How has the current media affected the way we view the LGBT community? An activity that will provides an opportunity for participants to reflect on their first understandings and assumptions of LGBTQ individuals. Contents 1 Sexuality 2 Identity 3 Sex and physiology 4 Romance 5 Expression 6 Practices 7 Society 8 Language 9 Culture 10 History 11 Religion 12 Rights 13 . KRISTIN ARNOLD, MBA, CSP, CPF|Master has been facilitating meaningful conversations between executives and managers to make better decisions and achieve extraordinary results for 25+ years. But its a difficult situation to know how to respond to especially when they seemed to try to do everything right. What are discrimination issues that are unique to LGBTQ? Study with Pride meets every Wednesday from 5:00-6:00 pm in the Youth Room. Whats one way we can pray for you about this? 17. Group members will be able to identify and share their hopes for the future. If there are trans people or non-binary people, people of colour, disabled people, or people of faith present, this may be a good opportunity for them to share their experiences, if they are . How do you see more/less acceptance of LGBTQ in society? Or if they do, they dont answer them honestly. Identifying and Serving LGBTQ Youth: Case Studies of Runaway and Homeless Youth Program Grantees, Key Policy Letters from the Education Secretary and Deputy Secretary, Learning from the Field: Listening Tour of Programs Serving Youth who are LGBTQI2-S and Experiencing Homelessness, Meeting the Needs of Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Youth, Parents Influence on the Health of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Teens: What Parents and Families Should Know, Primary Sources: Learning How Service Providers and Policy Makers Can Help LGBTQ Homeless Youth, Q&A: Meeting the Needs of Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Youth, Report: Health-Related Behaviors among Students, Sexual Risk Behavior Differences Among Sexual Minority High School Students United States, 2015 and 2017, The Economic Well-Being of LGB Youth Transitioning Out of Foster Care, 5 Online Resources to Help Domestic Violence Programs Offer Inclusive Services to LGBTQ People, Brief: the Needs of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning (LGBTQ) Youth in Child Welfare Settings, Ending Housing Discrimination against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Individuals and Families, LGBT Populations: A Snapshot of the Knowledge Base and Research Needs, Report: Recommendations of the LGBT Subcommittee: Advancing the Reform Process for LGBQ/GNCT Youth in the Juvenile Justice System, Report: Surviving the Streets of New York: Experiences of LGBTQ Youth, YMSM, and YWSW Engaged in Survival Sex. Should the military reconsider the acceptance of LGBT persons? Live chat, facilitated, LGBTQ+ online discussion groups at Q Chat Space. Thank you for loving students and families! Our service comes with a money-back guarantee, but our work is so good you won't really need this option. Graffiti Board. Here is a discussion of these research topics: However, more recently there has been research on resiliency and protective factors, which offers a strength-based focus on LGBTQ+ youth well-being. Families. Please just take a step back and seek out stories of LGBTQ people who have left the church because of what this approach no matter how thoughtful you try to make it has done to them. Here are a few topics from MyPaperWriter to consider and think about to get the ball rolling: There are a ton of LGTBQ research topics that can make for good discussion issues. The affirming side is much more educated on the biblical arguments, the science of it all etc. First, focus the group by talking about the goals of answering these kinds of questions from students. Ministry in this area is very case by case. This tiny activity demonstrates how changing your perspective can make something look completely different! For more information about how to moderate a lively & informative leadership panel discussion, check out our free 7-part video series on how to moderate a panel and other resources to help you organize, moderate, or be a panel member. Who are some of the most influential LGBTQ writers or artists? Once everyone has loosened up and gotten to know each other a little better . How about the Ten Commandments? How sexual orientation has become an added axis of inequality in our society. The problem is not silence. Bibliography of works on the United States military and LGBT+ topics. Asking questions that are way too personal for a small group conversation no one wants to answer those out loud. Is it now all right to lie? If you need professional writing help and cheap custom research papers, contact our support staff by chat, email, or phone. How did the activist groups of the 1970s help promote gay rights? The Trevor Project is proud to share the first episode of our "Learn with Love" series. No they are still sins. How to get feedback from your participants! 1. Are LGBT couples more or less likely to divorce compared to straight couples? The Asbury Revival Is Over. And I think our approach should really be on a case by case bases. Thanks for the comment Karen. The concept of consensual non-monogamy. Whats the best Christmas or birthday gift youve ever received? Statistics reflecting the number of youth suffering from mental health, substance abuse, and co-occurring disorders highlight the necessity for schools, families, support staff, and communities to work together to develop targeted, coordinated, and comprehensive transition plans for young people with a history of mental health needs and/or substance abuse. 8. Since many national figures have come out, is it easier for employees in your organization to come out? LGBT youth vulnerability. 2 0 obj Is it counterproductive when potential allies expect you to ask them NICELY for their allyship? 24 Questions to Ask in ANY Panel Discussion. So whats missing from this post? 12. What is your absolute favorite thing to do, and why? What legal rights have changed for LGBT people in the last decade. Should we train Christian organizations on how to service those identify as LGBT or struggle with same-sex attractions/gender identity? What has biological research shown us about sexual orientation? And of course, Grow Students Curriculum can help you with more resources. Gov\+{RWArk*,]Q_|t6^R+O|,`7>O+>l A useful place to start helping folks separate genders from sexualities. How do phrases like it will get better impact the LGBTQ community? What role do openly gay athletes play in promoting the rights of the LGBT community? I know youth workers that are dealing every day with how do I care for them. This is an area we probably need to beef up on. Boys are more likely to complete suicide. Best for Young People in Crisis: The Trevor Project. What role did the Stonewall Riots of 1969 have on transgender people? How does this impact you? Hermaphrodite. How are transgender people discriminated against in the workplace? endobj Think through some of your past discussions. In what ways is sexual orientation different from gender identity? So here are a few things to think about when speaking to students: I really hope that you didnt hear in my post that this should be easy, because its not. How to Ask Better Discussion Questions at Youth Group, Creating Effective Sunday School Lessons for Kids. For these discussions, it might be helpful to make a list of a couple of questions and break into smaller groups for your members to get comfortable talking about these issues. Plus, the more natural your conversations will be. But the issues are much more complex than that. What are you going to do about what we talked about today? What is the current state of transgender rights in the U.S.? If she has made her mind up about how she wants to live her life, you have to respect that. How important is it for professional athletes to come out? They cover a variety of issues and can be easily researched online and at the library. Are people more likely to come out as LGBTQ in our current society? Terms & Conditions document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 28150 N Alma School Parkway #103-615 Scottsdale, AZ 85262, Our privacy policy has been updated. Does birth order affect whether a person may identify as LGBTQ? We may make mistakes like . How have the legal rights of transgender people changed in the last 50 years? As you think through the types of small group questions you want to develop, try following our recipe below. What is life like for you on a daily basis? For example, some youth may be unsure of their sexual orientation, whereas others have been clear about it since childhood and have expressed it since a young age.1 Expressing and exploring gender identity and roles is a part of normal development. I think you did a great job of explaining how to teach on homosexuality within the church context to our students. In what ways have people used religion to diminish the rights of the LGBT community? Exposure to violence can have negative effects on the education and health of any young person and may account for some of the health-related disparities between LGB and heterosexual youth. There are a lot of LGBT research topics in discussion, but students can be overwhelmed with all the options. Medical implants that go against cultural traditions. We get it. So thanks for the comment!!!! GLBT National Youth Talkline: 1-800-246-PRIDE. Best Overall: Trans Lifeline. She's a leading authority on moderating panel discussions and passionate about finding the perfect olive to complement a vodka martini. An activity that provokes reflection on the different aspects of your life that would be altered if you identified with a different sexuality or gender identity. Every month we'll be exploring our identities and expressing our authentic selves through no-pressure conversation and creativity. Meeting Location: Hudson Valley LGBTQ+ Community Center (300 Wall Street Kingston), Room: Apuzzo Hall. How has our view of sexuality changed in the last half-century? "d1jwE}XlCd[^t2[NXpaPLz%T$'a.Pxw>zsr& YC:ktt7o -2|_d[#Fog86|H|; !). Homosexuality and psychology. Activity for participants to reflect on their early lessons and impressions of trans* people and identity. And were doing everything we can to equip ministry leaders and volunteers to do best what matters mostloving God and loving others. In actuality, harping on behaviormodification only leads to a secret life of the sin they are fighting against. 13. Encourage them to think through their answers out loud and to participate even if they are not confident in their answers. Should the government intervene with discriminatory practices in the workplace? Have employers done enough to implement anti-discriminatory practices? In what ways has the U.S. healthcare system made it difficult for the LGBTQ communities? If you're worried that you might hurt yourself or another person, it's important to get help. This empty space (the dotted line box) is the future home for a yet-to-be-released birthday present as part of our 5th Birthday Extravaganza. How to Create Great Panel Discussion Questions. 9. Not trying to troll, but wanted to share: Ive grown up evangelical and have been on staff and/or pastored within Southern Baptist and nondenominational churches. We cant change His word to fit us. 53% of transgender people report being verbally harassed or treated disrespectfully in public places, and 44% have been denied service. Download activity details: B7. See here: Having read this article, what would we do differently? I would ask you to carefully reconsider those verses in light of both books like God & The Gay Christian and Those Seven References, and also the lived experiences of LGBTQ Christians. 1 Song. As difficult as teaching on homosexuality can be, I am not sure if it compares to seeing the results of what some people do based on that teaching. How can I get others to be more open-minded about LGBTQ people? Are you a morning person or a night person? I think in terms of talking with different organizations and churches about programs is a great idea. What are the major challenges between the transgender community and the gay community? When does one decide to tell others that they are transgender? By getting students to engage in thinking about next steps, its more likely that theyll remember the conversation and continue thinking about it outside of the group.. Why do transgender people feel the need to pass? How is the gay community discriminated against in the workplace? When was the moment you knew? Thus, to live faithfully will mean life-long celibacy. Violence against the LGBTQ communities over the decades. How do I address someone who is lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender without offending them? How can we educate youth to be inclusive of the LGBTQ communities? Choosing the right youth group discussion topics is the first step, but sometimes the problem is in the small group questions themselves. ]@g|}hT5|oS3_A&]zBOeJS5>)McJSW847)M)cJS8DH(,']F'b=1t8ZrO/xZA5V8e|f@= PK ! Maybe offering to walk with them through this difficult time. To ensure protection of your privacy and personal data, we have put in the best safeguards there are. From essays to dissertations, we offer paper writing services of exquisite quality, in line with college and university standards. What are the differences between gay and lesbian parenting? service, 189 Social Media Research Paper Topics To Top Your Paper, 162 Nutrition Research Topics To Top-Notch Your Paper, 142 Foster Care Research Paper Topics: Top Ideas, 164 In Depth Theology Research Paper Topics To Write About, 241 Religion Research Paper Topics For Your Paper. Your email address will not be published. For cultural studies, current events, political aspects, and all interdisciplinary topics: Academic Search Complete; Genderwatch; Academic OneFile; Communications and Mass Media . What are some examples of the adversities the gay community faces? As we get older? Below are all the activities currently provided by The Safe Zone Project. You can narrow down what you're looking for using the, The Safe Zone Project is a free online resource for powerful, effective LGBTQ awareness and ally training workshops, Join over 25,000 Educators in 100 Countries. How is gender identity differs from sexual orientation? ). Why do some states deny acknowledgment of civil unions from other states? Very few LGBTQ+ youth have access to inclusive sex education. Should transgender athletes be allowed to compete in sports? And seeing if that would be something she would be interested in. What is the biggest or most common misconception about trans people? Why are firsts important to note? This activity focuses in on the essential vocabulary and LGBTQ terminology relating to gender and sexuality. Will same-sex marriages ever be protected by federal law? See Key Terms and Concepts to learn more about each of these communities. Dont try to go too deep too quickly. Transition services should stem from the individual youths needs and strengths, ensuring that planning takes into account his or her interests, preferences, and desires for the future. You said something like God given attraction . The problem is that the church is not talking about the issue in a helpful way. Theres no replacement for repetition! The Grow Team works to bring curriculum and ministry strategy to church leaders everywhere. Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Set your training up for success by beginning with shared group expectations. I am noticing more Christian parents becoming affirming because they see this struggle and pain upfront. They typically begin with conversations, and most conversations dont begin deep. Below weve compiled a list of topical youth group conversation starters. But girls are more likely to attempt it. Before we get to the list, here are some pro tips for facilitating discussions with teens. Loves to encourage by sharing his learnings. This activity creates the opportunity to for participants to ask what they are most interested in with anonymity. Transgender Awareness and Sensitivity Asking a question about transgender identity on an intake form is a simple way to encourage disclosure of transgender identity. We must submit to God and He will change us. Does age have a role in the way people respond to LGBT issues? You will not ask them all, but perhaps they might provide some inspiration as you develop your own list. Parental support of sexual orientation and gender expression provide uniquely strong benefits to positive well-being and mental health in young adulthood and are related to higher levels of self-esteem and lower levels of depression, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts. Moving resources from the U.S. to third world countries will help? Parental support of sexual orientation and gender expression provide uniquely strong benefits to positive well-being and mental health in young adulthood and are related to higher levels of self-esteem and lower levels of depression, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts.7. What is the state of LGBT in militaries around the world? What is the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity? An experiment in empathizing with a hypothetical persons experiences, struggles, and setbacks with the lifelong process that is coming out. How have professional athletes help promote the acceptance of the gay community? We invited three trans young people from all over the country to talk about growing up and the important relationships in their lives. In what ways does the LGBT community feel isolated? I also think we all have something to add to the conversation. LGBTQ psychology. Select a particular type, knowledge, trust, time, or subject (or combine a few options to get really specific). - Tristan, AccessibilityPrivacy PolicyViewers and Players. What do I do if someone who is lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender wants to come out in my office, on my residence hall floor, or within the context of any other group I am a part of? Here are some great topics to consider: When it comes to human rights, there are plenty of gay topics that will make great research assignments. Large group discussion of song lyrics by Judy Small; activity can also be used in discussions of death and grieving (30 minutes). How do our different identities intersect, interact, and affect our daily lives. As parents, we can be a buffer to negative talk and prevent long-term negative health outcomes. This activity helps participant investigate privilege by inviting them to identify what privileges they find personally important. This is a topic that comes up at least a few times a year in discussion, and as Ive stated in previous post, I have some students and families who either struggle or identify as lesbian, bisexual or gay. How has the music community helped spread messages in support of gay rights? Commit adultery? Group members will be walk with them through this difficult time whats the Christmas. Job of explaining how to respond to LGBT issues transgender without offending them i. Is proud to share the first step, but perhaps they might provide some as. 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