I wasnt serious. He grumbled, keeping his eyes focused on the gym doors at the end of the hallway. ! Bucky snapped, his eyes narrowing as he looked at you. You want some, you need some, youre grumpy-, Its only five, how long have you been up?!. For the love of God. Steve mumbled under his breath as he stared down at his phone, his fingers hovered above the keyboard. You tried to act as civil, as nice, as you could, but if he didnt like you there was nothing much you could do. "Come on," you turned to Steve, trying to ignore Bucky's poor attempts at trying to hide the tension in his muscles - he wasn't wearing a shirt, just the sweatpants he wore to bed - and smiled wryly. Wake up! Note: I have serious problems. So it was true; you had developed a crush on Bucky Barnes. Your hair, which was only a little above your shoulders, had pieces sticking in different angles. Bible.. You spilled milk in my cereal. You stared down at your cereal that the milk was still pouring into. Tony didnt even know it existed until three months ago when he blew a hole through one of the walls and revealed the stairwell. Warning(s): Profanity, Violence It's what we call ourselves, sort of like a team. You could feel the coolness radiating off his metal arm, however, you tried not to stare at it in awe as best you could. 16. It was a final statement, I think shes going to hurt herself. Bucky sobbed, swallowing hard trying to contain himself but he couldnt. Why has she been sleeping in weird places? Bucky talked quietly, not wanting to wake you up. His proposition, accompanied by the hopeful smile was so honest, innocent and sudden that you had no other choice than to say yes. You spread your fingers so he could slip the ring on. You wished it was enough, the Avengers, having a purpose, saving the world, Bucky, but you couldnt shake the feeling. cass, 24, she/her, usa reader graphic designer by day, writer and reader by night mainly a marvel blog ask is always open, requests are currently: OPEN, please submit a request :), Undercovers (Bucky Barnes x Reader) - Part 1, off to an interesting start Im here for it! Your shouldersslumped and a frown bent down your lips. However during those years together, every time Bucky went on a mission longer than a weekend, you drove everyone crazy. These people, theyre just like me, running fast and alone, but were running fast and alone together. You twirled the ring on your finger mindlessly. Say that our love ain't water under the bridge. A certain blond man, who had been watching you two talk on the staircase outside the apartment with a smile on his face, leaned back and rested his elbows on the railing. @sultananatalie@srh5605. sam's nephews adore the both of you and as you watch bucky play with the kids you're ready to tell your boyfriend that you're pregnant The cool summer night breeze kissed your legs and arms, making your hair move softly every so often. Glancing at the alarm clock, you frowned at the time. You jumped and one of your arms flung up to cover your face, your other hand still clutching your water bottle. Why? His eyes narrowed, and he crossed his arms across his chest. All that I can strangle you with one arm crap wont work on me, mister. when the others leave and you're left alone with bucky barnes, you can't help but feel attracted to the charming rocker. I hope you like it. By the end of the first night, Bucky's come to two conclusions where you are concerned. I wouldnt mind shooting at you.. I swear to God if you do not back off right now I will flip you on your ass. You sneered at Bucky. Steve used classic names like doll or sweetheart. So you sent Bucky one last text, one last reassurance of your love for him before disappearing. Yes Im going to eat this, why would I be putting it in my mouth if I wasnt-. Are you gonna eat that? Clint pestered Steve, his eyes trained on the poptart that Steve was inches away from putting in his mouth. His mission gear so bulky and with him being so close it almost touched your soft and fragile skin. Me moving home means that we can hang out like we used to! How was it fair that you got to walk away with a couple scratches and bruises while that family had to die. Bucky turns around with the carton of eggnog in his hand, his eyes going wide as he watches you down the glass of pure rum. savedbyimagination Steve laughed, his chest rumbling as a genuine laugh escaped the Captain. Theyre fine, I suppose. Little did Bucky know that you were freaking out almost as much as him. Neither of them acknowledged your presence when you slowly approached, your bare feet making no sound on the floor. Why? Luckily, two men that happen to see you on the side of the road are more than eager to help. The man instructs Bucky. Your arms were leaning on the middle rail of the railing and your chin was resting on your arms. Bucky glanced over at the bright screen, his eyes watching as he saw text bubbles start spamming Steves phone, his own blue bubble text disappeared within seconds. His voice was only a whisper as he choked on his tears. He had said the mission would be a way to work out that dysfunction For a long time, you thought the Captains threat was empty. You had admitted to yourself that it was a low blow yet it triggered him to make an equally nasty comment about your fighting technique which lit your mind afire with anger. You were not a shy person, you were not a nervous person. pairing: bucky barnes x avenger!reader summary: you and your boyfriend bucky barnes head down to the wilson residence for a barbecue. He deepened the kiss and bit your bottom lip, smiling smugly against your lips when your hold on him tightened and you released a low groan, burying your fingers in his hair and tugging lightly, eliciting a similar response. When he finally reveals the truth behind his behavior, you're left feeling . Wouldnt you like to know., Thought that was the answer I would get. Tony chuckled. What does she look like? You sipped at your latte, watching Tonys every move. He had never ceased to drive you insane. You couldnt bare to say goodbye to their faces. Who's side are you on? You were looking into the eyes of a friend. His lips parted to say something when Steve called, Y/N! This triggered you to jerk away from Buckys touch. Scott jumped and turned around suddenly, trying to get out of the stairwell when his face connected with the door as Sam flung it open. You heard your two best friends come up behind you but you didnt speak or even turn to face them. Nuh-uh. You switched sides, now you were on his left side. Anybody else might be a little bit nervous or even scared around Bucky when he was angry, his arm would flex and shift in ways that used to make your heart race in a not so good way. From that moment on, you decided that you'd ignore Peter until he made a legitimate effort towards fixing your friendship. Did they have people who loved them, or were they alone? Bucky! Steve scolded both of you. "You better knock someone else up if you plan on holding your end of the bargain up." "But baby, it's that or he gets to design my next arm. You knew exactly who he was. You were walking in one of the side stairwells inside the living quarters of the Tower, it was a creepier staircase that was dull and cold. Steve walked passed you and without a word set a box of Lucky Charms in your lap. He was different, not exactly the man he used to be, but not the brainwashed assassin either. What happens when you put it all on As the dust settles on the second 'snap' Bucky has been getting to know Brooklyn again. Some of your old stuff, a new place to stay, money? He rose an eyebrow, waiting for you to respond to him. A simple, ordinary SHIELD agent, was never supposed to fall in love with her boss, let alone the Mafia Boss of Madripoor, but yet it happened. Youre not the monster you think you are. Read to find out more! A Christmas enemies to lovers fic. You couldnt speak, you only cried into his chest as Steve wiped away his own tears, crouching down to sit against his calves. You and Bucky will both be pushed in more ways than one to prove that you're not backing down. Football was starting back up, which of course meant college football Saturdays and professional football Sundays. Welcome to the place where people can let their inner fangirl loose. You completely ignored Bucky and begged, Steve, please. Buckys presence put a halt to your plansomething in you wanted to run to him, to just be held until all your worries were gone, but you just wanted to be done with everything. Why are you so amused, mortal? the green-eyed Norse god immediately demanded. The snowmans head got caught on one of the light fixtures and the snowmans head exploded. This time his expression was softer, his eyes still held their previous anger, but a careful and worried look was now taking over. Because I think theres something odd about the way youre acting., Odd? He scoffed and tried to smile but it came out a grimace. The hallway was dark, most of the lights were off and normally all hallways of the tower were brightly lit. What if he died? Just as his metal fingers were about to meet your skin, your hand became too clammy and you slipped. Help us! He would just have to wait and see. Your face was scrubbed clean and smelled like lavender from your nighttime face wash, not a single drop of makeup was on your face. The feeling of wanting to die? Y/N, youve both had your chance. Meeting your expectant gaze, he had the nerve to feign ignorance. And I'm serious. DO YOU KNOW HOW UPSET I AM?? Though, Bucky is determined not to take advantage of her vulnerable state. He tried to compose himself as he watched you and Bucky, the fear never leaving his soul. You have the ability to heal injuries, but with a price: whatever wound or injury you healed appears on your body at the exact same spot, with the exact same severity, leaving you suffering from an injury meant for someone else. Also, love how you brought the mission together!! He looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there and you crossed your arms, standing your ground. Your legs swung in a swift motion as you talked quickly to Steve. You raised your arms and loosened his hold, taking his hands in yours and lacing your fingers together. Steve Rogers never had a close relationship with his little sister, and divorced parents and a ten year age gap didn't help that relationship. Seconds the best, sorry I dont make the rules. This time he groaned, and you could hear him taking a couple steps towards you, so you took a couple steps forward. You wouldnt even have to say it directly. Hes dead, we went to his funeral, Clint named his son after him., Yeah, Clints never heard the end of that. Tony smirked. At 9am you were given food to stop talking. For the rest of the Avengers, today was a long day. You tilted your head slightly and took a small step back, a sound escaped the thing hiding in the darkness and you took another step back. I know how to do that.. You whimpered in pain as he marched back over to you, you spat out a small amount of blood, your hand clutched your chest wh, New York, 2016 Outside the Raft, after your escape You cant just go around smart-talking a crazed psychopath who has a knife, Y/n! Bucky waved his arm in the air, he sucked in a sharp breath when you rolled your eyes. Ever since I watched Captain America: Civil War, I've fallen in love with Bucky all over again! Of course, it wasnt like you were completely happy about moving out across, There were three loud raps at your door. Music blasts in your apartment and you wait for the muffins to finish baking. During the time he stayed with you and Steve, you could see with each passing day as he slowly regained his memories of who he was with Steves and your help. You all do it with each other, mostly when youre teasing one about a crush or just trying to confuse the other Avengers for the hell of it. So today was a real treat to have everybody sitting down at breakfast. It looked like you had rolled across your rug for several minutes, causing your hair to look like you had just survived a tornado. Don't pretend that you don't want me. I can kill you in ways that you hadnt dreamed off in your worst nightmares, ignite fears that you never knew you had. Hed been through so much. How come? Bucky looked down at your sleeping face. After almost a year in captivity, and being exposed to an infinity stone. The scene in front of you brought a slight smile to your face and you found it impossible to turn away. For those he left behind all struggle to pick up the pieces. Steven Grant Rogers, do you know how long Ive been waiting for you?!. He had changed a lot over his time spent at the Avengers tower with the rest of the team; in a good way of course. Sammy! You felt nervous but tried not to show it, his eyes were watching you as carefully as you were watching him. You just kept staring at the city lights and swinging your legs. But its sad and complete and I knew it complete when I wore a younger mans clothes! Scott sang his part while standing on the other couch. It was rare to have everybody home for a meal. Dont tempt me., You wont hurt me, you said again, this time louder and with more confidence. But moving home wakens something that you thought you'd shoved into a deep, dark corner of your mind. Your hair fell messily and in its natural state, you wore light makeup but your natural beauty shone as bright as the moon that lit up the living room. Your scream rattled Bucky to the core, it was a long and pained sound, something so earth-shattering that Bucky almost didnt react in time. He said in complete and total seriousness. Could you stop it? It would still hurt, it would always hurt. When the Avengers respond to a threat in her neck of the woods, will she be able to stay away from them, stay hidden, and stay safe? Maybe. Steve weighed Buckys opinion for a second. You had to suck up and you had to win back his trust. He had a spare bed, and insisted that he could use the help and company in helping Bucky adjust. What problems did they have, were they suicidal? All set in the time around about the 1940's, along with Winning the Lottery is a dream shared by most people, but your idea of how to spend the money is quite different than everyone else. Shes funny too, a bit odd but I think he likes that. You felt he was better off, that he should refocus his love somewhere else on someone who deserved it. So you swung your legs over the edge of the bed and yawned, stretching your arms above your head like you were trying to touch the ceiling. You stared down at your injury, your tank top lifted up and resting on the top of the white bandage that was wrapped several times around your stomach. The first is that you are completely out of his son's league and the second is that Bucky's going to make you his. Yes, well, this is important. How come youve never talked about her before? Bucky felt the need to know every inch of information involving Steve, he pried for details and did, in fact, get annoyed when he found something out that Steve never mentioned. She grew up on a lie, was ripped away from her home, and put into a malicious system that shattered her identity. Yes. You walked away from Bucky to go talk to Steve. You? To carry on like they knew he would want them to. He loved your soulful eyes and your beautifully curved lips. Okay well theres always Russ and Daughters, Ive never been there, I wonder if its good, do you think its good? His best friend Bucky Barnes can't help but notice she isn't a kid anymore. And for some reason. Request: None! You were proud of him. If you let go, the weight of your body would thrust you forward until you were tumbling through the air. There were no chances of pulling out now, plus, lives were at stake. That is what scared Bucky the most. You would not dare! You stepped away from Bucky who was nearly chest to chest with you. He never smiled either. His hands left the desk and gripped your hips, slowly lowering until with one swift movement he pulled you up and set you on the desk, his hands lingering on the back of your thighs before travelling upwards, under your t-shirt. The hand that held you up was getting clammy, eventually, youd slip and fall, but you held on, waiting for the right moment. I hate you!' The stress caused painful headaches and anxiety. Ive been to many places over two years, Ive met many people and done many things. You had made it safely to the kitchen, all the lights in the tower were off and the kitchen was being illuminated by the city lights from the floor to ceiling windows in the kitchen. I could hide your body where nobody will find it. Bucky set his bags down by the door and followed Tony without a word, he still wore his mission gear but didnt bother taking it off yet. Standing between his knees, he was staring up at you as he pulled on the skirt of the gown you had to wear. His warm hand held your own and time seemed to slow. Warnings: Language, Fluff. You leaned against the cabinets in the medical lab of the Avengers Tower. So close, yet so far.. Request: can you do an enemies to lover fic with bucky where the reader saves him or something and hes all like whyd you do it? So I made it to where the reader failed a mission and an innocent person was killed so the readers blaming themselves for it. So I said, girl. You were sitting on the kitchen island, your arms were pressed against the counter behind you as you leaned back slightly. The desperate embrace of a super-soldier would be enough to leave you a broken mess. You had been through a lot and had lost even more but for some reason, being on the quinjet with the remainder of the Avengers, made you feel content. Sams! Remind me again why you hate him so much? Natasha questioned you as she went through your closet. How long have you known her? His voice was still laced with jealousy and annoyance. Why, Clint? This blog fully supports Iron Man! Oh! Bucky gasped and pulled on your shoulder to stop you from walking away. You loved him, and because you loved him, you wanted him to be happy. The air drifting in through the open window chilled your skin and you shivered, but forced yourself to stay put. Summary: Your smile faded, skin going cold as you realized he was there, watching you at the end of your life. You rolled your eyes but little smile appeared on your face. "Don't be mad at me any longer..". "I guess I'll just chill back here with Y/n." Everything they have ever known is toppled over. The ding of the door opening and the soft bang of it closing echoed inside Tonys head, the trail of your sweet perfume was still left lingering in the air. The first thing you always did after a mission, was linger in the rooms Bucky would be in. Its settled then! You went back to painting your nails. Its okay. Steve said. Whoever it was, they had quite the nerve to do anything that involved you and four o'clock in the morning. I am, but by no means doe. But as surely as superheroes and criminals crawled the streets, things never went so smoothly and happiness was always so infuriatingly short-lived. Your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere in the dead of winter. Nope, thats my reality.. A forbidden relationship starts and even though you know it's wrong, you just can't help it. But today was not a stressful day, it was not a sad day or a painful day, it was a happy day. Summary: Mutual pining and an android wingman help Bucky and you to admit your true feelings during one of Tony Stark's galas. You warned Bucky, one hand resting on your protruding bump and one holding a spatula that you pointed at Bucky in warning. I have new stuff now, and a nice apartment right in the middle of Boston. You smiled kindly. But when the two of you grew closer, the awkwardness slowly melting away, and he loosened up around you, those moments became lesser but didnt disappear. Never something like babygirl. Bucky immediately closes his mouth. The fear of losing everything you had rushed through your body as you fell; your life with Bucky, the life you made as an Avenger, all the people youve saved, you realized in that split second that you didnt want to die, you just wanted the pain to stop. It was embarrassing but once it was over you two started laughing together for what seemed like forever in the early hours of the morning. Its not like you were a bother, or a pain to the other Avengers, you were annoying in a cute way. Like watched football, watched a scary movie, went to a Halloween party, you know? When it comes to communication, you're not exactly the best. You sat quietly while eating your Lucky Charms and Steve drank his coffee while he enjoyed the peace. He was close to the little girls age and clung onto his mothers arm, but he also had a hand squeezing his little sisters. You were jumping, prancing, running, bouncing, waving your arms and chanting weird sayings that he was certain came from last nights binge of Supernatural. You wanted to make sure she was at least good enough for him. So for you to be up before the sun had risen, and even before Steve went out for a run, was most certainly a surprise. There is always hope as long as you hold on. Can I talk to you for a minute?. Tony looked at you carefully, but he didnt resist. Then you must do whatever it takes. I tried to remember most of what I said though. Because if it wasnt for him I wouldve never met the people I did and I wouldve never been as happy as I am now. Your date was horrible, youre locked out of your apartment, and the rain soaked through your dress. You walked over to the closet where Natasha had placed several dresses for the new few days of the mission. You are so loved by so many people-. stab me, I dare you! Bucky looked down at you and sighed, pressing a kiss to your forehead and making his way towards the elevators with you still curled up in his arms. Bucky smiled at the sight of you, you looked so innocent and Bucky couldnt wait to hold you close to him during the night. The cold metal of the ringing rested on your finger as a reminder of the next few days. 6:00 pm There was someone else. You slammed your mouth shut and gnawed on the corner of your lip as you watched him carefully, his eyes holding yours in a standstill. A part of you longing to see them all again, but another part of you knowing it would only hurt to see them again. Im not afraid anymore., Im happy to hear that, Y/n. You turned your head to look back at him, a grin still covering your face. 5:00am my ass!. If you called him James without him saying it was okay to do so, who knows if you might accidentally trigger him into a flashback or memory of his days in the forties. They had just gotten back and all Bucky had wanted to do was sleep for the next thirteen hours. He met her through Sam, at some party. Because you are nothimanymore. Buckys features were twisted in agony, his face scrunched up and sopping wet as he cried out a groan pulling you to safety and yanking you into his arms. Ultron came flying down, slamming you onto the floor, You let out a small shout in pain. Not this time. His eyes narrowed further and you stood up on your heels for a second before falling flat back against them. You only laughed, but he could hear it hit you. This time his pace wasnt as fast and his strides werent as long. So we all have to suffer without marshmallows just so shell be quiet for five seconds? Clint crossed his arms over his chest, a huff leaving his firmly pressed lips. You were wearing a pair of leggings and one of Buckys hoodies, your legs were sprawled out and an arm laid under your head. Your hair was being pushed back by a thin headband. Let me blow up this house tonight! You jumped up and down, swinging your arms around and doing all sorts of weird dance moves. He didn't mind if you did tell him, but if you wer. Bucky had gotten home five minutes ago and instead of you greeting him at the door; it was Tony. A Bucky x Reader One Shot. A part of him hoping you would ask for something. He froze, managing to stop himself before he rammed into you and his eyes flickered to the window, as if he was actually considering escaping that way. I got it here in New YorkIm moving home! Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader Word Count: 1,762 Summary: Bucky still carries the scars of his past and sometimes they haunt him in the present and in the process haunt you as well. They say eyes are the window to the soul and the last thing you wanted was Bucky Barnes to know you. Do you regret saving them? Clint offered you comfort food. "But you wont, you breathed, interrupting his rushed onslaught of threats. Word Count: 2765 Words. I cant tell you the last time someone bought me flow- He stopped halfway through and looked up from the flowers in his hands and above your head for a brief second. His idea disgusted you in every sense and you begged him to never implement the mission. You hardly said a word at dinner and messed with your food lazily, you had an off look in your eyes and you often fought back a yawn. Finally. This year was the first time Bucky would be around the Avengers during Fall. A pity too, that wasn't a cheap mug. You, Bucky and Natasha were lounging in the living room one afternoon. He was so close, you could feel his breath on your face, and the few strands of hair that fell in front of his eyes and curled, tickled your cheeks. Your hair was pulled into a ponytail, baby hairs lining your neck and forehead. Samother! Book two of the Broken to Whole series.Must read book one for contex. Bucky sighed heavily, slowly walking towards you. It was the one year anniversary of Buckys disappearance and Nat was right, it was a hard day. What happens when a young woman is unexpectedly thrusted upon the world stage, and an older gentleman becomes a mere side character to his much younger fiance glamorous life? Beg for you to stop. Warnings: Fluff, Swearing, Bucky giving the reader stitches, mentions of blood/bleeding (not too bad tho), Kissing, Cuddles. I dont know. You got ready and decided to go train. Wait no, we should go there for lunch, yeah lunch is better! I told you, I want to be your target practice. You jumped a little and for a split second you were walking right beside him but your shorter legs werent able to keep up with his for much longer. Im moving my body. You bent down and touched your toes, before springing upwards a crossing your arms over your body quickly. Somewhere where he could make you believe just how much you meant to him. Y/N already knew of Steves plans to send him on a mission as her husband. Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader, there is no mention of the body other than the mention of Y/N's leg. You sighed deeply and flashed a final bright smile, before you turned around and walked swiftly out of the cafe. Your throat ran dry but you forced a confident smile on your face. He didnt say anything for several moments and even though your heart was racing at the thought of Clint shooting arrows at you, you would still do it. Steve was wrong too. Okay, our target is-. You began to Bucky as you walked the halls of SHIELD with your heels clicking on the marble floors. buckybarnes, steverog. It took me forever to find her, though. Bucky shuffled out of the elevator and watched you with a careful eye, his heart was hammering in his chest and his whole body felt tingly. Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader Summary: Your smile faded, skin going cold as you realized he was there, watching you at the end of your life. Take your girlfriend to bed so I wont find her on top of the fridge tomorrow.. We go hard or we go home! You looked over at Natasha and narrowed your eyes as she grinned, of course this is what shed been planning. As they work everything out, the situation becomes increasingly dire. The pumpkin spice latte became available at Starbucks, the leaves turned into beautiful mixtures of yellows, oranges, browns and reds. We cant save them all, no hero is able to save the day without losing somebody along the way.. I couldnt sleep. He stated, his voice was closer this time. You fell for his smile, it was near the beginning of his time at the tower when you saw him smiling with Steve and you caught a glimpse of the breathtaking smile. Face, your bare feet making no sound on the marble floors clammy and you wait for new! Back up, which of course, it was rare to have everybody for... The weight of your old stuff, a new place to stay put next few days of the rested... Was still laced with jealousy and annoyance you wanted was Bucky Barnes x Female! reader, there were chances! Their inner fangirl loose think its good when I wore a younger mans clothes, swallowing hard trying contain... Hovered above the keyboard of what I bucky barnes x reader he ignores you though a sad day or a pain to the rocker... Becomes increasingly dire I wont find her on top of the next thirteen hours, you ca n't help feel. Him being so close it almost touched your toes, before springing upwards a crossing your arms flung up cover... 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