window.globalState = {"tracking_title":"Major League Baseball","lang":"en"} Odds are, something different than you are currently. .mHQYb .header__nav-side__nav-item{border-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.15);background-color:#041E42;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__nav-side__nav-item[aria-expanded='true'] .header__nav-side__nav-item__subnav-arrow{opacity:0;}/*!sc*/ .XOHMa{bottom:0;left:0;position:absolute;right:0;top:0;}/*!sc*/ .jiNMQU{background:#f3f3f3;padding-top:56.25%;position:relative;width:100%;}/*!sc*/ Selmon and his wife Rachel have two daughters, Shayne and Rylee. .cwEpxl:hover{background-color:transparent;}/*!sc*/ template{display:none;}/*!sc*/ When youre broadcasting, you never expect to be anywhere more than three years, let alone 40, Castiglione said during a pregame interview with NESN on Thursday. .mHQYb .header__nav-top__nav-items{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-box-pack:center;-webkit-justify-content:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;width:100%;padding:0px;}/*!sc*/ Castiglione was there for the heartbreaking endings at Shea Stadium in Games 6 and 7 of the 1986 World Series. Joe and his wife reside on the South Shore. .mHQYb .p-search__list--multiple-type .p-search-item--team:first-of-type:before,.mHQYb .p-search__list--multiple-type .p-search-item--team + .p-search-item--player:before{color:#737373;font-size:12px;position:absolute;left:10px;top:10px;padding-top:12px;}/*!sc*/ pre{font-family:monospace,monospace;font-size:1em;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .p-search-item__image{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;margin-right:0.5rem;-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;width:55px;}/*!sc*/ button,input,optgroup,select,textarea{font-family:inherit;font-size:100%;line-height:1.15;margin:0;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__nav-side__subnav--transparent{background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.7);width:calc(100vw - 145px);}/*!sc*/ It's a great day for him, but it's a great day for us, too.. .mHQYb .header__nav-top__nav-container{-webkit-order:99;-ms-flex-order:99;order:99;display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-flex:99 1 100%;-ms-flex:99 1 100%;flex:99 1 100%;width:100%;}/*!sc*/ Furthermore, he also called games for the f Milwaukee Brewers in 1981 on SelectTV. .hUHmCp > article > header,.hUHmCp > article > section{grid-column:1 / span 12;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__nav-side__nav-items{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-flex-direction:column;-ms-flex-direction:column;flex-direction:column;padding-top:2px;}/*!sc*/ I know everybody here is very proud of him. Joes mother used to play the organ in various churches in New Haven. It was a celebration inside the Everest Indoor Training Center as University of Oklahoma president Joseph Harroz Jr. and OU athletics director Joe Castiglione officially introduced Brent Venables as Oklahomas He was at Yankee Stadium for Game 7 of the ALCS in 2003.\n\nBut that only made the World Series championships of 2004, 07, 13 and 18 more special for Castiglione, who has essentially been the voice of the renaissance of the Red Sox. More Sports. The 05ers looked to Wakefield: Sox-best in wins, ERA, innings, complete games, and .mHQYb .header__nav-top{height:56px;}/*!sc*/ button,select{text-transform:none;}/*!sc*/ He later enrolled at Syracuse University where he attained his Masters in Arts. .mHQYb .header__nav-top .header__nav-top__button-menu--icon span{display:block;position:absolute;height:2px;width:24px;background:#ffffff;opacity:1;-webkit-transform:rotate(0deg);-ms-transform:rotate(0deg);transform:rotate(0deg);-webkit-transition:all 250ms ease-in-out;transition:all 250ms ease-in-out;border-radius:3px;}/*!sc*/ @media (max-width:1023px){.mHQYb .header__nav-side__nav-items{font-size:14px;}}/*!sc*/ .ggWmAj{background:#ffffff;box-shadow:0 2px 4px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2);max-height:64px;overflow:hidden;padding:8px 16px;position:fixed;top:0;width:100%;z-index:2;}/*!sc*/ And to do it for 40 years, it's a testament to who he is. WebWife: Kiki Castiglione Children: Daughter (Charlee Castiglione) Duke Castiglione Net Worth and Salary Net Worth: $1 Million $5 Million (approx.{position:fixed;top:0px;z-index:99992;}/*!sc*/ He is a man of average stature. Castiglione could soon overtake Hocutt as the most handsomely compensated leader in the Big 12. Joes salary is $156,900 annually. Furthermore, his wife is a retired elementary school teacher. .mHQYb .header__subnav__item:focus{outline:1px dotted #041E42;}/*!sc*/ ","type":"markdown"},{"__typename":"Video","contentDate":"2016-09-11T17:07:00Z","description":"Listen in as Red Sox radio announcer Joe Castiglione calls David Ortiz's 535th career homer to pass Jimmie Foxx for 18th on all-time list","displayAsVideoGif":false,"duration":"00:00:29","mp4AvcPlayback":null,"slug":"radio-call-papi-s-milestone-hr-c1159030983","tags":[{"__typename":"Tag","slug":"hbmig-mlbtax-vtp-music","title":"HBmig Radio Call of the Night"},{"__typename":"Tag","slug":"gamepk-448992","title":"2016/09/11 bos@tor"},{"__typename":"Tag","slug":"hbmig-subject-mlbcom-feature","title":"HBmig MLBCOM_FEATURE"},{"__typename":"Tag","slug":"teamid-111","title":"Boston Red Sox"},{"__typename":"Tag","slug":"hbmig-team-id-111","title":"HBmig Boston Red Sox"},{"__typename":"Tag","slug":"hbmig-subject-mlbcom-no-transcode","title":"HBmig MLBCOM_NO_TRANSCODE"},{"__typename":"Tag","slug":"hbmig-home-team-id-141","title":"HBmig home_team_id: 141"},{"__typename":"Tag","slug":"hbmig-combined-media-state-media-archive","title":"HBmig MEDIA_ARCHIVE"},{"__typename":"Tag","slug":"hbmig-away-team-id-111","title":"HBmig away_team_id: 111"},{"__typename":"Tag","slug":"playerid-120074","title":"David Ortiz"}],"templateUrl":"{formatInstructions}/mlb/z5zsqbdmiai0siutbwik","title":"Radio Call: Papi's milestone HR","type":"video","url":"/video/radio-call-papi-s-milestone-hr-c1159030983"},{"__typename":"Markdown","content":"To put it into perspective, the Red Sox have had 13 managers during Castigliones time in the booth.\n\nAmazing, right? .mHQYb .header__nav-top__button.account{-webkit-box-pack:end;-webkit-justify-content:flex-end;-ms-flex-pack:end;justify-content:flex-end;padding:0 0 0 4px;white-space:nowrap;-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;}/*!sc*/ a{background-color:transparent;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .p-search__form svg{width:16px !important;height:16px !important;}/*!sc*/ Joe has a height of 5 ft 7 in ( approx. Additionally, he has also authored two books. .fYCiRB{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;-webkit-box-pack:center;-webkit-justify-content:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;height:40px;width:40px;}/*!sc*/ He is currently working as a radio announcer for the Boston Red Sox baseball team since 1983. @font-face{font-family:'proxima-nova';src:url('') format('woff2'),url('') format('woff');font-weight:500;font-style:normal;font-display:fallback;}/*!sc*/ 1.7m ). .mHQYb .header__nav-side__nav-items{background-color:#041E42;}/*!sc*/ Castiglione has spent 43 years broadcasting major league games, the last 40 as the lead radio voice of the Red Sox. They met Moser and his wife, Megan, at a hotel conference room about 90 minutes north of their Chicagoland home. WebHe has been married for at least four decades to his pretty wife Janice. This is Castigliones 40th season broadcasting Red Sox games for his attentive audience throughout New England and beyond. Therefore, there is no doubt whatsoever that Joe has been able to cumulate a decent fortune over the years. Then there is Joe Castiglione, the indefatigable broadcaster who is still calling Red Sox games on the radio -- just as he was as a Boston rookie in Carl Yastrzemskis h1.Styles__HeadlineContainer-sc-19rm04l-0{font-size:2.074rem;margin-bottom:8px;}/*!sc*/ .ezZJVn:hover{cursor:pointer;}/*!sc*/ article > header{padding:0 16px;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__nav-top__logo img{width:auto;min-height:31px;max-height:31px;height:100%;}/*!sc*/ .epHHrr{text-align:center;max-width:100%;margin:0 auto;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__nav-side__nav-item--parent[aria-expanded='true'] .header__nav-side__nav-item--inner::after{display:inline-block;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__nav-top__button.account--logged-in::after{background:none;bottom:-17px;content:'';height:22px;left:auto;right:7px;opacity:0;position:absolute;-webkit-transform:rotate(45deg);-ms-transform:rotate(45deg);transform:rotate(45deg);-webkit-transition:opacity 100ms ease 100ms;transition:opacity 100ms ease 100ms;width:22px;}/*!sc*/ To put it into perspective, the Red Sox have had 13 managers during Castigliones time in the booth. .mHQYb .header__nav-top__logo--mlb img{margin:auto;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__subnav--teams__team--name{display:none;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__nav-side__nav-item[aria-expanded='true']{-webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch;}/*!sc*/ data-styled.g21[id="imagestyle__Img-sc-xw1tzz-1"]{content:"ebrWqN,"}/*!sc*/ WebDuke Castiglione Wife Duke is a family man and has a wife. .mHQYb .header__nav-top__button .header__nav-top__nav-item__text{display:none;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .p-search-item__image-thumbnail{margin-top:auto;height:45px;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__nav-side__main-nav{background-color:#081c3b;width:145px;-ms-overflow-style:none;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .header__nav-side__nav-item--inner{width:100%;display:-webkit-inline-box;display:-webkit-inline-flex;display:-ms-inline-flexbox;display:inline-flex;-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;-webkit-align-content:center;-ms-flex-line-pack:center;align-content:center;position:relative;}/*!sc*/ Castiglione, 75, expects to do approximately 61 home games and 20 on the road. button::-moz-focus-inner,[type="button"]::-moz-focus-inner,[type="reset"]::-moz-focus-inner,[type="submit"]::-moz-focus-inner{border-style:none;padding:0;}/*!sc*/ .dLQAwR:not(:last-child){border-right:1px dashed #ccc;}/*!sc*/ legend{box-sizing:border-box;color:inherit;display:table;max-width:100%;padding:0;white-space:normal;}/*!sc*/ One night 2007-partner Dave OBrien addressed how Castig was no techie: retexting past messages, an accidental 3 A.M. phone call, a song about Joe somehow appearing on his iPod next to Marvin Gayes. He liked high-definition TV assuming he could turn it on. I could really use a permanent Geek Squad, Joe confessed. .mHQYb .header__nav-top__button:hover{cursor:pointer;}/*!sc*/ He is not dating anyone. @media (min-width:768px){.epHHrr{max-width:500px;}}/*!sc*/ button,input{overflow:visible;}/*!sc*/ Of course, when youre an announcer, you dont just call the highlights. He has been calling baseball games for at least four decades. Only special college football players receive statues, and it sounds like Kyler Murray will soon join the club. He is 75 years old. window.adobeAnalytics = {"reportingSuiteId":"mlbglobal08,mlbcom08","linkInternalFilters":"mlb"} All those gems by Pedro Martinez were accompanied by Castigliones call of the action. .mHQYb .header__nav-side .header__subnav__item,.mHQYb .header__nav-side .header__subnav__group-title{padding:14px 10px;}/*!sc*/ .drUhS{pointer-events:none;width:100%;height:100%;display:inline-block;overflow:visible;fill:#000000;stroke:#000000;}/*!sc*/ .mHQYb .p-search{display:block;position:relative;color:#333333;width:inherit;}/*!sc*/ .dLQAwR .contributor__text--twitter{font-size:0.8rem;font-weight:600;}/*!sc*/ Will is blissfully hitched to his prepossessing longtime fiancee Jennifer. .blUWSx .share-list{position:absolute;list-style:none;margin:0;margin-left:2px;padding:0;margin-top:3px;margin-right:10px;}/*!sc*/ Joe and his wife are also proud grandparents of six grandchildren. @font-face{font-family:'proxima-nova';src:url('') format('woff2'),url('') format('woff');font-weight:400;font-style:normal;font-display:fallback;}/*!sc*/ Therefore, there is no doubt whatsoever that Joe has been able to cumulate decent. 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