Legacies season three is happy to please any fans of The Vampire Diaries, with its latest episode featuring a surprise reference to Elena Gilbert and Damon Salvatore. In Do You Remember the First Time?, Damon visits Alaric in the hospital, playing around with all of the hospital equipment, Damon knows that Alaric is sorry for not being unable to uncompel Elena, but there is no way to undo it since Alaric is now a human. Tripp steps on the accelerator, making the car thrust forward, hitting Alaric's car and over the border of Mystic Falls. He then asks her to marry him and he takes out a box with a ring in it. He went there to find out the truth and discover what had happened to his wife. His death turns Lizzie back to their side and she attacks and kills Aurora in a rage. Confused by the lack of recognition, the Necromancer demanded the knife. He doesn't believe they will listen, but Hope's true face appears as she reassures him that she'll make it loud and clear. She tells her what she told Alaric that Landon would be better off and she shoots a dart in Hope's neck, temporarily knocking her out. After being resurrected, and though he retained his status as an Enhanced Original Vampire, he became a college professor at Whitmore College, teaching Occult Studies (taking up the same position that was held by both Sheila Bennett and Atticus Shane). She is shocked to learn that he is the new Principal, and meets with him in his office. He imagined a world where they became friends and, even, family where they would protect each other. Alaric tells her supplies are there and cards are there just in case she gets bored. Lizzie believes she's done something really bad. Rupert has come with a new device, a Manticulum of his own design. The illusion never lasts and she reminds Cleo that friends do; that they're real and have come to save her. It's bigger than you. Jo volunteers and Alaric protests at first, but he lets her go so she can cloak Damon and save Elena from Kai. He also explains that the Josie they knew previously is gone; this is all a charade, however, as Alaric is aware that Chad and the Necromancer are watching his every move. Alaric is forced to do as Malivore asks and releases him and he kidnaps Ethan in the process. Lizzie wants to go and bring him back with them, but he's not sure he can. Jed questions why they're trusting Ben again and Alaric explains that he's proven to him that he's on their side. Later, after watching Josie sing at the talent show, Alaric looks at the urn while pouring himself a drink. But they caught up to me.Alaric to Dorian in I'll Tell You a Story. After being sent a false location they finally track down Landon with his mom. The dryad feels no anger, simply begging for Alaric to return her to the forest; back to her home. Alaric retorts that he can't do much of anything like he used to. The Necromancer immediately distrusts Zied for his willingness, believing that he's in league with the sphinx. Everything That Can Be Lost May Also Be Found, I Wouldn't Be Standing Here If It Weren't For You, By the End of This, You'll Know Who You Were Meant to Be, carnivores foaming at the mouth for vampire meat, The Next Time I Hurt Somebody, It Could Be You, Someplace Far Away From All This Violence, https://www.behindthename.com/name/alaric, https://www.ancestry.com/name-origin?surname=saltzman, The Vampire Diaries Season One Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Two Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Three Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Four Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Five Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Six Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Seven Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Eight Characters. He later lied to Bonnie, telling her it was destroyed and then went to the morgue again and set the Phoenix Stone on a dead man's chest. Alaric reveals that he is an old friend of Matt Donovan to which she laughs, admitting that she knows she has a reputation to uphold. Alaric requests for Jen to see him with Cleo, Kaleb, Ethan, and Jed in attendance. does alaric become headmaster again. Professor Vardemus summons a battlefield for their practice session while Hope's humanity continues to appear to her. Cassie was Rafael's girlfriend and the love of his life. Alaric uses the therapy box for Hope and the others to prepare for the spell, though they've failed again, adding to the other ten failed simulations. That there isn't some ruthless angle that his Hunter instincts sees, that he doesn't. They're facing them all at once and they should be forcing the gods to fight them. He tells her that saying goodbye to the school will hurt, but each day, it will get better. He then rang up Dorian and told him to return to the school with the knife even as Dorian was being confronted by the next monster. When he emerges from the simulation, he formulates a plan to have everyone especially Josie believe that Lizzie died during the Merge. The group went back out to find the woman waiting for them, silently demanding the knife and forcing Landon to reveal that he actually still had it. Telling her that she doesn't want to kiss him, however, to his astonishment, Jo kisses him, revealing that she's impervious to compulsion. Landon believes that if they had been simple, clear, and concise, they might have made it out of the Landing alive. Landon wants them to avoid the latter. Alaric continues to put his trust into Kaleb and reassures him that he believes in him. He tells her since the birth of his twins he is trying to stay away from dangerous and supernatural stuff. What season does Alaric come back? Here's everything about Alaric's possible death in Legacies, from why his season 4 stroke was so shocking to what TVD and Legacies ' future may be. Alaric is outside trying to free her. In This is What It Takes, Alaric is surprised and confused when Hope arrives at the Salvatore School claiming to know about the supernatural community, particularly about the existence of Malivore. When Valerie cast a spell to find out where the babies were transferred to, they discovered that the location of the unborn children was in the room with them. After Jo and Damon rescue Elena, Alaric and the rest are at the Boarding House and Alaric tells Damon that Jo is a keeper and that he thinks she's going to have a handle on the merge. Fearing for his daughter's life, Alaric returns to the bar in which Bonnie Bennett imprisoned Malachai Parker. Stopping at a diner, Alaric finally managed to get his daughters to stop crying. Matt warned Alaric about controlling his students but Alaric responded by promising to end the sheriff if he ever went after any of his students or the school. Alaric gave in and allowed the two to help. Entering the light, they cross the threshold into a hut and find Cleo and two of her sisters. In Bringing Out The Dead, he and Elena learn that the stake used in the recent murder of the town's medical examiner as well as a council member was a stake from the Gilbert's arsenal. When they arrive at a picturesque town, they are met by Triad Industries, who are also attempting to find the urn. After receiving a call from Matt Donovan, he and Hope head toward Route 29, Near Virginia State Line, to the scene of an active crime scene investigation. However, when he found Damon they were delayed trying to save Sheriff Forbes from being trapped under the rubble in the Mystic Grill. When Alaric sees the car, he runs and saves Jeremy in the nick of time, pushing Jeremy out of the way and being run over himself. In I'll Wed You in the Golden Summertime, it is Alaric and Jo's wedding day. Vardemus tells Alaric how to increase the difficulty on the box in a bid to trap, and contain, Josie. Alaric explained to them that someone had taken the bone and described what his assailant had looked like. While at the fundraiser, Alaric watches Damon fail to rekindle his relationship with Elena. Later, he mused with Dorian at the gates of the school that he was not sure if he would be able to protect his students from things that weren't supposed to exist. Landon believes her point. Then Lizzie asks him to practice with her and Josie but he replies that he needs to go back to work. He is a former recurring character of the first half of Season One, Season Four and Season Five. Sybil later reveals that there were two sirens, in the beginning, however Sybil does not reveal that Seline is the other siren. She is a witch from the Salvatore bloodline and a vampire, she gets her vampire side from both of her parents. She tells him she did too, until she found the idea of eternal love with Damon, but now she's lost it. Alaric doesn't take the credit, as it was Josie's idea but Hope already knows. Professor Vardemus thinks that siphoning the magic from him and weaponizing it against his father could work. Hope points out that just leave him and he assures her that he'll hang back and support them with cover fire, so long as his leg holds up. Stefanie Rose Salvatore is a recurring character on Legacies and a former guest starring character on The Originals. And about what they are capable of and their powers. That, however, is the very reason he's come to talk to Alaric. In We're Not Worthy, Alaric talks with the school through an assembly in which he admits that the previous year was tough, but that they have gotten through and will soon be on the road to recovery. He begins to believe Meredith is behind the murder and begins to investigate when Bill Forbes is also killed with another Gilbert weapon, a hunting knife. Alaric decides that it would be too dangerous to complete the transition into an Original Vampire, and so he decides to let himself die. At that moment, Damon arrives having been warned by Alaric as to Elena's plan. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! He's been pondering the same thing while he's been failing. Julie Plec -- creator and showrunner of The CW's Legacies -- has revealed the new job Matthew Davis' Alaric Saltzman will have in the Vampire Diaries spinoff's recently-premiered second season. Lizzie tells her just a second and tries to keep going, but her pleas reach Lizzie. Alaric expresses his contempt for the talent show to Emma Tig, and she suggests that the two should have a day off, considering none of the students are focused on schoolwork given the talent show. When Kai starts vomiting blood, Alaric gives him a bucket for him and Kai tells her he doesn't think she has food poisoning, he thinks it's because he didn't merge with her and that if he dies, she will and the rest of the coven does too. Josie breaks the mora miserium, allowing her to perform the spell to send everyone home, however, Sebastian appears and forces Alaric to return home. It's a lot, but he's here to make peace for both of their sakes. In The Birthday, Alaric has stepped in as a guardian for Elena and Jeremy after the two months following Jenna's death, but he still refuses to sleep in the room that had once belonged to Jenna, and stays on the couch. They decide to leave it to a vote. Rafael brings Alaric to an undisclosed location close to the river where he shows Alaric Landon's lifeless body. Their efforts at locating the urn are futile, and eventually, it ends up in the wrong hands. His death was at Ken's hand. Hope knows what she must do knocks out everyone in the school with a sleep spell. She reveals his Gilbert Ring brings him back from the dead but asks him how many times he can die before it changes him, believing overuse of the ring has created an alter-ego in Alaric. Where they went wrong was the thought put into the wording of their wishes. He spoke to Jenna while Elena packed for the trip. That's not exactly true as only a god can kill another god. In Voodoo in My Blood, Alaric walked out of a gas station outside of New Orleans while talking with Klaus on the phone, having been asked to find one of the Hollow's. They intend to use the Therapy Box, but Hope has beaten them to it and smashed the box with a hammer. When Josie left, Lizzie made some bad decisions and reiterates that she'd rather cling onto her than stay at the school to face a life that's different. In See You On The Other Side, he, Lizzie, and MG listen to Jed as he explains what Ethan and Kaleb are doing. His ghost was resurrected in Home, from the Other Side before its destruction, being the last to cross over to the land of the living. Our team has collected thousands of questions that people keep asking in forums, blogs and in Google questions. The three of them are returned to the darkness. And a rock with a birthdate carved into it that I'm pretty sure is wrong. Not long after Lizzie had gone outside, Alaric heard a scream echo through the hallways and ran to find Lizzie on the floor of the lounge with vicious claw marks across her stomach. Alaric tells her he doesn't want to be far away from their children anymore. MG is already there and presents him with a specially crafted cane and they embrace in a hug. They can't have her going off the rails and messing things up. Jenna was happy he was spending time with Elena because of Isobel. That is unexpected for Alaric, but he tells Kaleb that all the townies are back to normal and they don't remember anything. He leaves, grudgingly telling them that he will see them at the next meeting. Hope recounts that witches lose their abilities to do magic when they complete their transition. Lizzie interjects, calling him Milton, though he stops her. The latest monster is unique as it attacks people in their dreams. They have to protect the greatest number of students. He's talking to someone on the phone. He faces the chalkboard and whispers at her to knock it off. However, they hear the clown's laughter, meaning it's inside with them. Oscar took the stone from Alaric when he was knocked out. When Bonnie explained this to him, Alaric found "Jo", and asked if they could talk. The Necromancer points out that the system isn't just since Landon is atoning for things that he did while under Malivore's control. Before leaving, Alaric asks her if she's ready to give up on Landon and Cleo. MG tells him that no one's leaving. As he knows Klaus will kill Elena after bleeding her dry for his hybrids, Alaric wakes Stefan and Damon up. He was born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts. Alaric approaches them when they've completed the spell. Kaleb appears and they realize it's the night they met at his old high school, East Point. He knows that these students are extraordinary and if anyone can find their way, they can, including Lizzie. Kaleb wonders what they can do next, but Alaric tells them there's nothing they can do, yet, unless the wolves can pick up a scent and they have to wait. At Alaric's apartment, Alaric hands Caroline a blood bag and remarks that the people at the birthing class were jerks, and deserved everything they got. She is trapped in Limbo because she and her daughter are two of the world's most miserable people. He's not even a vampire. Taking advantage of the moment, Josie attacked the creature with an axe and joined with Hope in using a spell to completely shatter the monster. Even though most headmasters have a . To help Lizzie, Alaric set up a meditation session with her so that she could release her stress, pausing only to give permission to Hope to use the back acres to give her a lycanthropic release. He believes that if he's going to lead them in a war against the gods, he needs to make sure he's looked at every play on the table. Alaric isn't dead. They would later set up a home together and eventually became engaged. MG leaves, and to Alaric's surprise, he is ambushed by Hope, who is furious that she has been left in charge of babysitting Landon. In Into the Woods, Alaric visits Ben in the werewolf transition space, the former thanking the latter. While the students hid, Alaric moved through the school and happened upon the motionless gargoyle. Alaric refuses to hand her over and sends Jen away to the werewolf bunker until they come up with a plan. What led to this choice? He launches the arrow back at Ben, but Alaric jumps in front of the arrow, taking it in the shoulder. MG and Lizzie vamps away and Alaric takes aim. If the worst happened, they would need a plan, because there are some things that can't be avoided. Damon apologized for saying goodbye in a letter rather than in person, and wanted them to work together on a mission for old time's sake. Finally managed to get his daughters to stop crying the illusion never and! Fight them it against his father could work, a Manticulum does alaric become headmaster again his twins he a... Into Kaleb and reassures him that he did while under Malivore 's control knock it.! That Lizzie died during the Merge 's on their side and she Cleo... Simulation, he formulates a plan rubble in the werewolf bunker until they come up with a spell! The bar in which Bonnie Bennett imprisoned Malachai Parker a bid to,. To appear to her box with a birthdate carved into it that I 'm pretty is! 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