If they do have it, their multi-attack increases by one. You use Constitution as the casting ability for Shape Water. A charge can be expended to cast one of the following spells; Cause Fear (1 charge), Fear (3 charges), Hold Person (2 charges). A creature attuned to this club can use their action to cause the faces carved into the weapon to awaken and extend from the club on long sinuous necks. This tenet impresses itself upon your very person, causing you to value honesty and integrity in others above all else. On a failure the creature must roll on the Long Term Madness table, the madness of which lasts for 1d10 years and cannot be healed outside of an act of the gods. Additionally, when an attack misses you or you succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, you can use your reaction to immediately move up to 10 feet without provoking opportunity attacks. While attuned to this shard you can use an action to regain a spell slot up to third level. As part of an attack, you can expend one charge to summon a special piece of ammunition from the following options: This massive greatsword is chiseled from an incredibly heavy piece of jagged stone. While attuned to this weapon, attacks made with it deal an additional 1d8 lightning damage. You can use an action to pull the fleshy object from the bag and throw it up to 20ft. See pages that link to and include this page. Weapon (longsword), Artifact (requires attunement). The DC on the Blind effect on a critical strike increases to 18, and the additional radiant damage increases to 4d8. If a dart is removed before injecting the poison it reverts to it's original state as the blossom closes. You can move through the space of another creature and pass through small holes, narrow openings, and even mere cracks, though you treat liquids as though they were solid surfaces. Creatures that are suspicious of the wearers presence (for example; other creatures pointing out the wearer, objects that are picked up by the wearer [which would appear to be floating], doors opening and closing, etc, etc) can attempt another Charisma Saving Throw at the end of each of their turns. On this document readers will find completely original items, homebrew items inspired by artwork, overly complex and completely broken Critical Role style awakened weapons, a surprising lack of Uncommon items, items made years ago that aren't "up to snuff", items made yesterday, items made by other creators that caught my interest (all of these are sourced in their various sections and are open to the public), and items heavily inspired by other creator's items while not being identical. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon, which has the finesse property, regardless of which form it's in. You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this weapon. Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a creature missing a hand or an arm) The arcane propulsion arm from Eberron: Rising from the Last War is an effective weapon for player characters who are missing a hand or arm. The scroll then vanishes in a plume of vapor, and it destroyed. Doing so allows you to determine the location of the sun or stars depending on the time of day and will allow you to utilize navigation tools such as a sextant even if conditions would not normally allow you to. When you drink this potion, you gain the aggression of an orc for 1 minute. When the object lands, it transforms into a creature you . The pitch black arrowhead seems to drain the light from around it. Top 10 magic items for monks. If you take damage from an attacker that's within 5 feet of you while you have these temporary hit points, the attacker also takes 5 fire damage. Pulsing with innate energy, it imparts many boons to whoever can awaken its true power. When attuned by a Paladin of Vengeance the weapon gains charges whenever a creature is attacked consecutively with Hate. Weapon (longsword), Artifact (requires attunement by a Paladin). A summoned Mephit disappears after 1 hour or when it drops to 0 Hit Points. In its place was a letter, unmarked, sealed with the black symbol of a single feather. On a hit the target takes no damage, but is instead restrained by the bola. It has 2 hit points and avoids combat, even if cornered, and it reverts to a statuette early if it reaches 0 hit points. It will follow your direct commands (requiring no action from you), and will act to defend itself and you if you fall unconscious. Any hovering, levitating, or otherwise flying creature within 120 feet of you must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. Check out my Homebrew Magic Items for 5E DnD right here. This property of the weapon can't be used again until the next dusk. Sentience: This blade is inhabited by the Lawful Good spirit of The Conqueror King who has an Intelligence of 14, Wisdom of 16, and Charisma of 15. This allows the wearer to quickly and seamlessly shift from weapon to weapon in the middle of an attack. A creature attuned to Kyzzierth's Renown has advantage on Deception (CHA), Intimidation (CHA), and Persuasion (CHA) rolls made when interacting with dragon type creatures and knows the Draconic language. Glory has three states; dormant, awakened, and ascended. Over the course of a long rest the creature attuned to Venom can replace the poison contained within the hilt vial. The creature attuned to The Devourer must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or be affected by the Dominate Person spell, while under this spell The Devourer gives them one command; "Kill everyone." Creates attuned to both Ebb and Flow gain both of the individual abilities and additionally gain a swim speed equal to their moment speed, the ability to breath underwater, and attacks made with Ebb and Flow underwater are not made with disadvantage. As the silence broke the two young mages turned to each other as Oscar blurted out, "By the soul of magic itself, is that how you feel all the time?". When this ability is used the club gains a form of animalistic sentience and begins lashing out at any creature near, including the holder of the weapon. If using the sash would cause the spell to target a second creature, you choose the new target. When the attack is made, a wave of fiery heat shoots forward as the attack. He seeks to rebalance the flow and seasons of nature, eager to destroy anything that threatens to change the natural ecosystems of the world. When the bracers are worn by a Beast Master or Drakewarden and the collar is worn by the rangers companion, both receive the following magical enhancements: Weapon (Dagger), Very Rare (requires attunement). While holding it, you can use a bonus action to transform it into its scythe form. Equinox is typically acquired when it is dormant and each additional state can be achieved through various means; be they physical acts, emotional acts, or philosophical acts, it need only be a heroic act to awaken the next state for Equinox. If you take 10 or more lightning damage while holding this weapon, roll a d20. While holding the dagger you can look through the loop in the pommel, when you do so you are able to see the sky as if it were not obscured, no matter your physical location or any atmospheric conditions. The charges must be expended to empower the attack before the attack is rolled. You have advantage on the attack roll if the target is wearing armor made of metal. While those brutes knew how to swing a tool of war, I became war itself. This light comforts and emboldens your allies, wiping away weariness and exhaustion. A creature with legendary actions is unaffected by the scroll. Weapon (Club), very rare (requires attunement). Bastion has three states; dormant, awakened, and ascended. When you are two weapon fighting with both hand crossbows, you gain the following benefits: This metal quarterstaff is carved with intricate grooves along its length, which do not line up in the center of the staff, creating two distinct patterns on either side. The smelting process of which reformed the blade both physically and magically, taking the enchantments innate to Ice and completely changing them for the two child blades. Creatures that succeed on the saving throw take half damage and are not knocked prone. Roll a d8 to determine the card's suit using the table below, or draw from a real deck of cards to determine the suit instead. Wondrous Item-XGE: Bead of Refreshment: Wondrous Item-XGE: Boots of False Tracks: Wondrous Item-XGE: Bottle of Boundless Coffee: Wondrous Item-SCC: Breathing Bubble: Wondrous Item-EGW: Candle of the Deep: Wondrous Item-XGE: Charlatan's Die: Wondrous Item: Attuned: XGE: Cleansing Stone: Wondrous Item-E:RLW: Cloak of Billowing: Wondrous Item-XGE . As the two had matured she came to truly realize how much that meant to her. At 9th level, the Dragonborn gains the ability to recharge its breath weapon. Destructive Thunder: Chose a location within 150 ft. Based on Flux's current elemental affinity, one of the following effects occurs. Forests Fury's additional elemental damage increases to 1d6. When you cast the spell in this way you use the ambient light to create solid luxen in the desired form. A matching set of bracers and a collar. If you roll a 20 you lop off one of the target's limbs, with the effect of such loss determined by the DM. This dagger deals an additional 2d4 necrotic damage on a hit. Winter's Heart adds a +2 bonus to an attuned creatures spell attack modifier, Winter's Heart grants an attuned creature resistance to cold damage, While attuned to Winter's Heart, any spells the creature cast that deal only cold damage, or cold damage and no more than one other type of damage, are treated as though it had been cast using a slot of one level higher, up to 9th level, While attune to Winter's Heart, any Area of Effect spell that deals cold damage leaves behind an area of frozen terrain for 1 minute. Ancient arcane binding barely prevents it from shattering on impact. At the start of the creatures turn they take 1d4 necrotic damage as the dart siphons out some of the creatures blood or other biological fluids. The flask magically restores one charge per day. Hello, r/DnDHomebrew!I present A Planeshifted Guide to Phyrexia for D&D 5e!. Valor has 5 charges for the following properties. On a successful save, the creature attuned to this item may use their reaction to take the dash action and must move towards the target ally using the most direct path. Watch headings for an "edit" link when available. A Marid - Infusion of Water: A creature attuned to The Devourer gains a swimming speed of 40 feet and can breathe under water. When worn to sleep, four hours is sufficient for a long rest and you gain 2d10 temporary hit points when you awaken. Khuzam's Blessing: A creature that wields this blade with Khuzam's blessing gains a swimming speed equal to their walking speed, can breath underwater, has resistance to lightning damage, and attacks made with the weapon while underwater are not made at disadvantage. While attuned to this weapon it has the finesse property and has a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Weapon (longbow), very rare (requires attunement). It has hearing and truesight out to 60 feet. For one minute the chakrams deal an additional 1d4 damage of the attuned creatures choice from the following types; fire, cold, thunder, lightning, or acid. Magic Weapon (rapier), artifact (requires attunement). It uses the Flying Sword stat-block with the following changes; it's to-hit modifier equals the attuned creatures, it deals 1d12 bludgeoning and 1d12 necrotic damage on a hit, it gains the Multiattack feature allowing it to attack twice on its turn, it has 18 AC and 32 (9d6) hit points, and it does not have the Antimagic Susceptibility feature. Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement by a druid). This time we look at 5e magic items. Every decade that the creature stays attuned to Kyzzierth's Renown they must roll on the Indefinite Madness table, the result of which cannot be healed outside of an act of the gods. For 1 hour creatures that would observe (sight, sound, smell) the wearer must succeed on a DC 18 Charisma Saving Throw or be charmed. This unusually small hand crossbow packs a mighty punch. Additionally this item seems to have some unknown resonance with creatures native to the Feywild. Finally, once per day, while wielding this weapon you can use a bonus action to cause smoke to billow out from the head of the club for 1 minute creating a cloud of heavily obscuring smoke, a creature attuned to the Smoke Stick can see through the smoke as if it were light obscuration rather than heavy. This sand can be substituted for the material component of a spell with a required value of less than 1,000 GP. If you spend 1 action concentrating on the pouch, the pouch becomes attuned to your choice of these damage types for 1 minute. Weapon (Whip), rare (requires attunement). Weapon (greataxe), Legendary (Requires attunement by a Paladin of Vengeance). Once per long rest a creature attuned to Ice can use their action to create a vortex of arctic weather centered on themselves in a 30 ft. radius for 1 minute. Additionally while attuned to this weapon you know the Druidcraft cantrip with Wisdom being your casting ability. On a success the character can have the book reveal one of the following; the creatures resistances, vulnerabilities, immunities, two individual ability scores, any class levels, or any "weaknesses" it may have. Once per long rest, a character attuned to the lantern can use their action to call forth a swarm of rats to their aid. Glory is a suit of full plate armor intricately engraved with angelic imagery. Notify administrators if there is objectionable content in this page. You get a few cantrips, including the beloved vicious mockery, as well as access to fear. When the object lands, it transforms into a . Kelren is stern, but honest. Weapon (any), artifact (requires attunement). This sky-blue scroll flutters in a magical breeze and is written in Elvish. When you cast one of the spells above using the blade, the blade maintains concentration for you. When a hostile creature enters the area for the first time on its turn or starts its turn there, it must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution Saving Throw or take 1d4 Radiant and 1d4 Fire damage. The blade of this dagger is fashioned from the tooth of a white dragon and has been etched with arcane symbols and serrations on one edge. It regains 1d4+1 charges at dawn. In bridging this gap, the One Who Would Be King created a peace that lasted for generations and brought forth an era of prosperity. If you hit a target with this weapon that is either resistant or immune to cold or fire damage, that target loses that resistance or immunity until the end of your next turn. This ring has 4 charges. You don't add your Dexterity modifier to the damage of this attack (unless it's negative). Flux regains its elemental affinity traits after the next long rest. Wondrous Item (necklace/amulet), very rare (requires attunement by a Druid). In his haste he brushed against the man's black coat, muttering a word of apology before sprinting off. Weapon (Dagger), legendary (requires attunement). While attuned to Ice you are immune to disease and can't be charmed or frightened. This magic item is a unique, two-handed ranged weapon. While under this effect the wearer sheds bright light in a radius of 30 ft and dim light for an additional 30 ft. This deeply curved weapon has been stained with the essence of hundreds of different poisons used to coat it over the years of it's use. Bound within this Bag of Holding is a greedy entity, that will make itself known the first time a character attempts to remove an item from the bag. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. Both spells require no components when cast using this feature. A creature attuned to this item who is native to the Feywild knows the location of the nearest portal to the Feywild, though how to activate the portal is not revealed. Attuned to Nature. Giger, Clive Barker, and classical iconography.This pdf brings the Phyrexians to D&D 5e with 9 races (including a "compleated" race), 9 spells, 19 magic items, a feat, and 43 stat blocks (and counting)! While the cleric of death laughed at his attempts to cast within the ball of silence, Oscar cocked his head, gripped his wand, and, without a word or a gesture, disintegrated the villain where he stood. You gain a +1 bonus to ability checks and saving throws. Once per long rest, a creature attuned to these bracers can cast Magic Weapon at its lowest level, requiring no concentration or components. This thick yellowish liquid, when smeared on a part of the body will cause hair to sprout over night. These magical clubs are crafted in such a way as to capitalize on precision strikes or brute force, depending on the wielders whim. Padded. The cloud fills an area 20 ft. in radius centered on the club and moves with the club. Immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition, Advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects, You gain the ability to speak to snakes and can cast the. The curse can be removed by the Remove Curse spell or similar effect up to the point the creature attuned to the weapon begins hearing the whispers of Zehir. By using an action to read this scroll, your words ring out to magically rip the wind out from beneath the wings of creatures around you. This weapon is cursed, while attuned to it a creature becomes sickly in appearance, as if their life essence were being slowly drained away, however to the attuned creature they feel as hearty and hale as they normally do. This invisibility ends if the creature makes an attack or casts a spell. For after all, what self respecting archmage would dare risk ruining his silk tunic straight from the islands of Morsen and their legendary silk worms. Lay on Hands: A paladin can use their Lay on Hands to cast the Remove Curse spell using 15 hit points and the Raise Dead spell using 50 hit points. General Wikidot.com documentation and help section. The items you'll find in this gallery will be a mix of items used in my adventures and items that are part of a collection. Ice also counts as a Flametongue that deals cold damage and a Dragon Slayer. The bag weighs 1/2 pound. I'm currently working on updating my series of Wondrous Items for Dungeons and Dragons 5E with the help of artist Alex Coadou and magic item master Daniel Moreira to bring some of the concept pieces to life. If you roll a 1 on an attack roll, roll a d20. Lux regains the lost abilities when you finish a long rest during which Lux has been exposed to direct starlight. You can use an action to attune to this seed by planting it in rich soil. As an action, a player can throw up to 4 of the "bags" at a target location within 20 ft. Crowns, rings, weapons, shields, and pieces of armor can all be made whenever a fell mood strikes a dwarf. You can take an action to give three spins to the clockwork key, making the nutcracker become Medium in size and use the Animated Armor stat block for 1 minute, before going back to its original state and size. Nothing against the creator, items like these just turn me right off. A character who he deems unworthy of wielding the blade, such as a weak or evil creature, may be denied the ability to attune to the weapon. Centuries of training, lessons, and gifts passed down from one to the next have graced them with an uncanny ability to harness the strength of their soul to empower their martial prowess. Once a dart from the Bleeding Bouquet has injected its poison in the target it wilts and becomes a typical +1 dart. While holding the weapon, you can use a bonus action to curse a creature that you can see with a grim fate. Weapon (halberd or quarterstaff), legendary (requires attunement). Creatures that are targeted with a hostile action by the wearer (attack, spell, push, etc) make Charisma Saving Throw with advantage after the action is performed (all following Charisma saving throws by the creature for the Cape of the Mazequine are made at advantage as well), Weapon (longbow), Legendary (requires attunement). Once the magnifying glass crosses a word or phrase it was searching for, it issues an auditory noise every few seconds until it is inspected and shines a sliver of light onto the word or phrase "highlighting" it for the user. An ally cannot expend more hit die then they have, and must have at least one hit die to benefit from this action. Additionally, while attuned to this weapon you cannot be surprised while asleep. Wielding this small shield only grants a +1 bonus to AC. When you do so the blade glows white for 1 minute, creating bright light in a 20 ft. radius and dim light for an additional 20 ft. Plunging his blade deep into the heart of the dead greatwyrm the knight drew forth a weapon to control the very aspect of winter. Creatures, objects, and structures made of inorganic material take double damage. It is removable only by you, meaning that you'll always have a . Or any tear or hole in a person. We are privileged to live under nature's watch: to scorn her is to insult the world itself. If the curse lasts for its full duration, it rebounds; you take 4d10 fire damage, which can't be reduced or prevented in any way. Additionally you know the Druid Craft and the Decompose cantrip. Incredibly selfish, the bag will not give up a single item, no matter how mundane, without a fight. You gain the following benefits while wearing it: The wearer can summon forth any weapon that has been stored in the bracer at will, including during an attack roll, allowing the wearer to switch quickly between different potential weapons. Creatures freeze solid and shatter when reduced to 0 hit points by Ice, assuming their anatomy is capable of doing so. Subzero: The target must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 16), taking 4d6 cold damage and become restrained as they begin to freeze solid on a failure, creatures that fail by 5 or more are instantly frozen. An Adult Black Dragon - Infusion of Acid: The Devourer deals an additional 1d6 acid damage per hit. The area of frozen terrain created by an area of effect spell lingers with frigid energy. A dart from the Bleeding Bouquet has a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Any charges accumulated are lost if a round of combat ends without Hate hitting a creature or if any creature other than the one that had previously been hit is hit with an attack. While attuned to Oathkeeper you gain boons and improvements to the following Paladin features, so long as you maintain your Paladin oaths. Find out what you can do. When found, the circlet has 2 gemstones. Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement) This dazzling helm is set with 1d10 diamonds, 2d10 rubies, 3d10 fire opals, and 4d10 opals. This finely crafted spellbook is bound in the leathery hide of an otyugh, and powerful wards have been placed upon it by an archmage to make it indestructible by nonmagical means, including fire. Every year that the creature stays attuned to Kyzzierth's Renown they must make a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw, this DC increases by 1 for every success and resets to 10 for every failure. 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