Silent functional magnetic resonance imaging demonstrates focal activation in rapid eye movement sleep. 129. Therefore, theta waves undergo both AM and FM changes that certainly carry some kind of information that may prove in the future to be crucial for understanding dreams. Stern W, Forbes WN, Morgane PJ. 100. In cats, Guazzi, Baccelli & Zanchetti (1966) demonstrated that due to such a cardiovascular hypoactivity the sensory afferents from glomus carotideus and glomus aorticus, that carry information from chemoreceptors sensitive to a decrease in oxygen blood concentration, attain an overwhelming relevance, inasmuch as following the transection of such afferents blood pressure goes continuously down during desynchronized sleep, leading to death (63). In more recent years several approaches confirmed these findings (89). Mancia M. One possible function of sleep: to produce dreams. 119. J Sleep Res 1993;2:188-92. According to Mancia (1995), the brain "produces dreams" as "a symbolic process of elaborating, interpreting and reorganizing in narrative sequences all the material accumulated in the memory during waking hours". 43. 128. Such electrophysiological studies demonstrate that the abovementioned sites in the central nervous system are involved in the oniric movements but they do not prove that such structures generate them. Eye movements in humans predominate because vision is our main sensory channel and our visual memory is overwhelmingly predominant, resulting in preponderance of visual dreams. Rechtschaffen A, Buchignani C. The visual appearance of dreams. Would you like email updates of new search results? Electrical potentials recorded from the medial vestibular nuclei precede eye movements by 20 to 30 milliseconds, which points to these nuclei as the last synaptic stations in the pathway that produces eye movements during desynchronized sleep. They may be involved only in intermediate steps of the processes that cause such movements. According to Revonsuo (2000), memories of such events are probably over-represented in the brain. 116. 17. We suppose, instead, inasmuch as dreams are forgotten if we are not aroused while dreaming or within ten to fifteen minutes immediately after the dream has ceased, that it may well be that dreams are forgotten because the reticular activating system is highly deactivated during desynchronized sleep and thus the memory of the dreams cannot be consolidated (110). In fact, we ignore almost completely why we dream. Psychophysiology 1968;4:311-23. This allows us to see the irrational as a normal event, while emotional processing and symbolic identities can be explored. Cien Cult 1995;47:221-34. From the spinal cord Marini (1997) recorded slow (delta) regularly oscillating waves during desynchronized sleep (81), which may be related to activation of spinal neurons during dreaming. Front Neurol. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. This may well reflect auditory dreams, as has been found in humans (36,37). 132. (ed. It is interesting to consider that while muscles all over the body are paralyzed during sleep, respiration is little affected, except that some muscles in the upper respiratory airways are inhibited during sleep (44). Consequently, Foulkes concludes that they do not dream but this conclusion is probably incorrect, inasmuch as at this age children have a highly limited narrating capacity and their poor reports about dreams are certainly linked to such a limitation, not their absence. In: Baust, W. Oniric behaviors, as any other behavior during wakefulness, comprise two types of identifiable manifestations: motor and vegetative. yet, it is well known since Kohlschtter and Michelson (4,8) that the threshold to awaken a human being during desynchronized sleep is much lower than the one to produce wakefulness during synchronized sleep. Regional cerebral glucose metabolic rate in human sleep assessed by positron emission tomography. In 1986 Vertes advanced the hypothesis that random endogenous activation of the brain stem (dreaming?) In such a condition, the brain produces a behavior that immobilizes the animal, in order to simulate it is dead and may thus become uninteresting to a predator that is in search of fresh flesh. Brain Res Mol Brain Res 1996;42:123-7. They found that during the desynchronized phase there occur eye movements, the reason why such phase has been given the name of REM-sleep (14). It is thus not surprising that during dreaming activity in rats both rostrum and vibrissae move preponderantly, probably because most of their dreams contain olfactory and snout tactile components. Braz J Med Biol Res 1990;23:617-20. Eye movements during dreaming are usually expressed as potentials of different voltages, which can be interpreted as due to distinct movements performed as a function of the movements of the dreamed of objects. They also argue that even "expensive and cumbersome evoked potential and computer averaging approaches have not helped us to analyze and compare desynchronized sleep physiology with that of waking in an effective way". As a matter of fact, manifestations of dreaming have been identified in many species, including chickens, chimpanzees, cats, rats and in some birds. Electroencephal Clin Neurophysiol 1990;76:388-99. Hernndez-Pen R. A neurophysiologic model of dreams and hallucinations. 1996 Sep 12;383(6596):163-6. doi: 10.1038/383163a0. In both instances sleep evolved according to the phases of synchronized and then of desynchronized sleep, during which eye movements always occurred. Clin Chest Med 1985;6:563-75. Brain 1997;120:1173-97. eCollection 2019. 2020 Nov 12;11:565694. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2020.565694. Proc Assoc Res Nerv Ment Dis. Several physiologists, psychologists and psychatrists have theorized about that but all the explanations seem to be devoid of a logical or an experimentally demonstrable reason. Timo-Iaria C. Early research on dreaming. The correlation between dream content and the oniric movements was first studied by Aristotle, who identified lip, eye and limb movements and correctly related them to what was being dreamed of. Around 80 per cent of such motor activity was found to occur during desynchronized sleep, what points to its participation in dreaming activity. Brain Res Bull 1992;28:479-84. The motor components are usually weak and poorly expressed movements during a dream, mainly if it occurs during desynchronized sleep; when a dream takes place during synchronized sleep phase I, near wakefulness, not only movements are more faithful to the dream content but also the latter is much more logic. Behav Brain Sci 2000;23:877-901. Douglas NJ. 133. Behav Brain Res 1995;69:203-6. It is usually taken for granted that PGO potentials are essential manifestations for the electrophysiological identification of dreaming activity but such view is not well founded. Changes in hippocampal gene expression associated with the induction of long-term potentiation. In 1944 Obhlmeyer, Brilmayer & Uhlstrung (10) observed that in humans penile erection occurs during sleep at intervals of 85 minutes, which is the average duration of a sleep cycle. Bourgin P, Escourrou P, Gaultier C, Adrien J. Gadea-Ciria M. Plasticity of ponto-geniculo-occipital waves during paradoxical sleep after frontal lobe lesions in the cat. 122. Cravo SLD, Lopes OU, Fraga CAB, Timo-Iaria C. Cardiovascular adjustments to noxious stimulation in decerebrate cats. Vertes RP, Kocsis B. Brainstem-diencephalo-septohippocampal systems controlling the theta rhythm of the hippocampus. Brain Mechanism and Perceptual Awareness. In 1867, Michelson, a physiologist who was a relative to Kohlschtter, replicated his study and obtained the curve shown in figure 1 (4,8). As pointed 68. Physiol Behav 1970;5:402-7. Green JD, Arduini A. Hippocampal activity in arousal. As stated above, any behavior is expressed as a combination of motor components and vegetative components. Arch Ital Biol 1963;101:648-68. This hyperpolarization is due to an increased motoneuronal membrane permeability to chloride ions, which suggests that glycine or -GABA are released on the motoneuronal membrane during desynchronized sleep (44). Desynchronized sleep can be provoked by carbachol infusion in the pontine reticular formation (94). The leading theory of dreaming in the early decades of this research was the psychoanalytic, which views dreams as highly meaningful reflections of unconscious mental functioning. Webikea satsumas plant stand; how do i pair my schwinn bluetooth; meter reading crossword clue; May 14 2022; Uncategorized; what is the physiological function theory of dreams Mol Brain Res 1996;38:77-84. Such important discoveries were buried by the impact of psychoanalysis, which was created soon after Calkins' work was published. Roffwarg HP, Herman J, Lamstein S. The middle ear muscles: predictability of their phasic action in REM sleep from dream recall. During the first half of the twentieth century, despite the heavy influence of psychoanalysis, dreaming was again but sporadically studied scientifically. Matsuyama K, Kobaysahi y, Takakusaki M, Mosi S, Kimuta H. Termination mode and branching patterns of reticuloreticular and reticulospinal fibers of the nucleus reticularis pontis oralis in the cat: an anterograde PHA-L tracing study. Nature 1989;340:474-6. Several authors also quantified the kinds of dreams as related to their sensory content. Wehr TA. Braz J Med Biol Res 1995;28:385-96. During the second century of the present era, Galen, a Greek physician who practiced Medicine in Rome and was a great anatomist and clinician, knew that temperature, heart rate and respiration exhibited cyclic changes at night, which he attributed to dreaming (3). At 36C, for instance, desynchronized sleep spans to about 10% of time, at 23C it occupies nearly 80% of the time, what has not been explained so far. 2017 May 31;2017(1):nix009. The ancient Chinese scientific inquiry tried to understand dreaming but usually also considered them mistically. Much effort was devoted to searching for parallels between physiological aspects of REM sleep and characteristics of associated dreams, with modest results. Progr Neurobiol 1984;22:241-88. 22. ), Brainstem Mechanisms of Behavior. 7. The site is secure. In: Antrobus, J.S. 11. Short periods of desynchronization breaking through theta waves may, therefore, be taken as a manifestation of a very high degree of attention, during attentive wakefulness or during dreaming. However, we still do not know why most motor units are inactivated while a few ones are mobilized, causing real but incoherent and non-efficient movements. On the other hand, respiration usually undergoes a reduction in frequency and in frequency variation but during dreaming activity the respiratory frequency increases and becomes variable, which is certainly related to the temporal evolution of the oniric experience, as is the case during wakefulness. 45. As mentioned above, Plato, preceding by twenty four centuries one of the dogmas of psychoanalysis, believed that "forbidden" dreams, such as incestuous or criminal dreams, were only a way of doing incestual sex or killing someone without punishment. The form and content of dreams is not random but organized and selective: during dreaming, the brain constructs a complex model of the world in which certain types of elements, when compared to waking life, are Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. Brainstem mechanisms of slow-wave sleep and REM sleep. Guazzi M, Baccelli G, Zanchetti A. Carotid body chemoreceptors: physiological role in buffering fall in blood pressure during sleep. Chase MH, Morales FR. Electroencephal Clin Neurophysiol 1966;21:562-77. Deprivation of desynchronized sleep during early development not only retards brain maturation but also inhibits the growth response to the brain environmental stimulation later in life (113). The most prominent, the activation-synthesis hypothesis, derived its view of dreaming directly from the neurophysiology of REM sleep, in particular the role of the brain stem, and in its original form regarded dreams as not essentially meaningful. No PGO potentials have been found in rats (70). Brain activity during this time keeps us The other is that dreams are caused Esoteric power, useless, useful: considerations about dreams in cognitive-behavioural therapy. 120. Freuds wish-fulfillment. Usually such increases in blood pressure are not enough to lead it to attain normal levels but during a nightmare blood pressure may go up to 200 mmHg. 73. Science 1978;201:269-72. ), Ermdung, Schlaf und Traum, Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Sttutgart 1971:173-242. Those that are common to all behaviors (increase in heart rate, blood pressure, blood flow to the nervous system and muscles, ventilation, pupil diameter and palmar and plantar electrical conductance) and are intended to increase the supply of blood, oxygen, glucose etc. & Ajmone-Marsan, C. The motor components of dreams are expressed as clearly different patterns, according to the dream content. 98. In cats, tympanic muscles sometimes contract during desynchronized sleep (38), as shown in Figure 4. While Freud makes many intuitive Psychoanalysis also considers dreams as the expression of repressed wishes; this is undoubtly true as to only a few dreams, whereas several studies reveal, instead, that most dreams are closely related to the events of the previous day, as Aristotle had already demonstrated. Jouvet M, Michel F, Courjon J. Sur un stade d'activit elctrique crebrale rapide aucours du sommeil physiologique. 41. 80. Physiology and Psychology. In normal humans they found that around 20% of the dreams contain a vestibular component (vertigo, sensation of head drop) but in people with a vestibular illness the proportion of such dreams increased to over 70%, as expected from the close relationship between dreams and the events occurring in the previous day (39). Although such movements are not always obviously compatible with the dream content (27), as should be expected (see below), as a rule they can be related to the dreams. While humans dream around 100 minutes every night, cats exhibit signs of dreaming during nearly 200 minutes per day. Therefore, desynchronized sleep should be ascribed a homeothermic function (116). Sci Am 1990;263:86-8,90-2,94-6. Unless we agree that such movements in human and in non-human animals are manifestations of dreaming activity, it is impossible to explain the electro-oscillograms and the movements that both classes of animals exhibit during desynchronized sleep. 26. Hobson, Pace-Schott & Stickgold (2000) do not take into consideration that a single object or a brief key fact or image occurring in the day preceding a given dream may be enough to trigger an entire dreamed "story" related to it (120). 94. Ergebn. One is that dreams are generated by the activation of neural activity in the brainstem and its signal transmission to the cortex. Winson (1990) believes that dreams "reflect an individual strategy for survival. Two major theories have been proposed regarding the neural circuits involved in dreaming. Darwin C. The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals. Takakusaki K, Ohta y, Mori S. Single medullary reticulospinal neurons exert postsynaptic inhibitory effects via inhibitory interneurons upon alpha-motoneurons innervating cat hindlimb muscles. Nature, 2002, submitted. Later, the Roman writer Lucretius, the first popularizer of science, in his book De Rerum Natura (1978) credited these Greek philosophers for the discovery of the characteristics of sleep and dreams (2). Vertes RP. As shown in figure 2, information released (by some passive mechanism) or revoked from memory (through some active but entirely unknown mechanism) is combined by processes that may be equivalent to, but different from, those that produce thoughts during wakefulness (21). 118. Some authors have not been able to find changes in heart rate and respiration during desynchronized sleep (61) but there are striking demonstrations that blood pressure is reduced (figure 6), attaining values as low as 60 mmHg of systolic pressure; heart rate is also reduced and ventilation decreases (38,62). Steriade M, McCarley RW. Sleep patterns during rearing under different environmental conditions in juveline rats. Both frequency and voltage of theta waves in rats generally increase during oniric activity, as depicted in figure 7, and in figure 8 a clearcut episode of visual oniric activity is expressed as a potent increase in theta waves frequency and voltage, concomitantly with a burst of eye movements. Dreams in which walking occurs are very common (4,5) and coincide with limb movements, however faulty. Many studies performed during the eighteenth century confirmed such statement (4,7). (1987) suggested the occurrence of two kinds of eye movements during dreams, one associated to the very dream content, another of reflex nature, that may be involved in those occurring in children and in blind people but such a hypothesis is unlikely to be valid (35). If we dream we are walking, the electromyographic recordings from muscles involved in such behavior show quite clearly that they are not able to produce normal movements. 93. By visually examining the amplitude of theta waves in these examples it seems they vary at random but when the instant variation of voltage is plotted as a function of time, a regular variation appears during the phasic movements (figure 10). J Neurophysiol 1964;27:152-71. Kluger J. During normal walking the tibialis anterior and the gastrocnemius muscles are mobilized in opposition but when they contract as part of a dream their contraction may be in opposition (in some periods), what happens in normal deambulatory movements, or simultaneous (in subsequent or preceding periods), which does not occur in normal deambulation. Wiley-Interscience, New york 1990:535-583. It is most likely an elementary brain activity in homeotherms and thus, if dreaming has a function, it probably plays a similar role in the human brain and in nonhuman brains as well. Unfortunately, despite the opinion of great scientists of the past, most researchers that deal with sleep and dreaming, probably moved by philosophical, religious prejudice and a faulty reasoning, do not accept the idea that non-human animals do dream. These findings point to a decreased activation of executive and association cortex during desynchronized sleep, what is suggestive that the processes involved in building up wakeful thought and dreaming may be distinct. (1962) clearly demonstrated that in the cat blood diastolic pressure falls deeply to around 60 mmHg, beginning as soon as the electrocorticogram starts to desynchronize. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 1992;16:25-30. We spend a lot of time sleeping. Further developments in neurobiological research, including lesion and brain imaging studies, have established a clearer view of the functional neuroanatomy of REM sleep and dreaming. WebIn a nutshell, the theory states that the biological function of dreaming is to stimulate threatening events in order to rehearse the perception of threats and how to go about Plotting the amplitude of the Achillean reflex of cats during sleep Pompeiano (1967) found that while the animal coursed synchronized sleep, this stretch reflex was almost normal, only slightly reduced as compared to its intensity during wakefulness (41). Regional cerebral blood flow throughout the sleep-cyle an (H2O)-O-15 PET study. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Cole AJ, Saffen DW, Baraban JM, Worley PF. Important dream theories are Freud's interpretation of dreams, In nocturnal macrosmatic animals, olfaction is the predominant sensory channel and their vibrissae are usually very long, to detect the presence of objects at relatively large distances. Proc Natl Acad Sci 1989;86:8737-41. Pompeiano and his group produced important knowledge in this field (41,42), showing that the muscle contractions that produce the motor component of oniric behaviors, such as eye and limb movements, need that the pontine gigantocellularis nucleus be intact and activated. Jouvet M. Programmation gntique itrative et sommeil paradoxal. Kubin L, Davies RO, Pack AI. Webanalyzing dreams. This author reported that dream production in human subjects from 3 to 5 years of age was minimal and that the content of the dream reports generally consisted of "static imagery" in the absence of narrative context. Roussy F, Camirand C, Foulkes D, De Koninck J, Loftis M, Kerr NH. Dream recall and eye movement during sleep and their relation to eye movements, bodily motility and dreaming. These findings do not necessarily mean that such areas are involved in generating dreaming. If, as an advantage, in humans such manifestations of dreams can be related to their reported content, in non-human animals it is possible to record with a high degree of accuracy not only the motor and the vegetative manifestations of dremaing but the electro-oscillograms of many central structures as well. Hernndez-Pen R, Ibarra GC, Morgane PJ, Timo-Iaria C. Limbic cholinergic pathways involved in sleep and emotional behavior. Hobson JA. WebPhysiological function Theory regular brain stimulation from REM sleep may help develop and preserve neural pathways. Its is noteworthy that Weed & Halam's data, published in 1896, are close to those reported by Rechtschaffen & Buchignani in 1992, which was calculated as the mean of the average of seven different studies published by other authors (40). Several approaches confirmed these findings do not necessarily mean that such areas are involved in activity... Activity in the pontine reticular formation ( 94 ) their relation to eye,! 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