3. Help her let go of her regrets Lord. WebLord, I pray that You would use all that I am, my own abilities and my talents as well as the spiritual gift or gifts that You, in Your grace, have seen fit to bestow on me, but I also I didnt want to be around her. Yes, sometimes a prophet can share a word and it happens years later we can say the Word has come to pass. Thenstep out of the boat and have a go. First, you need to have evidence that you have the gift of prophecy, as already discussed in. Unsubscribe at any time. The same thing happens in the spirit. Reignite the fire in your heart to truly communicate with God and find the passion to learn more about Him in prayer. Then she asked me what did she get me for my birthday, i saw a vision of an unpainted ceramic cat. And, if you are the one using your prophetic gifting, know that this is a process and dont get discouraged. My observation today is that sometimes I sense God speak to me from a different perspective. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.. I keep getting pulled back to your website when I start to feel crazy. I used to have dreams coming to pass, but they have disappeared. Just as we are all commanded to pray without ceasing but we are not all intercessors. Give me the grace to forsake my sins as I seek You today, in the name of Jesus Christ. I need strength wisdom and diacernment. I need discernment from you Lord to know when to walk away. Take his pain away Lord. LORD, sharpen my spiritual senses this day. Thankfully, had decided to put some great worship music on (God bless Dennis Jernigan) and it helped me get over the hurdle of putting that pen back on the paper. Unless you have the anointing for dream interpretation, then you wont need to do all of this and God will give you the interpretation. WebPRAYER TO ACTIVATE VISIONS, PROPHETIC DREAMS, SPIRITUAL GIFTS & DISCERNMENT | APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN: https://youtu.be/G20Nw6yuQ4w This is document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The more you do it the better you will become. Father, let every unbroken area in my life be broken, in the name of Jesus. The best way to begin activating your prophetic gift is to start in a very simple way. DAY 3: Please Lord forgive my aunt Charlotte Lord. I only told someone once that their daughter was going to be okay and she looked at me really wierd and I doubted whether I should say something or not. The power is for service; its for doing the works of Jesus. AV!.d8rOy=e %q{2'a'T{^ %7 7yb&,",VV}G^oWN(N5D8!s}(V#:ac!!#h75T+N F'V6F>*Cou8Jw[-3bQI'h#-NRe(KLde8ZK._ Az l *#sLB7J3[/%It"m`BW#c]ez:mGo1BFF,dW}_o3Y"{NBbg>%e5UG[;je#^S'DLkXpR8U=9wR sBQpok*a$DM :^ If you think that your answer to this question is just, Okay, then you need to check yourself. As you grow in your gifting and your calling your angels change. %%EOF Use the same criteria for your prayer journaling that you use when weighing up any prophetic word. One night the Spirit moved me to pray about the sins of the earth. I have a passion to share what God has done in my life! Your last post about the goat and Ps 18 was also huge for me and more confirmation that the mental health issues in my family are spiritual. Decided to tackle the Tough Questions with God today about my present circumstancesyou know, the kind of questions youre afraid to hear the answers for. Because of these weaknesses, I advocate the use of other journaling methods in conjunction with this one. Still not sure if I have it despite sharing a vision, I didnt understand, with God pushing me led to an unexpected prophesied on the spot. [1] For more information about Mark Virkler and his book, 4 Keys to Hearing Gods Voice, visit his site here, Take Time to Sharpen Your Prophetic Gift, Helen Calder 2011Enliven Blog Prophetic Teaching, Enliven Ministries: Prophetic Ministry for a Revival Generation, DAY 1 Every Jezebel, familiar spirit and demonic power is making its way right to your front door. Give me the opportunity to proclaim the good news of the gospel of grace, and a willingness to take up any baton that You choose to place in my path.Lord, I pray that may I be the best that I can be, and ask You to endow me with whatever spiritual gifts You see fit. Guidelines in church life are not there to be controlling, but rather are a means of bringing freedom and safety in the operation of spiritual gifts. This is the 5th and final part to our prophetic series. <<4d5358fb7e88aa4098e0824194db9f2a>]>> Let your fire burn in me, and let me walk in the spirit of discernment again. I hear the Spirit of the Lord whispering to His people, Stop worrying about the things you can 2023 Copyright Prophetic Prayer List. Thank You for the restoration of every spiritual virtue upon me. So, your prayer to get started is simple Lord Jesus, show me how to use the gift of prophecy to give a clear witness to you and what platform you need me to use to bring glory to you. I have felt its weight and I have knowledge of Gods love for me and truth, so I didnt understand what was happening. Lord, any gift of the Spirit that I once had, any dimension of the Spirit that once worked in me, but for some reason known and unknown to me has stopped working, let there be restoration, in the name of Jesus Christ. I went through lots of depression in junior high and highschool and even tried to committ suicide one day, but God literally sent me an angel that touched me and calmed my soul. Try to eliminate interruptions and distractions as much as you can. This shows us that when we dont use the gift that God gave us, we may be impeding our own destiny. Many other things happened that i could predict that would happen. Father, forgive me of every conscious and unconscious sin in Jesus name. You stretch out the heavens like a curtain, and spread them out like a tent. I was always the outcast and i prayed tearfully every night for God to give me a good friend at school. When the Gift of prophecy flows, there is often a change in the spiritual atmosphere, and a release of other Gifts of the Spirit The Gift of prophecy can also be used in spiritual warfare(Ezek 21:14) 12.3 General Guidelines All believers are encouraged to prophesy (1Cor 14:1) All believers are encouraged to desire the Gift(1Cor 14:39) 3. 12 hour day out today on a church staff day my journaling was opened with reflective thanksgiving. Enliven Blog - Prophetic Teaching by Helen Calder, Signs that you have an emerging prophetic gift, Sharpen Your Prophetic Gift Through Journaling, Activate Your Prophetic Gift Through Prayer Journaling, http://enlivenpublishing.com/blog/e-books/, The desires Father has placed in your heart (Ps 37:4), Someone your church oversight is comfortable with. Give yourself the freedom to write without editing. Seventh, and final, this is the most important and will save you sooooo much grief. If you would like to activate your prophetic gift, the first action you can take is to share about your interest in prophecy or call to prophetic ministry with your pastor/minister or a leader in the church who is responsible for this area. It is important to make your desire to grow in the gift known, in order that you can follow the next steps: Your guardian angel may be with you for a lifetime but the angels that come to assist with your ministry and calling change. Get your own word before you start listening to other prophets. I know Ive gone all over the place in this comment. Remember the story of Noah? Ive been confused and overwhelmed. Ephesians 4:8 Therefore he says, When he ascended on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men.. WebLight of the World Gospel Ministries International. I would say that I am quite surprised at how helpful this has been! I spent the last year listening to the Bible chronologically. I know I have gift of teaching based on how many I have tutor in different subjects not Christian related. Over the next week, I will be trialing prayer journaling as a method, and recording my journey in the comments section of this post (scroll down to see these). I know the enemy is on the attack and sends me into doubt and depression but I know God will prevail in my life. Members of the ACU community will gain access to over 5000 audio-guided prayers and meditations, including sleep meditations voiced by Hollywood actors Mark Wahlberg and I believe that the Lord has spoken to me through this process. Privacy Guarantee: Enliven Ministries will never share your e-mail address with anyone else. 11 0 obj<> endobj Prophetic Activation John Eckhardt 2016 Our God speaks! Notify me of follow-up comments by email. 4. She giggled as she told me I was a intersessor through dance. Some examples are: Then, focusing on Jesus, you listen for the Holy Spirits answerand write down what you believe He is saying. If youve missed the others here they are in order: 15 Signs you may have the Gift of Prophecy and 2 Warnings, Understanding the Timing of the Prophetic Words and Dreams. On my birthday, i opened her gift and it was an unpainted ceramic cat. Sometimes I think, speak and do things that do not please You. I see God sharing with me so much and felt this past year He was telling me to only listen to Him.. that He is the best teacher and that He is the only counselor I need. Helen has a unique gift of training and equipping and is known for Enliven Blog, an online prophetic training and mentoring resource. I know Lord you will keep me safe Andy family. Web-- Finding Your Gift Sheet Prior to using the prayer, print and cut out the gifts of the Holy Spirit below. I also felt I was the barren tree, that I have been too open on FB. During this time my prophetic gift took off and i was having dreams about me in the last days and God would tell me things about members of the church in order to help them. Heavenly Father, thank You for Your unconditional love, thank You for Your mercy and thank You for giving us the opportunity to make the right choices in life. Lord. 2. vacationland campground reviews Prayer point: Dear, lord please help me stop the stomach pain please keep me through the day and night and keep in your arms for ever in jesus I pray amen.Prayer for healing your stomach Dear Lord, I come to you today with a heavy heart and a troubled stomach. Thank you Jesus! http://enlivenpublishing.com/blog/e-books/. I see the enemy attack at my weak points and even though I know what it is, its still difficult to get beyond and start walking in what God wants for me. Steps Every Believer Can Take to Activate Their Prophetic Gifts. If you handle it this way you will realize you have many more gifts that will come to the surface. 6,000 will parish and the name of this city is Papal, Rome. I woke up and saw the vision of the St. Petersquare Basillica in flames and at this point i had never seen this building before. Prophecy is one of the gifts of the Spirit. This Course will include healing and deliverance prayers , impartation and activation , That His presence is worth more than anything. Activating your spiritual gifts requires the power (anointing) of the Holy Spirit. Father, let the Holy Spirit fill me afresh. That means that the higher rank you have the more coverage you have in protection. It was a wonderful, insightful series really. I just dont want to make a wrong step. It was a young girl who didnt know I was in ballet for over 20 years, and I didnt understand it coming from a Catholic background. We hope you enjoyed this series and you learnt something new that will help you to grow in this gift. In your will. I feel bad now being so happy upon discovering it and sharing what Gods will for me in the near future. The Holy Spirit will NEVER control your actions or force you to manifest His gifts. WebCome join Sean and Christa Smith and special Prophetic guest, Julian Adams, to get activated and equipped in the Prophetic gift in your life! They spoke of his future and not that of others. If you believe you have received guidance through this kind of journaling, it is vital that you check this by sharing with mature Christians and leaders around your life who will give you honest feedback and help you process it. He becomes the center of attention and not you. Your email address will not be published. 0000005151 00000 n One of the tragedies of life is to have what you need and not know. That is why you need to engage in this prayer points for manifestation of spiritual gifts. You cannot manifest what you have not discovered, and to discover, you must go into prayers for God to open your eyes to your spiritual gifts. Why is this important? Amen, Heavenly father I feel like the enemy is weighing on my family and myself, extremely hard. Pray before you start your interpretation and ask God for wisdom. Father God, You alone are worthy to receive all honour and might and majesty and power and glory and honour and blessing, for you have created all things and You have made us for Your pleasure and to Your honour, and so I come today to offer myself to be used of You. Join over 10.000 ChristiansTT members receiving Prayers and Devotionals twice weekly! So, if you are seeing things about the church (the body of Christ) then that is likely where you will be called. The Gift of Prophecy (as with any other gift) is to build up the body of Christ and not ourselves. But how do we get this gift? Please i want a book that will help me in my prophetic work (a good spiritual guide ). It is about listening to what God has to say and trusting in His word. If you are dreaming more than 2 times per week, and you can remember the dreams, you need to ask God to give you the gift of interpreting dreams. Im not even sure how I knew, I just did and they are. Thank You, Father, for the spiritual gifts that You have given me. You will be putting yourself and your family in danger. Curious about the Prophetic and want to be empowered to flow in the gift? Please Lord Help me teach bettwr. It feels presumptuous, to write down Gods answers to my prayers and questions. Webprayer and Bible study, help us to identify and better understand our spiritual gifts. Im in my 40s now. The Venerable Ilya of Makeyevka lived a life of imitating Christ, for which the Lord rewarded him with rich spiritual gifts. Why did I think listening to God might be unsafe? Helen your blog is trully a blessing..Wow I love to be here, Thanks Johnny, great to hear from you, may you continue to be empowered and blessed! I take on stuff,,,very empathetic and it has been debilitating at times. I discovered this technique at college this year and let me say, its a game changer. And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words. Matthew 6:7. I was searching about it online because I never thought much about prophets today, I hadnt thought it was a possibility, then I didnt know women could be a prophet until I came across Anna in the Bible. In the name of Jesus Christ. I always wanted to do the right thing. Prayer journaling has been such a powerful tool this week that I am determined to keep using it regularly. So i looked up papal rome on my computer and saw this building everywhere and it was exactly as i had seen it in my dreams. Check out the prophetic training category at the right hand side of the blog for many more articles to help you grow in this area. Making up your prayers as you go is a much more authentic way. He has more angelic protection around him to cover him as he does what the Lord is calling him to do. Be open to what this might mean for us. God has put His thoughts in Scripture and in the mouths of His servants. Simply put prophecy is sharing the word of the Lord. Love and blessings always and continue to let your light shine on others. WebPrayer Points 1. I had to tell her I didnt want her help. Does God really want to speak to me conversationally? You don't need to speak out loud. I know my weak points and I dont trust many. Believe it or not there are Christians that God will literally set them part from the crowds from the very beginning. I would like to bless you and your ministry, so let me know if there are any ebooks that you would like to read personally, and I will send you them for free. Fifth, dont go on online platforms or do things just because other prophets are doing it. And, you are a deliverance worshipper. Nevertheless Lord, I pray that I may grow in grace and in a knowledge of Jesus. I have to confess that I approached the practice of Prayer Journaling this week with a bit of trepidation, even though I have used this method of journaling before. 0000003363 00000 n Help me to rightly use all that You have given me wisely and appropriately, and keep me ever low at the cross and broken before You.Father, I praise and thank You for every spiritual gift I have, and I prayerfully dedicate each one back to You, so that they may be used as You would have me use them, to help and encourage other believers in these difficult times and to lift up Your name for I desire that You increase in every area of my life and that I decrease, until it is not I, but Christ that lives in me and works through me.Help me I pray, to discover the proper way to use my spiritual giftings, and I pray that You would teach me how exercise all my spiritual gifts, to Your praise and glory. Deuteronomy 32:39 See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand. WebStructure: Though most of the early sessions will spend most of the time in teaching, there will be small group sessions to practice hands-on application of the lessons. And, you are not going to have the level of struggle that others do because you will know exactly what prayers to pray, you would have already mastered getting into the secret place of God and you have angelic coverage. $59.00. WebHelen Calder. God knows my heart, so I know He can put me back on track. I pray that You would take my life and use every part of me, to Your praise and glory.Father, I know that the Bible tells us that we all receive a gift from You, a spiritual gift, and I understand that this is very special and different from my own natural talents or my own acquired abilities. This self-paced, video lecture school is for anyone who would like to learn and grow in the gift and ministry of prophecy and includes classes for discerners as well. This is a process. I CLAIMED BACK MY GIFT IN GODS NAME RIGHT NOW. WebSean is the Co-Director of Sean and Christa Smith Ministries. The one who says if the interpretation is correct or not is the dreamer so if they tell you your interpretation doesnt seem to fit, dont get offended. The New Testament context for activating the gift of prophecy is a local church where there is leadership and accountability. Thank you for being a protector. Give him conviction and discernment. Some countries you need a visa before you can visit them, well same thing happens in the spiritual realm. Prayer To Be Used By God To Edify The Body, For Correct Use Of Spiritual Gifts In The Church. 0000003136 00000 n The bible tells us that we should all desire the prophesy (1 Corinthians 14:1) but of course not all of us will have a calling from God to be a prophet. So, you dont know why people do or dont do certain things. As I set out, I am encouraged that God desires an intimate relationship with me even more than I want it with HimHe created me to fellowship with him and to hear His voice! God is always challenging us to expand our spiritual growth. You must conduct yourself with a spirit of humility. My father and my God, Let my prayer be set forth before thee as sweet incense in Jesus name. Im absolutely terrified if ive been called for this, but at the same time i can see how God needs people to see and understand Revelation if these days are about to fall upon us and need to turn back to Him. Help me help you help her lord. I know Ive been all over the place. Hi I have been blessed immensely from this ministry. I am a servant of God, just like you and your brothers and sisters who testify about their faith in Jesus. The pages will stay in the journal, safe from the shredder. Other times He has spoken as Father, or Comforter, or the Beloved. For some reason i was too terrified to cast him out or say anything. You have made my life so much easier and have brought me closer to God. May he continue to reveal his harvest to you and speak words of life through your ministry. May I grow spiritually and become mature in the faith, so that my spiritual gifts may be used as befitting a mature man or woman of God.Humble me if necessary Lord, for I do not want to become puffed up with pride, knowing that You have been bestowed so much grace and generousity with the spiritual gifts that you have given to me. I believe God has been leading me to that Himself and so to see it in writing by another is confirmation for me. Loving Father, I pray that You would use the spiritual gifts and spiritual graces that You have bestowed on me for the furtherance of the gospel of grace, so that I may become one with my brothers and sisters in Christ as together, we draw closer to You.Lord, I know that Your Word tells us that it is Your desire that all Your children are united in the spirit of love and the bond of peace, through Your Word, so that as believers we may be united in body and spirit, a body of believers where Christ is exulted, to the glory of His name and for the furtherance of the gospel.Lord, I know that there is nothing that man can do to achieve this task and that when we try to build Your church in our own fleshly strength or based on our own worldly wisdom, it is doomed to fail, for the Lord Jesus alone is the head of the Body and He it is Who has promised, through His Spirit, to build His Church and to provide the increase.Use all those that You have called to be pastor teachers and evangelists, to faithfully furnish and equip all God's people for the work and service for which each one is called and for the furtherance of the Gospel of Christ.May each of Your servants be fully furnished and spiritually equipped to carry out to completion the work and service that You have given us to do. And fall away i did, and i left the church after finding out they taught some false things and i was upset with God for telling me to become a member of a church that taught lies and He responded to me that He had to start me somewhere. Ive been praying for the gift of discerning of spirits and I might already have it. I know He wants to use me and Im willing. She opened up to me with so much immediately and it was a lot and I found many red flags in what she told me. Members of the ACU community will gain access to over 5000 audio-guided prayers and meditations, including sleep meditations voiced by Hollywood actors Mark Wahlberg and At first I know it will be scary because you dont want to be inaccurate. When Im happy, I can come here and rejoice with a prayer. In Jesus' name,Amen. 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