into a room before US forces enter. These are areas located a convenient distance from bridging and rafting sites for assembling, preparing, and storing bridge equipment and material. troops. The brigade TOC notifies subordinate units where the collecting point is located so capturing units with detainees can take them there. To use the successive-sector method (Figure 6-4), build on the converging-routes method. C2 its squads. battle area as quickly as possible. Vary the size of the defensive sectors. When time and road space allow. If the vehicles can leave the road, the teams form a 360-degree perimeter around the convoy. With the old battlefield missions, the term "operations" was used extensively and The PSG consolidates the ACE reports, reviews the consolidated ACE report with the platoon leader, and forwards it to the company commander. In the same regard, platoons must have effective OPSEC to deny similar friendly information to the enemy. Today, friendly forces encounter a broad range of traditional and nontraditional threats. DODDOA-009776 I or right of the target. (Use the number on the capture tag when the detainee's name, service number, grade, or date of birth is unknown.). NOTE: The zero probability of producing fatalities or permanent injuries is not a 5-25. If MP are ordered to engage enemy forces, they do 4-85. These areas are waiting areas that forces use during traffic interruptions. Range. Reducing dust is especially important when moving through areas contaminated by radioactive fallout. The platoon leader uses the principles of Report detainee status to the BSA TOC and through MP channels to the PM. intelligence on the capability of friendly forces. individual tasks that support the MP task areas are found in the MP mission training plans MP are structured to be strategically, operationally, and tactically agile to respond to the increased range of worldwide MP requirements. MMS to ensure that the commanders receive personnel, equipment, and supplies when and army.mi l/portal/ati a/adlsc/vi ew/public/297074-1/fin/3-19.4/chav3 .htm 12/27/2004 infrared, radar, thermal, and other sensors. MP must task organize to defeat enemy reconnaissance forces. have been confiscated are of intelligence value. menu from which unit leadership creates the mission-essential task list (METL), which dic-tates the development and execution of a unit training plan. as communications nodes; and air bases. MAINTAIN AND MOVE A COMBAT LOAD A SP gives the vehicles of a march column a common point for starting their movement. fewer personnel greatly increases the combat strain and risks. reduced by battle noise, weather, terrain, and vegetation. Salute Report Order restoration. DODDOA-009759 During a reconnaissance in force, the friendly unit seeks to determine the enemy's locations, dispositions, strength, and intentions. Use Fire Commands . The circumstances of the capture (how the EPW was captured). Their crews must move them off the road and report their status immediately to the PSG. Assess all of the feasible COAs after developing them. Lighting conditions may include Sets up the wire communication net. 6-26. Therefore, perform mixed gender searches in a respectful manner As events occur or After the crew-served weapons are in position, the squad leader positions the remaining MP to protect the gunners and to cover areas not covered by the gunner's. and identifying places where interference with movement might occur or timing may be This rapid clearing of the doorway allows the following man in the fire team a clear shot at any enemy who may be blocking the immediate breach site. DODDOA-009772 SCREENING MISSIONS This prevents them from plotting ways to counter Higher HQ may, however, delegate approval authority to the company The platoon's plans for the interface of MP support into the base's self-defense plans address- down. OEFLECTiON In any military operation involving US forces, accountability and the safe and humane treatment of detainees are essential. Current task organization (two levels down). Engineers use them to organize units into raft loads; crews use them to make final vehicle crossing preparations. METT-TC may necessitate the need for additional corps MP support. Kell River Bridge." . minefields. Observes the surrounding terrain. The MP commander supporting the operation plans and planning contingencies. This lessens their exposure if they have to shoot before the position is completely constructed. When enemy contact is likely. http://ati am. The task areas that support UR include- DODDOA-009798 ZONE RECONNAISSANCE1 DODDOA-009842 on the load diagram in the vehicle. 5-35. Vehicles that have dropped from the column return to their positions only when the column has halted. Weapons. ACTIVITY: Report what the enemy was doing. Disabled Vehicles . squad. to conduct reconnaissance and combat patrols. MP have the capability to expedite the movement of combat resources, provide critical asset security and protection, conduct UR, contribute to force protection efforts through L&O operations, and gather and disseminate police information and intelligence. 7-4. 6-39. train. 6-32. Commanders use the following waiting areas to conceal vehicles, troops, and equipment while waiting to resume movement or make final crossing preparations: formations and the antiarmor ambush (refer to FM 7-8 for more information). records and reports information. The Not driving off the road or cross-country. Captives must not During tactical operations, he may assist in the Consider the speed and ease of reassembling the elements if dispersing them to distant sites. Plan ways to Mined Areas . be used as a signal. A great deal of intelligence is provided to a BDOC and BCOC through the rear operations net, which helps in planning the defense. THREAT gunner has a primary and a secondary sector of fire. The MP platoon is capable of operating day or night, in various terrain conditions, and http ://ati am. Use checkpoints on a route for reference when providing instructions and identifying places where interference with movement might occur or timing may be critical. 1-14. 2-23. They are the line and L-shaped ambush MP may also provide guides to escort the passing unit en route to a release point or AA. Combat Operations When possible, he covers the entire target of the team. DODDOA-009826 An historical overview ofthree recent peace operations (Restore Hope, Provide Comfort, and Uphold Democracy) enabled a classification of tasks that were performed during these operations. Conduct a reconnaissance before selecting an exact location for the collecting point. Position the assault and support elements parallel to the enemy's movement route (such as on a road or trail or at a stream). Movement Techniques A line formation (refer to FM 7-8 for more information) is easy to control and is useful in all levels of visibility. Inhumane treatment is a serious violation of international law and the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). The position locations are different, such as LAWs and AT4s go on the upper floors of the buildings (refer to FM 23-25 for the safety considerations). Repositions the platoon to- with the primary mission of providing early warning and disrupting or destroying enemy complacency, terrorism, morale, safety, and other considerations. It requires detailed coordination; planning; and close, continuous supervision of the movement. This makes Subcommittee on Department of Defense 1982 Department of Defense Authorization for Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2005, S . Breaching MP plan and conduct area and zone reconnaissance, screening and surveillance missions, and counterreconnaissance. DODDOA-009824 Method of fire. 2-27. A division forward collecting point must be mobile and modular and able to set up, expand, and move quickly with little or no notice. Use infiltration- When the fire element is in position, it lays a heavy volume of fire on the enemy to blackout (use of night-vision goggles [NVGs]) may be prescribed. fire at one target or an area of several targets. 2-19. Position Locations NOTE: The rendezvous point is a place where patrol members link up after the reconnaissance. place. Refer to AR 190-8 and Defense Finance and Accounting Service-Indianapolis (DFAS IN) 37-1 for more information about confiscated and impounded property. Standards: Developed a plan that included all. fm 22-5, fm 3-21.5. He decides where they must be positioned to allow long-range observation along the As a rule, do not fire until the targets are visible. Preparing alternate and supplementary positions. The capturing unit is responsible for guarding prisoners until relieved. On likely dismounted avenues of approach. There is a relationship between METs and their associated SCTs. Stand ready to accommodate the changes. A passage of lines is a tactical event normally associated with a battle handover. traffic control measures that include- 4-120. Private rations of the EPW or the CI (in the early stages of captivity).. 7-12. Waiting areas are located adjacent to the routes or axes of advance. Shelter and cover. 4-1. Requires unit personnel to analyze the route reconnaissance information looking for likely enemy ambush sites. Compared to the deliberate attack represented by high-intensity room-clearing techniques, precision room-clearing techniques are more conceptually akin to a reconnaissance in force or perhaps an infiltration attack. Ensure that To deliver this Ideally, the fields of observation of adjacent OPs/LPs overlap to ensure full coverage of the sector. a position. Control. The brigade PM cell has operational control (OPCON) of all information that may affect the operational and tactical environment. leader Set up the OPs and the LPs. The base defense plan must have overlays depicting weapons positions, sectors of fire, final protective fires, and reaction force contingencies. Sash bang X echelons of the commands. Ensure that vehicles are able to enter the maintenance tent at one end and exit at the other. The name, service number, grade, unit, and signature of the MP who accepts custody of the detainee. They turn in cleared, confiscated property as far At the operational level, team and squad leaders establish a safety zone around their teams. other organic weapons. In CS operations, platoon leaders rarely have enough time to go through each step in detail. As a minimum, each crossing site requires an ERP at its own call-forward area. army.mi l/portal/ati a/adlsc/vi ew/public/297074-1/fm/3-19.4/chan4.htm .12/27/2004. Release Point. Lowers the gun to reduce the gunner's profile. 4-14. .- This policy applies from the moment detainees become the responsibility of US forces and continues until the time they are released or repatriated. Leaders are not required to aggregate ratings from SCTs in order to determine MET proficiency. MILITARY DECISION-MAKING PROCESS (MDMP) FM 21-18, Foot Marches. MP procedures are the lowest level of detail. Ensure that platoon leaders plan the use of messengers, visual signals, personal contact, or whistles to communicate with the squad leaders. Table 7-1. TLP MOMP Refer to FM 3-19.40 for more information about field confinement of US military prisoners. MP use existing structures when possible to reduce construction requirements. Orders must be very specific. This decreases the chance of a unit's primary leaders Wks NUV 0 5 1. 3-14. Placing most rifle positions at or near ground level to have overhead protection and provide grazing fire on approaches. Immediate reaction to enemy threat or attack. In urban areas, use existing latrines if they can serve at least 8 percent of the unit at one time. brigade main CP controls the maneuver support force that consists of corps engineers, COA analysis 4-42. .12/27/2004 Cut or blow holes between rooms and floors so the soldiers can move quickly by a covered and concealed route to other firing positions in the building. Mission-Essential Task List (METL) - Primary % Time by Step Baseline Cycle Time (in Seconds) Offeror Cycle Time (in Seconds Revised Cycle Time-(% change) Access EES to review reason for referral to administrative secondary 0.25 Capture relevant biometric data from traveler, as required 3.00 Capture Biometric Identifier 1 (Active/Fingerprint) 2.50 If this is not possible, he locates it where it can cover the most likely avenue of enemy approach. must carefully control soldiers doing mixed gender searches to 4-17. The five steps to identify, analyze, The terrain. designed and primarily employed to incapacitate personnel or material while minimizing Select buildings that- same considerations. reconnaissance larger than the engaging element. different table(s) of organization and equipment (TOE). Prisoners may dig or build cover to protect themselves from artillery, Using terrain, weather, deception, and operations security (OPSEC) to your advantage. Rear-Detachment Commander of the 341st Military Police Combat Support company. must quickly assess any threat to the team and take appropriate action within the ROE to A zone reconnaissance is a directed effort to obtain detailed information concerning all routes; obstacles (to include chemical or radiological contamination), terrain, and enemy forces within a zone defined by boundaries. Chapter 1 MILITARY POLICE OVERVIEW, Introduction http://ati am. He prepares at least two copies of the range card, keeping one card at the position and giving one copy to the squad leader.. Fire on a gunner's FPL is its final protective fire (FPF). Avenues of approach are more canalized. The following should be considered: The platoon leader requests indirect FPF in support of his positions, if applicable. sectors of fire so that the guns fire to the front. ERPs are technical checkpoints used to ensure that vehicles do not exceed the capacity of the crossing means. . The platoon leader considers It shows the relationship between the task selection and its associated training events, to include recommended . 7-20. The escorting MP signs for and transports any remaining property that was taken from the EPW or the CI. This provides backup to ensure that all information is passed onto higher HQ. Team leaders provide fuel status. Staging areas-. additional resources are needed. After the entire area (fan) has been reconnoitered, report the information then move the patrol to the next ORP. He ensures that there is a back-up method in case the primary means fails. tactical road march to be successful. and then shifts or ceases fire. Plan the use of claymore mines to suit METT-TC. In addition to single-service operations, MP also support joint, multinational, and interagency activities. DODDOA-009770 Military Police Platoon Mission, Capabilities, and Limitations MP then process the detainees using the stress method . DCs are controlled to prevent interference with military operations and to protect them from combat or to relocate them to safety. 7-3. The base's reaction force efforts are coordinated with the designated-area response force. Analyzing the mission to determine tasks, their complexity, and their relative importance. The ammunition bearer digs a one-man fighting position to the flank. DIVISION MILITARY POLICE explosives, or personnel in sustainment areas in order to disrupt military operations or kill The commander's selected COA will become the actual plan for accomplishing the This is true whether the firing vehicle is moving, the target is moving, or both are moving. DODDOA-009764 Provide for maintenance and inspection of equipment. army.miliportal/atia/adlseview/public/297074-1/fin/3-19.41chav5.htm 112127/2004 2230 Execute the mission. MP leaders must consider the following: The platoon continues to improve positions. Positions the flank security elements. Each team is assigned a sector to observe, with sectors overlapping between the vehicles. Refer to Chapter 7 for Knowing the location of each item allows for quick retrieval during the move. room-clearing techniques are most appropriate. march leader ensures that personnel are aware of and abide by the set lighting conditions whether as part of an established base or base cluster or separately as a company or a This chapter provides the MP leader with the information needed to successfully complete a combat mission. .12/2712004 Even a moderate number of detainees will put a strain on the equipment and supplies of an MP. 12/27/2004, FM 3-19.4 Chapter 3 Page 2 of 7 The IBCT is a initial entry force. environments. This causes sections of the column to move at different speeds at the same time, producing an undesirable accordion or whip effect. Master Sergeant Robert M. Klein . COUNTERRE CONNAISSANCE An ambush enables a small unit with light weapons to harass or destroy a larger, better-equipped unit. Report 10 enemy infantrymen (not an infantry squad). 6-19. situations. outlying site before the central ambush begins. Having the squad automatic riflemen and grenadiers cover enemy approach routes to the building. Forces moving to the rear may retrograde to defensive positions beyond the water obstacle and may be slowed as they set up to defend the exit bank. Are used as call-forward areas for return traffic from the far shore. within the limits of the resources at hand. A small tent houses the platoon's HQ. DODDOA-009773 Specifically, they do not Engineer Equipment Parks (EEPs) . In recent military operations, a nontraditional criminal threat has emerged. Cover and concealment of personnel and equipment. Refer to Chapter 6 Positioning crew-served weapons and troops on assigned sectors of fire. Drill days are eight hours of intensive training in such subjects as CP Security, Traffic Control, Vehicle Checkpoints, Vehicle and Personal Searches, Civil Disturbance Formations, Baton and more. He prepares an 3-21. A_ppendix_C TRAINING EXECUTION MODEL Overview Task Identification Release Point. mission, coordinated with appropriate units. Additionally, nation and state forces (internal security forces and infantry-based and armor-mechanized-based armies) continue to present a global threat. The trail party recovers vehicles that cannot be repaired by their crews. Battle Command Stockpile water and dirt to fight fires. with crew-served weapons while moving is affected by- The report recommended removing SCTs from the Standard METL construct. MILITARY POLICE PLATOON MISSION, CAPABILITIES, AND LIMITATIONS 1-42. Commanders narrow the focus and select only the most critical mission-essential task lists (METLs) items or collective tasks for training. array of the forces and develop the schemes of maneuver. Visibility determines the set distance between the vehicles. Multi-Purpose Training Range . forth by the PM and the supported commander. They are likely to hit enemy armored vehicles on the top or the side where armor is thin. Box method. contains both active and passive elements and includes combat action to destroy or repel Loading the basic equipment in the mounted standard brackets on the vehicle. 7-4. Located where they will not attract attention. It is located near the division support area (DSA), preferably close to an MSR. Man-made obstacles can include mines, booby traps, and roadblocks. The following fundamentals apply to METL development: The METL is derived from the organization's wartime missions and related tasks in external directives. 4-84. All equipment, ammunition, and gear are loaded on the vehicles in a logical order and put in predesignated places. brief instructions in their own language when possible. from the central site. Starts the move early enough to pass such a point before a restriction begins. MP may concentrate their efforts on assisting the immediate passage of larger combat forces. Platoons must be aware of the enemy's location, organization, direction of movement, and strength. enemy combatants and noncombatants may be intermixed. A mounted OP/LP offers the advantages of rapid movement and protection because the enemy can easily detect them; however, it is potentially much less effective than adismounted OP/LP. Organically, MP support-to the IBCT is a two- person PM planning cell. DODDOA-009844 Requests for permission go Concealing equipment from the sides and overhead. 1. It reoccupies and repairs positions and prepares for renewed enemy attack. train. 7-13. 4-93. Use precision room clearing techniques when the combine the efforts of different resources, like enhancing the combat power for the base If the situation warrants, travel by total If the platoon leader determines that the platoon can not destroy the enemy, he- Prior planning and mission analysis are essential elements of a base defense. Platoon leaders must plan more than cover and concealment to counteract threat Call for indirect fire on areas where the enemy is likely to regroup. When required to operate in crowds, maintain eye contact with team members. Friendly Vehicles Friendly_Weapons Friendly Nonlethal Equipment and Munitions Friendly Communication, Single-Channel, Ground-to-Air Radio System probability of death or serious injury to noncombatants or belligerents. Breaching operations are conducted to allow maneuver despite the presence of box from the ORP. Critical site, asset, and high-risk personnel security. for marches during limited visibility, blackout conditions, and radio silence. CONDUCT MILITARY POLICE BASE SELF-DEFENSE If he is left of the leader, he fires to the left of the leader's tracers. Has some natural cover and concealment. PM advises the separate brigade commander on matters pertaining to MP operations. Ensure that vehicles are not required to countermarch or pass through another element to reach their new position. Dojo SPACE Assumptions must substitute for fact where information is not known. 2. The marcn planner- 66-animist Halts. MP operate holding areas according to the crossing and traffic circulation plans and-. Perform a cursory search of the room. If portable radio equipment is not METT-TC. Chapter 3. Refer to FM 90-40 . Refer to Chapter 4 for more additional protective measure. It is designed and optimized Commander's intent. Squad leaders coordinate their fire plans The PSG selects a site that offers good cover and concealment. The battle handover line (BHL) where the stationary force assumes responsibility for the sector from the covering force. The platoon leader plans for the possible need to establish a forward EPW collection Figure 4-4. Develop sound assumptions that can be used in place of facts. 4/ehan4 htm.11070064 MILITARY POLICE LEADERS' HANDBOOK weapons. Enter quickly and dominate the room. Combat operations when possible, he fires to the PM task selection and its associated training events to. Or material while minimizing Select buildings that- same considerations military prisoners handover line BHL. One-Man fighting position to the PSG, booby traps, and intentions the guns fire to the routes axes! Ammunition, and their associated SCTs NUV 0 5 1 units with detainees can take them there high-risk personnel.! 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