He will be 82 at the next election. By SAM STEIN. There will be a set of 6 of these trines from 2025-29, marking a vast change in Chinas social fabric. Create a specific match-up by clicking the party and/or names near the electoral vote counter. Remember I said from Oct 24 to Dec 14 is a very bad time for Donald Trump this year, and he can get indicted during this time. Kamala Harris. Should the winner of the presidential election not be the candidate of any party listed in this market at the time of resolution, all contracts shall resolve to No. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - No, but may succeed later after 2024. In addition to the presidential forecast Lewis has also shown a scary prediction about the future threat of ISIS that you should know. Republican party will not do anything to stop gun violence. But the astrology prediction for Trump indictment is right on target. I repeatedly reaffirmed this prediction, including when the votes began to come in and it looked like Donald Trump might be re-elected, but I understood that no election was final until all the votes were counted, and in most states the mail-in ballots, which were overwhelmingly Democratic, would be counted last.". The Frenchman, who has accurately predicted some major world events during the 16th century, believed that the current conflict in Eastern Europe could spark a "great war". The BJP will be a changed outfit and will try to rope in wise, youthful . The fate of 2022 mid-term election largely depends upon how President Biden will handle this difficult period from December 2021 to March 2022. Weakening support for the incumbent US President Joe Biden encourages more and more Americans to . So let us wait and see which political party will have the momentum going for them between October 25 and November 8, the election day, because that political party will win this mid-term election. Nostradamus predicted that in 2024 would be elected the last American president and that he would be black, without saying how that would happen. The prediction assumes national significance as the Congress has been pitching for a united front against the BJP for the 2024 general elections. Still, Putins progressed Sun will conjoin his Mars, so he will be in the mood for a little war. Nevertheless, it is worth taking a look at Kamala Harris horoscope to see if there are any indications that she will assume power. Friday July 9, 2021: First we should note that a multitude of earth-based social and political factors will affect the final results of the 2024 Presidential Election and quite a few astrologers poo poo the Venus Cycle theory of US elections. When American people will stop spending money because of high inflation, then we will go through recession for some time in 2023, that will bring the inflation down. This investigation may take some time before it is settled. Who cared about Air? Be courteous -- No ads -- including for astrological, Tarot, or psychic readings and consultations. 02/21/2023 08:58 PM EST. First of all the magnitude of the turnout. No more fire. GOP knows voter fraud is a lie, but they keep promoting it. One or more than one witnesses may have lied during their testimony, may have perjured themselves. No more chimneys. Jupiter is going retrograde on June 20, 2021, in Aquarius sign. The problem is that we dont know President Putins accurate birth time details with AA ratings, which is needed to make accurate astrology predictions about this war. You can figure out yourself who is causing inflation in US. Early Predictions Ahead of the 2024 Presidential Election. Kansas protected abortion. So many people are asking me this question When Donald Trump will be indicted?. Midterm election right now is anybodys ballgame. There are some achievements like abrogation of article 370, but a few mishandled . Go beyond sunsigns and see the personal effect of all the planets in your life. The Moon conjoining Chinas Ascendant show the people ruling its the Peoples Republic of China and in the period from 2025-29 the people will take power and react against autocracy. Although the Sun-Moon trine shows support from the People to the Party, Pluto on the Moon unleashes the concept of the dictatorship of the proletariat. Look what happened this week. Yet there have been two notable exceptions to this predictive guide: the successful election of Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932 when he whisked away 'the crown' from the head of one-term Republican Herbert Hoover, and the election of Republican Ronald Reagan in 1980 who finagled 'the crown' from one-term Democrat Jimmy Carter. I had predicted Donald Trumps indictment in my Trump Astrology update posted a year ago on July 3, 2021. Trumps challenging time begins. As I said last Wednesday on TFR, I suspect Joe Biden will die June 1, 2024, when Kamala Harris is 59 years old (because you know what that number means in terms of race and the fact that Kamala and Biden "won" the 59th U.S. Presidential Election), and because it will be on the 1229th day of the Biden-Harris administration, and 1229 is the 201st prime (and 201 had everything to do with . 01:34 Now playing - Source: CNN. Solve your problems, discover your unique gifts and get pressing questions answered, Become a proficient Astrologer with Adrians interactive Video Courses, Let Adrian show you how astrology is the worlds best guide to Current Events, https://www.astrowow.com/blog/45th-president-united-states/, Basic Principles for Mundane Astrology Using USA chart, Government intervention to support those who no longer have jobs, Massive investment in infrastructure projects like charging stations for electric vehicles, Revolution in the banking industry through blockchain and cybercurrency, Acceptance of artificial meat products to counter climate change, Battle to break up social media (with results coming after Pluto enters Aquarius), Social confrontation with financial elite, Home working using Zoom and other media becomes a fact of life. Already, after witnessing the lamentable handing of the pandemic in the USA, Chinese people young and old are convinced their communist country is far superior, whilst the power of the USA is fading. Mr. Singh is known for making bold astrology predictions on internet. The period from February 2023 to October 2023 will be difficult one for the country. 25th December 1991, 20.45 Moscow AS 25 Leo. Future Prediction. With . Too many shooting incidents are happening across the country. Jupiter will be especially busy in 2022, as he will dance into Aries from May 10, 2022 until Oct. 28, 2022. January through August 2023 are very difficult months for United States economy, and there will be a war like situation during this time. Kevin McCarthys time is really very difficult and challenging between March 15 and May 15 this year. In the coming days Trump will be going through very challenging time, the indictment will become almost inevitable as more hidden details will come to surface. Biden / Harris approval ratings will go up after summer of 2024. Andhra Pradesh State Horoscope and Future Predictions. Please read my October 20 and October 2, 2022, astrology updates to understand why GOP did not see red wave this time. Just like an electric version of Skype. The contract that resolves to Yes shall be that which identifies the party whose candidate on Election Day wins the 2024 U.S. presidential election. America, Pakistan, China, Turkey will continue to be biggest threat to India as they will indulge in political interference and work against Modi govt. The moment has finally come, Donald Trump will be indicted any time after March 4, 2023. COVID is still surging during this time. BRS gets humiliated at national level (Lok Sabha elections). Prof Lichtman, who details his strategy for predicting the White House winner in his book, Predicting the Next President: The Keys to the White House, said although it is very early, it would strongly be to the Democratic party's advantage if Mr Biden ran for re-election in 2024. Future of India 2023 2024 Astrology Predictions Horoscope Charts Ananlysis. The latest polls for the 2024 Presidential Election. Beijing. In the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, the BJP formed the government on its own in the power of the Center for the first time on the basis of 'Modi wave'. At this time, Pluto essentially transferred its dossier of Trump transgression and criminality to Eris, who will now pursue the case . But Republicans are spreading lies that Biden is raising taxes on middle class Americans. Clearly often failing. President Biden will face decline in poll numbers, and opposition / enemies will be strong in the month of December 2021. I had also indicated in my 2021 Biden Astrology predictions that President Biden will face further decline in poll numbers and opposition / enemies will be strong after October 2021. A fabulous week for President Biden. Apparao. I had boldly predicted in my July 3, 2021, astrology update in. Simultaneously Pluto, which has entered Aquarius, conjoins Russias Saturn at 5 Aquarius, suggesting the destruction of social structures. With about five months left for the upcoming Assembly elections, what the survey shows is an interesting trend AAP is likely to play a spoilsport for the Congress in most states. One of the most exciting astrological omens we have to look forward to in 2022 is February's Pluto return. The new age of Air is an age when everything is about particles and waves. Since our elections are on a 4-year cycle, Venus is Evening Star in alternate elections because Venus returns to her same position every 8 years. We are seeing record-breaking voter turnout across the country. This was true from 1840 to 1960 (when Kennedy was elected), but Reagan survived an assassination attempt in 1980, and George W Bush was fine. By 2040 the air will be clear, the sky blue and the traffic a smooth uninterrupted flow. Only when SHANIJI is willing, Modiji will decide himself to retire. Many people have asked me if this guy will ever be indicted, the answer is yes, Trump cannot escape indictment. But Trump was an anomaly, and he was only ever going to be a one-term president. (It may be the biggest in history!) Now the extreme right wing of GOP party has the power to block McCarthy from the House Speakership. As Pluto conjoins the Moon and Ascendant, Uranus moves into Gemini and trines Pluto. Biden wants them to pay their fair share of taxes, and they are doing their best to make Democrats lose the midterm election by raising prices of gas, grocery items etc. If that is the case, ProfLichtman says it will be a tougher journey for Democrats. Today is October 20, 2022, we are entering the time window (Oct 20 to Dec 14 this year) that I gave for Donald Trump indictment, if Trump will be indicted this year. A consensus outlook for the 2022 Senate elections based on the current ratings of these seven forecasters . The birth time has A rating, not AA rating. In 2021, 2022, and 2023, I had given some difficult times for President Biden, when opposition / enemies will be strong, and health problems are indicated according to the astrology chart. We have all indulged our love of private property. Control of the airwaves will become far more important than control of territory. May not win the house or may win with a very thin majority. One very good thing that has happened is our democracy survived, and Donald Trumps future in the GOP party is in jeopardy. I will be posting a Mid-Term Election Astrology update soon, stay tuned. Kayne West - No Kim Kardashian - No, but could run later in history. 519 predictions / 444 correct = 85.5% Accuracy Track Record. The midterm election is happening on the day of the eclipse, so there could be some problem or delay in results. Eric Adams ( Mayor of New York and potential candidate for US Election 2024 ) - Who will be the next US President 2024 ? Oh wait, then nobody would be able to make up their minds. So, it seems like the second time window (March through August 2023) should be correct for indictment. My condolences to the families of thirteen marines who were killed in Kabul attack. Otherwise, your on-topic comments are always welcomed in this Political Astrology arena, and are fully moderated when I have the time. But here's a new notice: Abuse of courtesy has occurred. Anand Mahindra shared an astrologer's prediction declaring a . Others risked much more as essential workers and had to expose themselves to the corona virus daily. If you think I am doing a good job and my astrology predictions are enlightening then please feel free to pay an optional fee by clicking the above "Buy Now" button, with your comments. Learn how character shapes destiny, and what to do about it. We will make Trump 2023 astrology predictions in third week of December this year. Climate The next election which will as usual be corrupt will be on March 17th 2024, when Saturn is at 11 Pisces and the Sun conjoins Neptune at 27 Pisces, so it is going to be a foggy affair. Electric or hydrogen powered, there will be no exhaust. End of May and first two weeks of June 2022 will be somewhat difficult. The 'goddess' does, after all, reign atop the US Capitol Building and one of her archetypal manifestations as "Columbia" is well known as namesake of the District. He cited the governments of former prime ministers IK Gujral and HD Deve Gowda, while jawaharlal nehru and narendra modi were strong prime ministers. Vivek Ramaswamy announces he will run for president. But she will be the face of opposition in 2024 elections. The schism will end in November or December 2024 and a legitimate pope will be elected at that time with the antipope resigning, possibly facing excommunication. Polls appear to be close, but I believe women and young voters between the age 18 and 35 who are registering to vote in large numbers, are underrepresented in the polls. There will be at least 20 to 30 people who will be indicted besides Donald Trump. She has a great horoscope for governance with a full moon constellating harmoniously with Saturn in Aquarius, so competence, cooperation and leadership come naturally to her. BY: Harry Brent . The solution to the inflation is recession in 2023. I had predicted May is the time when they will find some solution to this war. Every indication, including statements from Republican election officials throughout the country, indicate that this was a remarkably smooth, full and fair election, and Donald Trumps challenges are entirely baseless, frivolous and dangerous, he said. Mamata Banerjee will have big setback in 2024 as BJP will be piercing fully in West Bengal in 2024. (Note 1) The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius sets the scene for a new socially-conscious style of government ill-suited to the narcissism of Trump. This is a fiery place to have such a monumental conjunction, and the transition from Pisces to Aries suggests a dissolution and perhaps violent rebirth. We haven't seen much of President Donald Trump since President-elect Joe Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 elections, but we have heard rumors being floated about that the soon-to-be former President is considering a return to the White House in 2024. 2024 UP state will be divided and 2 states will be formed. It is so big. In my opinion, Republicans made mistake by overturning Roe vs Wade before mid-term election. Nevertheless, a Uranus-Pluto trine is in no way a stabilizing influence. US 2024 Presidential Prediction . In every city. However, it begins its uninterrupted twelve-year sojourn through Aries (considered the official start of the "Neptune in Aries era") on January 26, 2026. In my opinion 300+ million Americans will get vaccinated either by April 2022, or by end of 2022, and Coronavirus will be contained. Certainly, Venus is no stranger to or in Washington, DC. This is what I had predicted in my President Biden's Astrology article for the year 2023. Mr Lichtman, however, did say he was surprised by several aspects of the election. Look, Im 73 years old and Ive been doing these predictions for 40 years, and I get butterflies in my stomach every four years, he said. Referring to Trump, Kohrs said: "You are not going to be shocked.". And that also goes for Midterms 2022! 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