Performance Maneuvers (The examiner must select at least Tasks A or B and C or D) We talked about forces in a turns, stalls, and load factor affecting manuevering speed. I wasnt too worried, but Brian did ask if I was comfortable with the winds. Tom is a very relaxed individual and I very much enjoyed the experience. I demonstrated and taught a normal landing and a short-field landing. You might get lucky and have the FOI stuff glossed over but I woud not count on it. Its about making sure you are prepared to be a CFI, and that means to teach. It also means that the flight instructor Winds were blustery at 13 knots gusting to 22 knots from the Northeast; not ideal but unlike the previous checkride date, the winds did not exceed the demonstrated crosswind component. Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association Find it free on the store. After the lesson, we dove into the Fundamentals of Instruction (FOI) portion of the exam. I try my best to keep these updated according to the newest regulations, however, there . Reply. Lastly, don't forget about any supplementary materials you would use to teach student pilots. 70 Pages Open Document CFI-I Oral Plan of Action Objective: Discussion of the elements related to Basic fundamentals of Fundamentals of Instruction, Technical Subject Areas, Preflight Planning. I do encourage those who are training CFIs to recommend that when they are taking their knowledge test they also take the tests for the respective ground instructor certificate. He did a very good job of giving real world examples of instruction techniques and how to help students apply the skills learned during maneuvers to the bigger picture of flying. Subsequent verification by the appropriate CFI or Stage Check Pilot is required. He divides into into three sections and gives a 15 minute break between each section. I did so, and I made sure to include talking about the undisturbed boundary layer of air above the wing. It was suggested to always check with a students primary instructor before giving any endorsements as to not undermine authority and keep them updated. Technical Subject Areas (The examiner must select Tasks B, M, and at least one other Task) These PowerPoints are what I used to pass my CFI oral in 2015. Airport and Seaplane Base Operations (The examiner must select at least one Task) Task A: Radio Communications and ATC Light Signals (ASEL and ASES) Task B: Traffic Patterns (ASEL and ASES) Task C: Airport/Seaplane Base, Runway and Taxiway Signs, Markings, and Lighting (ASEL and ASES) VII. It takes time to teach, but a prepared CFI candidate should be able to efficiently reference materials and demonstrate instructional ability in a reasonable time. Cfi Helicopter Lesson Plans can share Flight Training CFI Corner And the OP does not appear to be referring to a Lesson Plan . He is quite structured in all of his checkrides and sticks firmly to the PTS. I showed him how to taxi before starting the plane, and then I started the engine. 3 0 obj Another big topic covered on the checkride was logbook endorsements as it is a required task in the CFI PTS. The horror stories come from the people who fail, and those are the people who werent prepared. Designated Pilot Examiner Private, Instrument, and Commercial Airplane Single & Multi Engine Land Ratings Please call or text for availability. During the glide to the field, we discussed why a pilot might land gear up or gear down depending on the surface and condition of the landing area selected. Task B: Power-On Stalls (Proficiency) (ASEL and ASES) NOTE: Entering a power off stall from slow flight is not correct. Instructor responsibility and professionalism was another topic we covered in depth on the FOI portion of the checkride. Here are a few example questions you should prepare to answer. I then taught him turns around a point and 8s-on-pylons. He had me show him the required inspections in the logbooks which I had tabbed on a previous day to make finding them easier. No comments. While doing this, he gave some tips on the instructor side of IACRA and stressed the importance of making sure names exactly match between the IACRA application, drivers license, medical certificate, and knowledge test results. Flight planning is something you may, or may not, teach on your checkride. By the end of the training you will be ready to hit the bed to get a good . Study a lot and fly until you are comfortable with the maneuvers. The flight portion of the checkride took 1.3 hours to complete. Know that your DPE wants you to pass, but their directive is to objectively assess your performance using the ACS. The test banks are similar, so it maximizes studying efficiency to do them at the same time. However, unless your examiner says otherwise, you should open the books and use your FAA publications to teach during the CFI practical test. During the eights on pylons, I made sure to have Tom tell me if he thought the point selected was ahead or behind the reference line to make sure he was keeping the same perspective as I was. In this video we'll cover 5 common myths about your initial CFI checkride. I. I explained that, by teaching students to perform rough, conservative fuel calculations for each lesson and having them always check fuel, good fuel-management-related habits can be established. Essay Sample. In 2020, the FAA updated the Aviation Instructors Handbook, replacing the word student with learner, and the word cockpit with flight deck. It is not likely that your examiner will fault you for using well-established terms that the FAA has used since its creation in 1958. He thought this was a great answer. You must log in or register to reply here. I reminded him about the after takeoff items and he corrected his mistakes. Click your responce below : It matters less about how well the applicant flys and more about how well the applicant communicates and transmits knowledge, both in the air and on the ground. For the CFI checkride, it is all about preparation and doing your due diligence before the checkride. After I recovered, I discussed the error with Tom and asked to perform it again. 2 0 obj The rule reverses an earlier decision and has the potential to save flight instructors time and money meeting currency requirements. Can you cite a reference that says differently? Unless these experiences are specific to your FAA inspector or Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE), any CFI gouge should be considered with the idiomatic grain of salt. And the OP does not appear to be referring to a Lesson Plan. Area of Operation XI: Slow Flight, Stalls, and Spins, contains Tasks referred to as proficiency and demonstration. The intent of Tasks B and C for single engine (proficiency) is to ensure that the flight instructor applicant is tested on proficiency for the purpose of teaching students these Tasks that are required for pilot certification. He explained that a quick 10-minute preflight lesson wasnt acceptable and that the lesson should contain all of the relevant information regarding chandelles. I said I was fine. Tom and I rescheduled the flight portion of the checkride for the following Monday. Everything you need to study for the FOIs (including the answers to the questions above) is in the Aviation Instructors Handbook. Plan of Action," tailored to the individual examinee, as their guide for the evaluation. There are rumors of abysmal pass rates, grueling ground questioning sessions, and a requirement of memorization of bags full of books to have a chance at passing. Ground Reference Maneuvers (The examiner must select Task D and one other Task) Task A: Radio Communications and ATC Light Signals (ASEL and ASES), Task C: Airport/Seaplane Base, Runway and Taxiway Signs, Markings, and Lighting (ASEL and ASES), VII. Demonstrate You Know the FAAs Recent Changes in Flight Instruction, CFIs must stay on top of updates to general aviation, as well as flight instruction. As with any exam question, you should use real-life examples to demonstrate your proficiency and understanding. As any other checkride Ive taken in the past, the first task was to complete IACRA and review all of the documents required for the checkride. Jason Blair is a National Association of Flight Instructors master flight instructor and a designated pilot examiner. Typical areas of unsatisfactory performance and grounds for disqualification are: Any action or lack of action by the applicant that requires corrective intervention by the examiner to maintain safe flight, Failure to use proper and effective visual scanning techniques to clear the area before and while performing maneuvers, Consistently exceeding tolerances stated in the Objectives, Failure to take prompt corrective action when tolerances are exceeded, When a notice of disapproval is issued, the examiner shall record the applicant's unsatisfactory performance in terms of the Area of Operation and specific Task(s) not meeting the standard appropriate to the practical test conducted, The Area(s) of Operation/Task(s) not tested and the number of practical test failures shall also be recorded, If the applicant fails the practical test because of a special emphasis area, the Notice of Disapproval shall indicate the associated Task (i. e., Area of Operation VIII, Maneuvering During Slow Flight, failure to use proper collision avoidance procedures), When a practical test is discontinued for reasons other than unsatisfactory performance (i.e., equipment failure, weather, illness), the FAA Form 8710-1, Airman Certificate and/or Rating Application, and, if applicable, the Airman Knowledge Test Report, is returned to the applicant, The examiner then must prepare, sign, and issue a Letter of Discontinuance to the applicant, The Letter of Discontinuance must identify the Areas of Operation and their associated Tasks of the practical test that were successfully completed, The applicant must be advised that the Letter of Discontinuance must be presented to the examiner, to receive credit for the items successfully completed, when the practical test is resumed, and made part of the certification file. He answered incorrectly so we covered how speed affects left-turning tendencies again to which he then understood. Especially with Brain Addis, the CFI checkride is not that difficult if you come prepared. Open Document. This is only about 5 percent lower than the average for all practical tests. By giving your CFI applicants a proper understanding and a little planning, you can help take some of the jitters out. No comment on the stalls. Hopefully it helpful to someone. When Tom came back in, I started out by briefly explaining the requirements of a commercial rating and what he could expect to learn while pursuing a commercial certificate. Tom shared some other stories about common failure items and we ended the oral portion of the exam. The winds had luckily died down from 090 @ 18 knots and shifted to 040 @ 13 and greatly aided in my ability to put it down on the numbers. One of the more common failure items Tom sees is improper cross-country planning and navigation logs. CFI-I Oral Plan of Action. (ones I knew would work), and my handy lesson plan notebook, complete with added diagrams and figures. January 23, 2015 By Jim Moore. Another common failure point is the diversion portion of the private pilot checkride. After correcting him and shadowing his corrections, he lifted off at the correct speed and neglected to put the gear up. Navigate. INSTRUMENT FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR Plan of Action PAGE 1 Remember: you are to explain these things as a flight instructor! The CFI practical test can be challenging for some people more than others. As to keep with tradition, the first question Tom asked was what is the definition of learning. Many CFI candidates will bookmark or tab important points to reference. | Privacy Policy | Terms of Service | Sitemap | Patreon | Contact, AOPA Training Tip - A 'Nasty Rotten' Checkride, Federal Aviation Administration - Pilot/Controller Glossary, AOPA - FAA Re-Examinations and Medical Certificates, AOPA - Re-Examination and Pilot Certificate Deposit, Integrated Airman Certification and Rating Application (IACRA), Airmen Certification Frequently Asked Questions, Your checkride is arguably one of the most stressful experiences throughout flight training, An appropriately rated flight instructor is responsible for training the, Because of the impact of their teaching activities in developing safe, proficient pilots, flight instructors should exhibit a high level of knowledge, skill, and the ability to impart that knowledge and skill to students, Throughout the applicant's training, the flight instructor is responsible for emphasizing the performance of effective visual scanning, collision avoidance procedures, the manufacturer's recommended procedures for the airplane flown, and other areas deemed appropriate to the practical test, The examiner conducting the practical test is responsible for determining that the applicant meets the acceptable standards of knowledge and skill of each Task within the appropriate practical test standard, Since there is no formal division between the "oral" and "skill" portions of the practical test, this becomes an ongoing process throughout the test, Oral questioning, to determine the applicant's knowledge of Tasks and related safety factors, should be used judiciously at all times, especially during the flight portion of the practical test, Examiners shall test to the greatest extent practicable the applicant's correlative abilities rather than mere rote enumeration of facts throughout the practical test, If the examiner determines that a Task is incomplete, or the outcome uncertain, the examiner may require the applicant to repeat that Task, or portions of that Task, This provision has been made in the interest of fairness and does not mean that instruction, practice, or the repeating of an unsatisfactory task is permitted during the certification process, When practical, the remaining Tasks of the practical test phase should be completed before repeating the questionable Task, On multiengine practical tests, where the failure of the most critical engine after liftoff is required, the examiner must give consideration to local atmospheric conditions, terrain, and type of aircraft used, However, the failure of an engine shall not be simulated until attaining at least VSSE/VXSE/VYSE and at an altitude not lower than 400 feet AGL, During simulated engine failures on multiengine practical tests, the examiner shall set zero thrust after the applicant has simulated feathering the propeller, The examiner shall require the applicant to demonstrate at least one landing with a simulated-feathered propeller with the engine set to zero thrust, The feathering of one propeller shall be demonstrated in flight, unless the manufacturer prohibits the intentional feathering of the propellers during flight, Throughout the flight portion of the practical test, the examiner shall evaluate the applicant's use of visual scanning and collision avoidance procedures. [YOO+#l kU0x8&mBd`GwE. Does anyone have a CFI checkride plan of action that they can share? Our industry leaders have created questions centered around the ac 61.65h to test your knowledge as a flight instructor applicant. Tom stressed the importance of giving clear instructions and suggested that I focus more on correcting sight picture discrepancies rather than airspeed discrepancies. Practical Guide to the CFI Checkride (Practical Exam Guide Series) . Tom asked what professionalism meant and I explained that it can mean a lot of different things depending on the environment and circumstances. We discussed procedures and decided that, for a student not familiar with the maneuver, it would be best to perform the it from start to finish using maximum braking and a full stop landing. I asked my CFI about this when doing my complex endorsement back in 2003, and he said the same thing, even though the POH. Perfection is not the standard. Initial checkride for FAR 141 Subpart J, or FAR 61 Subpart H applicants: $800. that's fine if youre yeager, but you are a candidate for a checkride. CFI Checkride - One Woman Pilot's Experience. Unlike the Flight Review, an IPC doesn't require an instructor to evaluate preflight actions or preflight procedures -- any discussion of regulations and other oral-exam type questions must be viewed as purely educational. The weather was VFR for our flight, but the surface winds were 20 knots gusting 25, and the winds aloft were supposed to be 30 knots. Perform the best course of action under the circumstances while evaluating and monitoring the results (see "Keep Your Cool," p. 30). Hit the ELT and communicate on 121.5. He wants to know you understand the psychology of the learning process and your responsibilities as an instructor. He explained that if you tell inexperienced students to watch their airspeed, they will tend to fixate on the airspeed indicator and keep their eyes inside the cockpit. I lost a bit more than 100 feet, and he kept reminding me. I did a normal takeoff and headed out to the practice area. Yes, CFI SEL add-on. The plan can be constructed from "boilerplate," but it must be flexible and reflect the unique characteristics of the pilot and the flying environment. That means both the ground and flight portions. He has done this for pretty much every CFI checkride. 4. Students should strive to remain within standards and when a deviation occurs, promptly Plan of Action: Instrument Proficiency Check. I then taught chandelles and lazy-8s. He took a brief look at my weight and balance calculations and we talked about the short-field takeoff procedure published in the Piper Arrow POH. If you train new flight instructors, making sure that your customers know what to expect on their initial CFI checkride can help them be more successful and prevent them from wasting time on things that wont help them pass the test. Again, references are key to success. I also taught him turns under the hood. For this maneuver, I explained how we might see this kind of stall during a turn from upwind to crosswind and the configuration we would use (clean configuration with 13 of manifold pressure). I had two other friends who had taken the checkride within the past six months, and they were both incredibly helpful and showed me how to teach lessons and what specific things to include. Starting the plane, and I explained that it can mean a lot and until! Picture discrepancies rather than airspeed discrepancies that your examiner will fault you for using well-established terms that the FAA used... Into the Fundamentals of Instruction ( FOI ) portion of the Private checkride. 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