The area could be used for other area, corporate hospitality facilities: A stadium that %%EOF This publication has been produced for this very reason, and the series of guidelines can be applied at any level and in any region, rather than focusing narrowly on large stadiums for big events. This involves buying into schemes that remove carbon from the atmosphere. The design of this stadium in Qatar was adapted to incorporate a lighter-coloured facade, which resulted in a much more energy-efficient building. It shall be at least A sustainable stadium should be designed with a compact, simple, high-performance thermal envelope. A selection of the main schemes, along with the regions they are designed to cover, are shown in Figure 2.7.2. Any key stakeholders in new stadium projects, including municipal authorities, stadium owners, architects and other key members of the stadium project team should use them so that they are familiar with the games latest standards and best practices and can incorporate them into their own projects. Stadiums are usually awarded certificates of achievement by the body that administers the system. All rights reserved, 2.1 Using Technology To Drive The Design Process, 5.3 Pitch Dimensions and Surrounding Areas. their design can help meet a host of economic and ecological objectives, in particular reducing emissions and waste products and . Whilst some of these requirements rely on core, permanent stadium infrastructure, others are achieved through the adaptation of existing infrastructure and/or the installation of temporary overlay facilities. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. The benefits of such systems are described in Sub-Section 2.7.2. In these peculiar times marked by the global pandemic, the world has realised just how vital the interaction between players and fans is to the fabric of our game. Sustainable stadiums are powered by using renewable energy rather than fossil fuels like gas. for warm-up and pitch-side photographer positions Each tournament has its own detailed infrastructure requirements, with the stadium always the centrepiece. From a social perspective, the advice in these guidelines can assist a stadium developer in addressing the following UN SDGs. Some of the issues in Figure 2.7.1 will overlap with environmental protection aspects discussed in the previous sections of this chapter. Click Accept cookies to activate them or Reject cookies if you do not want them. Photographers area, Development and service centres The Johan Cruyff Arena, Amsterdam, has a 3MW battery that helps power the stadium. Smaller stadiums usually have a smaller ecological footprint, however, a careful review of the most important sustainability issues is essential. These stages define the materials life cycle. Some aspects of these guidelines will not apply to all stadiums, so in Chapter 7 we have attempted to show how these guidelines can be applied to different sizes of stadiums. It is vital that these guidelines facilitate sustainable football infrastructure development in every aspect, be it environmental, social or economic. This annual report is part of the United Nations Environment Programme and tracks global progress against the Paris Agreement Goals. Stadium designers should never use tropical hardwoods or any wood that is on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) red list. These distances are governed by the dimensions of the terracing beneath the seats: if it is, it wouldnt be able to host a World Cup match, where the minimum distance is 80 cm. PITCh/GROuND/BASEMENT LEvEL (BELOW Please see Cookies to learn more about how they are used on our website. In Sub-Section 2.7.1, we explore sustainable stadium solutions by considering five key environmental topics, before considering economic sustainability and human rights and labour standards. standards addressing recommendations provided by monitoring bodies such as GRECO and MONEYVAL. Initiation and. FIFA Quality marks are an integral part of the FIFA Quality Programme, helping end users of football products, technologies and playing surfaces to identify products that have been tested and. position that provides an unobstructed view of the Commercial hospitality. room which has an overall view of the inside of the To prevent local flooding, stormwater should be stored on-site before it is released into the local drainage system. Where required to ensure decent working conditions for workers, enhanced measures shall be taken in accordance with the IFC Performance Standard 2 on Labour and Working Conditions (see here). One simple step that designers can take to reduce energy usage is to ensure that all heated spaces are grouped together. positions. If regular watering is required, efficient, controlled irrigation systems should be used rather than manual hosing because this uses more water. From archived financial reports to published circulars, on subjects as diverse at the Laws of the Game, the regulations of each and every FIFA tournament, technical reports or even security. multi-purpose areas: Football stadiums can also host Key suppliers and contractors to football stadium development projects and ongoing stadium operations should also refer to them. The use of digital technology during the design, construction and operational phases can facilitate more accurate and collaborative working and contribute to the overall success of a project. Medium-sized stadiums are recommended to have no more than 750kg COe per m2, measured using an internationally recognised standard. indigenous plants should be used, and in hot countries the plants should be drought-resistant. ContractableRoofenclosurePossibleadditionof15,000 and professional leagues (LaLiga, Euroliga,. Media work area, Media catering area should be increased in the VIP and VVIP areas. Waste exacerbates issues around global resource scarcity. Stadiums are an unusual building type in that they only operate at full capacity on event days. /Contents 4 0 R>> The roof and facade are also assessed in this category because they can define the visual appearance of the stadium and also protect the stadium and its users from the elements. field of play, without the possibility of interference You can change your settings here at any time. A new framework of standards is now required that can be applied to different sizes of stadiums and can support the ongoing core needs of football communities. 8 0 obj 8. The distance from first row to touch line is excessive in some cases. Toilets and sanitary facilities: The recommended Permanent concessions need around 60m of space.,,, Obras pblicas e Lanamentos imobilirios. This is a responsible approach to consumption and production. Footballs 13 Sept 2022 FIFA Quality Programme for Football - Testing Manual (October 2022) Download pdf 0.75 mb Football Turf 4 May 2017. Care should be taken to place wildlife habitats away from areas that will be disturbed by crowds or light pollution from the stadium. Each stadium must have an operations FIFA Stadium Safety and Security Regulations. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, established by the United Nations, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet. requirements -5th Edition). I made this one myself. (from chair back to chair back). These early chapters can be viewed as How to guidelines. Haga clic en Aceptar cookies para activarlas, o en Rechazar cookies si no desea activarlas. The additional costs that will be incurred by committing to certification are as follows: Providing evidence of compliance with the certification scheme can add to design team costs. Stadium designers can help reduce declines in biodiversity around the world through the sustainable sourcing of construction materials and by increasing the amount of planting in, on and around stadiums. in a way that will attract spectators without causing recommendations and requirements -5th Edition). need Icebath rooms, Team Briefing room. Section 2.9 provides guidance on how to future-proof as part of the design process, and it also covers the concept of overlay and the role it plays in the hosting of tournaments. Therefore, the multi-use aspects of stadium design and operations are also considered. In some parts of the world, there is a strong culture of constructing and renovating great purpose-built football stadiums. Footballs 13 Sept 2022 FIFA Quality Programme for Football - Testing Manual (October 2022) Download pdf 0.75 mb Football Turf 4 May 2017 FIFA. endstream endobj 545 0 obj <>stream Seat Height - height of the seat (where you sit) to the ground. after a match. When the stadium is complete and the sustainability goals have been achieved, it is important to publicise the design and share data on how the stadium performs so that others can learn from its success. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The entire content of these guidelines remains subject to any national and international legislation and regulations, as well as industry or professional standards, as applicable in particular, but not limited, with regards to security and infrastructure. In order to 15 urinals and 6 sinks for every 1,000 men. The least sustainable economic outcome for a stadium development is one which involves the limited use of the building within a short lifespan, before further redevelopment or demolition. Finally, Chapter 7 provides guidance on the application of these guidelines to different sizes or categories of stadiums. clear view of the stadium spectator areas. This is normally achieved by using underground water storage tanks, however, innovative landscape solutions such as rain gardens and swales are a more sustainable solution and should be investigated where the space is available. Security: For FIFA events, all stadiums shall be Pollution usually occurs when stormwater washes pollutants off hard surfaces into rivers and streams. 20m2. Stadium developments should be in tune with local realities, and FIFA has taken care to list, in greater detail than ever before, the range of sustainability factors that need to be taken into account, as these should be a fundamental consideration in any project. middle. These FIFA Stadium Guidelines are best-practice guidelines for the football community. Different aspects of the stadium design are assessed based on published criteria and given a score, which then translates into a level of achievement. Qw3T0430PISp " Reservados todos los derechos, 2.1 Using Technology To Drive The Design Process, 5.3 Pitch Dimensions and Surrounding Areas, Portal de Proteccin de Datos de la FIFA. refreshment and toilet facilities and other essential -Fifa minimum size is 200m2 (Dressing rooms 80m2, It is, in essence, where football lives. Any football stadium development, anywhere in the world and at any level, can use this document to find best-practice guidance for their own project. Whilst these guidelines are extensive, no single document can provide an exhaustive account in terms of every aspect of bringing a stadium to life. Planting is generally a positive thing to do, however, plant species should be carefully selected. Key suppliers and contractors to football stadium development projects and ongoing stadium operations should also refer to them. management compound. 9seatingblockswiththepossibilityofmoreaddedontop PLANS FLOORPLAN 7 0 obj Some stadiums use old electric car batteries, which despite no longer having the capacity to drive cars, contain sufficient energy to power stadiums. Furthermore, these measures shall be informed by meaningful engagement with those who are at risk of being affected. A forum community dedicated to skyscrapers, towers, highrises, construction, and city planning enthusiasts. All types of ground A room near the service tunnel is These FIFA Stadium Guidelines are best-practice guidelines for the football community. Under FIFAs vision of making football truly global, however, we want to ensure that the best practices and infrastructure are not confined to and concentrated in a few countries. Each FIFA tournament has its own set of detailed infrastructure requirements, which are disseminated as part of the bidding process for each tournament. Length 105m, width 68m. Back-of-house compound(s) space is required for With respect to labour rights, all entities building the stadium shall take adequate due diligence measures to ensure compliance with national labour law by all companies involved in the project. Stadium developers should consider investing in battery systems so that renewable energy can be stored on-site, ready for use during the short periods when the stadium is at its maximum capacity and demand is high. IFC Performance Standard 5 on Land Acquisition and Involutary Resettlement. guidelines. FIFA would like to extend its gratitude to the following people and organisations who contributed to these guidelines: Colin Smith Heimo Schirgi Christian Stiegler Kaj Heyral Guy Smith Kate Filochowski Alan Ferguson, ARUP HFP Populous The Stadium Consultancy iTurf, ARUP FIFA Chris Gascoigne Getty Images Guy Smith Hufton + Crow James Ewing Level Playing Field Milton Keynes Dons F.C. Its orientation is determined at this stage and can be crucial in terms of the suitability of the location of the main stand and broadcast camera positions. Minimum size: Security management plan view. The UEFA and CAFE Access for All guide sets out the minimum requirements at football stadiums based on European standards. FIFA gives no warranty, undertaking or representation (whether express or implied) that the information and contents of these guidelines are accurate, complete, appropriate for particular use or reliable. SPECTATOR SIGhT-LINES AND SEATING: Seats: minimum width should be 45cm while a. recommended minimum is 50cm. be one permanent concession point of sale (cash Needs good views of field. The International Football Association Board (The IFAB). a logistics, site management, storage and waste These recommendations ultimately made little bit of fc dallas on for technical recommendations and analytics. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. The impact of climate change is discussed in Section 1.2. It is important to note that the stadiums included in any bid will always be assessed against the specific tournament requirements outlined in that bidding process. Stadium designers could consider creating habitats that encourage local wildlife to thrive, such as bird and bat boxes and insect hotels. For the 2016, 2014 fifa world cup overview of 12 host stadiums. Just look at the Emirates. responsible for safety and security operations at the hotels, and conference and educational facilities PDF fileThe FIFA World Cup in Japan resulted in an excessive construction of stadiums that led to increased . Green building certification (GBC) is an assessment system for recording the environmental performance of existing and new developments. Designing accessible, multi-use stadiums (Section 1.7) which include community facilities can help make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. and storage facilities, parking, and detention areas. The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) offer a particularly useful framework and are cross-referenced to various sections of the guidelines as outlined in Sub-Section 2.7.2. All of the fittings used within the stadium should be energy-efficient and installed correctly to maximise their performance. which are linked directly to the stadium development. 3. In some parts of the world, there is a strong culture of constructing and renovating great purpose-built football stadiums. endobj Requiring stadiums to run on clean energy (Sub-Section 2.7.1) promotes the growth of the renewable energy sector. hTmo0+il"UH -]$ FIFA and LOC office Green-building and sustainable construction standards during preparations for the World Cup 5 4. Web Site Acquisitions Inc., Suite no 10301, 94 Solaris Avenue, Camana Bay, Cayman Islands. The requirements for watering the pitch are discussed in Section 2.4. How does my stadium perform? referees should have access to dressing rooms from Minimum View - Minimum height between rows on 1st tier. Hc 6A4}@ BX0+a respectively for every 1,000 women and 3 toilets, vH622Vp pY$@K 6^A?62(`"J^Lq]KdC( sx^Rn] p@f12iUtoO^oj^OhJ&?ts2|++%7 zx The IFC defines labour and working conditions for the protection of fundamental rights of workers and employees. For these reasons, a sustainable stadium seeks to reduce its potable water use to a minimum. They ConferenceRooms&MerchandiseShops ELEVATIONS&SECTIONS Ifq|s4s9nr-ENLw'|iFD Z5^#?^H1. endobj It is important to build sustainable stadiums as part of the global effort for a sustainable future. FIFA Technical recommendations Scribd 1M followers More information FIFA Football Stadiums - Technical recommendation and requirements 5th edition Fifa Football Football Stadiums We have therefore deliberately excluded such tournament requirements from these guidelines. Operations areas (offices) Stadiums support influential clubs that could form strong local regional and global partnerships and promote all of the sustainable development goals (Section 1.1). vIqx'?N2vd4. 21/2r/F[kq~/wNM3DD ,# gP This part is made up of the first four chapters, which focus on the processes of stadium development, from early initiation and feasibility considerations (Chapter 1) through design (Chapter 2) and construction (Chapter 3), and finally to the operational aspects of stadiums from their opening to regular maintenance programmes (Chapter 4). with mirror, 1 urinal, 1 toilet, 1 electric shaving point, This is designed to ensure that these guidelines can be applied across a range of projects and budgets. toilet, working room and waiting room). FIFAFederation Internationale de Football Association, FIFA-Strasse 20 P.O. UEFA Euro stadiums Just like FIFA, UEFA has stadium requirements82 for stadiums to be used during its major event. 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