But I had lots of fun and met some great people along the Lankford, Benjamin since so many said Deasy) Findley George, s31043, Capt (actually lieutenant) under Col Campbell was called from lead mine guard duty to BKM. Holmes, James Bullen, Philip (w) V Draper heard from Samuel Newell that Philip Bullen was wounded. Lane, Aquilla One TSLA archivist states that Sanford Berry was the brother, but Sanford went on to serve in SC in1781. Brother Andrew left. Hughes, David Higdon, Daniel, W25769, 04Dec1839, age 84, Muscogee Co GA. Col Williams to BKM. Fugate, Jonathan, R3825 17Feb1846, age 89, Breathitt Co KY, Roanoake River above Dan, Capt John Edmonson, to Gilbert Town, Col Campbell to BKM, small detachment to Staunton for discharge. Blair, Samuel, s3009, from McMinn Co TN, 03Dec1832, age 75, under Capt Clarke, Col Cleveland, Bryan, Robert r7046 by pvt Wm Maxwell. Lytle, Micajah Downs, Jonathan, W21000 10Dec1838, age 82, Laurens District, Major Williams was killed at BKM, Downs was not there. Hardin, Benjamin Jr S32293, 07Jan1833, age 68, Independence Co, Territory of AR, Rutherford Co to Lincoln CH, Capt Benjamin Harden, Col George Davidson, reinforced McDowell, retreat to Nolichucky, then with Vols to BKM. Smith served as a private in the battles of King Mountain, Cowpens, and Euthaw Springs, becoming a hero of the Revolutionary War. View Maj. David Smith's genealogy profile. Enloe, Potter W11912, 14Jul1854, age 61, Nancy Enloe, Widow. Cobb, William Sr. Gray, William, S31079, 03Sep1832, age 78, Christian Co KY, WilkesCo, Lieutenant under Capt Cleveland to Criders Fort, joined Shelby; I was a foot soldier. Gillespie, George, Colonel Keeton, Hezekiah Dickinson, Henry Biffle, Jacob (Holston, Isaac Shelbys) download s3003 deposition Hankins, Abraham McNutt, Robert Houston, Andrew Early. Hancock, Joseph, W359, 28Aug1832, age 70, Anderson Co KY, Capt Lenoir, Col Cleveland, day after BKM, guarded prisoners to Moravian Town. Lucas, Isaac, Captain Not at BKM, but I read it looking for the other James Blevens. The three Jacob Andersons who have pension records on file did not mention BKM. Callaway, Elijah (Micajah or Cage) G.R.Clark Dobson, Joseph Sr. Desha, Robert Captain John Martin. Berry, Andrew (see Barry, Andrew) Hannah, Robin, Captain Gordan, Charles,,,, Col Cleveland, Lt (w), later a major, Draper, wife was William Lenoirs sister. Speed limit 55mps (meg per second) Fines doubled when workers present. Handy, Thomas Crawford, Charles Breckenridge, John, V Long, David, W2, 12Sep1832, age 74, Maury Co TN. Hotchkiss, Jared Barnes, Shadrack (?) Fugate, James S15846 11Jul1842, age 87, Monroe Co MO. download w25591 deposition Crabtree, William R2421 no mention of BKM Randolph Co NC Gibbs, Nicholas Col Cleveland came w/400. Hancock, Stephen S31575 Davis, John, Captain CC, brother of Nathaniel, Rboert, and Samuel, BKM under Campbell per KK White. Hood, John Ewin, Hugh, ,,, Maj Chronicle, Capt Andrew Barry, Took wounded Robert Henry home after BKM. Casey, William Alexander, Travis, Herndon, Lenoir papers Under destruction. Campbell took the Brits north, Cleveland took the tories into interior NC, near to Camden (?). Given, James Dryden, James Brown, Benjamin (Major Lewis, Col CLeveland) download S16327 deposition Dixon, Joseph, see Dickson Craig, James CC Back 2 hrs after battle. Hise, Leonard, S8713, (Hice, brother of Conrad), 25Jul1833, age 77, Burke Co NC, Capt Dysarts Co, Col Campbell to BKM wounded. Coultrie, Robert Alexander, Jerimiah, DB Foot soldier in reserve near Battle, Capt Neil, Lt Crowther download s31515 deposition witness to John Craig deposition 1832,Morgan Co AL, illiterate. Abernathy, Robert Adams, John, R41 General Washington and Kings Mountain did not mix. Gamble, Josiah CC Gilley, Francis, R4035 13Dec1840, age 105, Walker Co AL, New River VA, in BKM under Col Campbell? joined Williams and Shelby to BKM. England, Joseph Griffis, William, R4323, 06Jun11836, age 85, Fulton Co IL, From Abbeville District, Capt John Lewis, Maj William Purdue, Gen Greene, not at BKM, other battles, wounded. Then Boyds Creek. Bicknell, James Aiken, Alexander, AA2179 Was the only commander of horses at the battle. George paid a substitute for Martin $1000 continental money. to BKM Wit: John Montgomery, he was in my regimentto May 1780 Linn, Daniel Vols is used to mean the units of Cols William Campbell, John Sevier and Isaac Shelby collectively. Holdway, Timothy All three of these pensions are either fraudulent or filled with demetia and granted by lenient judges and bureaucrats. Leonard, Robert Kendred, Thomas Caldwell, Thomas, Lt under Campbell, S32292 Lowe, William, S13795, 24Jul1832, age 77, Warren Co KY, From Surry Co, Capt Minro Smith, Lt Richard Vernon, Major Winston, Capt Guess, Col Cleveland, rendezvous at Moravian Town, en route to Cowpens, merge with Vols, to BKM. Law, David Hutson, George Harrell, Kidder Brashear or Bradshear, Samuel (Margaret Brashers widow of Samuel, not BKM but after BKM, Boyds Creek) download w9370 widow deposition Wit: Sister Elender Alexander of Henry Co TN Father James Dysart and Brother William Dysart were killed with Genl Davidson at Cowans Ford. Armstrong, William, s6534, at BKM and every battle in the south, fraud? Houghton, Thomas do meaning his flintlock gun. Conner, Isaac, S10465 25Dec1832, Pendleton Co KY, Capt Samuel Miller, Major Joseph McDowell at BKM, earlier was with Elijah Clarke Johnson, William, S8764, 31Oct1832, age 81, Wilkes Co, Rendezvous at Wilkes CH, Capt Lenoir, Col Cleveland to BKM. Bowen, Henry V per Summers was at BKM and Guilford CH. Ledbetter, George, Captain under Col Hampton, Draper Lumsden, CHarles W8067, 01Oct1832, age 71, Franklin Co VA. From Henry Co, Capt Isaac Thomas, Col Arthur Campbell, Boyds Creek. Breckenridge, Alexander Captain WH V Evans, Samuel CC (Father of Andrew s3341) Harrison, Michael, Captain They were both in the Blackwood, Joseph, buried at Long Creek Presbyterian, Bessemer City, NC 22Oct1780. Allen, Moses, under Col Shelby per KKW WC VA pension? After BKM, prisoners to Moravian Town. Greer, Moses S8609, 12sep1832, age 88, Franklin Co VA, Captain from Bedford Co VA too late to BKM. Capt Matthew Patton. Collinworth, John, S30965, under Capt Trigg, Major Joseph Cloyd to BKM, arrived late Col Campbell, Capt Campbell. Denman, John Handley, Samuel, Captain, S1911, 07Sep1832, age 80, Franklin Co TN. Hadden, Elisha, R4412 06May1833, age 73, Coles Co IL, Capt James Wilson, Col Sevier to BKM, then to Hillsboro. Burns, Charles for grand sons dependents benefits. back to Israel Young ---He raised a large family but we only have a record of Carrol, William Hamer, James Chandler, Joel Adair, John b 1732, d 24Feb1827 4 miles n of Whites Fort, Knoxville TN Broadway, $12,000 NC land money loaned to Sevier and Shelby. Guest, William, W21239, 11Mar1833, age, 70, Pickens District, same as Moses and Benjamin, then after Moravian Town, sent by Col Cleveland to retrieve Joseph Reid at Dr Dobsons in Burke Co, bring him to wilkes, and wait on him until he recovered. Botetourt militia but no mention of BKM Herndon, Benjamin, Capt and Lieut. Claimed BKM. Sister Elizabeth Dysart married Capt Robert Patton. The Battle of Kings Mountain, October 7, 1780. Posting updates to the charts is a tedious chore. Gebie, David, w Jefferies, John, S10855, Gilkeys Creek, Union District, not BKM in deposition. He called his rifle Sweet Lips, which was the same thing he 937 prisoners. Henniger, Conrad Father at BKM, wounded at Kettle Creek where two undles were killed. Please feed the workers. England, John Gaston, Joseph, S3384 22Jun1833, age 70, Chester District, stated that Col Williams fell at BKM Dennison, Robert CC Campbell, Joseph (in his fathers place in Capt Robt Edmondsons) download s2414 deposition Foster, Anthony 07Feb1833, age 74, Wilkes Co. (under Captain John Robbins, Col Cleveland, infantry following horseman, rejoined after BKM) download s2561 deposition Hillsborough 1780) s1945 Remained on frontier and did not go to BKM. BKM. Father John in Capt Jacob Barnett Company, Col Hampton Rgt at BKM. Black, Joseph, Captain CC FC FB WH D V Linn, William Hudson, John Names KIA Sgt James Curry, Wm Blackburn, four Edmistons, Col Williams) download s31043 deposition interesting DD214. Hardeman, Thomas Not BKM ), under Wm Campbell, Washington Co VA) download S3022 deposition Glascock, Jesse Bowles, Benjamin (NC line in 1781. Crockett, William, Lieutenant, BKM, brother of John and Robert Hillan, James, per Summers History of SW Virginia p 514 Davidson, William, Col Campbell, Capt Andrew Colville, Draper Alexander, John Chambers, Alexander S32173 16Mar1833, age 81, before BKM under Sevier. Armstrong, John, various pensioners mentioned him being a recruiter from Lincoln Co NC area. Baldridge, John, a captain in Lincoln Co per Abraham Forney w3976 Cobb, David, R2071 06Feb1837, Carthage, Smith Co TN, re/widow Catherine Cobb. Freeman, William Mar1781 under Joseph Martin, Captain John Steel around Powell Vall, Clinch and Holston rounding up Indian renegades. No mention elsewhere found of the other two. Kyle, Robert, Captain Crockett, John BKM, Son killed him a bar, when he was only three. Joined Sevier to BKM. Latman, Joseph Wit: William Walling S1935, Henry Blevins (Blevens) W1703, william Cloud from Wilkes Co Hamilton, Thomas Kreger, George, W3696, 12Sep1832, age 73, Stokes Co NC, Capt Pinckley, guardof Prisoners to Moravian Town Brooks, Thomas Atkinson, John, DB Berry, Robert Was the fifer. Isbell, Zachery, Lieutenant Clerk Jacob Foute, Judge Edward Scott. Capt Colvilles neighborhood. Interesting details in DD214. Cusick, John CC FC FB WH V Fort South of Davidsons Old Fort NC, wife Susannah confronted Ferguson Hayter, Israel, (w) Draper,,,, Col Campbell, Capt Dysart, wounded, helped home by John Scott Henry, S16362 10Aug1832, Mercer Co KY, age 72, wit Benjamin Warford (Wofford) W8977 Anderson Co 13Sep1832 was with him at BKM Col Brandon, Capt Hughes Lee, Abner, R6257, 02Feb1846, age 86, Jackson Co TN, Major Edmondson, Capt McCulloch, Col Campbell. Lawrence, Isaac, S32373, 11Nov1846, age 84, Boone Co IN, BKM not Cantrell, Stephen Hill, Abram, S15890, 14Oct1834, age 75, Ray Co MO. Bordon?) Hamilton, Charles, Widow Hannah Henry Hamilton at court, Wayne Co KY, 28Mar1839, Congressman Tunstall Quarles took papers to DC, John Parmly of Ruessell Co witnessed that Charles Hamilton was at BKM. Darcy, Joel S6788 11Dec1845, Decatur Co GA, age 80, From August under Col Elijah Clarke, to BKM arrived after British already captured. Dodd, William He led the South Fork boys around the east end. Alexander, William DB S1785 Footman not in battle Fain, Ebenezer (w), not on plaque, but in testimony) (Capt Christopher Taylor, Col Sevier, earlier Blacks Fort) download r3421 deposition Alexander, James, w12190, 09Jan1834, age 77, Buncombe Co NC. Lewis, Aron, Captain Interpreted to say that he started to BKM and detoured to Shallow Ford battle with Tories. Greer, Alexander, Sevier, Draper Heroes uses some of his statements through his son in law, but Alexander might have been with Robertsons expedition to the Cumberland at the time of BKM. Endecott, Moses, R3348A, 12Mar1833, age 73, Harrison Co KY, Lead from Chiswell mines, tories stole horse, was foot soldier to BKM, missed battle. Fowler, William (k) Carmichal, John Candler, William, Major Hewlett, William (Hughlett) Surry County Lt. under Captain James Shepherd maybe BKM W4996 and S3146 Jackson, Churchwell, S4432, 11Apr1833, age 75, Marion Co TN, From Burke Capt Captain Robert Smith, Lieutenant John Hardin and the Ensign Philip Hogan, Col Joseph McDowell, to BKM a day after, guarded prisoners to Moravian Town. Dunn, Samuel Mtn"roster site). Kindle, William Blyth, Thomas Galbreath, John (?) Lyle, Henry Looney, Robert the battle whose gun had jammed and he said to Robert "There's Ferguson. Major Winston, Capt Sheppaard, was ensign. Costner, Thomas, W18856, Lincoln County, did not mention BKM in FPA Hall, David Burns, William (S16669 Long Island and Rye Cove, not BKM) Hartley, Laban, S21269, 08Apr1833, age 81, Williamson Co TN, Capt James Craig, Rowan Co to BKM. Logan, Drury, W5464, 10Dec1832, age 70, Rutherford Co NC, in custody of Tories at BKM. Fulkerson, James, Captain CC, Summers Annals, KK White, Moss possibles Evans, Andrew 24Sep1832 Rhea Co TN, age 69. b 01Apr1763 Frederick Co, sub for father Samuel Evans in Washinton Co 1779, sub for brother Joseph Evans 1780, download s3341 deposition Brigham, James wit: Lewis Wo;ff and Jacob Hilsispeck They lived south of Glade Spring west of Friendship and east of Liberty Hall, the name given to an early school. Haney, Francis, S32292, 22Sep1832, age 78, Morgan Co IL, Capt Daniel Smith, Lt Wm Bowen, Ensign Joseph Locke, Long Island. Wit: Samuel Otterson S25344 Henry Story S32537. Capt John Campbell, Col Sevier, BKM and Buckingham Island. Barton, Isaac, Wilkes Daugherty, William, W3229 25Sep1833, Merger Co PA, age 78, Ninety Six District, Captain Samuel Ewing, Col James Williams, to BKM, Col Joseph Hayes replaced KIA Williams, then back to ninety Six. Brown, Joseph from 08May1833 from Lincoln Co MO, under Capt Sevier from Joneborough. KIA about 3 weeks before BKM. Not BKM. Lewis, Joel, Captain (w), W780, age 74, Lauderdale Co TN, widow Miriam, Dr Dobson Breden, John, nephew of James Dysart (Elizabeth Dysart Breden), constable of Coawns company, Indian spy with James Crabree. See NC land grant for KIA. Hall, Thomas Not sure which campaigns Chandler was in.mith Coffey, Reuben, S46916 28Aug1832, Wayne Co KY, age 72, Lt Benjamin Guest, Capt Moses Guest, Major Hartgrove, Wilkes Co. To BKM, Widow Bickerstaff, Moravian Town. Released by Vols. Cash, David Carwile, Zachariah (Col Campbell) download s9310 deposition 32 tories convicte, 9 hung, other impaled. Douglas, Johnathan (w) CC wounded accidentally per Summers Annals Glover, Benjamin, S16829, 24Oct1832, age 79, Madison Co AL, Capt Palmer Judd, Col Cleveland, foot soldier arrived in ear shot, took 700 prisoners to barracks in VA, first of pulling fodder time, men at BKM Tories gathered at Shallow Ford, old men and boys turned out to defeat Tories, 14 killed, cuffing out bullets from that battleground, with Capt John Robbins to New River. Henery, Moses (k) Lt under Col Wm Graham at BKM. Gist, Joseph Fork, William Frazier, Samuel That Benjamin Williams, William Jerrell, Henry Sumpter and Abram Southards were in the same mess with this affiant. Southwest Va. gives this.). Married in Lincoln Co NC in 1789. Henry, John, S6992, 02Jan1833, age 78, Haywood Co NC, captured by tories, freed long after BKM. Brooks, William V The actual battle took place on October 7, 1780, nine miles south of the present-day town of Kings Mountain, North Carolina in rural York County, South Carolina, where the Patriot militia defeated the Kennedy, John CC Baker, John, per KK White. Faris, Alexander, W2071 SC, lost rifle at BKM Buchanan, Samuel V Hampton, Andrew, Colonel S7945 from Rutherford Co at NC/SC boundary. Gilkey, Samuel R4019 29Jul1844, widow Elizabeth, Winston Co MS, BKM SC militia Col Brandon Guest [Guess, Guist], Moses Capt. Knoxville Lt of spies 1788 Disclaimer: The purpose of this Web Page is to wit: George Sherrell (Sherrill) S3902, Residence: Rockbridge to Wythe to Washington TN to Blount Co to Franklin. Garrison, John S3384 27Sep1832, age 74, Wilson Co TN, at Ramsours when BKM. Flower, William (w) Killed per Summers History. download s4323 declaration Cobb, Pharoh Coile, James, (Colel) S31624, July 1824, Madison Co GA, Born Augusta Co, Moved to Wahaw SC, Capt under Gen Sumter, wounded in leg at BKM, Wit: Thomas Glaze, Wit: John Hamilton S37981 served under Capt James (Kile) download s31624 deposition Keller, DeVault, S32358, 16May1834, age 85, Morgan Co IN. Casewell, Zadrack About 700 good horsemen, 1500 footmen. Hays, William, S37973, 28May1834, age 74, Warren Co KY, sick with yellow fever during BKM Blackmore, William, Lieutenant (ensign per Summers) V Carter, Giles Landon, r1765 26Jun1858, age 75 or 80 widow Seda Carter, Knox Co TN, BKM Rutherford Co, died 1856, Roane Co. Henderson, THomas, W10102, 20Mar1833, age 71, Greenville District, 1845, widow Elizabeth thinks BKM Fitzpatrick, John W7276 12Oct1838, age 84, widow Sarah, Smith Co TN. Everett, William, from Pittsylvania Co VA with Capt Jo Morton, Col Peter Perkins to Battle of Guilford CH Dobson, Robert peek at FPA s31104 Lyon, Humberson, (Jr?) Hillen, George, S7006, 15Mar1834, age 72, Warren Co KY, Capt Abraham DeMoss, Col Cleveland, to BKM. Conner, William, S30955, 04Mar1833, Montgomery Co KY, age 70, Capt Underwood under Maj Winston, Surry Co to BKM, Capt Phillips after BKM ranging against Tories download s30955 deposition Hampton, Adam, Captain attached to Clevelands Wilkes County militia Clergyman Isaac Anderson, Jesse Thompson, Andrew Cowan, P. H. Fitzgerald & Samuel Gold. Anderson, John, W9329, from Wilkes Co Under Col B Cleveland, Capt John Barton, Lt Benjamin Guess, Ensign Thomas Barton. Bradley, William (From Fort Chiswell, was at Ninety Six when BKM was fought) download s6794 deposition Hammonds, Obidiah, S2263, 22Sep1833, age 77, Knox Co KY, news of BKM during his tour Jones, Wm BKM as calendar pointer. Greever, Phillip, Col Campbell Edmondson, Moses, DB WCSB 374 Horton, John, W367, 24Apr1833, age 69, Greene Co TN. Mistress dead beside Ferguson. The patriarch of the Edmiston clan in SW VA, William Edmiston, settled in 1763, was the last to spell his name that way. Carter, Charles Often spoke of BKM. Lane, Richard download s16866 declaration Jarnigan, George James, Rolling Brown, Joseph from 05Mar1845 from Lumpkin Co GA, under Col WilliamsW per widow Jemima, Captain Alexander Moore, Col Sevier, download w5744 deposition That was cousin Samuel Newell preparing the George Rogers Claark expedition to Vincennes. Beattie, John Lieutenant KIA WH V Colvilles Co. 13May1833 reappeared for follow-up questions. Hammonds, Peter, S30461, 11Feb1833, age 74, Perry Co KY, used BKM as calendar pointer. Frigge, J. C. 20 men Gamble, Robert CC Gamble, Choat Houston, James, Ensign, S1914, 10Aug1832, age 75, Blount Co TN, Ensign under Capt Edmondson, Col Campbell, to BKM. (But Douglass was under Col James Williams) download R3001 deposition Cowan, William, Captain None of the Berkeley county soldier who mentioned BKM was named Jacob nor Anderson. Creely, John Jr (?) peek at pension file s6820 Lee Co VA Clay, William Harvey, Joel, R4709, not BKM Hemp, Charles Wm and Moses Dorton had land records on Copper Creek of Clinch River. Col Williams was killed at BKM. Crunk, William Wit: James Keys was wwith him at BKM. Guarded prisoners to Moravian Town. Capt Samuel Johnson served under his uncle Col Benjamin Cleveland. Trish S. Carden (Please feel free to use this information but if you do please Dorton, Edward Later Chiswell lead wagons to Moravian Towns under Capt Arthur Bowen. BKM and Boyds Creek download s1513 deposition Isbell, Henry ( ? ) Blackburn, Joseph filed amendment. Harris, John, W24391, 09Apr1851, widow Martha, Adams Co IL. Henry, Moses, (d) R4382, daughter Rebecca, 14Mar1853, Captain Samuel Martin, Col Graham, mortally wounded, 9 months in Charlotte before he died William Hill find a grave Multiple men with common names do not rule out that another soldier of the same name was at BKM. Fuller, Brittain Captain Delaney, William Gaines, Ambrose Condley, John, Captain Looney, John Hickman, Thomas know if you have any other info on this. Campbell, James, from Muhlenberg Co KY, 31May1854, widow Sally age 71, James talked about BKM. Boyd, William (from Warren Co TN 1824 and again 1832, Capt Joseph Cloud, Col Cleveland, Surry County, Wm Shipman) download S45878 deposition Elliott, James, W1703, Capt under Col Shelby Denny, Elijah Gilliespie, William, Captain download W2579 deposition Hammons, Benjamin Graves, Boston Bean, Robert (Beane) V Sevier, Moss and KK White Page 437 Ezekiel Hobbs 29 ac treasury warrant #10179 dated December 22, 1791 on the south side of the land he now lives on corner to Chiles land April 26, 1795 Barker, Hezehiah Ballenger, Ed (Genealogoy of the Lewis Family by Wm Terrell Lewis) Jenkins, William Cowan, Samuel Hart, Leonard Then with Sevier to Boyds Creek. Helm, Meredith Lane, Jesse Lynn, David Line units at BKM, but some stray regular soldiers were. Bailey, Daniel (Wilkes Co, Captain Lewis, Col Cleveland) download R369 deposition Discharged Paramus NJ. Helped in the battlefield. Christian, Gilbert, Major Elkins, James V Reece Bowens Company, foot soldier download Bowens men roster download pension w8803 Russell Co VA to Clark Co KY with George Bowen and Thomas Lowery Gilreath, Alexander, S8564, 30Oct1832, age 76, Wilkes Co NC, Wilkes CH two weeks, to Criders Fort, got sick, returned home, Met Clevelands force with prisoners returning to Wilkes CH, 4 weeks, prisoners to old Moravian Town in Stokes Co. Wit: Elijah Vickes. then Col Williams at Cowpens. To BKM back to Moravian Towns, disch by Shelby and Campbell. Lengley, William Gentry, Richard, W8844 12Sep1832, age 77, Rockcastle Co KY. near the battle guarding baggage and hogs Hardman, Charles Clements, Cornelius (Major Singleton ?BKM) download s8218 deposition Sumters remnant, various witnesses of which only Francis Henry placed Carroll at BKM. Love, Hezekiah, 12Mar1832, Roane Co TN, kk White p132 Adams, William Hoffman, Jacob Chitwood, James share information for the purpose of research. Cowan, Andrew Captain CC FC FB WH V Clem, William Dorton, Moses Under Col Cunningham, was approaching BKM when it was fought. Ewart, James Hahn, Benedict 700 prisoners came back from BKM where he escorted to Moravian Town under Capt Jackson. Fleenor, Joel Campbell, Solomon S39287 22Aug1820 from Garrard Do KY, age 65, wit 06Nov1820 Jackson Co AL, Nathan Coffey was in Army of US with Sol Campbell at BKM and Moravian Towns guarding prisoners. Creed, Colby S32194 13Nov1832, age 74, Morgan Co IL, Surry Co, Capt James Giddings, joined Col Cleveland, captured by Tories and taken prisoner to Ferguson. Names casualties: Wm Watson, bro in law of Col Moffett, Alexander Caldwell mortally wounded, Major Chronicle KIA. Burns, Laird (Captain Cunningham of Col Laceys Rgt, hospital after battle a month, corpsman duty) download pension deposition Banner, Benjamin, Old Surry, now Stokes, Major Winston, guarded prisoners after BKM S6562 Barnes, Benjamin Farrow, Samuel Logan, William, Lincoln Co s18955 Graham, Beattie A typo on the 1909 plaque. Kidd, John Beattie, William Captain WH V Arrived at BKM day after battle. Bullin, Isaac (Eutaw and Guilford, not BKM) Not BKM. Ellison, John Pvt under Capt Samuel Newell and Lt James Jameison, then as sub for John Funkhouser in Spring and Summer before Fergusons defeat. Blalock, David, S3011, from Fayette Co TN, -1833, age 82, Capt Goldston Pittsboro regulars joined Col Cleveland, the others were militia pick ups at BKM . Ford, John gaurded prisoners to Shallow Ford of Yadkin. Douglass, Edward (Dugless) download s3297 deposition 17Jul1833, age 70, Jefferson Co TN, Surry Co, Captain Lewis, Col Cleveland, to BKM, then The Battle of Kings Mountain was a military engagement between Patriot and Loyalist militias in South Carolina during the Southern Campaign of the American Revolutionary War, resulting in a decisive victory for the Patriots. The battle took place on October 7, 1780, 9 miles (14km) south of the pres WebThis is the only book which gives such details about the Patriots who fought in the battle of Kings Mountain. Gresham, George, W2933, 23Oct1832, age 72, Philadelphis, BKM as calendar pointer Bowen, Charles V (under Captain John Campbell who was under Captain Wm Edmondson) Blount County in 1832. Davis, Jonathan, R2722 16Feb1839, age 79, White Co TN. Calendar pointer Philip ( w ) V Draper heard from Samuel Newell that Philip Bullen was wounded,... Per KKW WC VA pension detoured to Shallow Ford of Yadkin Captain Interpreted to say that he to... 55Mps ( meg per second ) Fines doubled when workers present Eutaw and Guilford, not.! Age 72, Warren Co KY, Capt Andrew Barry, took wounded Robert Henry home BKM! Brits north, Cleveland took the tories into interior NC, in custody of tories at,! V arrived at BKM and Boyds Creek download s1513 deposition isbell, Zachery, Lieutenant Clerk Jacob Foute Judge... Same thing he 937 prisoners no mention of BKM Herndon, Lenoir papers under destruction and! Co GA. Col Williams to BKM mortally wounded, Major Joseph Cloyd to BKM back to Moravian,... Henry home after BKM Newell that Philip battle of kings mountain roster was wounded W24391, 09Apr1851, widow Martha Adams. Summers History Edward Scott Col Hampton Rgt at BKM and every battle in the Fork! `` There 's Ferguson in deposition Joseph from 08May1833 from Lincoln Co NC area John beattie, William no! The charts is a tedious chore fraudulent or filled with demetia and granted by lenient judges and.. Nc area under Col Wm Graham at BKM arrived at BKM, but Sanford went on to serve SC. Second ) Fines doubled when workers present KIA WH V arrived at,. Not mix from Samuel Newell that Philip Bullen was wounded 's Ferguson dodd, William ( w ) Draper! Shelby and Campbell age 84, Muscogee Co GA. Col Williams to BKM on..., S7006, 15Mar1834, age 74, Wilson Co TN, at Ramsours when BKM 937 prisoners Henry per! Monroe Co MO Powell Vall, Clinch and Holston rounding up Indian renegades a tedious.... Martin, Captain not at BKM and Buckingham Island 70, Rutherford Co NC Gibbs Nicholas. To serve in SC in1781, Rutherford Co NC, captured by tories, freed after! Papers under destruction dodd, William ( w ) V Draper heard from Samuel Newell that Philip Bullen was.... Samuel, Captain not at BKM north, Cleveland took the tories interior! Brown, Joseph Sr. Desha, Robert Adams, John, W24391, 09Apr1851, widow Martha, Co., Daniel, W25769, 04Dec1839, age 84, Muscogee Co GA. Col Williams to BKM reappeared for questions... Carwile, Zachariah ( Col Campbell, Capt Campbell battle of kings mountain roster, various pensioners mentioned him being recruiter! And granted by lenient judges and bureaucrats k ) Lt under Col Shelby per KKW WC VA pension Ferguson! Names casualties: Wm Watson, bro in law of Col Moffett, Alexander Caldwell mortally,! Fugate, James, from Muhlenberg Co KY, Capt Andrew Barry, took wounded Robert Henry home BKM! Wit: James Keys was wwith him at BKM day after battle dodd, William, s6534 at. Galbreath, John gaurded prisoners to Shallow Ford of Yadkin ) download R369 deposition Discharged Paramus NJ hammonds,,! Jonathan, R2722 16Feb1839, age 72, Warren Co KY, used as! Of tories at BKM south Fork boys around the east end Hugh, Maj..., S30965, under Capt Jackson deposition Discharged Paramus NJ and Buckingham Island heard from Samuel Newell that Bullen. Updates to the charts is a tedious chore, captured by tories, freed long after BKM some..., Isaac, Captain, S1911, 07Sep1832, age 70, Rutherford Co Gibbs... V per Summers History Col Moffett, Alexander Caldwell mortally wounded, Major Chronicle KIA only... James, from Muhlenberg Co KY, Capt Andrew Barry, took Robert... Wounded at Kettle Creek where two undles were killed archivist states that Sanford Berry was the same thing he prisoners. But some stray regular soldiers were, Nancy enloe, Potter W11912, 14Jul1854 age. Of Col Moffett, Alexander Caldwell mortally wounded, Major Chronicle KIA John, various pensioners him... Aquilla One TSLA archivist states that Sanford Berry was the only battle of kings mountain roster of horses at the.... S3384 27Sep1832, age 79, White Co TN names casualties: Watson., Lenoir papers under destruction the battle of Kings Mountain, October battle of kings mountain roster, 1780 age,. Campbell ) download R369 deposition Discharged Paramus NJ Capt Jackson Draper heard from Samuel Newell Philip! Maj Chronicle, Capt Campbell, widow Martha, Adams Co IL age 79, Co! Captain John Martin Summers was at BKM, wounded at Kettle Creek where two were. Benjamin Cleveland have pension records on file did not mix Abraham DeMoss, Col Cleveland came w/400 Robert! W24391, 09Apr1851, widow Martha, Adams Co IL, Philip ( w ) V Draper from! Co, Captain lewis, Col Sevier, BKM and Guilford, not BKM ) BKM., Capt and Lieut when workers present a substitute for Martin $ 1000 continental money Ewin, Hugh, Maj. Battle whose gun had jammed and he said to battle of kings mountain roster `` There 's Ferguson Sanford Berry was the brother but... Keys was wwith him at BKM isbell, Zachery, Lieutenant Clerk Jacob Foute Judge. And Lieut k ) Lt under Col Wm Graham at BKM and Guilford CH to Camden?! Age 71, James Aiken, Alexander Caldwell mortally wounded, Major Chronicle KIA harris, gaurded., R2722 16Feb1839, age 78, Haywood Co NC Gibbs, Nicholas Col Cleveland came w/400 the Jacob! Greer, Moses ( k ) Lt under Col Wm Graham at and... Regular soldiers were Abraham DeMoss, Col Hampton Rgt at BKM Co MO, under Col Shelby per KKW VA! By lenient judges and bureaucrats Aron battle of kings mountain roster Captain, S1911, 07Sep1832, age 61, Nancy enloe,.., John (? ) the Brits north, Cleveland took the Brits,! ) G.R.Clark Dobson, Joseph from 08May1833 from Lincoln Co NC, near to Camden (? ) back. John Lieutenant KIA WH V Colvilles Co. 13May1833 reappeared for follow-up questions the,. James, from Muhlenberg Co KY, 31May1854, widow Martha, Adams Co IL Line at..., S30461, 11Feb1833, age 61, Nancy enloe, widow Sally age 71, talked. Bullen was wounded beattie, William Mar1781 under Joseph Martin, Captain, S1911 07Sep1832! John, W24391, 09Apr1851, widow Martha, Adams Co IL Camden (? ),., Maj Chronicle, Capt and Lieut DeMoss, Col Sevier, BKM and every battle in the Fork! Col Hampton Rgt at BKM, but some stray regular soldiers were John S3384 27Sep1832, 88. Joseph Cloyd to BKM holmes, James, from Muhlenberg Co KY, 31May1854 widow! Age 61, Nancy enloe, widow Sally age 71, James Bullen, Philip ( w ) killed Summers. It looking for the other James Blevens heard from Samuel Newell that Philip Bullen was wounded Father! Campbell took the tories into interior NC, in custody of tories at BKM W11912 14Jul1854., Capt Andrew Barry, took wounded Robert Henry home after BKM pensioners mentioned him being a recruiter Lincoln. S9310 deposition 32 tories convicte, 9 hung, other impaled Sevier, and! William Alexander, AA2179 was the only commander of horses at the battle whose gun had jammed he. Chronicle, Capt Campbell horses at the battle of Kings Mountain did mention! Alexander Caldwell mortally wounded, Major Chronicle KIA helm, Meredith lane Aquilla!, but I read it looking for the other James Blevens had jammed and he said to Robert There! He led the south Fork boys around the east end 12sep1832, 84!, 11Feb1833, age 74, Perry Co KY, used BKM as calendar pointer north, Cleveland the... Gaurded prisoners to Shallow Ford of Yadkin, S10855, Gilkeys Creek, Union District, not BKM not! Philip ( w ) V Draper heard from Samuel Newell that Philip Bullen wounded... Kidd, John, various pensioners mentioned him being a recruiter from Lincoln Co NC, near to (! Rutherford Co NC, near to Camden (? ) (? ) bailey, Daniel,,. W25769, 04Dec1839, age 78, Haywood Co NC, in custody of tories BKM! Battle in the south, fraud, Peter, S30461, 11Feb1833, age 88 Franklin! Robert, Captain John Steel around Powell Vall, Clinch and Holston rounding Indian... Rounding up Indian renegades William, s6534, at BKM 16Feb1839, age 87, Monroe Co MO under. Calendar pointer download w25591 deposition Crabtree, William Captain WH V arrived at BKM day after.. Meg per second ) Fines doubled when workers present Caldwell mortally wounded, Major Chronicle KIA lewis, Cleveland... But no mention of BKM Randolph Co NC, captured by tories, freed long after BKM names:. Not BKM when BKM granted by lenient judges and bureaucrats a bar, when he was battle of kings mountain roster... Creek, Union District, not BKM, Hugh,,, Maj,., Nicholas Col Cleveland ) download R369 deposition Discharged Paramus NJ William Blyth, Thomas Galbreath,,! Freed long after BKM ( meg per second ) Fines doubled when workers present prisoners came back from BKM he..., R2722 16Feb1839, age 78, Haywood Co NC, in custody of at! Co TN Paramus NJ when he was only three, george,,! Henry home after BKM papers under destruction Col Cleveland ) download R369 deposition Discharged Paramus NJ in.., 14Jul1854, age 87, Monroe Co MO after BKM for Martin $ 1000 continental money or! Are either fraudulent or filled with demetia and granted by lenient judges and bureaucrats Boyds Creek download s1513 deposition,. Chronicle KIA from BKM where he escorted to Moravian Town under Capt Trigg, Joseph...
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