Do you make a difference ? If you have any health concerns, look for treatments that integrate emotional and physical healing. What is it that you want? Instructions for Embedding This Personal Year Calculator on Your Web Page, A. Birthday December 18 numerology Takeaways. Paste it into your web page like you would any such code. Reading your unique Personal Year Number in conjunction with our global 2022 Universal 6 Year in Numerologyprovides a deeper understanding of the greater cycles of Earth/Humanity and the influence this may have on your own experiences of your Personal Year. This year is 2021 so with that I am a 9 year. WHERE ARE YOU GOING? Reduce the day and month of birth to a single digit. However, someone born on July 22, for instance, would have the 33 subtotal this year: Month: 7 Day: 22 2+0+2+0=4 7+22+4 = 33, 1/19+4/2020 If the sum of these digits comes to a double digit (eg 34), then add these digits together to reduce the number to a single digit (eg 3 + 4 = 7). Just add the numbers in your month andday of birth to the numbers of the current year. Let go of what no longer serves you. Each Personal Year Number has different qualities to it. I am now a widow and my children have my last name, so its a big decision. Being born on December 10th, 2022 was a 1 Year for you., and you are in a 4 month in December. 4TH TURNING POINT a combination of your DAY and YEAR of birth = 11+22 = 33/6. Creative pursuits will surely light your soul. If you feel you dont have time to do what you love, that means you are taking on too much for other people. Be sure to read the MONTHLY and WEEKLY forecasts, too. Each collectable book contains inspiring monthly, weekly, and daily readings for your . and, Born on 24 July, 1975, you were born on the 8 LIFE PATH, which you can read about at You deserve it! I am very glad that it is becoming more well known and shared more with the common public and possibly can make a better future for us all in time sometimes people just need some guidance and reassurance that they are heading the right path . Fler at det 5 ret ga noe og prvde s godt jeg kunne leve opp til det og tok inn alt du skrev. Kindest regards, You might feel there are some days you don't have what it takes, yet this is a strength building year, and you achieve your goals one step at a time. Or October 4 is l+0+4+6=11=1+1=2 personal year. I predict that we're all in for some deep healing this year. WEEKLY FORECAST - February 26, 2023. Just a quick heads up that the personal year calculator says enter month and year rather than month and day, so it may seem to not be working although of course it is working fine bc it is month and day. Forgive anyone who needs forgiving and that includes yourself! Day: 1+0=1 Regarding personal consultations, please see my Personal Profiles page for details. You may even feel the urge to relocate. How is it possible to achieve a Master Number of 33 or 44 as your subtotal with the calculation you describe? If you find yourself in power plays at work or in your personal relationships, it is to remind you that it is OK to be powerful and not to be afraid to assert yourself. The 1 personal year indicates your first steps in a new direction. Please go to for more details. Order your PERSONAL PROFILEhere, YOUR CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK can help you navigate your way through these tense, extraordinary, unpredictable and evolutionary times. This is a year to put this new found freedom to work and go travelling, make new friends, seek out new adventures and ditch the routine. Busy all the time in work, so they . Yoga or dance would be an ideal activity to help maintain balance between your body and mind. Yes, a change of name always creates a change of energy in the life. . These are valuable skills that will carry you forward for the rest of your journey. In your browser, reload your post or page to see the calculator. The calculations are 2+0+2+2 = 6. Again, responsibilitiesyour personal responsibilities and our collective responsibilities as humans coexisting on this planetwill feature prominently. Where can you take back some of your energy? Your birth year is not used in this calculation. A simple calculation lets you know which yearly numerology cycle you are in. That is correct, Girish. Those who are born on 4th are perfectionists, honest, and good at management. Use your charm this year to delegate and free up time to play and celebrate the wins and if you can bank all of that gold finger energy, as you may need it in the next year. Lucky Names and Numbers You are in the final year of a 9 year cycle. I was born 11/11/1966 and I know this gives me an 8 Lifepath number. This year will feel like it is flying by because of many changes and activities. This is a Master Number Year for you, which means you will need to master your life. Are you giving more than you are receiving? The general types of events and circumstances to expect during the year. Now go for it! can please give a brief detailing about life path no. 7/11/1977 here Keep adding until you get a single digit. my life cycle no . Example: Suppose we want to know predictions for 2017 . There will be greater opportunities and greater challenges, yet the payoff can be immense. The bottom line. Use contact form to tell me the details. Thank you for pointing it out! If you have the desire to teach, start a business, or invest, this is a GREAT year to do it. The month is (at most) 12, and the day and year are each reduced to a single digit. The 1 Year is always a 1 Year. The calculator further below provides interpretations for both this year, 2023, and next year, 2024 . You might find you want to relocate closer to nature or live in a more serene environment, or at least go on a vacation. Get ready for a dramatic and exciting year! As you learn to stay centered amidst change, you will learn to deeply trust yourself and the process of your life. Then 2021, a Universal Year 5 taught us to remain flexible and adaptable as we redefine what freedom means to us. PERSONAL YEAR Number 2:Keywords: Patience, Decisions, RhythmA Personal 2 year is about relationships, alliances and making choices. 2+1 =3 Raise your vibration to protect yourself from negative energy and make the best choices every time, Numerology Personal Year Forecast For 2023. Har og hatt det ekstremt tft som alenemamma og er p kanten til konomisk konkurs. WHO ARE YOU? i have an true simian line in my dominant (right) hand. Click your Yearly Forecast number, below: Each year is an individual and unique cycle. Hi, Christine Numerology Personal Year 3: Unlocking expression After the intense energy and changes of last year, now is a time to slow down and reflect upon your life and your choices. Make sure that with all of these changes and new feelings that you dont scatter your energies. If you are a writer, this can be the year to create your best work yet! Your intuition is super-charged now. You will be harvesting your many rewards, so enjoy your bounty. And if next year is 2023, then should it look like this: Now, we are embarking on a new chapter in our collective journey: the Universal Year 6, a year of relationships, responsibilities, and deep healing. In 2022, your 22 Third Growth Cycle and your 33/6 Fourth Turning Point will be running concurrently. These are not predictions, they are descriptions. Any area of your life where you've been taking the back seat, you'll want to take back your power. Im not understanding how to achieve the sub total. The effects of each Personal Year vibration last twelve months. A lot has been learned along the way, so take stock of your lessons because you will pass this wisdom to others. This is a time to focus on yourself. This would be a great time to keep use your voice with singing, acting or writing. Perhaps you want to beautify your personal image as well, such as investing in a new wardrobe or a different hairstyle that helps you feel more attractive. Focus on love and harmony this year and you cannot go wrong. Any form of creative expression would be beneficial. Free Personal Numerology Reading One very important thing that the 3 energy teaches us is that you cant please everybody. This would have the effect of amplifying the effects of this vibration tenfold and thus amplifying the challenges you face. You will come to know its not personal its just a season that will and shall pass, just as the leaves must fall to bring in a new season. This is a 5 Personal Year, a time of dynamic change! The year does not start on your birthday. "It's. I am a big fan of numerology and Ive been living synced for years now but your reading and by far the best that you can find on the internet. Wishing you the finest of 8 Years, Angela. The software for numerology readings, calculators, and tools at this website is built and maintained by Date 1+6= 7 No matter what you engage in this year, you want to keep your mind focused on what you want, rather than let your emotions get the better of you. Depending on where you are in your cycle, your Personal Year Number could be a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or a 9. . If you were born on August 24th, in 2023 you are in a 3-personal year. What does my future look like? All of your hard work will pay off eventually. Our editors have independently chosen the products listed on this page. However, each of these yearly vibrations, and what they have to teach, feels different the next time around because it is occurring in a different cycle of time and in the course of those 9 years, you have learned new things, and your life has changed. You will be so glad you had the fortitude to build your foundation. Thinking About Trying Keen? With all of the changes and excitement from the previous year, now is the time to restore your body, mind and spirit. Last year you completed a 9 year cycle. Q: That is why it is so important to take time and reflect on your needs and personal truth. Personal Year number is based on your date of birth and the year you want to know about. If you do not have a daily meditation practice, you might consider taking one up. Your home and family will take center stage, so you want to make sure your surroundings are harmonious and serene. No matter what you engage in this year, you want to keep your mind focused on what you want rather than let your emotions get the better of you. Let go of your need for perfection. If you face any choices this year, make sure you base your decisions on what you really want rather than what you think you should do or what you fear others will think of you. (And learn what makes your loved ones tick!). Name changes really do change ones life because suddenly there you are with a totally different identity. Everybody has free will and may ignore numerology influences. What are your passions? Dinesen Cannon, Im glad you found it, too!. Your DAY OF BIRTH created your 11/2 FIRST GROWTH CYCLE which ran from 1966 to 1994. She is the author of the upcoming book You Are Cosmic Code: Essential Numerology and a collaborator on the upcoming astrology-numerology tarot deck, Celestial Bodies. Personal-year numbers are based on your birth date, but some numerologists believe it starts one or two months later, such as in January or December. Im glad you are enjoying this work. Perhaps you want to beautify your personal image as well, such as investing in a new wardrobe or different hairstyle that helps you feel more attractive. Focus on what is beautiful in yourself and others and your world will look and feel better every day. This vibration governs earthly concerns such as your home, family, money, finances, and day-to-day activities. Hei, er fdt 1/10 1969, ble adoptert og het da Holda Quaye, har det noe si? Free Numerology Tools & Calculators This is an ideal time to engage in any spiritual activity or group where you can learn more about your chosen faith with others. Knowing your numerology Personal Year is like knowing the celestial weather. Born November 29, 1961; 61-year-old Sizemore is in a Final Pinnacle 28/1. If you feel stifled in any way it is because you have been limiting your idea of who you are. There tends to be a desire to move forward, to improve situations, to assert individuality, and to get on with life. The world will concentrate on. Do them now. You also have 4 TURNING POINT CYCLES which run concurrent with your Growth Cycles: 1ST TURNING POINT a combination of your DAY and MONTH of birth = 11+11 = 22/4. I appreciate your website and have bought 2 of your yearly books so far. Where can you take back some of your energy? Love your wisdom and site. For example March 3 is 3+3+6=12=1+2=3 personal year. For example, I am born on the 27 November (11th month). After all the hard work of last year, this is a fantastic time to have fun and meet new people, or travel to distant places.,,,, Primarily, you are in the 2 Year. You can plan by divine timing. What activities would you love to do? 3 is also the number of communication, which could have a lot to do with your feelings of being misunderstood. (My 2022 numerology planner makes it easy!). Use this beautiful time to know yourself better and dare to take care of yourself! If you were born on 4 May and it's 2022. Remember, Personal Year 11/2 doesn't necessarily have to negatively impact your employment or relationships, in rare instances, in Personal Year 11/2 there is a sudden and unexpected change in health. If you find yourself getting overwhelmed, take a deep breath and stay in the moment. If you do not want to do that, you can read the Master Numbers in the Life Path Section, which will give you an idea of the energies involved. There will be greater opportunities and greater challenges. I would really like to change the numbers of my name somehow. You might make mistakes, but that is how you learn, and those lessons will serve you and help you to instruct others in the future. For example, you may also have a life path in 6_24 or be in your personal year 6. Read the 2 MONTHLY and WEEKLY forecasts for the rest of the year. If you are involved in the media, or have always wanted to be, youll feel extra blessed this year. 2009 - 2023 MindBodyGreen LLC. Generally, the transition begins in mid-October and is complete during the first week of January. Have fun! Thank you so much for your offerings. Breathe, be and rest and recuperate this year enjoy the fruits of all you efforts from your seed planting in the past Year 1, and then take the seeds from your fruits and use these to start your Personal 1 year in the next cycle. The year 2023 brings many opportunities, opportunities, and challenges. You may even feel the urge to relocate. The email address just now typed in is blocked from subscribing. This is the moment to define what "home" means to youliterally and figuratively. To calculate your Personal Year Number, take your day of birth, add it to your month of birth and add it to the current year adding all the individual digits together. I visit your webpage so often for weekly reports and also when I need reminding of what my yearly journey is. 1+19+4= 24 On January 1st, 2023, you go into your 11/2 Year. So the total can be at most 12+9+9=30. Cant calculate:( well I can, but just saying the thing doesnt work. As we head into a 6 Year of love and compassion, we just might find out. Do them now. Number 7 Personal Year: Always Believe in Yourself. Make any changes to your environment that help you feel peaceful and relaxed. Would it make sense to consider changing my name? 2022 becomes 2+0+2+2 = 6. If you have a desire to teach others, or be a healer or artist NOW IS YOUR TIME! This is a big year of facing some truths, going within and seeking answers to some of the big questions. 2 + 7 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 17 and 1 + 7 = 8In 2022 I am in a Personal 8 Year: Once you have calculated your Personal Year Number above, then please read the applicable Personal Year write up below to understand more about this current cycle within your life and how you can work with this energy consciously throughout 2022, our Universal 6 Year in Numerology. ADOPTIVE NAME: I cover this situation in my Personal Profiles (Part One). Im so glad you are enjoying this work. Im sorry to hear about the loss of your husband. By taking care of yourself fully, you can better help others. I am so sorry to hear you are going through all that. You have what it takes right now to succeed. 2+8=10 Particularly keen on your articles and the way you write. If my Birth Month and date is January 1 is this 33 subtotal? Does your life add value to the world ? Depending on your geonumerical profile, the year 2022 will have more or less influence on your path. Im a 33/6 in a 3 year and its been my most challenging lots of family relationship challenges too and confusion to where I want to live. She has also studied sound healing, reiki, crystals, and meditation. A Master number can be challenging to work with at times as the energy is commanding, however when harnessed, a Master Number can lead to extraordinary experiences and opportunities in your life. Physical activity is paramount to keeping you healthy, so this is a great year to start a doable exercise regimen. The essence of 3 is happiness and friendliness, and in the 3 Year, before you can claim the joy that 3 is all about, you have to deal with what is making you UN-happy and situations that are unfriendly. Specify your month and day of birth and tap the button. This may cause you to lose hope. You have so much to share, and this is a great year to do so! But the personal year number changes when the calendar year changes.). My year is 1, MONTH: 1 DAY: 19=1+0=1 YEAR: 2+0+2+0=4 1+1+4=6. I have been following you for many years and point people in the direction of your website, always! Be sure to check out the entire site your monthly and weekly forecasts and many other aspects (see menu). When you focus positively on abundance in finances, career & wealth this year expect returns to flow much more easily this year. Numerology Personal Year 2: Cultivating harmony This is a time to create emotional balance in your life and tend to your relationships. So, although your numerology is rather complex, it is also filled with potential and unusual opportunities. You might have extra responsibilities this year, particularly in your family, so make sure you take time to yourself and put your needs first. We all feel this energy, and it's called the Universal Year. At times, you might feel that your emotions or outward circumstances are tearing you in two directions, leaving you angry or confused. Dont try to do too much. Now is the time to take action and be bold! 2- Forming relationships of all kinds, love, business, family, and cooperation. Am born on the 16 Dec 1997please explain my horoscope and astrological influence, Hello Ndasi, this is numerology, not astrology. In this case, the personal number obtained is 9: it will accompany the person in question for the 12 months of 2023, and as soon as December is over, all you have to do is perform the . All rights reserved. I am so glad you enjoyed this. What feeds your spirit and makes you feel happy? Will 8 be a profitable year? This is a year to find out how you can be the alchemist and manifest your dreams for not only your highest purpose but for the highest good of all. In 2022 Numerology It's a 6 Universal Year by The AstroTwins by The AstroTwins and Felicia Bender, The Practical Numerologist In Numerology, each calendar year adds up to a single-digit number, which holds a unique energetic influence & imprint. Hello Ndasi, this is a great time to restore your body, mind and spirit on January 1st 2023. Yes, a Universal year this wisdom to others a 6 year facing... It into your Web page like you would any such code for reports! You., and the day and month of birth created your 11/2 first Growth cycle and world... Consider taking One up family will take center stage, so you want to know predictions for 2017 important take... Always wanted to be, youll feel extra blessed this year is about,... Body and mind and date is January 1 is this 33 subtotal 1+19+4= 24 on January 1st, 2023 you! Transition begins in mid-October and is complete during the year 2022 will have more less... 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