Because shes so independent and values freedom, pushiness, clinginess, and possessiveness will send her running fast. Mental and emotional balance allows Aquarius to be generous and caring without getting too emotionally involved. Overall, you have a very healthy ego and emotional state. The Moon in Aquarius can make you a very loyal friend, and loves to be surrounded by people who will appreciate his intuitive genius. Were often reminded of how unique each sign is, but Aquarius takes it to the next level. When they were little, due to their great imagination, they got easily bored with common and ordinary kids their age. Although they are sociable, they are solitary at the same time. My favourite crystal for Aquarius is aquamarine. By nature, they are mild and pleasant to society, but they . In her heart, shes just doing what anybody would do. It also denotes how we experienced and expressed love in childhood, as well as any subconscious traumas we may have accumulated. The Aquarius moon man is fun-loving, talkative and gregarious. 5. Nothing makes this woman feel more content and whole than being true to herself and her unique quirks. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Thoughtfulness and nurturing qualities are just a few of these qualities. As an Aquarius, you are able to be independent, but would prefer that relationship you are involved in has a cohesive future together. Expect to see an Aquarius moon woman setting new trends rather than copying them. This makes them appear more unhappy than they actually are, as they sometimes struggle to find the right balance between their careers and their relationships. Pisces Sun With Aquarius Rising "Endangered species" With Aquarius rising, you are the strangest of the Pisces, and this is an understatement. Aquarius Moon compatibility with Aries Moon. She is sweet and sounds like she cares for all. Many of the Aquarius moon woman traits below are similar to that of an Aquarius sun. Aquarius moon women appreciate their own company and can also be a little bit secretive, so they are not the easiest people to get to know. With the moon in Aquarius, you are prone to think of the big picture and how the world ills can be assuaged. The good thing about her reasonable and rational perspective is that she will remain calm during times of great emotional duress when the most of us would roll on the ground crying her head off. It's just that the motivation for giving that care is a combination of logic and emotion. She sees the world, people, and situations in a unique way. She's always ready for a challenge, with an inquisitive mind that's attracted to new ideas. Its mind is always searching for a higher meaning and when it comes across an idea that resonates with it strongly, life suddenly takes on a new focus. Aquarius moon sign natives are typically open-minded, creative, independent individuals who strive to make the world a better place. Understanding the house in which your Sun is found will give . If your heart is set on a Sagittarian man, you're in for a challenge. Its difficult to explain the why or how, but they instinctively sense that they are different from everyone around them. Kumbh Rashi or Aquarius is the eleventh astrology sign of the zodiac. They also love chatting about concepts and ideas and need a fellow conversationalist to help keep the conversation going. It doesnt matter if theres a problem at work or something in her personal life; she will keep going and make it look like she really is fine, even when shes in pieces beneath the surface. Another trait women with an Aquarius Moon possess is their originality. The Moon is also a symbol of motherhood, nurturing and protection. Your email address will not be published. Aquarius Moon Planner 2023, Mercury Retrograde, Moon Phases, Void of Course, Moon Calendar, Moon Cycle, Woman Calendar, Gift for Her. Its not something she thinks twice about; its something she does on autopilot. Inventive, he loves brainstorming with others to generate late-breaking ideas. They dont follow standards and trends but rather possess a unique and special style and way of seeing the world. Aquarius moon women make great friends or companions because they make those they spend time with feel more interesting. She also wants someone who is willing to give her space and not feel the need to know everything about her life. She loves to be surrounded by stimulating excitement and variety, and considers her friends to be each others best source of fun. Although spontaneous by nature, these folks can also adjust well to changing plans if need be, as long as theyre mentally stimulated by the change in plans. Depending on her Sun sign, her independence may not be immediately apparent. We are governed by our disclaimer, terms and conditions and privacy policy listed at the bottom of this page. Lets take a closer look at what it means if your moon sign is Aquarius. Your Sun sign reflects your ego, determination, and aspirations, but your Moon sign signifies your innermost thoughts. You can find several moon signs that are compatible to Aquarius moon signs. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. If you were born with the moon in Aquarius, your emotional tide ebbs and flows. Aquarius is the sign of collective visions and dreams while the Moon is utterly individual, and this is why a strange mix of feelings will be present in this woman at all times. Nevertheless, you find your own way to be of support, even if not everyone recognizes it. The moon in Aquarius guides you to find love. Aquarius is often believed by many to be a water sign, given the word 'aqua' in it. This can make them some of the best business leaders of the zodiac because theyre visionaries who are also practical and down to earth. As an Aquarius moon sign, you are likely to have eyes that draw attention. 18) Aquarius moons are easy-going, fun-loving, expressive, and chill. Truly, for the Moon in Aquarius woman, everything is just fine. But shes not about to settle for less than she deserves or beg someone to stay when theyve decided they want to go. When it comes to love, Aquarius moon signs are generally very happy on their own, so you arent looking for someone to complete you. Because she places her head higher than her heart and values logic over emotion, shes better than most people at dealing with breakups and goodbyes. All rights reserved. Aquarius moon individuals are affectionate and understanding as partners, even though . Its not that you arent emotional, but objectivity, evidence, and information are how you make decisions and draw conclusions. But, according to astrologer and face reader Pandit Jagannath Guruji, a detailed study of the zodiac signs would reveal that it is actually an air sign. If someone hurts your feelings, you probably won't engage in a discussion of how they made you feel. She is not romantic in a corny way, actually she finds this repulsive. Rather than noticing their differences, she can focus on their similarities and what connects them and establish common ground. Your love for humanity is far greater than any attachment youll have for your immediate surroundings or your personal belongings. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Aquarius Moon Woman Personality Traits. It brings me wisdom when I need it most and guides me through the darkness. He sees beauty in what others might not see, and loves with a depth that cant be understood without seeing into his eyes. His research is focused on making connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology. The Aquarius Moon person gives his emotions freely. The Aquarius moon brings many other attributes to your sun sign that can add depth and dimension to your life. Shes that person whos able to stay strong for everyone around her, even when everyone else has lost hope or given up. Aquarius is a non-judgmental sign that appreciates the differences in others. Easily hurt, Cancer is very prone to feeling left out or unloved. You dont like to be reliant on anyone, so you like to be earning your money and have your own space, and to be able to do the things that are most important to you on your own. It is ruled by Uranus, the planet of innovation, technology and freedom. Theyre social butterflies, and they thrive among groups of people. An expression of the sensual nature, the Aquarius Moon woman lives life to the fullest. The Moon in Aquarius man is attracted to: independence This sign forges its own path. People often think she might have a problem or something on her mind, but when they ask what it is, she just laughs it off and says everything is fine. To recap, here are the major dates you'll want to keep an eye on this month, no matter your astrological sign: Thursday, March 2: Mercury enters Pisces. This makes her a born networker, and shes likely to spend time with numerous social groups. You will find them diplomatic, open-minded, imaginative and far from being conventional. They are mostly found to be involved in philanthropic events and social impact projects. They arent interested in superficial things such as looks, for Aquarius, intelligence, personality, and sense of humor are much more important. Aquarius' most compatible signs are fellow Air signs Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius. In return, she will be devoted and remain loyal to her lover, mostly due to her firm principles and virtues, although she might go sideways from time to time. Moon Cancer-Moon Gemini. Venus retrograde in Leo: July 22 - September 23, 2023. The Aquarius moon person is very friendly, communicative and caring. This is a marriage of logic and passion. Aquarius moon signs are caring, but because you are so emotionally grounded, you dont always know how best to help people when they are suffering emotionally. 2 of 4. It describes what is likely to motivate you, and why. Moon in Aquarius individuals are on the go all the time. Mercury retrograde in Capricorn and Sagittarius: December 13, 2023 - January 1, 2024. Forming deep relationships can be hard because you can sometimes seem a little aloof. People born under the moon in Aquarius tend to be highly creative and always have at least one significant creative outlet. Mercury retrograde in Virgo: August 23, 2023 - September 15, 2023. Hes an adventurous spirit who believes that every person has potential. People with this sun-moon combination do not really dwell on their emotions. Leo doesn't usually do to well with being in a relationship with another fellow fixed sign unless it's their opposite sign (Aquarius) Leo Sun Aries Moon is also my father's . Your moon sign is the sign that the moon is in when you are born. Emotions like jealousy just aren't part of this sign's emotional depths. Aquarius is known for their ingenuity, rebellious spirit and inventiveness. Most people arent as comfortable or happy alone as these women are. While Aquarius moons aren't going to expend a great deal of emotion, it doesn't mean they can't be nurturing and thoughtful. She sees the world, people, and situations in a unique way. Aquarius horoscope today will help you to let know about the some significant and common physical appearances of Aquarius born. Uranus is related to rebellion and innovation. Learn More. She is the Editor in Chief at The Horoscope. As an Aquarius, the Sun, Moon, Ascendant and Ruling Planets all have an influence on your qualities and traits. They love their own company and need alone time to maintain a sense of freedom and independence. She looks like she wouldnt care at all about the wellbeing of other people, at least emotionally so. The two air signs took her through several love relationships and marriages. Sometimes they may be seen as unconventional because they are weird or at least not like everybody else. Princess Diana was an Aquarius sun sign with an Aquarius moon. Her strong interpersonal skills and desire to explore new ideas make her one of the most interesting conversation partners. Mainly because they dont feel like they have anything to prove. Generally, the Moon in Aquarius woman is one of the few natives of the zodiac who enjoys spending time with herself, building her own future, striving to become better, and she does this with nothing but the power of her own will. They prefer having their private space untouched, and they are mostly restrained when it comes to social events. You are at your best in extreme situations that call for heroic action. Moon in Aquarius needs freedom in her personal life. She's nice and very caring. You are fortunate in that you arent very concerned with what other people think about you. It is also a fixed sign which tends to give Aquarians their focus and perseverance. Lastly, Aquarius Moon women are very social. An Aquarius moon is a humanitarian at heart, gifted with logic and altruism that allows them to understand that the world un hunting and the desire to develop solutions on how to fix it. They also happen to be quite charming. Bruce Willis is a Pisces sun sign with an Aquarius moon. The Futurist. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. Here is everything you need to know about an Aquarius woman before committing to someone with an Aquarius sun sign: Aquarius Woman Personality Traits. The union of these two air signs tends to be very creative; one partner brings the aesthetic sense (Aquarius) and the other, the sparkling ideas (Libra). 4 of 4. Women with their Moon in Aquarius are very objective. They simply shove those feelings of jealousy, anger and other undesirable feelings down deep and refuse to acknowledge them. The Aquarius Moon Woman is Eccentric & Interesting - Basically Wonderful We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. This can cut you off from some of the more human experiences. Rising/Ascendant: This rising sign can speak lucidly on a number of. She has a distinct sense of individuality; she is a loner by nature but also belongs to society. And remember to make yourself a priority and pour back into your cup. Thanks for reading this article! The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". The Leo-Aquarius compatibility is interesting as it could end in a disaster or a miracle. Few things are bigger turn offs for you than someone who needs to check their phone every five minutes. They have a unique understanding of how things work as well as how to get things done. Sometimes, this can lead to them being seen as cold or distant, but its nothing personal. You will simply cut them out of your life and move on without a second thought about them. All rights reserved. Being ruled by an air sign, they have an insatiable curiosity and a great sense of adventure. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Once she stands up and speaks out about a cause close to her heart, youre unlikely to find her backing down! The Aquarius moon woman personality is full of surprises. They have a naturally dark demeanor but can be surprisingly charming. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Rationalising and intellectualising what they are feeling is their defence mechanism. Aquarius Moon Sign Woman Aquarius moon women appreciate their own company and can also be a little bit secretive, so they are not the easiest people to get to know. It's often possible for intuitive people and astrologers to spot women (and men) with this placement fairly quickly because the energy of this lunar sign comes across as different.. And that's different in the sense that most people who posses it seem intense in their emotional natures because they . Shani holds a mirror to your soul, so you can. Even though she can get aggressive and stick to her own beliefs when its necessary, she prefers doing things the peaceful way. Often her emotions are hard to read because she can never seem bothered by anything. This can lead to some people thinking shes aloof or detached, but this is not the case. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Next time someone thanks you for something, let yourself receive the compliment. Everything that cannot be seen by the eye. Don't let the Water-bearer's aloof exterior fool you. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Marilyn Monroe was a Gemini sun sign with an Aquarius moon. Aquarius Moon sign people are natural humanitarians and are often involved in philanthropic causes of some kind. If your Moon sign is Aquarius, you spend a lot of time in your own head and on self-reflection. An Aquarius moon woman places high importance on her friendships. Aquarians are known to be dreamers, with their heads bursting with new ideas all the time. Aquarians are natural dreamers. Aquarius is a gregarious zodiac sign. An Aquarius moon is on a quest for understanding. You are happy in your own skin, and dont need the approval of anyone. The Mingler. They use their creativity and originality to create their own unique styles and personalities. Aquarius moons believe too much emotion gets in the way of daily living. Read on below for more information about these celebrities with Aquarius moon signs. Human nature fascinates Aquarius moons, in part because they aren't in touch with their own emotional selves. They are also good at reading people, so they can pick up on all the things that you dont say. Aquarius is an air sign closely tied to ideas, communication, and social interaction. Aquarius Woman: Overview & Personality Traits . March is a month for monumental change as six planets shift signs, one for the first time in three years, another for the first time in fifteen. For Capricorn, a day without work is like a day without sunshine. Friends and groups are more important to you than family, but thats not a bad thing. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Aquarius women are freedom-loving and ever-changing. She has uncanny insights into human nature, but she never reveals secrets. Your friends make up your family. She is deeply interested in what makes people tick, especially if they hold beliefs, values, and skill sets vastly different from hers. Generally, the Moon in Aquarius woman is one of the few natives of the zodiac who enjoys spending time with herself, building her own future, striving to become better, and she does this with nothing but the power of her own will. The moon rules the tides (water) and is a feminine energy, so it makes sense that your moon sign rules your emotions, shadows, and subconscious. Pisces is gentle, non-competitive, somewhat passive, and has a need to withdraw or "get away from it all" on a regular basis. She loves to share what she learns with her friends and is eager to explore new perspectives. It represents an individual's inner self, emotions, and their subconscious mind. You enjoy being in unusual situations, meeting people outside your social circle, or visiting new places and learning something new. Aquarius Moon Sign Meaning: Personality Traits, Love, Career and Health - THAT VERY NIGHT Moon phase of significant dates 100% Personalizable No products in the cart. You are a true humanitarian, caring for all the people you encounter as though they were old friends. The Moon in Aquarius woman stands tall as the most rationally inclined native, the most cerebral, and evidently the most reasonable one. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. You probably have a romantic idea of the Renaissance in your head where people had time to pursue multiple interests and become well-rounded. You know yourself well, and you know why certain things cause emotional responses in you. The thing is, she usually goes above and beyond what most people do. They are strong believers in the greater good, and want to change the world for the better. If your moon sign is Aquarius, you tend to be very self-sufficient. The Moon in Aquarius gives you a carefree, independent spirit. As long as it is in your head, things will reach another level. . You don't relate to others through your emotions. The 4 Types Of Aquarians You'll Meet In Your Life 1 of 4. The Contrarian. The Aquarius Moon sign is known for her many moods and being the moon sign of music, arts, and relationships. But when she's alone with her partner, her inner freak flag will fly. They believe in friendship, love and enthusiasm at first sight. They may be a leader in romantic situations and are likely impulsive, aggressive and bold.. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. In a nutshell, the Scorpio moon woman is sensitive, complex and remarkably intuitive. They love and need their independence and freedom to do and say whatever they want. She is an innovator who enjoys creating new trends in all aspects of her life and is known for her imaginative and inspirational imagination. This moon placement means you are never quite one of the guys or one of the girls. Aquarius moon women will do well in so many different fields of work because they have a wide set of traits and strengths. Theyve always done their own thing regardless of what everyone else is doing. Capricorn Men With Cancer Women - Are They a Match? Naturally shy, and acutely different, they regularly feel like . When your moon sign is Aquarius, you tend to live most of your life in your own head and with your own thoughts. Remember, this woman has a lot of friends, including guy friends. There is focus, concentration and intensity, but as fast as it comes, it goes. An Aquarius moon sign woman needs to feel free, whether in her work, home, or relationships. Their sense of security comes from having . These humanitarian spirits love being surrounded by all kinds of people, and once they learn how to connect with their emotions and let go of their stubbornness when it comes to their ideals, they will become the visionary and unconventional souls they are meant to be. When going through a tough time, these women isolate themselves and process their emotions in solitude, analysing and thinking about what has happened, but also trying to distract themselves. Im Jessica and Im a Gemini. They're built to watch, question and disrupt. The Aquarius Moon person is a dreamer. But you tend to be more interested in looking at the big picture and the philosophical questions of why. They keep their eyes and focus on the future and are very idealistic. In the bedroom, Aquarius women tend to like to keep things light and fun at first. Because you have probably already mastered your emotions to a degree, it is difficult to understand the less controlled emotions of others. This attribute inspires humanitarian desires and actions in you as a way to help others become independent like you. . Slow and steady is the way to go when dating a Capricorn man. This native will probably do well in domains that require one to be inquisitive, curious, rational and look upon the world from a materialistic viewpoint. The Moon in Aquarius woman is a bit eccentric and very individualistic. In astrology, the Moon symbolizes our emotional state, needs, and connection to our mothers. When your moon is in Aquarius, you are open to new experiences and enjoy engaging in social events as long as they are light-hearted and fun. But even if she lets you all the way in, shes not the kind of woman that enjoys public displays of affection. Learn more about our use of cookies:cookie policy, 15 Best Pisces Crystals And Stones For Intuition & Dreamwork, The Red Aura Color Meaning: Energy, Fire & Sex, 10 Life Lessons I Learned On My Eat Pray Love Year, Venus In Pisces Woman: The Romantic, Empath, Dreamer, 17 Most Beautiful & Unique Tarot Decks Every Witch Needs, Discover The Spiritual Meaning Of The January Full Wolf Moon, Period Sex, Blood Magic & Manifesting With Your Sacred Cycle, The Four Female Archetypes & How To Work With Them, Sacred Bleeding: White Moon & Red Moon Cycles Explained. They are usually very successful and often find themselves in leadership positions. I also dont cling to anything or anyone, but I cry good with goodbyes. Moon in Aquarius Signs Are Thoughtful and Nurturing, Fun-loving, mental acuity, energetic, eclectic, Energetic, appreciates individuality, supportive. But you are more interested in focusing on the big picture than the small details. A moon in Aquarius bestows a stubbornness and deep need for independence. They love meeting new people of all kinds, and they prioritise friendships over any other kind of bond. He may be incredibly shy with women and will have a hard time letting loose. Instead, you'll simply pull away. It is likely that you have an interest in activities such as meditation and yoga. If you want a man who will listen to you with his whole heart, an Aquarius is one of the best bets. The Contrarian. It is very intellectual in nature but can also get too caught up in the excitement of new ideas, making it unable to follow through with detail or practical application. You seem to collect friends and the more eclectic and odd they are, the more entertaining you find them. While others may be intimidated by those differences, they ignite a flame in her. Im an Aquarius moon and I am all that is mentioned above. She has a distinct sense of individuality; she is a loner by nature but also belongs to society. Her freedom is essential and she will never let it go, for any one. She doesnt subdue herself to her emotions, ever, and this means that you shouldnt expect her to be overly-romantic, affectionate, or cuddle with you, as her partner. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Never abusive, always the gentleman; he respects women. Cancer is very sensitive and moody, and needs a lot of tenderness, support and understanding at times. Slowing down their breaths and doing physical exercise will help them get out of their minds and into their bodies. Basically Wonderful | DMCA PROTECTED. 3 of 4. As a creative sign, this woman might have a unique fashion sense, taste in music, or passion for making art that makes a real statement. Aquarius moon men find happiness in simplicity. He understands women like no other, and treats them well! Theyre loyal, honest, and extremely intelligent. This is the personality of both a scientist and an artist. (Go to "Add comment" and click on "All") Moon Signs are similar because they operate earlier in our lives, and describe our early childhood and parental upbringing. Not one for following the crowd, she ignores tradition and social norms in favor of authentic self-expression. It is a basically the combined effect of planets, rashi and nakshatra on us. An Aquarius is a fixed air sign. Expect life to speed up quite a . When it comes to their homes it is very probable that they live in a modern building with a lot of technology incorporated and very eclectic decorations. i know a woman with this combo she until few months ago was dating a Cancer sun! Home Relationships. The Aquarius Moon man is comfortable being with women, hugging them, holding their hands - never afraid to show affection. They tend to rationalize their feelings and assess them in a detached logical Her values personifies humanity and carries great concern for the welfare of others. This doesnt mean that she is antisocial or introverted. If you are born in Aquarius sign, we are hoping that you may find some common traits or expressions within you. And she appears cold, robotic, functioning only on objective facts, manifesting a certain disinterest in socializing with people. They have a need to pass their emotions through the filter of the mind, which helps them be very clear about what they are feeling, but very disconnected from actually feeling it. If they cant be the one to help, they will ensure that somebody else is there to give aid. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. I have read and agree to the terms & conditions. If your friend's hurtful action was in criticism of you or something you did, you aren't going to forgive them. You are a deep thinker, and you like to contemplate difficult questions, but you also have a rich fantasy life. The Moon in Aquarius is like a cosmic friend who sees beyond the skin. If left unchecked, this can lead them to withdraw from authentic emotional connection and experiences out of fear of rejection. December 13, 2023 - September 23, 2023 - January 1, 2024 from everyone around her, though! Emotionally involved bedroom, Aquarius women tend to be generous and caring may. Spirit and inventiveness if someone hurts your feelings, you spend a lot of,! And a great sense of individuality ; she is the sign that can not be seen the. Feel like without getting too emotionally involved brainstorming with others to generate late-breaking ideas woman is sensitive, complex remarkably. 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