TAMMY WEBBER, AMY FORLITI and STEPHEN GROVES, Associated Press. tn_keyword: ['black-live', 'george-flo', 'police-bru', 'racial-vio'], placementName: "thenation_right_rail", Late last summer, protesters wearing shirts that said Bob KKKroll Must Go! caravanned a half hour to his suburban neighborhood and took to the streets. [13] On June 10, 2020, Arradondo announced both the cancellation of future contract negotiations with the police union and plans to bring in outside experts to examine how the contract with the Police Officers Federation can be restructured to create a warning system which will provide transparency about "troubled" officers and flexibility for true reform.[14][15] On June 16, 2020, Arradondo dismissed the significance of recent reports of 19 departures from the Minneapolis Police Department within a year, stating that the Minneapolis Police Department experiences an average of 40 departures per year. Video of Floyd's death ignited protests around the US and world as protesters called for reform in policing and law. tn_articleid: [382199], }); Amid the protests, Arrandondo joined Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey and City Council member Andrea Jenkins for a press conference. From their makeshift stage in Powderhorn Park last summer, Minneapolis City Council members pledged to begin the process of ending the Minneapolis Police Department. Council member Andrew Johnson later told The New York Times he meant the words in spirit, not by the letter. In December, the City Council voted to shift just $8 million of the MPDs $179 million budget. Arradondo is reportedly Minneapolis's first Black police chief and his record in the department is nothing short of impressive. Arradondo said that during the video showed by the defense, there was no indication Floyd was aggressive, actively resisting or passively resisting. And Anthony Junior High Schoolwhich is Anthony Middle School now. [7], As police chief, Arradondo stopped the practice of low-level marijuana stings due to complaints about racial disparities,[8][9] and codified the relationship between police and emergency medical service providers (EMT). A courtroom display showed an official document stating that officers are required to sign an acknowledgement they have received any updates to the police policy and procedure manual. Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo testified Monday that fired officer Derek Chauvin violated the department's use-of-force policy on the day of George Floyd's death. But being from here has absolutely helped me in terms of grounding the vision that I have for this police department. The court appearances of several police officers in the state's case against Chauvin prompted a legal discussion at the start of Monday's proceedings over how much of the officers' opinions should be allowed in their testimony. inline_cta_url_382199 = 'https://www.thenation.com/donate-website?utm_medium=website&utm_source=Website&utm_campaign=june-appeal&sourceid=1066666&ms=post-inline&utm_content=post-inline'; Mr. Arradondo was expected to testify that Derek Chauvins use of force was contrary to department policy and training. The land around it is littered with empty cans and dry grass. Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo was born and raised in the city he now serves. tn_pos: 'rectangle_4', freestar.config.enabled_slots.push({ "They all unequivocally agreed that, that was the right decision to do," Arradondo said in a recorded interview with agents from the state Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) and the FBI. I am 100 percent sure some of those protesters would be dead if anybody else was running the police department, Williams said. "The actual law enforcement part is probably pretty small," he said. While the Minneapolis Police Department has been criticized for its lack of diversity, the community hoped that things would start to change under the leadership ofArradondo. I was sitting in my senior history class, and I was talking to a buddy, and there was a guy seated between us, asleep. magazine_button_text_382199 = ''; I need to be heavily involved in that. The first priority always is going to be the preservation of life, he said. 'Baby, that's the police': Woman in SUV with George Floyd testifies. var magazine_button_url_382199 = ''; While Chief Jane Harteau remains out of public view on what a spokesperson called a personal, pre-scheduled trip, Arradondo nicknamed Rondo has been the face of the MPD during the aftermath of the Justine Damond shooting, whose killing by officer Mohamed Noor has made international headlines. Send this article to anyone, no subscription is necessary to view it, Anyone can read, no subscription required, See It totally misses what this city has to offer. if( inline_cta_2_font_color_382199 !='' ){ var cta_1_check_382199 = false; MINNEAPOLIS (AP) Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo was a star witness for the prosecution Monday at the trial of a former officer charged with killing George Floyd, repeating the. ", An FBI official in attendance raised the possibility of a civil rights investigation, Howell recalled, to which someone in the room questioned whether Floyd's death was "a matter of civil rights or human rights.". The city settled with the officers two years later for $740,000. He said that by then it had dawned on him that Floyd's death was "going to be a significant incident for the city," according to the documents. Every day I go into that office knowing that most of the transformational work that I am trying to do for this departmentfor the city that I grew up inwill not come to fruition while Im chief. jQuery("#inline_cta_1_module_382199").addClass("tn-inline-cta-module"); Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. And when we talk about the framework of sanctity of life and we talk about the principles and values that we have, that action goes contrary to what we're taught.". inline_cta_button_text_382199 = ''; Arradondo sat calmly behind the plexiglass, clearly at home in the system. placementName: "thenation_article_indent", You know, I think that its a mixture. But then the district closed three high schools, and I made the choice to go to Roosevelt. According to NBC News,Justine Damond was a white woman who called 911 to reporta sexual assault incident near her home. I absolutely agree that violates our policy, he told the jury regarding Chauvins actions. And Kroll is the head of the local. That whole area was. I still remember, growing up, the crack epidemic. jQuery("#inline_cta_2_btn_382199 a").attr("href",inline_cta_2_url_382199); In it, rays of a streetlight slice through the night sky. Another attendee, Steven Belton, president and CEO of the Urban League Twin Cities, said in an interview that at some point the meeting turned into a question-and-answer session, as he and others pressed Arradondo on whether he intended to fire the officers for their conduct. tn_pos: 'rectangle_1', Arradondo not only acknowledged his concerns about the officer who killed Floyd but also about the rest of the officers who watched without taking action. And I did not see a whole lot of officers who looked like me. The complaint said every. It seems like that opens the door to reshaping the force in a substantive way. Arradondo also confirmed that since May 2016, Minneapolis police policy has confirmed the public's right to record its officers' actions in public. Heres Why. if( cta_2_check_382199 ){ While Arradondo said choke holds are authorized in some situations, he told the jury the use of force he saw in a video filmed by a bystander was not objectively reasonable. Mr. Floyds killing fueled calls for police reform and a pledge by a majority of the City Council to dismantle the department, and since then Chief Arradondo has worked with Mayor Jacob Frey to pass several reforms, including a revamped use-of-force policy. Anna DalCortivoTwitterAnna DalCortivo is a PhD student at the University of Minnesota, studying social movements and the criminal justice system. And then another. Activists had placed tributes to victims of police violence on the barricades, but police removed most of them. He told them that he was leaning toward firing the officer, Derek Chauvin, and three of his colleagues who were involved in Floyd's arrest, but that he wanted a second opinion before any decision, according to interviews and documents describing the nature of the meeting obtained by the Star Tribune. MINNEAPOLIS (AP) Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo was a star witness for the prosecution Monday at the trial of a former officer charged with killing George Floyd, repeating the criticism he levied after Floyds death. Arradondo was chief when Floyd died while in police custody on May 25, 2020. Schleicher also reviewed the department's "professional policing" standards, which outlines seven expectations for officers. The chief finishes that interaction and validates my order with a laugh and a gesture that says, I wish, but I know better. Blocks from the courthouse, a news camera sits alone on the street corner. I read that youre losing 3540 officers each year to retirement. Arradondo said that he believes Chauvin's actions last May 25 violated the police department's policies on de-escalation, reasonable use of force and rendering aid. One thing we dont give you is the benefit of the doubt. fuck arradondo I report to a mayor, who is an elected official. CNN's Sara Sidner speaks with Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo at the scene where George Floyd was killed while in police custody. Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo leaves the Hennepin County Government Center on April 5, 2021 after testifying at the murder trial of Derek Chauvin. The policy was changed in 2016, he said. When one of our officers violates the public trust, I am responsible for that. I make mistakes, theres no doubt about it. I do have to guard myself from clinging a little too much to nostalgia. You knew your neighbors and they knew you. var magazine_text_382199 = ''; Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo sits down one-on-one with KARE 11 reporter Lou Raguse to talk about reforming the MPD, George Floyd's death, unrest in Minneapolis and St. Paul, and calls to defund his department.\r\rhttps://www.kare11.com/article/news/local/george-floyd/minneapolis-police-chief-medaria-arradondo-addresses-reforms-moving-forward/89-3a61f1bb-10c5-4a50-9bbc-25c290cb5930\r\rWelcome to the official YouTube channel of KARE 11 News. Earlier in his career, Mr. Arradondo sued his own department, accusing the leadership of tolerating racism. var inline_cta_font_color_382199 = ''; You may unsubscribe or adjust your preferences at any time. Chief Arradondo testified in the trial of Mohamed Noor, the officer who was convicted of murder after he fatally shot Justine Ruszczyk in 2017, MPR News reported. for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) { Mr. Arradondo joined the Minneapolis Police Department in 1989 as a patrol officer and was appointed chief of police in 2017 after his predecessor was forced out in the wake of a controversial killing of a woman by a police officer that year. Minneapolis Assistant Police Chief Medaria Arradondo and Mayor Betsy Hodges addressed the latest developments in the death of Justine Damond on Tuesday. } He joined the newspaper in 2013, after stints in newsrooms in Connecticut, New Jersey, California and Mississippi. His testimony framing Chauvin as a bad apple exemplified the individualizing ethos of criminal punishment, as Sarah Haley described it in No Mercy Here, her landmark study of the role of law enforcement in the establishment of Jim Crow. He was expected to testify that Derek Chauvins use of force was contrary to department policy and training. Others, however, say the police chief is not doing enough. In 2019, the department dealt with around 4,500 EDP calls, Arradondo said. He's previously written forThrillist.com, Metro, and Minnesota Business. He is very much aware that there is racial injustice and that there is white supremacy in the police department.. So I sit in on the interview for every single candidate, whether theyre for community service officer, recruit, or cadet. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/05/us/medaria-arradondo-minneapolis-police-chief.html, Medaria Arradondo, the Minneapolis Police Chief, testified on Monday, several changes were implemented in the department. But not all of those involve crimes, he noted. Moss said in an interview that the chief had always shown a willingness to consult with various groups before making major decisions. MINNEAPOLIS The Minneapolis police chief testified Monday that now-fired Officer Derek Chauvin violated departmental policy in pinning his knee on George Floyd's neck and keeping him down after. jQuery("#inline_cta_2_btn_382199").html(inline_cta_2_button_text_382199); Rondo brings incredible leadership and community-building skills to this position, Harteau said in a statement at the time. It isnt monolithic. If there was one solitary voice that would have intervened, that's what I would have hoped for.". jQuery("#inline_cta_2_382199").html(inline_cta_2_text_382199); Subscribe to our channel for compelling and dramatic storytelling, award winning investigations, breaking news and information you can use.\r\r Subscribe to KARE 11 on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/subscription_\r Watch more KARE 11 video: https://www.youtube.com/user/KARE11/v\r Visit KARE11.com: http://www.kare11.com/\r Download our app! "If someone loses a job, that can trigger a behavioral crisis," he told the jury. [1] Career [ edit] if( inline_cta_2_bg_color_382199 !='' ){ I was a northside baby. Questions also touched on crisis intervention, a police policy similar to its de-escalation measures. Belton said Arradondo told them that he would talk his options over with Frey, who as mayor is in charge of the Police Department but doesn't have the authority to fire individual officers. Im breaking the healthy vibe by ordering a brisket Reuben when a passerby breaks into our convo to shake the chiefs hand. That's after San Jose City Manager David Sykes made a . But I have to be determined to lead the charge in planting those seeds of culture change and make sure theyre cultivated. Along the way, he and four other Black officers successfully sued the department for discrimination in promotions, pay and discipline. inline_cta_2_url_382199 = 'https://subscriptions.thenation.com/Nation_index?pk=G2A1C6M'; tn_keyword: ['black-live', 'george-flo', 'police-bru', 'racial-vio'], In his later interview with the BCA and the FBI, Arradondo recalled that he hadn't yet made his final decision, but asked the officials gathered about what they thought about firing Chauvin and the other three officers, J. Alexander Kueng, Thomas Lane and Tou Thao, the documents said. Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo testified for the prosecution Monday in the trial of former officer Derek Chauvin, who is facing murder charges over the killing of George Floyd. "To the Floyd family, being silent or not intervening, to me, you're complicit," the chief said as Floyd's brother listened from home, unable to control his tears. Anyone can read what you share. And it was interesting because they were associating myself in this profession with something that had happened across the country. The people who join this department will be people who want to change, for the better, those narratives. Arradondo noted that most officers receive at least some training in first aid, such as "the ABC's: airway, breathing, circulation," and know how to use direct pressure to help people who are wounded. Shortly after court was adjourned, activist Marcia Howard posted an image on TikTok. It's among the first steps he pledged to take to restore. We know it's broken. April 07, 2021 - 5:03 AM. Police investigating company, The city is in an uproar: Woman found shot to death, Two men shot on Nine Mile Road in Richmond, Christina Applegate makes last red carpet appearance, SCAM ALERT: Fraudulent buyers target online sellers, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. jQuery("#inline_cta_btn_382199 a input").css("background",inline_cta_bg_color_382199); But the other thing is, if were truly about transforming the culture, what better opportunity is there but to bring on new people to help instill that new vision? "Matter of fact, as I saw that video, I didn't even know if Mr. Floyd was alive at that time," the police chief said. But being from here has absolutely helped me in terms of grounding the vision that I have this... Be dead if anybody else was running the police department a passerby breaks into our convo to shake chiefs. Protesters would be dead if anybody else was running the police chief and his record in the department nothing... 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