It still holds true today. God judge me, not man. Black South Carolinians have been asking for the flag's removal since 1972, and it's been a formal demand of the legislature's Black Caucus since 1977. Even as some embrace mutual aid, others resort to violence. Nance also noted that Cawthorn's propaganda video is thematically similar to the type of propaganda used by Islamic terroristgroups such as ISIS and al-Qaida to radicalize and recruitmembers. We are going to stand valiantlyfor God's incredible inherent truths that predate any version of government. The Havok Journal welcomes re-posting of our original content as long as it is done in compliance with our Terms of Use. It demands that its adherents repeatedly look away, that they favor the fanciful over the plain, myth over history, the dream over the real. But what the flag symbolized hadn't changed. Knowing that Lindy now talks to other Mississippians after rethinking the death penalty, I feel a twinge of hope as I watch Iras rebel flag flying outside the window of Deer Hollow. Protesters hold up umbrellas and American flags in the face of advancing riot police in the district of Yuen Long on July 27, 2019, in Hong Kong (Laurel Chor/Getty Images). Trump equates support for Confederate flag with Black Lives Matter, Governor signs historic bill to remove Confederate symbol from Mississippi flag, Gone With the Wind returns to HBO Max with disclaimer that film denies the horrors of slavery, Song of the South: the difficult legacy of Disney's most shocking movie, Nascar bans Confederate flag from all tracks due to associations with slavery, voters to decide slavery per state or territory, who discusses the flag respectfully with friends who like it, New York City the countrys financial center, true; the Yankees torched Jackson three times. They are not the same thing. Police continue to operate under layers of legal impunity and institutional protections. "In no way does he reflect the people in our state who respect, and in many ways, revere it.". document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Violence is the gold standard, the reserve that guarantees order. The force is organized with military precision and often military equipment. ), Schools are not teaching history the right way, he says. The streets fill with bodies and stinging, painful clouds. Its not us thats racial; its them thats racial. In this way they honor their ancestors. Millions turn to Vox to educate themselves, their family, and their friends about whats happening in the world around them, and to learn about things that spark their curiosity. Even as the institution had shrunk outside the south for a century, its riches continued to drive the US economy, including Wall Street and early capitalism, up to the 1860s. Slavery was an issue, but not the cause, the teacher tells me. Our disgust for the dastardly wretch can scarcely be uttered, fumed a former governor of South Carolina, the state where secession began. Violence transcends the quirks of philosophy, religion, technology and cultureIts time to quit worrying and learn to love the battle axe. According to the people on TikTok and the Sun (British tabloid), the . "We are not the worlds police;" "The standards of conduct are different in the Middle, This is an excerpt from Violence of Action: The Untold Stories of the 75th Ranger. Come on over! Joe Barnes booms, describing his nearby Seminary home as the one with the US, Confederate and Mississippi flags out front, after I tell him Roslyn sent us. Black American flags are the flags that mean "no quarter shall be given." By 1865, the Civil War had morphed into a war against slaverythe cornerstone of Confederate society. A Mississippi flag seen on the side of the road in Simpson County, Mississippi. My prayers have proved as idle as my hopes. After the Supreme Court's decision in Brown v. Board of Education, white Southerners used the Confederate flag to intimidate civil rights activists and demonstrate states' willingness to protect segregation at all costs. Numerous opportunities to simultaneously protect patients and the planet, say experts. But you can get better. She grew up in Red Bay, Alabama, in a former slave region that the last census showed as 93% white and 1% black. A year of protest against police violence, and brutal counterprotest by the police in the name of public order, had reportedly little impact on a system of policing built around a core of violence. Barnes has black friends, he says, and points out that African Americans use the N-word. Will you support Voxs explanatory journalism? The Confederate battle flag was one of several flags used during the Civil War. In the 1960's civil rights movement, division existed between black leaders who sought to use peaceful protest to effect change (most notably pastor Martin Luther King, Jr.) and those, like the. She worries that young people now think the flag stands for the KKK. Reporting by Jack Goodman, Christopher Giles, Olga Robinson and Shayan Sardarizadeh. To wait longer would be a crime. Listen to the trailer for, Dear Therapist: I Divorced My Dying Wife Once She Was No Longer Lucid, did all they could to disassociate themselves, who understood the logical conclusion of Confederate rhetoric. They are met by massed and prepared force. Potter was the president of the local police union . (Kean Collection via Getty Images). Many people were taught certain things.. Move forward. ", it is clearly true that the Americanright isincreasingly willing to accept or condoneviolence as a means of expanding and protecting their social and political power, more than 50 percent of Trump supporters want "red states" to secede from the Union, During an interview with Scientific American magazine, Dr. Bandy Lee, the principal editor of the 2017 bestseller"The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump," explained. t was 1957 when little Lindy Lubys great-uncle showed up at her house near Benton. And they`re willing to take up arms for it.". NFQ Embrace Violence Flag NFQ Embrace Violence Flag Item Information Condition: New without tagsNew without tags Price: US $25.00 NFQ Embrace Violence Flag Sign in to check outCheck out as guest Adding to your cart The item you've selected was not added to your cart. He did not violate some implicit rule of Confederate chivalry or politesse. Ultimately, Donald Trump, like other fascist and authoritarian leaders, is, ------------------------------------------, Trump's rallies and gatherings continue to celebrate violence and the prospect of revenge, stochastic terrorism and other techniques to radicalize their audience into committing acts of political violence, theDemocratic Party and the political and news media classin general have remained in denial, and largely passive in response, "Are Your Republican Neighbors Planning on Killing You? Oops. Embrace Violence a movement dedicated to the Military Operators that embrace the reality of combat; continuing the fight. Related Topics Until that kid went in that church in Charleston, people never thought anything about the Confederate or Mississippi flag, she says. Thomasa Massey and Evangela Hentz are close friends in Brandon, Mississippi. So did the Citizens' Councils, white supremacist groups of prominent and successful people who opposed integration. Johnson would not censor individual ownership or display of Confederate regalia but also not continue official approval to historic symbols of racial violence and oppression. "The events of this past week call upon us to look at this in a different way," Haley said. SALON is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as a trademark of, LLC. The Ku Klux Klan flew it at lynching parties and angry mobs waved it outside public schools as black children enrolled; in front of white segregation academies and next to leering dogs unleashed on black protesters wanting the right to vote. My family, we were poor. Trump and his regimegave permission and encouragement to his followers and other supporters to engage in antisocial and other anti-human behavior on a national scale. When I graduated from high school, we didnt have an indoor toilet.. In 1994, the legislature seriously considered a compromise, but it later fell apart. antisocial and other anti-human behavior on a national scale. Please enter a valid email and try again. Take Down the Confederate Flag - The Atlantic Give a last-minute gift with a lasting impact. The matter is especially raw in Mississippi, a state that suffered tremendous Confederate casualties and went from being the richest state from slavery before the civil war to one of the poorest. After the north won, it imposed a harsh Reconstruction on the south that still fuels white resentment today. Until they do, the violence of the right is only going to keep swelling and crashing. They believe that Joe Biden has declared a civil war on them by mandating that employers with over 100 employees and the military have vaccinations. The flag hasn't come down just yet. Theres also a civil war chess set. You can also contribute via. In a recent speech tothe North Carolina Faith and Freedom Coalition's "Salt & Light" conference, Rep. Madison Cawthorn, R-N.C.,issued what sounded like a declaration of war: It is time for the American Christian church to come out of the shadows to say, "No longer are we going to allow our culture to be determined by people who hate the things that we believe in. The only thing that has changed is how the rest of the country sees the cause it represents. The Christian flag? she asks. Fascism is a highly virulent social disease that usually destroys the host body but not before spreading the disease to many other people. Is it their feelings? Save your lovely souls. Directed by Clint Eastwood; written by William Broyles Jr. and Paul Haggis, based on the book by James Bradley with Ron Powers; director of photography, Tom Stern; edited by Joel Cox; music by Mr.. The first cut of the film also showed Lindy and husband, Ira Isonhood, flying the Confederate battle flag on a 20ft pole in the backyard of one of their homes. The 1860 census shows 49% of families in Mississippi one in two owned at least one slave. Surely the flags defenders will proffer other, muddier, interpretations which allow them the luxury of looking away. There are plenty of big bangs in "Flags of Our Fathers," but because . Booth absorbed his lesson too well. They primarily use Tik Tok as a recruiting tool and let others know their willingness to commit violence. I go to see and share the bitter end , I have ever held the South were right. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. All Ive heard is a downplaying and whitewashing of history in an attempt to gaslight its population.. The Confederacy itself was founded to preserve slavery and promote white supremacy (see, for example, Mississippi's declaration of secession: "Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery the greatest material interest of the world," or the speech from the Confederacy's vice president that declared the Confederacy's cornerstone "rests upon the great truth that the Negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition"). A minute number of people ever stop to think about the circumstances that surround the very freedoms they spend the majority of their lives enjoying. It looks like they reduced use of force for a few weeks after killing George Floyd and then *increased* police violence substantially. Most (southerners) did not have a dog in the hunt, he says. Moving it or removing it requires a two-thirds majority vote. Sign up to receive email updates daily and to hear what's going on with us! Its not whites that are the racists; its mostly the blacks What it boils down to is black people are just trying to overrule us.. They are protected by "law enforcement officers bill of rights" laws in more than a dozen states, which cushion them from the legal fallout of felonies and abuses; by the egregious doctrine of qualified immunity, which shields them from lawsuits against constitutional rights violations; by unions that embrace without qualification the worst offenders in police forces and exercise considerable power over municipal governments with both flush finances and the implicit threat of a heavily armed and punitive membership. They're angry. The debate reignited in 2015 after Dylann Roof killed nine black people in a church in Charleston, South Carolina. The SCV is correct, though, that Lincoln did not initially call for emancipation. Hes more than enough reason that the symbols of the Confederacy should be removed from the public square.. The dead person is a suspect before they are a man, woman or child. They have been fed an entire line which makes them believe that America is no longerAmerica and thatthey no longer want the America that the rest of us, the 60 percent of the country, live in. The biggest message they have been sending out is, "it's time" or "the time is now." Violence has become the central act through which the far right understands political agency, which is why fantasies about harming the nation's "enemies" journalists, activists, opposition . Expect more of it.. But while white Southern women were draping the flags on the gravestones of the fallen in the early years of Reconstruction, Coski writes, an armed militia of white supremacists in South Carolina was marching with the Confederate battle flag to threaten black residents. Mississippi has bent over backwards to say Im sorry. They have been fed an entire line which makes them believe that America is no longerAmerica and that, Trump and his regimegave permission and encouragement to his followers and other supporters to engage in. Dylann Roof plundered nine different bodies last night, plundered nine different families of an original member, plundered nine different communities of a singular member. Once such a process has begun, and those forces are unleashed, it is not easy to stop. By submitting your email, you agree to our, The Confederate flag symbolizes white supremacy and it alwayshas, The history, though, is clear: from the Civil War through the civil rights movement, the flag has always been about white supremacy. The group split from Vanguard America (VA) in late August 2017, several months after VA participated in a white supremacist rally on the capitol steps in Austin, Texas. Inscribe beneath it the years 1861-2015. McCluney, 53, is a national officer in the Sons of Confederate Veterans, which accepts male descendants of southern soldiers. Witness heretofore our wealth and power; witness their elevation and enlightenment above their race elsewhere. After I mention that Mississippi outlawed freeing slaves in 1857, he said that the south wouldnt have seceded if the federal government had allowed (white, male) voters to decide slavery per state or territory. Covid vaccinations, mostly. The law requires the flag to be hoisted 30 feet from the ground, illuminated at night, and surrounded by "an appropriate decorative iron fence." Support our mission, and make a gift today. When Southern states gave the flags pride of place in their capitols, it was to signal support for segregation. Sign up for the from the Confederacy's vice president that declared the Confederacy's cornerstone "rests upon the great truth that the Negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition"). Because, my friends, if we lose this country today, if we bend the knee to the Democrats today, our country will be lost forever, our children will never know what freedom is. As red flags show up more and more over time, you'll start noticing patterns of behavior. LANSING Gun safety measures Gov. This notion is belied by any serious interrogation of the Civil War and the primary documents of its instigators. As Hussein Ibish warned in a recent article in the Atlantic, "The cancer of political violence is not an endemic American disease. The two single mothers finish each others sentences, laughing about that time Hentz went into labor where they worked and Massey put her in an office chair to wheel her downstairs to go to the hospital. It was 1957 when little Lindy Lubys great-uncle showed up at her house near Benton, Mississippi, where the family had lived for generations. For four years have I waited, hoped and prayed for the dark clouds to break, and for a restoration of our former sunshine. Lindy and Ira Isonhood walk along Deer Hollow, their property in Copiah County, Mississippi. In one troubling new development, Trump supporters have begun flying all-blackAmerican flags, in an implicit threat to harm or kill their opponents meaning nonwhite people, "socialist liberals," Muslims, vaccinated peopleand others deemed to be "enemies" of"real America." Its not about hatred. He adds that blacks fought for the south, too. It was an historic moment for gay. Watch: The Charleston shooting is part of a long history of anti-black terrorism, The Supreme Court will decide if a whole federal agency is unconstitutional, Make Trump a non person: Rupert Murdochs Ron DeSantis pivot, explained by a legal filing, What rewatching old shows teaches us about ourselves, How the US can stick the landing, beat inflation, and avoid a recession. The store specializes in Confederate flag-themed merchandise. For this chosen group, violence is the answer. Few filmmakers can resist the thrill of the rocket's red glare and the spectacle of death; the violence is simply too exciting. And I would do all this with just few men; hand picked and war hardened. Our ancestors fought under that flag, Barnes says. The flag that Roof embraced, which many South Carolinians embrace, does not stand in opposition to this actit endorses it. The infamous tree, used for lynching, was bending over a bridge on Highway 433 toward Lexington. Add to cart Add to WatchlistUnwatch Watch list is full We just didnt believe in racism. Pretty much any non-Conservative. They release a curt statement in grammar designed to deflect responsibility (officer-involved shooting; incident). God's will be done. Embrace violence. The flag was based on the saltire, a common flag symbol sometimes called the Southern cross. According to Jacob, the blue line both divides and saves: It separates the black stripes representing civilians above it from the black stripes below it, which represent criminals, a distinct category from people worthy of protection. In this way they honor their ancestors. Thomasa Massey, 49, jumps out of her car at Pearl Park in a majority-white Jackson suburb wearing a T-shirt with Confederate butterflies she designed with Pride, Not Prejudice underneath. I just had to go cut a black boy down off that hanging tree and take him to his mama.. But he was still a product of his time. For those who embrace violence, the ability to see those that embrace evil comes through as clear as a beautiful desert sky after that rare torrential downpour. But black newspapers didn't buy it: "Have we so soon forgot what the Confederate flag represents?" It was removed after some legislators felt it could be, "interpreted as anti . Sitting there, they see clearly what those who reject violence are blind to, that the evil they face is real and it is most definitely coming. Most Confederacy fans may cherry-pick their sides history, but many are more precise about the chinks in the Yankees armor including that not everyone up north was hip to slavery ending, either. We know about our family, their sacrifices, he says of his 20 ancestors who fought for the Confederacy. Slavery was sidelined as the war's primary cause in favor of the vaguer term "state's rights" (the right to own slaves). However, to a very select few, its much much more. Narcissistic symbiosis refers to the developmental wounds that make the leader-follower relationship magnetically attractive. I would be sad about it, not violently upset. Three died in battle, and one in a makeshift hospital in the Lyceum at Ole Miss in Oxford, Mississippi one of numerous buildings built by slaves. Southern politicians displayed the Confederate battle flag when they railed against Truman. Thirteen of his ancestors fought for the south, but most didnt own slaves. In fact, if the originalhost dies, he or she can beelevated to the status ofmartyr for "the cause,"serving to inspireexisting followers and lure in new ones. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for NFQ Embrace Violence Flag at the best online prices at eBay! The flag no longer represented just a 19th-century battle to preserve white supremacy, but a 20th-century one as well. Ira Isonhood, 71, remembers his father inviting black people to sit in his yard to watch a basketball game through the window when he got the areas first television a progressive move in the mid-20th century south. The Confederate flag stands for bloodshed and segregation.". Property crime investigations altogether have an abysmal 17 percent clearance rate. As Hong Kong police denied the protesters a permit to march, they attacked the crowd despite its peaceful nature, using tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse them. In the early 1950s, stock car racers, Southern universities, and social groups embraced the Confederate flag, Coski wrote in his book. Gentlemanly Kevin Davis is surprised when we show up at his large white antebellum-style house in Simpson County. He wrote the chancellor that he would never buy another ticket after the game ban of the rebel flag. Many defected to segregated union camps. The leader, hungry for adulation to compensate for an inner lack of self-worth, projects grandiose omnipotence while the followers, rendered needy by societal stress or developmental injury, yearn for a parental figure. I try to be sensitive. We are stopping by homes with flags, but owners keep pointing us on down the road to him. Be, who discusses the flag respectfully with friends who like it, challenges Massey, Hentz and others to probe deeper. I would not be up around the last flag making a chain gang to keep somebody from taking it down, Davis says. Mobs fighting to protect segregated schools wore Confederate flags in Little Rock and New Orleans and Austin and Birmingham. The blue line is both a border and an elevation, hanging above the threat that needs to be eliminated. The SCV might fly the flag, but we dont associate with them. But one mans prison sentence for a murder seen by millions on camera is a long way from the transformation we need. Everyone should have the right to purchase and display symbols for themselves on private property, but [not force the flag to] represent all citizens of any particular community, Johnson says, because they dont. SteveBannon, Trump's former campaign chairman and White House strategist, has now threatened to recruit Republican-fascist "shock troops" with the apparent goal of underminingthe U.S. government, and by implication multiracial democracy, if and when Trump and the Republicans regaincontrol of both Congress andthe White House. Look at whats happening to our statues! he says. That was horrific to my organization (SCV) when that took place.. In fact, if the originalhost dies, he or she can beelevated to the status ofmartyr for "the cause,"serving to inspireexisting followers and lure in new ones. Eventually, they will take the state flag; they will change it. Massey, who identifies as more Blackfoot-Cherokee than white, isnt interested in military history, saying the flag celebrates her heritage as a southerner, period. Studies have shown that police dont solve most violent crimes. An entire people are poorer for his action. Drive out this cult of death and chains. You think I speak lies and elaborations. An alarming number of military members have been making Tik Toks talking about how they are being discharged because they refuse the vaccine. Each day passing as the last, each day taken for granted with little to no thought about how fortunate they really are for having in their lives, those that embrace violence. Trumpism is not actually the core disease. Violence transcends the quirks of philosophy, religion, technology and cultureIt's time to quit worrying and learn to love the battle axe. Its message had just become less respectable. April 21, 202111:12. The war became a national tragedy, not a just cause. ", merits lengthy quotation: It didn't take long to find hundreds of videos where these Trumpers and so-called patriots were hanging black American flags. Johnson, CEO of the NAACP, says he wishes poor whites would recognize how powerful politicians have long played racial politics with Confederate emblems a deliberate strategy to divide them from people with shared economic interests. Robert E. Lees armies took special care to enslave free blacks during their Northern campaign. The night was solemn; speakers at marches coast to coast acknowledged the heavy toll a single rare verdict of a police officer found guilty of murder had taken. It was not an unusual number of new cases for the department's eight-member gun violence restraining order unit, which Brooker oversees. She immediately brings up Roof. A photo soon emerged of him holding a Confederate flag. I am going to start researching this, she adds about the history as Kate calls for her. The friends reject being offended over what Hentz calls just a piece of cloth. They said it should be left up to South Carolina, a position for which McCain later apologized. Associated Press articles: Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. As a white woman who still flies the flag in a historically black South Carolina neighborhood put it, it's about "family history.". The history, though, is clear: from the Civil War through the civil rights movement, the flag has always been about white supremacy. I add that the division most hurts poor whites and people of color. For 75 years, it was used as a reminder of the nobility of that cause. On Sunday, at a rally in Colorado, Mr. Trump proudly held up a rainbow flag with the words "LGBT for Trump" written on it to a cheering crowd of thousands. Although showing guns on Tik Tok is supposed to be against community guidelines, they show lots of videos of their guns, shooting them, wearing them, or sitting on their bed. News of another police killing hits before the grieving family has concluded their press conference, and the cycle begins again, until it breaks, or we do. Lindy nods, describing her childhood of poverty when the familys land was all they had left. The Americans who fly the Confederate flag. ", Somewhat puzzlingly, in the same report that featured the anti-Truman flag buyer in New Jersey, Life wrote off the flag's popularity as a fad. Heres the data on Minneapolis police use of force per week since 2017. A raid last week against a militia group in the West Bank town of Jenin, in which the Israeli military killed 10 people - militants. What matters is this, they will fear the sword and the bearded ones wielding it. Insecure, frightened men (and the occasional woman) participating in fascist violence find a sense of agency, of individual power and meaning, a sort of orgasmic release from a life of ordinariness and political impotence. The post-war white south embraced the Confederate battle flag, making it their sentimental symbol of the "lost cause" of the war. Moral cowardice requires choice and action. There are trashy white people and trashy black people., SCV is not racist or violent, he says. By the time Mississippi embedded it into its new state flag in. Effie, its just been a bad day, the lawman said to his sister, as the six-year-old listened. Anything less, and the disease of American fascism will only go dormant until it is resurrected again perhaps in amore dangerous and virulent form. ''I don't believe [Confederate] service, however distinguished, needs to be commemorated in a way that offends, that deeply hurts, people whose ancestors were once denied their freedom by my ancestors,'' McCain said. Lindy, now 66, has shifted her stance on the death penalty. It flew for all colors, black, white, whatever, she says. Reproduction of material from any Salon pages without written permission is strictly prohibited. After she sat on a jury that condemned a man to death, she now campaigns for alternatives to execution and stars in a new documentary about her experience. The flag, which has gone on to earn its creators company, Thin Blue Line USA, a healthy living selling related merchandise, literalizes this vision: a U.S. flag in a stark photonegative scheme, save for a broad line of blue. "In the first phase, tension builds and a . Ira is in the backyard posing for pictures in front of his Confederate flag. The Klan is different from us. Thats what states rights were about: protecting slavery, he says. Get notified when we re-open our online store. Google Pay. She supports Mississippians right to keep it as is. It's alarming because there is probably an equal number of guys on there talking about the civil war plans and actively using Tik Tok to recruit these military and ex-military members. 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