. Snapple Is Just the Latest Case Of Mismatched Reach and Grasp, https://www.nytimes.com/1997/03/29/business/snapple-is-just-the-latest-case-of-mismatched-reach-and-grasp.html. The two combined to become the third-largest telecommunications provider, behind AT&T (T) and Verizon (VZ). The Sad State of Corporate Innovation See how corporates are failing when it comes to innovation. We had respect and admiration for it, and now it was ours to run., What Triarc didnt have was a fully formed turnaround strategy. AOL Time Warner to Lose Turner, Posts $99 Billion Loss, The New Media Monopoly: A Completely Revised and Updated Edition with Seven New Chapters, Form 10-Q for the Quarterly Period Ended September 30, 2005. Takeover talk continued to buzz around the company with suitors ranging from Nestle, PepsiCo and Danone mentioned. We didnt think much about itit didnt seem like taking chances. Or how about Life Cereal? Wall Street was awash in money. But that was enough. Brands thrive when theres a close fit between process and corporate temperament. QUAKER OAT'S snapple: failing to understand the essence of the brand 1. Less than one year after Quaker Oats acquired Snapple for $2 billion, Snapple's sales were declining, calling into question the value of the $1.3 billion in goodwill Quaker Oats had recognized at the acquisition. Microsoft and Nokia Date: April 25, 2014 Price: $7.9B According to Stuart, his views came from the idea "[] that the US didn't accomplish much in committing troops to the First World War," and they were all about keeping America out of the second. Combining two companies is difficult as both have different cultures, operational setups, and so on. There's a heated debate going in the scientific community about just how dangerous glyphosate is. But at Triarc, the talk was of play and fun, parties and parades. And yes, he still eats Life Cereal. Download the free 31-page State of Innovation report. After 27 months, Quaker Oats sold Snapple to Triarc for a mere $300 million, or a loss of $1.6 million for each day that the company owned Snapple. Instead, it flowed through the so-called cold channel: small distributors serving hundreds of thousands of lunch counters and delis, which sold single-serving refrigerated beverages consumed on the premises. After purchasing the sports drink from StokelyVan Camp in 1983, Quaker introduced it into 26 foreign markets, added five new flavors (for a total of eight), and hired basketball great Michael Jordan as a spokesperson. According to their design firm's Michael Connors (via AdWeek), "We took about five pounds off him.". Thats a lesson executives considering a brand acquisition might want to keep in mind. Quaker Oats and Snapple Quaker Oats and Snapple Eddie Cobb BUSA 3210 King University Professor Morrison Quaker Oats and. My trick was to make money appear in a box, Weinstein recalls. According to 8-bit Central, Quaker Oats once had a video game division called US Games, and in the 1980s they made a grand total of 14 games for the Atari 2600. ", Harvard Business Review. Just a little over two years later, they sold Snapple for only $300 million dollars, essentially, taking a $1.4 billion loss on Snapple. In one, tennis star Ivan Lendl garbled the brand name into Shnahpple Several others featured a Snapple order-processing clerk named Wendy Kaufman. Quaker Foods North America Quaker Tower555 West Monroe, Suite 16-01Chicago, Illinois 60604-9001U.S.A.Telephone: (312) 821-1000Web site: https://www.quakeroats.com Source for information on Quaker Foods North America: International Directory of Company Histories dictionary. In fact, chances are pretty good that you probably have one of those distinctive, round cartons in your cupboards right now maybe even a few empty ones tucked into a closet for a future craft project. Within weeks, it was clear from their field reports that young consumers, drawn by the Snapple seal of approval, had tried Elements, liked it, and wanted more. Quaker Oats wanted in on the study because they saw it as a way to prove their oatmeal was just as healthy as their Cream of Wheat competitors. According to CNN, the move changed the way we advertise the health claims on food, and the change came in spite of protests from some groups claiming consumers would be mislead into thinking certain foods were "magic" foods. Later, Stuart would be described more as an "internationalist" than an isolationist, and after he retired from Quaker Oats he was appointed as an ambassador to Norway. The give-it-a-go approach paid off again later when Triarc launched a Snapple extension called Elements, a range of teas with flavor names like Sun, Rain, and Fire. In effect, Triarc let its distributors do its market research. In a much ballyhooed bid to create an integrated computer and telecommunications behemoth, the AT&T Corporation bought the NCR Corporation for $7.48 billion in 1991 and spent a couple of billion more dollars trying to make it work. Operating from the back of his parents pickle store in Queens, Arnie Greenberg and his friends Leonard Marsh and Hyman Golden started selling a fresh apple juice called Snapple across New York City in the late 1970s. According to the Smithsonian, they were given all kinds of incentives to join, like hearty breakfasts (starvation was a frequent punishment), and trips to baseball games. But Snapple was a lunchtime beveragepeople werent looking for anything larger than a 16-ounce bottle they could polish off in one sitting. Quakers stock edged up 25 cents to close at $37.75, while Triarcs stock jumped $1.625 a share to $17.375, both in New York Stock Exchange composite trading. We drank the ideas, and we [took a look at] the packaging. Another element of Quakers Snapple strategy came straight out of the Gatorade playbook. Other titles included (via AtariAge) names like Eggomania, Picnic, Piece o' Cake, and Name This Game, and it just goes to show that not every business venture is a good one. We can write down positioning statements, but the Snapple trademark spills over the boundaries we put on it. The brands vitality responded better to play than to planning. QOC produced Gatorade and sought to expand their beverage line with the merger/acquisition of Snapple Beverage Company (SBC) (History, 2011). They had an uphill battle ahead of them, and according to Bustle, they started with their Dinosaur Eggs oatmeal. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Even though Snapple sales brought in about $550 million for Quaker Oats last year, that was a drop of 8 percent from the previous year and a drag on earnings. Short-distance transportation also involved more personnel hours (thus incurring higher labor costs), and strict government regulation restricted railroad companies' ability to adjust rates charged to shippers and passengers, making post-merger cost-cutting seemingly the only way to impact the bottom line positively. Presented by : 1 Prateek Rajpal PEPSICO PepsiCo Inc. is an American multinational corporation headquartered in New York, United States, with interests in the manufacturing, marketing and distribution of grain-based snack foods, beverages, and other products PepsiCo was formed in 1965 with the merger of the Pepsi-Cola Company and Frito-Lay, Inc. PepsiCo has since expanded from its . Log in Join. The Willy Wonka line of candy was launched alongside the movie, but there were difficulties. After the warning given by the Wall Street, Quicker oats had purchased Snapple by paying $1.7 billion. "Mikey" was almost "Tim", and while we'll never know if that would have seen the same success, we do know the urban legends about little Mikey's fate just aren't true. Railroads operating outside of the northeastern U.S. generally enjoyed stable business from long-distance shipments of commodities, but the densely populated Northeast, with its concentration of heavy industries and various waterway shipping points, had a more diverse revenue stream. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. They had been told to come up with something completely different for the cereal, and they were given a stack of pitched ads representing everything Quaker Oats didn't want. Why is the Quaker Man smiling? Triarc said it expects to complete the purchase in the second quarter of this year, pending a federal antitrust review. Along with ditching the much-despised 32- and 64-ounce bottles, the marketing team sent the distributors a clear message that they were part of the family and not an inefficiency that ought to be eliminated. It has happened to corporate giants and high-technology start-ups alike, including I.B.M., Xerox, General Motors, Sony, General Electric and Novell. '', See the article in its original context from. DEAL VALUATION Quaker paid $1.7 billion to acquire Snapple in December 2004. There was no such mismatch between Gatorade and Quaker. ''There is no concern for the human impact of the merger or for how to make the merger work. consulting firms. We had no game plan to assure Snapples recovery, Peltz says. Variations in temperament go a long way toward explaining why brands that flourish in the care of one custodian wither in another. Why the Quakers? The term mergers and acquisitions (M&A) refers to the consolidation of companies or their major assets through financial transactions between companies. Take Sneak'n Peek. 7 billion all stock bid. Quaker's late 1994 acquisition of Snapple, the "new age" beverage marketer, proved to be disastrous, costing the company well over $1 billion. The team understood the need to stay away from big risky ideas. This explanation, I believe, will provide the framework for understanding Triarcs and Quakers contrasting experiences with Snapple as our story unfolds. ''The key to success is the effectiveness of postmerger management. Quaker Oats & Snapple (1998) Disaster: US $1.4 billion That was about the same time they introduced two more brilliant marketing techniques, too the trial-size sample, and the prize in the box. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. A Pyrrhic victory is a success that comes at the expense of great losses or costs, such as winning a hostile takeover bid or an expensive lawsuit. Its not that they didnt know the other terminology. And finally, the politicized and turf-protecting culture of Time Warner made realizing anticipated synergies that much more difficult. At the time, there was no shortage of upstart brands competing for the dollars of young, health-conscious New Yorkers, but Snapple stood out from the rest by virtue of an endearing artlessness. Triarc plans to operate Snapple with its Mistic Brands Inc. line and said that would transform the company into a leader in the premium beverage business. Quaker Oats had earlier purchased Gatorade and was very successful in growing that brand; Quaker Oats thought that they had the experience to do the same with Snapple. But a marketing professional would probably explain the improved fit in terms of distribution economies or manufacturing synergies. The big idea is important, but the execution of the big idea determines its success or failure. Snapples durability raises a number of questions. Snapple, at that point was trading at $14 per share. There's a long-standing belief that he's the founder of Pennsylvania, William Penn. Cadbury paid $1.45 billion for Snapple and a number of other Triarc brands, including Royal Crown, Mistic, and Stewarts. Margaret Webb Pressler, QUAKER OATS AGREES TO BUY SNAPPLE The Washington Post . The labels on its bottles were cluttered and amateurish, and its ads seemed, if possible, even more homemade. Quaker Oats Company, former (1901-2001) Chicago-based American manufacturer of oatmeal and other food and beverage products. ", United States Department of Justice. Textbook actions produced textbook results: Gatorade sales swelled from $100 million to $1 billion in ten years, giving Quakers executives ample reason to believe they could produce similar growth for Snapple. Stern took his revenge by subjecting Quaker to months of on-air diatribes that urged listeners to stay away from Crapple.. The group dissolved after Pearl Harbor, Stuart enlisted in the Army, and served in Europe. He created rolled oats, and this was about the time the Civil War was kicking off. When contemplating a deal, managers at both companies should list all the barriers to realizing enhanced shareholder value after the transaction is completed. Based on a study of mergers and acquisitions over 10 years, Mr. Smith said that more than half the deals failed to create increased value for shareholders of the acquiring company. Shortly after the mega-merger, however, the dot-com bubble burst, which caused a significant reduction in the value of the company's AOL division. He got a color treatment in 1957, and if the iconic drawing looks a little familiar, there's a good reason for that. Gene Wilder's Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory is one of those iconic movies of any childhood even if it did give you nightmares. And Quaker couldnt force them to. SBC was founded by Leonard March, Hyman Golden and Arnold Greenburg in . Other acquisitions that went sour include: *. Quaker Oats decision to sell its Snapple Beverages unit for an enormous $1.4-billion loss is one of many acquisitions that went bad for buyers. ''But even Pepsi messed up its restaurant lines. In fact, 31 of the 45 samples of oats tested were deemed to be below their safety criteria, and when they went back and tested more samples of both Quaker Oats and Cheerios, they found that all but two (of 28) samples were deemed "harmful.". I would explain it differently: First, as every brand manager would surely agree, good brand management is explained more by process than by strategy. LERRO v. Huge rivals, such as Coca-Cola Co. and PepsiCo Inc., charged into the market with new products. In 1994, grocery store legend Quaker Oats . In 1968, the New York Central and Pennsylvania railroads merged to form Penn Central, which became the sixth-largest corporation in America. In 1993, despite warnings from Wall Street that the company was paying $1 billion too much, the company acquired Snapple for a purchase price of $1.7 billion. In addition to overpaying, management broke a fundamental law in mergers and acquisitions: Make sure you know how to run the company and bring specific value-added skill sets and expertise to the operation. In 2010, Quaker Oats started redesigning both their packaging and the heavy box Larry was trapped in, wanting to make the most of their status as a healthy food. We started out loving the brand the first day, says Gilbert. According to the US Army Corps of Engineers, they manufactured bombs, artillery, and ammunition ultimately sent to the Pacific theater. Some processes are best entrusted to managers with cautious, prudent temperaments while others flourish in the hands of risk takers. QUAKER OAT'S SNAPPLE:<br><br> FAILING TO UNDERSTAND THE ESSENCE OF THE BRAND<br> 3. In most corporations, brand marketing sounds like a form of warfare. If it doesnt work, then the very worst that can happen is that you end up with a little excess inventory that you have to discount. The executives viewed them as experiments that were practically cost free. Quaker Oats only owned Snapple for 27 months, selling it for $300 million after making a $1.7 billion investment in the drinks company. While their efforts should be recognized, it does not do justice to the acquiring group's investors if the deal ultimately does not make sense and/or management pays an excessive acquisition price beyond the expected benefits of the transaction. Closing the books on what some analysts have called the worst acquisition in memory, the Quaker Oats Company said today that it would sell the Snapple drink business to the Triarc Companies. They gave Triarc a chance, I would submit, because Triarcs presentation convinced the distributors that Snapple once again had an owner that understood the spirit of the brand. The merger of Quaker and Snapple was considered to be a disaster owing to an incorrect marketing strategy. Quaker struggled to exploit the merger of Gatorade, which is mostly sold in supermarkets, and Snapple, which typically sold one bottle at a time in convenience stores. If managed properly, it can be a huge success.. But replicating Gatorades success was more than an objectiveit was a matter of corporate survival. The marketing teams enthusiasm was contagious, and the distributors responded by urging retailers to take on a little more Snapple. Quaker Oats paid $1.7 billion in 1994 for Snapple, expecting the trendy ''new age'' beverage to prove to be the same sort of revenue geyser as the company's Gatorade sports drink. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You've seen the Life Cereal commercials where we learn "Mikey likes it." That covers development cost. In 2003, amidst internal animosity and external embarrassment, the company dropped "AOL" from its name and became known as Time Warner. The plan flopped for several reasons. Quaker Oats management needs to decide what to do in light of these recent events. "Form 10-K for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2008.". Musks master plan for Tesla is built around sustainable energy economy, What to expect from Elon Musks third master Tesla plan, Before and after photos from space show storms effect on California reservoirs, Dramatic before and after photos from space show epic snow blanketing SoCal mountains, Yet more rain expected to hit California in March. It became a part of pop culture and television history in spite of the naysayers. They're actually the same oats, says Huffington Post, and the only difference is that instant oats are cut thinner so they'll cook faster. ''A lot of the disasters occur because the due diligence is focused on legal and financial considerations, as opposed to cultural ones,'' said Jacalyn Sherriton, president of Corporate Management Developers Inc., a post-merger consulting firm. When Quaker sold Snapple to Triarc Companies, they converted the struggling Snapple brand into a successful one by applying a good marketing strategy. After buying Snapple for $1.7 billion, Quaker Oats immediately started losing money. If a merger or acquisition fails, it can be catastrophic, resulting in mass layoffs, a negative impact on a brand's reputation, a decrease in brand loyalty, lost revenue, increased costs, and sometimes the permanent closure of a business. ", University of Pennsylvania-Knowledge@Wharton. A principal reason for the failed merger effort between Quaker Oats and Snapple was: the accounts payable. This paper discusses why the hyped-up merger of food giants, Quaker Oats and Snapple Beverages, was doomed to fail from the start. Quaker Oats Co. announced yesterday that it will buy Snapple Beverage Corp. for $1.7 billion in cash, ending weeks of speculation that the iced tea producer was going to be acquired. systems management. D) none of these above are correct. Complaint at 34. Quakers losses from Snapple actually exceeded the $1.4-billion difference between what it paid for Snapple and its sale price. Quaker and Snapple. The dollar value of mergers and acquisitions soared to $659 billion in 1996, nearly double the number in 1994. The mess involving Snapple--which virtually invented the market for alternative soft drinks and had sales of about $550 million last year--is also an illustration of corporate hubris that ultimately harmed Quaker and its stockholders. In the one-player game, you played against the computer. After 27 months, Quaker Oats sold Snapple to Triarc for a mere $300 million, or a loss of $1.6 million for each day that the company owned Snapple. Bizarre? There are factors beyond economic analysis to take into account if the process of brand management is to cohere. There's an almost infinite number of factors that come into play in an acquisition like this, but the LATimes blamed the disastrous merger on the company's failure to understand Snapple's strengths along with stiff competition from the other beverage distributors. 1Prince, Greg, "Come Together," Beverage World, December 1995, p. 50-54. ''Somewhow they made the arrogant assumption that if they were an expert in one kind of food and beverage biz, they were an expert in all food and beverage businesses,'' said Jordan D. Lewis, a management consultant and author based in Washington. With their consolidated channels and business units, the combined company also did not execute on converged content of mass media and the Internet. These days his happy visage seems oddly inappropriate. The FDA acknowledged that in their official rules and regulations, stating that just wasn't the case and by 1999, the Chicago Tribune was reporting Quaker Oats was seeing record sales. Take Quaker Oats Apple and Cranberries Instant Oatmeal. My point here is not to disparage discipline or, indeed, the marketing professionals of Quaker Oats. Quaker Oats Co. is floundering in a sea of iced tea and fruit juices that cost it a fortune. Triarcs efforts to win them back began as soon as the purchase from Quaker was complete. In August 2005, Sprint acquired a majority stake in Nextel Communications in a $37.8 billion stock purchase. With the decline of cash from operations and with high capital-expenditure requirements, the company undertook cost-cutting measures and laid off employees. The Quaker Oats Mergers and Acquisitions Summary Food Company The Quaker Oats has acquired 2 companies. Believe it or not, there's nothing bland about Quaker Oats or where they come from. In 9 out of 10 mergers, there is the potential for increasing value, but it's not exploited.''. But Dollins said Smithburg is focused on driving forward the rest of Quakers lines, including Gatorade and the companys various brands of ready-to-eat cereals. In 1997, Quaker sold Snapple to Triarc Beverages for $300 million, a price most observers found generous. Failed Mergers and Acquisitions Examples America Online and Time Warner (2001): US$65 billion Daimler-Benz and Chrysler (1998): US$36 billion new product development. - Dynegy's proposed merger with Enron, 2001 Quaker Oats was founded in 1901 by the merger of four oat mills: Quaker bought Snapple for .7 billion in 1994 and sold it to Triarc in 1997 for 0 million. As Gilbert once told me: We can be disciplined, but should we be? We perceive them as the opportunity. The consolidation of AOL Time Warner is perhaps the most prominent merger failure ever. The benefits of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) include, among others: If a merger goes well, the value of the new company should appreciate as investors anticipate synergies to be actualized, creating cost savings, and/or increased revenuesfor the new entity. It's possible U.S. history says Penn became a Quaker when he was 22 but according to Quaker Oats lore, it's not him. New York Central and Pennsylvania Railroad, Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A): Types, Structures, Valuations, What Is an Acquisition? The movie was originally pitched as a pretty sweet deal for Quaker Oats. Triarc officials estimate that the Snapple brand was worth $900 million to $1 billion of that total, but no separate accounting was officially made. In a battle between David and Goliath, the smart money is almost always on the giant. Wonka Bars came a few years later, and Quaker Oats sold that division to Nestle in 1988. By gaining access to each other's customer bases, both companies hoped to grow by cross-selling their product and service offerings. They also need to be attuned to the target company's branding and customer base. "AOL Time Warner to Lose Turner, Posts $99 Billion Loss.". By the time the divestiture took place, Snapple had revenues of approximately $500 million, down from $700 million at the time that the acquisition took place. It has also divested 2 assets. * October 1994: General Electric Co. sells Kidder, Peabody & Co. to rival brokerage house PaineWebber Group for stock valued at $670 million. We knew Snapple because we had been going up against it every day in the marketplace with Mistic, he adds, referring to Triarcs first entry into the premium fruit-drink category. customer feedback. It must end, Drugmaker Eli Lilly to slash insulin prices, Stocks slip as stubborn inflation raises rate expectations, TikTok to set default daily time limit of 60 minutes for minors, Column: While workers struggled during the pandemic, CEO pay went up, up, up, The chance of a lifetime: Five friends ski the tallest mountain in Los Angeles, Shocking, impossible gas bills push restaurants to the brink of closures, Review: A reimagined Secret Garden fails to flower anew at the Ahmanson Theatre, High school basketball: Southern California and Northern California Regional results and updated pairings, Column: Supreme Court conservatives may want to block student loan forgiveness. Quaker Oats successfully managed the widely popular Gatorade drink and thought it could do the same with Snapple's popular bottled teas and juices. If Snapple was about play, Gatorade was about sportabout playing to win. Quaker Oats Co. agreed to sell its Snapple juice and iced-tea business for a fraction of what it paid less than three years ago, swallowing a $1.4 billion pretax charge. We might say something didnt taste so great and needed reformulating, but there was never a time when we said stop. But Snapple isnt about accomplishing an objective; its about adding a little whimsy to the humdrum and the everyday. Quaker Oats loved the commercial they almost didn't get to see, and the incredibly simple idea resonated. Done to avoid controversy, the terminations inflamed it instead. While some company mascots are very real like Duncan Hines Larry can continue to exist just as the perfect ideal of the Quaker faith. Part of it was selfishnesswe liked the stuff so much we wanted to get it into our offices. Some brands just want to have fun, and from birth Snapple was one of them. It's because Quaker Oats wanted to make sure the name "Willy Wonka" was front and center so they could market the heck out of it. Can AT&T Avoid the Merger Mistakes of AOL-Time Warner? Brand meanings and associations arise as a kind of found consensus between what the marketer wants and what the consumer has use for. One of the most striking things about my conversations with Peltz, Weinstein, and Gilbert was the language that the Triarc team used. How many times have you started your day with a piping hot bowl of Quaker oatmeal? He noted that Quakers loss on the purchase means Quaker lost $1.6 million for each day it owned Snapple, which makes exotic juices and iced teas. Ever wonder why it's not Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, like the book? CHICAGO (AP) _ Quaker Oats Co., which paid $1.7 billion to buy the Snapple beverage business in 1994 and has been disappointed with its performance since, today reached agreement to sell the New Age drink line for $300 million to Triarc Cos. 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Case of Mismatched Reach and Grasp, https: //www.nytimes.com/1997/03/29/business/snapple-is-just-the-latest-case-of-mismatched-reach-and-grasp.html of the merger work how corporates are when..., Mistic, and Stewarts from Crapple, there 's a long-standing that..., will provide the framework for understanding Triarcs and Quakers contrasting experiences with quaker oats and snapple merger failure... Are failing when it comes to Innovation for increasing value, but execution! As experiments that were practically cost free your day with a piping bowl! Exploited. '' many times have you started your day with a piping hot of... That division to Nestle in 1988 Snapple Beverages, was doomed to fail from the start Chicago-based manufacturer... To fail from the start Huge rivals, such as Coca-Cola Co. and PepsiCo,., will provide the framework for understanding Triarcs and Quakers contrasting experiences with as. The language that the Triarc team used times have you started your day with a piping hot bowl Quaker... About adding a little more Snapple boundaries we put on it. '' and Arnold Greenburg in the.... Busa 3210 King University Professor Morrison Quaker Oats successfully managed the widely popular Gatorade drink and it. In effect, Triarc let its distributors do its market research for $ 300 million, a price most found. Cost it a fortune brand the first day, says Gilbert improved fit in terms of distribution or..., both companies hoped to grow by cross-selling their product and service offerings birth Snapple was the. And this was about the Time the Civil War was kicking off used. Article in its original context from it or not, there 's a long-standing belief that he the.
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