree, You may not even understand the products you sell, Top 10 Being an Insurance Agent Pros & Cons Summary List, salary, future outlook, duties, job satisfaction, working hours, work-life balance and educational requirements of insurance agents, 10 Things To Do After Failing A Computer Science Degree, 10 Smart Things To Do After Failing An Art Degree, 18 Smart Things To Do After Failing An Economics Degree, 18 Things To Do After Failing Your Communication Degree, 18 Smart Things To Do After Failing Your Education Degree, 19 Things To Do After Failing Your Engineering Degree, 19 Smart Things To Do After Failing Your Biology Degree, 18 Smart Things To Do After Failing Your Psychology Degree, 18 Smart Things To Do After Failing Your Business Degree, 33 Key Pros & Cons Of Being A Casino Dealer, 31 Key Pros & Cons Of Being An Underwriter, 30 Noble Pros & Cons Of Working For A Hedge Fund, 32 Nerdy Pros & Cons Of Being A Data Scientist, 31 Key Pros & Cons Of Being A Loan Officer. 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