fallout 76 graphics settings 2020fallout 76 graphics settings 2020
location is too close to a Workshop or another C.A.M.P. You will only see your owned items. In conclusion, these settings will easily fetch you a decent FPS and can also boost it in some manner. Ensure that your Kinect Sensor is connected and updated. Disconnected because the server could not save the new character. Water quality: Low / Medium / High. You do not have enough Atoms for this item. Disconnected because your character in CharGen failed to save. Do you wish to unlink a character from a Fallout World and try again? Fixed an issue where the mod manager would crash when selecting a mod that doesnt have a corresponding folder under "Fallout 76\Mods\[mod folder goes here]". Cannot place item: Part of the structure would not be accessible. Disable VSync (frame rate cap). Rewritten, cleaned, and documented large parts of the tool's codebase. sWorkshopPlacement_PLACEMENT_RESTRICTED_AREA. You will need to select a new device the next time you save. Manage up to 8 different Bethesda.net account profiles. Changed how game editions are handled: Instead, it uses "game profiles", which are configurable (therefore more flexible). (Both styles support drag-and-drop rearrangement of mods. Connection failed: Incorrect client version. Options moved to "Settings" tab, additional options added. You can not drop objects while in the air. I have an: GTX1080 8GB 16GB RAM 3200mhz I5-9600kf Thanks to anyone who helps in advance! Power armor training is required to equip this item. I am having 100 fps + with that. Power armor requires a fusion cell to use. The owner will try to take the item back. Dropping to low had almost no effect on performance, at least with a GTX 1060 6GB. You have been disconnected to prevent losing further game play. You can't pick a lock while being pursued by guards. here is a link, just DONT DISABLE YOUR ADBLOCKER OR GET ONE i dont want this poeple to earn money thx. Can be edited manually in Fallout76Prefs.ini. Use color presets from previous Fallout games. Sign up to get the best content of the week, and great gaming deals, as picked by the editors. Hopefully things continue to improve over the coming months. Steam can be disabled now to use one's Bethesda.net account. How to use that? General tips and tricks (opens in new tab) Please don't turn off your console. To find your ini files, simply go to Documents>My Games>Fallout 76. sResourceIndexFileList and sResourceArchive2List can now be handled for every game edition separately (opt-in). sTopicSubtypeTextCommandDialogueShowRelationships, sPropModNameWeapfAimModelRecoilDiminishSpringForce. You can change the game's graphics settings fromFallout 76's Main Menu screenbefore logging in by clicking SETTINGSand thenDisplay. Bug fix: Disabling Anti-Aliasing will now write instead of Disabled into the *.ini files. An rx 580 4gb (mine) and a friend of mines 1070 8gb. In these settings, you can manually adjust the graphics in the game. You lack the required copper to string wire. Added Steam (PTS) as a selectable game edition. Our test area didn't have a lot of water, which holds for many areas in the game. You don't have any Camp Kit to place a camp. Click Preferences at the bottom of the window. Unfortunately, Fallout 76 is currently . Installation options for "Separate *.ba2 archive" simplified. You cannot sleep while guards are pursuing you. Connection failed: The connection was closed locally. Once it reaches 9 gb of system memory, all hell breaks lose. Cannot place item: Maximum number of wires already connected. Yes, of course. You lack the requirements to build the base bot. You're currently trespassing. fCreatureOutOfCombatHealthRegenPlayerMinDist. Connection failed: Please finish CharGen on your selected character before joining QuickPlay. Would you like to purchase additional Atoms? Now it just checks whether both versions are equal. Removed SharpCompress dependency. Columns in the mod order are color-coded now. Log in to view your list of favourite games. One of the things at the top of our list to confirm is. Fullscreen would allow you to disable VSync and therefore get more FPS but it depends on your perception of tearing while playing lol. You cannot place your C.A.M.P. Disconnected because your connection isn't keeping up with deletions. Dropping from ultra to low improved performance by about 4 percent. sConnectionMessageConnectionClosedLocally. You will need to restart to use this content. And in the process make the game look and run as smoothly as possible. Added Bethesda.net launcher deprecation text and removed the option to pick Bethesda.net launcher from the welcome window. Disconnected because client data does not match server data. Invitation to join quickplay was not accepted. You cannot fast travel to this location. Each season brings a new progression of challenges to complete, plus exclusive rewards like Atom Bundles, Perk Card . 130 FOV, click for fullsize (opens in new tab). Heres how it works. You cannot fast travel when enemies are nearby. You cannot fast travel while guards are pursuing you. I've found these settings in the custom ini have made the game look much better and improves the smoothness of gameplay. Cannot place item: Attached spline is invalid. Obtain all 3017 INI settings with default values "How to actually disable Depth of Field, and how to go from 20fps to 60fps", "An Analysis of Mouse Input and Related INI Variables", "Fallout 76 ini file and performance tweaks with full details on what they do. Added new option: "Don't use Fallout76Custom.ini for tweaks.". sTopicSubtypeTextDetectionDetectFriendDie. It's 2018, there are dozens of different 'common' display resolutions, and many other games have long since figured out how to handle supporting arbitrary resolutions and FOVs. Power Armor PipBoy color can now be changed. It runs silky smooth now and never once dipped below 60fps in 17 hours of gameplay. Whoever you are, I fucking love you man Ive tried fixing this game for the longest time and having lol these problems but now youve fixed it! i dont know if yours is on, but mine was. : Overlaps an existing build area. It costs %u %s to travel to this location. It'll now show that "Something went wrong", when there was a mishap. Dropping the textures down to medium helped a LOT. sDisconnectReasonCharGenCodeConnectionFailure. NY 10036. Fixed an issue where Xbox Game Pass users couldn't launch the tool. Click Manage 3D Settings. sWorkshopBlueprintRemoveInvalidObjectsPrompt. Disconnected with numeric network reason code: sConnectionMessageRejectQuickplayBadRoute. First, checkthat your machine meets Fallout 76's system requirements here. "2020-12-01"). Make sure you meet the system specifications below before proceeding with the in-game settings. Broken items cannot be equipped until they have been repaired. Turn off Controller in the Controls section of the Settings menu to switch back to Keyboard/Mouse. sBuildRules_UNEXPECTED_UPSTAIRS_CONNECTION. sTopicSubtypeTextMiscellaneousEnterSprintBreath. You will need to select a new device the next. Ensure that your Kine, Your Kinect Sensor has not been calibrated. (Fallout 3, New Vegas, and 4). That's a FreeSync display with a 3840x1600 native resolution, so actually a bit wider than a strict 21:9 ratio. absolutely no instructions. sConnectionMessageConnectionHandlerNotSet. You must be in Power Armor to equip this. All unsaved progress will be lost. Your best bet with your specs is making sure you're making the most of it. In the NVidia control panel, manage 3D settings, set the u201cpower management modeu201d to u201cprefer maximum performance.u201d (For NVidia users only) Try turning off shader cache in NVidia Control Panel. The i9-9900K is also slightly slower than an overclocked i7-8700K, at least at 1080p, but it's basically a tie. You cannot change weapons while attacking. Exiting Workshop Mode. Click the Add button in the right panel followed by Browse, then find and select the Fallout 76 . If you use Cloudy's for managing a lot of other mod installs, it is best to enable what you need in Cloudy's, Save, then manually add the HD texture *.ba2's to the Fallout76Custom.ini afterwards. I'm using a 1080 Ti and recommend trying out this custom ini to others with mid-tier to higher-end GPUs. (Reason: Some mod authors use unconventional version notations, like dates e.g. Some objects may no longer be available. You cannot change your appearance right now. Please delete the character and start a new one. You cannot fast travel to unowned workshops. But for now at least, it's possible to manually set other resolutions in Fallout 76 and have the game run fine. You cannot repair items when enemies are nearby. Ensure that your graphics card is updated. Improved the "auto-detect" preset in the mod manager. This object is already in use by someone else. Can't Quickload while the game is paused. Right-click on an empty space on the Desktop or the NVIDIA Settings icon in the System Tray and launch the NVIDIA Control Panel application from there. Choose an item, enchantment, and soul gem. New content has been added. Misc/CurveTables/Json/ItemConditionValueMultiplier.json. *.ba2 archives get imported as "frozen" by default. Not enough available points to equip a card for that SPECIAL. Also, it writes a few more things to the log files now. How to launch nukes (opens in new tab) Are you sure you want to load this game? Faster Inventory Panning Mod [Mod] Can you run it? All rights reserved. Separate mod archives can be 'freezed' (or imported 'frozen') to save time and disk space. The tool is licensed under the MIT license. Added missing messagebox "customIniFilesParsingError". Fixed the server status display: Expected different response from server (e.g. At 4k ultra, the maximum VRAM used is about 5.5GB (barring memory leaks). Future Publishing Limited Quay House, The Ambury, Changed how the mod manager organizes mods, frozen archives, and the \*.xml file. This person cannot be moved from this settlement. Copyright 2023 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. Choose an item to destroy and learn its Enchantment, or combine an Item, Enchantment, and Soul Gem to create magic items. Fallout 76 Quick Configuration - INI-Editor and Mod Manager, Fixed some start-up crashes (when reading *.xml files), Updated some files: default *.ini files, autocomplete suggestions (Custom Tweaks). How do I update my AMD graphics card drivers? You have signed out of your profile and will now be returned to the main menu. You lack the materials to create this item. Store has been updated. sConnectionMessageRejectCharacterLoadFailed. Invitation to join a world was not accepted. If you cleared persist, you also need, Disconnected because the character did not complete char gen. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. A %s skill of %d is required to hack this terminal. Cannot place item: Radius overlaps with that of an existing object. Add your NexusMods API Key to retrieve mod info and thumbnail. Your character is failing to save. First, the UI does not scale properly to support ultrawide and instead stretches the standard widescreen UI to fill the screen. "v1.2.3") was expected. Cannot place item: Non-stairway has an upstairs connection. For the benchmark results below we used a GeForce GTX 1060 6GB, an Intel Core i7-5820K processor, and 16GB DDR4 memory. Both were having huge framedrops in big cities. The FOV is clearly increased to handle the wider resolution, and things like the '300' circle on the Vault-Tec celebration sign look correct. Change display, graphics, audio, interface, and voice chat settings. Changed the color dialog. For the in-game menu, what you see above is what you get. Turn off controller in the Controls section of the Settings menu to switch back to Keyboard/Mouse. Right click "Fallout76.exe" and select "Properties" (3). Unable to create a new character. Disconnecting from the world. It contains more information about the state of the mod on disk, which allows it to be saved at any given point in time. 50% pizza by volume (deep dish, to be specific). Your Kinect Sensor has not been calibrated. Fallout76Custom.ini (Make the game look better, run smoother). But you can overwrite it with the AMD/Nvidia settings theoretically but I don't know how the game engine reacts to this lol. Mods can only be attached at a workbench. With a limited amount of time during the beta, plus the need to swap GPUs and restart the game for each change in settings, we aren't able to do a full suite of testing. Added Folder name textbox to mod side panel. You cannot cast ranged spells underwater. sConnectionMessageRejectAccountLoadFailed. Not required but recommended for mod installation. I can't play without VSync. The new best boy of videogames is Kelvin in Sons of the Forest, I accidentally turned on big head mode in Sons of the Forest and now I'm scarred for life. C.A.M.P. You can see the 'square' icons in the bottom-right end up being slightly rectangular, and the text in the top-right is also stretched. fCombatRangedGunFireWaitCrippledMultipleTimeMin, fCombatRangedGunFireWaitCrippledMultipleTimeMax, fCombatRangedGunCooldownCrippledSingleTimeMin, fCombatRangedGunCooldownCrippledSingleTimeMax, fCombatRangedGunCooldownCrippledMultipleTimeMin, fCombatRangedGunCooldownCrippledMultipleTimeMax, fCombatRangedGunFireWaitCrippledSingleTimeMin, fCombatRangedGunFireWaitCrippledSingleTimeMax, fCombatPathingTunnelSearchCostDistanceMax. NexusMods account information is now separate from the config.ini, in it's own "account.xml". (sorry), Added "Fix HUD for 4:3 and 5:4 resolutions". You have not discovered this location yet. You may install mods now. Edit the effect instead. You cannot sleep when enemies are nearby. Disconnected because a bad message was sent to the server. Players who need to do this should go to their video card manufacturer's website and download the most up-to-date drivers. sConnectionMessageRejectIncorrectClientVersion. Texture quality: Low / Medium / High. Bundled *.ba2 files will now be imported when converting mods from a version prior to v1.9. Game data will be reset. Possible data error? The updater now checks the version before updating. Granted, it has 12GB DDR2 and a GTX 1080 Ti, but if you're worried an i5-2500K may be insufficient, that doesn't appear to be the case. Account session is invalid/expired, please sign back in and try again. Keep in mind some of these tweaks will not work in the Fallout76Custom.ini so you must edit them through the Fallout76Prefs.ini for some of them to work. Clamped items were stored in the Workbench. But that's not quite the full story. Fallout 76 gameplay and performance benchmark at 1080p, 1440p, 4K and Ultra settings on i7 10700F + RTX 3060If you like this content and want to support this. Mod manager added. After launching the game and choosing an initial resolution of 2560x1440, I quit to the desktop and edited the Fallout76Prefs.ini file in Notepad. sConnectionMessageRejectIncorrectClientFilelist. You cannot wait while guards are pursuing you. sDisconnectReasonCharGenCharacterSetIsCompleteFailure. You cannot fast travel while jumping or falling. [Update: Framerate unlocking was disabled later on in the beta period, but then the patch reversed this and unlocked framerates now appear to work properly.]. XML template files are generated for non-english languages, so new elements can be translated easier. Fallout 76 graphics options and performance (opens in new tab) ), Rewritten the mod list: e.g. So I grabbed some images for comparison: There are a few things worth noting. Support added for Microsoft Store installations of the game. You've reached the max amount of Perk Coins you can have. (Open, Open folder, Copy, Cut, Delete). OS: Windows 8.1/10 (64-bit versions) Processor: Intel Core i7-4790 3.6 GHz /AMD Ryzen 5 1500X 3.5 GHz Memory: 8 GB RAM Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 970 4GB /AMD R9 290X 4GB Network: Broadband Internet connection Storage: 80 GB available space Fallout 76 Wastelanders 2020 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. Destiny 2 | Neomuna Enemy Ranks And Invulnerability Explained, Sons Of The Forest: What Is The Infinite Log Glitch, Sons Of The Forest: How To Switch Big Head Mode On, Best Graphics Settings For Destiny 2: Fix Lags, Stutters, and Improve FPS, Processor (CPU): Intel Core i5 6600k 3.5 GHz / AMD Ryzen 3 1300X 3.5 GHz or equivalent, Graphics Card (GPU): NVIDIA GTX 780 3GB/AMD Radeon R9 285 2GB or equivalent, Storage (Disk Space): 60GB of free disk space, Processor (CPU): Intel Core i7-4790 3.6 GHz / AMD Ryzen 5 1500X 3.5 GHz, Graphics card (GPU): Nvidia GTX 970 4GB / AMD R9 290X 4GB. That's the bad news. Thankyou so much mate! Cannot place item: Upper floors must be snapped to the top of a staircase or an existing upper floor piece. As we've seen in other games, the RTX 2080 and GTX 1080 Ti deliver very similar performance, and the same should hold for the 2070 and 1080. should be capable of hitting 60fps at 4k ultra. sConnectionMessageRejectPeerCreationFailed. Current action must complete before item can be dropped. You cannot unequip the default set of emotes. Disconnected because the server could not process your name change request. Connection failed: QuickPlay rejected the connection. Please try again later. You have reached the max amount of photos you can take. It's a remnant of the old versions and just not necessary anymore. Validation failed. From under the "Select a Task" panel, switch to the Manage 3D settings section. Deleting a mod should now also uninstall the mod. You cannot set a spawn point at this location. Saves the config.ini directly after logging in to NexusMods, hopefully retaining the login information between restarts now. It doesn't make sense, because the mod manager saves the \*.ini files too, without making a backup. Performance: High-quality Anisotropic Filtering is a must in every game, and as is often the way it has a minimal performance cost, making its use suitable for every system. I've found these settings in the custom ini have made the game look much better and improves the smoothness of gameplay. Are you sure you want to delete this DLC? The maximum number of saves has been reached. Unfortunately, manual adjustment of the FOV via INI file editing did not work. Removed the popup when clicking on "Apply". Cards are now available in your Perk Card menu. You can now switch between Standard and Compact style in the Settings tab of the mod manager. (GitHub API request failed). Fix: The textbox for the resource list in the mod manager has scrollbars now. You cannot fast travel to locations inside Blast Zones. How do I update my NVIDIA graphics card drivers? Power Armor will be recalled in %d seconds. The save device you selected is no longer available. Connection failed: Client out of date. sDisconnectReasonLoadCharacterCompleteCharacterNotFound. No nearby teammates need healing. Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 4 (x64), Custom Raider Goon Re-texture and Tank Girl Army Helmet, Dark Anarchy NCR Ranger Armor and Black and Red Assault Gas Mask, Pirate Caravan Backpak Texture for Blue Ridge Caravan Backpack, Rad World Radio - Classical Radio Replacer - 1950s Music Ads and Radio Samples, Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 4, IniSettings article in the Fallout wiki by Eckserah. You can't take your teammate's starting armor. If you're a developer, you're free to use the source code however you like, make changes, and distribute it as you please. Disconnected because CharGen content is not properly setup. The Legendary Run is the fourth major update for Fallout 76 . Voice commands have been disabled. No performance increase though. All rights reserved. This tool allows you to tweak *.ini settings and install mods. If you use a laptop, consult your system manufacturer for any updates for your drivers. This launch would hit a Protected Zone. The only difference between medium and high looks to be the apparel clothing of your character. PC Gamer is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Excellent! You cannot fast travel from this location. Since this is a beta, these results should be taken as preliminary estimates only. Disconnecting from the world. Fixed an issue where the attempt of creating/removing the "Backup_BeforeManageMods" folder would crash the tool. Return to the main game to level up! Do you want to scrap this card for %d Perk Coin(s)? 1 ESM game settings (PTS 10/29/21) 2 EXE Game Settings (2020) ESM game settings (PTS 10/29/21) Editor ID Value Form ID; fSneakLargeActorDistanceMult 1.000000 000371A7: You're not high enough level to use this item. It gives the option to reset \*.ini files or fix syntax errors, while looking as user-friendly as possible. Connection failed: Pending connection has expired. Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The workshop at %s is being Contested by %s. The following are the minimum and recommended requirements for Fallout 76 PC: Minimum Requirements OS: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit OS required) Processor: Intel Core i5-6600k 3.5 GHz/AMD Ryzen 3. may not be appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work. Open it and scroll down to where the [Textures] area is. They will looks worse but you won't have the frame drops in those areas. You've been caught stealing. The best way to earn caps (opens in new tab) Quest Items cannot be removed from your Inventory. Fixed a bug where scrolling in the Camera tab would move the sliders. No frame drops at all in the same places. Save changes and exit? We ran through a decent number of graphics cards on a Core i9-9900K testbed, along with testing the 1080 Ti on a Ryzen 7 2700X, and the 2080 Ti with an overclocked 8700K. Outside of bounds. Try to use Medium textures. Crosshair: On / Off Thanks for reading! Fixed an issue where the error System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path "/Fallout 76/Mods/resources.txt" would pop up when opening the mod manager. (error.wav), Added separate Archive2 exceptions (Archive2Exception, and Archive2RequirementsException which inherits from Archive2Exception). The Atomic Shop is currently offline. Please try again later. You need at least 3 points of Charisma for each perk point of the card to be shared. Changed how the mod manager checks for updates: Previously, Major.Minor.Patch notation (e.g. Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. None of these are really graphics settings, but they affect the UI and can be changed as you see fit. (Bethesda.net version), Added custom "Unhandled exception" dialog box. "My Games\Fallout 76\Backups\2020-07-12_11-17-40") whenever it saves the \*.ini files. Experimental tweaks: Camera position adjustment, Experimental feature: Bundled archives can now be "frozen". (Thanks to Pickysaurus who gave me an Application Slug). Jarred's love of computers dates back to the dark ages when his dad brought home a DOS 2.3 PC and he left his C-64 behind. Date Posted: Jul 31 . Likes to keep his diet and health in check from time to time! Both come close to hitting 60fps at 1440p, with 1080p ultra running great. It should be noted that comparing performance and image quality in Fallout 76 is a bit tricky, as the game has dynamic time of day and weather. With that being said, we shall conclude this Best or optimum graphics settings guide for Fallout 76: Wastelanders. Disconnected because the player is outside of the world. If you require further assistance, please contact. This NPC cannot help you train any higher. You cannot scrap anymore cards. sDisconnectReasonLoadCharacterHadWorldSaveButNotFound. Disconnected because the character did not complete char gen. Return to Adventure Mode to level up! Save . The store is currently disabled. Cannot place item: Must not be placed in water. This is true of other Bethesda games like Fallout 4 as well. Are you sure you want to be this character? Replaced 7za.exe with 7z.exe, because apparently 7za.exe doesn't contain unRAR. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. You are not doing damage to other players. Base-building guide (opens in new tab) The "Fallback" method when the NexusMods login doesnt work is now easily accessable (no need to get an error message first). Create blueprint anyway? Voice commands have been disabled. Workshop Auto exit in%.0fs. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Cannot place item: Unspecified error occurred. 100 FOV, click for fullsize (opens in new tab). None of the master files used in this save game are loaded. (Unpacking .ba2 files by default), Added an experimental feature to tool: "Deny NTFS write-permission", Added an experimental feature to mod manager: "Create hardlinks instead of copying files". You do not have enough room to drop this object. You cannot fast travel during character creation. (Hotfix) Fixed an issue where selecting an outdated translation would crash the tool on startup. but the fullscreen VSync is 1 Frame (Borderless -> 2 Frame) and this doubles the hardware demand (almost). An unexpected error has been encountered while connecting to the server. sDisconnectReasonSlowNetworkComponentDeletion. You can't fast travel while taking health damage, The Kinect Sensor has failed to initialize. For the latest drivers, here are the links forNVIDIA Drivers and AMD Drivers. Removed the option to change compression of bundled archives. Cannot place C.A.M.P. You need permission to scrap objects at this workshop. Fallout 76 beta graphics settings The video options might look extensive, but you'll notice a few surprising omissions, and having four separate sliders for fade distance isn't really. Wes has been covering games and hardware for more than 10 years, first at tech sites like The Wirecutter (opens in new tab) and Tested (opens in new tab) before joining the PC Gamer team in 2014. At present, the high and ultra presets look better, but Fallout 76 looks okay even at medium or low quality. sDisconnectReasonLoadCharacterBNetEntitlementFailure. The RX 580 8GB and GTX 1060 6GB end up performing similarly, with Nvidia having slightly higher average fps but AMD delivering better minimum fps. FOV will also auto-adjust if you put in an ultrawide resolution. You can change the game's graphics settings from Fallout 76's Main Menu screen before logging in by clicking SETTINGS and then Display. sWorkshopPlacement_PLACEMENT_MOVING_OBJECT. From the first S3 Virge '3D decelerators' to today's GPUs, Jarred keeps up with all the latest graphics trends and is the one to ask about game performance. Please delete older saves in order to be able to creat. Fallout 76's beta is finally playable on PC, which means we can dig into all sorts of graphics settings and customization options that weren't available in the Xbox One version. bDeathDropAllExceptCosmeticAndBrokenItems, bServerRespawnIgnoreHiddenFlagOnTravelLoc, fAIIdleAnimationLargeCreatureDistanceMult, fAIMaxAngleRangeMovingToStartSceneDialogue, fAITeammateKeepWeaponDrawnAfterCombatTimer, fAggroRadiusViolatedCheckProjectileDistance, fAimAssistADSMultiplierInnerConeAngleDegrees, fAimAssistADSMultiplierOuterConeAngleDegrees, fAimAssistADSSnapSteeringMultiplierInnerRing, fAimAssistADSSnapSteeringMultiplierOuterRing, fAimModelAIAccuracyConeMaxExtentOffsetMax, fAimModelAIAccuracyConeMaxExtentOffsetMin, fAimModelAIAccuracyConeMinExtentOffsetMax, fAimModelAIAccuracyConeMinExtentOffsetMin, fAimModelPlayerMovementIronSightsConeMult, fBabylonEndGameExperiencePerAiKill_Medium, fBabylonEndGameOverseerExperienceForFifthPlace, fBabylonEndGameOverseerExperienceForFirstPlace, fBabylonEndGameOverseerExperienceForFourthPlace, fBabylonEndGameOverseerExperienceForSecondPlace, fBabylonEndGameOverseerExperienceForThirdPlace, fBabylonEndGameOverseerExperienceForTopTen, fBabylonEndGameOverseerExperienceModifier_Duo, fBabylonEndGameOverseerExperienceModifier_Event1, fBabylonEndGameOverseerExperienceModifier_Solo, fBabylonEndGameOverseerExperienceModifier_Squad, fBabylonEndGameOverseerExperiencePerOverseerAliveInterval, fBabylonEndGameOverseerExperiencePerRevive, fBabylonPerkcardDupeOverseerXPFoilModifier, fBabylonStormRadiusModifierForDestructiblesDistanceCheck, fBabylonStormWallShaderMaxConstrictionVelocity, fCombatAcquireObjectMinimumDefensiveScoreMult, fCombatAcquireObjectMinimumOffensiveScoreMult, fCombatAcquireObjectMinimumTargetDistance, fCombatAcquireObjectPickupSecondaryItemScoreMult, fCombatAcquireObjectSearchDisarmedFailedDelay, fCombatAcquireObjectTargetSeenRecentlyTime, fCombatAcquireOptimalRangeAvoidTargetDistance, fCombatAcquireOptimalRangeAvoidTargetOffset, fCombatAcquireOptimalRangeFindPartnerDistance, fCombatAcquireOptimalRangeInitialUpdateTime, fCombatAcquireOptimalRangeMinMovementDistance, fCombatActiveCombatantAttackRangeDistance, fCombatActiveOptimalRangeTargetHeightMult, fCombatActivePVPCombatantAttackRangeDistance, fCombatAdjustRangeChanceTargetIncapacitatedMult, fCombatAdjustRangeDirectionDistanceMultMax, fCombatAdjustRangeDirectionDistanceMultMin, fCombatAimMeleeHighPriorityPlayerUpdateTime, fCombatAimProjectileAdjacentLocationDistance, fCombatAimProjectileDestructibleExplosionMinDamage, fCombatAimProjectileDestructibleMaxDamage, fCombatAimProjectileDestructibleMinDistance, fCombatAimProjectileSuppressiveFireHitFraction, fCombatAimProjectileSuppressiveFireLastVisibleHeightMult, fCombatAimProjectileSuppressiveFirePullbackDistance, fCombatAlternateTargetAttractionMaximumRange, fCombatAlternateTargetSearchBoundDistance, fCombatApproachTargetSlowdownDecelerationMult, fCombatApproachTargetSlowdownVelocityAngle, fCombatApproachTargetSprintBufferDistance, fCombatApproachTargetSprintStopMovingRange, fCombatAreaHoldPositionAttackRangeBufferDistance, fCombatAreaHoldPositionDisgengageDistance, fCombatAreaHoldPreferredPositionInvalidateAttackRangeMax, fCombatAreaHoldPreferredPositionInvalidateAttackRangeMin, fCombatAreaHoldPreferredPositionInvalidateBufferTime, fCombatAreaHoldPreferredPositionInvalidateHealthPercent, fCombatAreaHoldPreferredPositionInvalidateHealthPercentTime, fCombatAreaHoldPreferredPositionInvalidateSuspectedThreshold, fCombatAreaHoldPreferredPositionInvalidateSuspectedTime, fCombatAreaHoldPreferredPositionInvalidateTime, fCombatAreaHoldPreferredPositionInvalidateUnobstructedTime, fCombatAreaStandardAttackedBufferDistance, fCombatAreaStandardCheckViewConeDistanceMax, fCombatAreaStandardCheckViewConeDistanceMin, fCombatAvoidThreatCalculateThreatScoreTime, fCombatAvoidThreatStraightPathBufferDistance, fCombatAvoidThreatStraightPathMinimumDistance, fCombatCastConcentrationOffensiveMagicCastTimeMax, fCombatCastConcentrationOffensiveMagicCastTimeMin, fCombatCastConcentrationOffensiveMagicChanceMax, fCombatCastConcentrationOffensiveMagicChanceMin, fCombatCastConcentrationOffensiveMagicWaitTimeMax, fCombatCastConcentrationOffensiveMagicWaitTimeMin, fCombatCastImmediateOffensiveMagicChanceMax, fCombatCastImmediateOffensiveMagicChanceMin, fCombatCastImmediateOffensiveMagicHoldTimeAbsoluteMin, fCombatCastImmediateOffensiveMagicHoldTimeMax, fCombatCastImmediateOffensiveMagicHoldTimeMin, fCombatCastImmediateOffensiveMagicHoldTimeMinDistance, fCombatChargingDirectionRotateAngleOffset, fCombatChargingFlipThrowCheckVeryNearRadius, fCombatChargingFlipThrowDamageToThrownRef, fCombatChargingFlipThrowQuickRechargeTime, fCombatChargingGoCloseIfNotHittingDistance, fCombatChargingProblematicTargetIgnoreSeconds, fCombatCheckRangedTargetInitialUpdateTime, fCombatCoverAdvanceInvalidAttackFailedBonus, fCombatCoverAttackLocationInvalidAngleOffset, fCombatCoverAttackLocationThreatenedAimAngle, fCombatCoverAttackLocationThreatenedLastAttackTime, fCombatCoverAttackStopHealthPercentageMax, fCombatCoverAttackStopHealthPercentageMin, fCombatCoverBlindFireChanceBonusLastAttackedTime, fCombatCoverChangeCoverInvalidAttackFailedBonus, fCombatCoverChangePositionInvalidAttackFailedBonus, fCombatCoverChangePositionNarrowEnterDistance, fCombatCoverChangePositionSearchDistanceMin, fCombatCoverChangePositionSearchDistanceMult, fCombatCoverChangePositionThreatDirectionBonus, fCombatCoverChangePositionThreatenedBonus, fCombatCoverChangeStanceThreatenedInvalidBonus, fCombatCoverCheckCoverEdgeVertexThreshold, fCombatCoverCheckCoverLocationInitialTime, fCombatCoverCheckCoverPartialNarrowCoverAngleOffset, fCombatCoverFlankInvalidAttackFailedBonus, fCombatCoverGoalHeuristicOutsideRangeMult, fCombatCoverGoalHeuristicOutsideRangePenalty, fCombatCoverLocationUpdateActorRadiusMult, fCombatCoverPairedRushCoverSearchDelayTime, fCombatCoverPairedRushFindPartnerDistance, fCombatCoverSearchTargetNearDelayDistance, fCombatCoverSuppressiveFireMinTravelDistance, fCombatCoverSuppressiveFireSuppressingScoreMult, fCombatCoverSuppressiveFireSuppressorAngle, fCombatCoverSuppressiveFireSuppressorDistance, fCombatCoverSuppressiveFireSuppressorWaitTimeMax, fCombatCoverSuppressiveFireSuppressorWaitTimeMin, fCombatCoveredPathAdvancePathCheckDistance, fCombatCoveredPathCheckCoverLocationMinRange, fCombatCoveredPathCoverSearchRadiusStartMax, fCombatCoveredPathCoverSearchRadiusStartMin, fCombatCoveredPathCoverSearchRadiusTaperDistance, fCombatCoveredPathInvestigateAdvanceDistance, fCombatCoveredPathInvestigateInitialAdvanceDistance, fCombatCoveredPathInvestigateStopDistance, fCombatCoveredPathSuppressiveFireScoreThreatDistance, fCombatCoveredPathSuppressiveFireSuppressorAimAngle, fCombatCoveredPathSuppressiveFireSuppressorDistance, fCombatCoveredPathSuppressiveFireSuppressorHeadingAngle, fCombatCoveredPathSuppressiveFireSuppressorTimeLimit, fCombatCoveredPathSuppressiveFireThreatDistance, fCombatCoveredPathThreatLocationAngleThreshold, fCombatCoveredPathThreatLocationOffsetMax, fCombatCoveredPathThreatLocationOffsetMin, fCombatCoveredPathUpdatePathDistanceThreshold, fCombatCoveredPathUpdateStartDistanceThreshold, fCombatDetectionAttackDuplicateDistanceThreshold, fCombatDetectionAttackDuplicateTimeThreshold, fCombatDetectionAttackLocationConfirmedOffsetMax, fCombatDetectionAttackLocationConfirmedOffsetMin, fCombatDetectionAttackLocationSoundOffsetMax, fCombatDetectionAttackLocationSoundOffsetMin, fCombatDetectionAttackLocationVisualOffsetMax, fCombatDetectionAttackLocationVisualOffsetMin, fCombatDetectionDialogueGlobalElapsedTime, fCombatDetectionDialogueLostAttackMinElapsedTime, fCombatDetectionEventDuplicateDistanceThreshold, fCombatDetectionEventDuplicateTimeThreshold, fCombatDisarmedFindBetterWeaponInitialTime, fCombatFindAttackLocationAvoidTargetRadius, fCombatFindAttackLocationCheckLOSInitialTime, fCombatFindAttackLocationCheckLOSUpdateTime, fCombatFindAttackLocationFindPartnerDistance, fCombatFindAttackLocationGoalHeuristicOutsideRangeMult, fCombatFindAttackLocationGoalHeuristicOutsideRangePenalty, fCombatFindAttackLocationNearTargetDistance, fCombatFindAttackLocationSearchDistanceMax, fCombatFindAttackLocationSearchDistanceMid, fCombatFindAttackLocationSearchDistanceMin, fCombatFindLateralAttackLocationDistanceMax, fCombatFindLateralAttackLocationDistanceMin, fCombatFlankingDirectionDistancePercentMult, fCombatFlankingDirectionDistancePercentRange, fCombatFlankingDirectionRotateAngleOffset, fCombatFlankingDistractSwitchDirectionChance, fCombatFlyingAttackTargetDistanceThreshold, fCombatFollowTargetCheckNearPathDistanceThreshold, fCombatFollowTargetMatchStanceDistanceMax, fCombatFollowTargetMatchStanceDistanceMin, fCombatFollowTargetStationaryDistanceOffset, fCombatFollowTargetStationarySpeedThreshold, fCombatGroupCombatStrengthUpdateTimeLimit, fCombatGroupMemberKilledGlanceStartTimeMax, fCombatGroupMemberKilledGlanceStartTimeMin, fCombatHideUnreachableLocationDistancePlayer, fCombatHideUnreachableLocationTargetDistanceMult, fCombatInventoryOptimalRangeCollisionOffset, fCombatInventoryOptimalWeaponRangeDamagePercent, fCombatInventoryOptimalWeaponRangeScopeMax, fCombatInventoryResourceCurrentRequiredMult, fCombatInventoryResourceDesiredRequiredMult, fCombatMaintainOptimalRangeFullSpeedRadius, fCombatMaintainOptimalRangeLateralAimAngleMax, fCombatMaintainOptimalRangeLateralAimAngleMin, fCombatMaintainOptimalRangeLateralHeadingAngle, fCombatMaintainOptimalRangeLateralRotateMult, fCombatMaintainOptimalRangeLocationWidthMult, fCombatMaintainOptimalRangeMaxBackwardAngle, fCombatMaintainOptimalRangeMaxForwardAngle, fCombatMaintainOptimalRangeMinBackwardDistance, fCombatMaintainOptimalRangeMinForwardDistance, fCombatMaintainOptimalRangeOffsetMaxRotateMult, fCombatMaintainOptimalRangeRepathBackwardDistance, fCombatMaintainOptimalRangeRepathForwardDistance, fCombatMaintainOptimalRangeRepathMinDistance, fCombatMaintainOptimalRangeStopMultBackward, fCombatMaintainOptimalRangeStopMultForward, fCombatMaintainOptimalRangeSwitchDirectionAimAngle, fCombatMaintainOptimalRangeSwitchDirectionAngle, fCombatMaintainOptimalRangeSwitchDirectionThresholdAngle, fCombatMantleCollisionQueryForwardOffsetCover, fCombatMantleCollisionQueryForwardOffsetCrouch, fCombatMantleCollisionQueryHeightThreshold, fCombatMantleCollisionQueryHorizontalOffsetCover, fCombatMantleCollisionQueryHorizontalOffsetCrouch, fCombatOptimalRangeTargetVisibilityMultMax, fCombatOptimalRangeTargetVisibilityMultMin, fCombatOptimalRangeTargetVisibilityThresholdMax, fCombatOptimalRangeTargetVisibilityThresholdMin, fCombatPathingFindValidNavmeshLocationBuffer, fCombatPathingFindValidNavmeshLocationOffset, fCombatPathingInitialHeadingSpeedThreshold, fCombatPathingRefLocationUpdateTimeDistanceMax, fCombatPathingRefLocationUpdateTimeDistanceMin, fCombatPathingStopImmediateDecelerationMult, fCombatPathingStraightPathIntervalDistance, fCombatPathingStraightPathSideEndOffsetMult, fCombatPathingStraightPathSideStartOffsetMult, fCombatPathingStraightRayCastPathDistance, fCombatPathingTeleportHavokSearchDistance, fCombatPathingTunnelSearchCostDistanceMin, fCombatPathingTunnelSearchCurvedPathDistanceMin, fCombatRangedBowAttackChanceLastAttackBonus, fCombatRangedBowAttackChanceLastAttackBonusTime, fCombatRangedBowAttackHoldTimeAbsoluteMin, fCombatRangedBowAttackHoldTimeMinDistance, fCombatRangedGrenadeFlushTargetGroupDelay, fCombatRangedGrenadeFlushTargetLastSeenTime, fCombatRangedGrenadeThrowAtGroupMinExplosionRadius, fCombatRangedGrenadeThrowChanceMultInitial, fCombatRangedGrenadeThrowChanceMultLimited, fCombatRangedGrenadeThrowChanceMultSuppressing, fCombatRangedGrenadeThrowChanceMultTimeMax, fCombatRangedGrenadeThrowChanceMultTimeMin, fCombatRangedGrenadeThrowUnreachableDelay, fCombatRangedGunAccuracyExplosionRadiusMult, fCombatRangedGunAccuracyMultipleProjectileMult, fCombatRangedGunAccuracyRoFCapacityThreshold, fCombatRangedGunAccuracyTargetDefaultSize, fCombatRangedGunBurstFireAttackStartTimeOut, fCombatRangedGunBurstFireCrippledMultipleMultMax, fCombatRangedGunBurstFireCrippledMultipleMultMin, fCombatRangedGunBurstFireCrippledSingleMultMax, fCombatRangedGunBurstFireCrippledSingleMultMin, fCombatRangedGunBurstFireTimeDistanceMult, fCombatRangedGunBurstFireTimeMaxDistanceMult, fCombatRangedGunBurstFireTimeMinDistanceMult, fCombatRangedGunBurstFireTimeVarianceMult, fCombatRangedGunCooldownMovementSpeedMultMax, fCombatRangedGunCooldownMovementSpeedMultMin, fCombatRangedGunFireChargeSuppressionMultMax, fCombatRangedGunFireChargeSuppressionMultMin, fCombatRangedGunFireWaitMovementSpeedMultMax, fCombatRangedGunFireWaitMovementSpeedMultMin, fCombatRangedGunReloadBehindCoverChanceMax, fCombatRangedGunReloadBehindCoverChanceMid, fCombatRangedGunReloadBehindCoverChanceMin, fCombatRangedGunReloadBehindCoverShuffleChance, fCombatRangedGunReloadBehindCoverWidthMultMax, fCombatRangedGunReloadBehindCoverWidthMultMin, fCombatRangedGunReloadChargingClipPercent, fCombatRangedGunSuppressionBurstFireTimeContinuousMax, fCombatRangedGunSuppressionBurstFireTimeContinuousMin, fCombatRangedGunSuppressionBurstFireTimeDistanceMult, fCombatRangedGunSuppressionBurstFireTimeMax, fCombatRangedGunSuppressionBurstFireTimeMid, fCombatRangedGunSuppressionBurstFireTimeMin, fCombatRangedGunSuppressionBurstFireTimeVarianceMult, fCombatRangedGunSuppressionFireWaitRecoilTimeMax, fCombatRangedGunSuppressionFireWaitRecoilTimeMin, fCombatRangedGunSuppressionFireWaitTimeMax, fCombatRangedGunSuppressionFireWaitTimeMin, fCombatRangedGunSuppressiveFireBurstTimeMin, fCombatRangedGunSuppressiveFireBurstTimeVariance, fCombatRangedGunSuppressiveFireLastAttackedTime, fCombatRangedGunSuppressiveFireLastSeenTime, fCombatRangedGunTargetVisibleAttackThreshold, fCombatRangedGunTargetVisibleReactionTimeMax, fCombatRangedGunTargetVisibleReactionTimeMin, fCombatSearchCheckDestinationCoverDistance, fCombatSearchLocationRemoveScoreThreshold, fCombatSearchStartAttackLocationTimeLimit, fCombatSearchStartDetectionEventTimeLimit, fCombatSharedPathMeetPartnerFollowPathMinimumLength, fCombatSharedPathMeetPartnerStartPathDistance, fCombatSharedPathPartnerFollowSearchDistanceMult, fCombatSharedPathPartnerSearchDistanceMult, fCombatSharedPathStartPartnerPathDistance, fCombatSharedPathStartPathPartnerDistance, fCombatStealthPointDetectionSoundThresholdRadius, fCombatStealthPointLOSSoundValueThreshold, fCombatStealthPointRegenAttackedDelayTime, fCombatStealthPointRegenDetectedEventDelayTime, fCombatStealthPointRegenSearchLocationDelayTime, fCombatStrafeChanceTargetIncapacitatedMult, fCombatSuppressiveFireOrderChanceFallback, fCombatSuppressiveFireReloadCheckCoverTime, fCombatSuppressiveFireReloadImmediateScoreMult, fCombatTargetLocationAvoidNodeRadiusOffset, fCombatTargetLocationCurrentReservationDistanceMult, fCombatTargetLocationGoalDistanceOffsetAngle, fCombatTargetSelectorAttackableObjectUnreachableTimeLimit, fCombatTargetSelectorAttackableObjectUpdateTime, fCombatTargetSelectorFocusTargetLastAttackTime, fCombatTargetSelectorLastSuspectedTimeLimit, fCombatTargetSelectorPreferredLastDamageScoreMax, fCombatTargetSelectorPreferredLastDamageScoreMin, fCombatTargetSelectorPreferredLastDamageTimeMax, fCombatTargetSelectorPreferredLastDamageTimeMin, fCombatTargetSelectorScoreAttackableObjectAngleMultMax, fCombatTargetSelectorScoreAttackableObjectAngleMultMid, fCombatTargetSelectorScoreAttackableObjectAngleMultMin, fCombatTargetSelectorScoreAttackableObjectMax, fCombatTargetSelectorScorePreferredTarget, fCombatTargetSelectorScoreTargetDirection, fCombatTargetSelectorScoreTargetMountedMelee, fCombatTargetSelectorScoreTargetSharedBonus, fCombatTargetSelectorScoreTargetSharedPenalty, fCombatTargetSelectorScoreTargetSpaceInvalid, fCombatTargetSelectorScoreTargetUnreachable, fCombatTargetSelectorScoreWorkshopObjectAngleMultMax, fCombatTargetSelectorScoreWorkshopObjectAngleMultMid, fCombatTargetSelectorScoreWorkshopObjectAngleMultMin, fCombatTargetSelectorScoreWorkshopObjectMax, fCombatTargetSelectorTargetBehindLastAttackTime, fCombatTargetSelectorThreatDistanceMultMax, fCombatTargetSelectorThreatDistanceMultMin, fCombatTargetSelectorThreatEngagedDistanceOffset, fCombatTargetSelectorThreatPercentMemberHealthMultMax, fCombatTargetSelectorThreatPercentMemberHealthMultMin, fCombatTargetSelectorWorkshopObjectUnreachableTimeLimit, fCombatTargetSelectorWorkshopObjectUpdateTime, fDecayCorpseCleanUpWeightForHavingInventory, fDecayCorpseCleanUpWeightForProximityToPlayers, fEWS_PendingSubWaveQueuePausedRecheckSeconds, fEWS_SpawnSelectionWeight_AmbushFurniture, fEWS_SpawnSelectionWeight_InvisibleSpawnMarker, fMagicAccumulatingModifierEffectHoldDuration, fMagicConcentrationNotCasterMaintainedTimer, fMagicDefaultAccumulatingModifierEffectRate, fMaxFurnitureApproachAngleToMaintainSpeed, fNormalizedSpeedForPlayerToPathToFurniture, fPerkGrenadeTrajectorySplineSegmentLength, fPerkGrenadeTrajectorySplineSegmentLengthMult, fPerkGrenadeTrajectoryStartTangentEndLength, fPerkGrenadeTrajectoryStartTangentStartLength, fPickupWeaponRangedMeleeDPSRatioThreshold, fPickupWeaponTargetUnreachableDistanceMult, fPlatformNonresponsiveDisconnectDelayInSeconds, fPowerArmorWorkbenchMaxPowerArmorDistance, fPropModScaleWeapfAimModelConeDecreasePerSec, fPropModScaleWeapfAimModelConeIncreasePerShot, fPropModScaleWeapfAimModelConeIronSightsMultiplier, fPropModScaleWeapfAimModelConeSneakMultiplier, fPropModScaleWeapfAimModelRecoilArcRotateDeg, fPropModScaleWeapfAimModelRecoilDiminishSightsMult, fPropModScaleWeapfAimModelRecoilDiminishSpringForce, fPropModScaleWeapfSightedTransitionSeconds, fPropModScaleWeapfUnsightedTransitionSeconds, fPropModScaleWeapuAimModelConeDecreaseDelayMs, fPropModScaleWeapuAimModelRecoilShotsForRunaway, fRangingTargetDirDoesNotCrossLeaderHScaleSC, fReceivedTeamInviteExpirationDelaySeconds, fReceivedTeamJoinRequestExpirationDelaySeconds, fSentTeamJoinRequestExpirationDelaySeconds, fServerEventDefaultPostTransportWindowSeconds, fServerEventRespawnPostTransportWindowSeconds, fWeaponAccuracyConeOfFireNormalizationMax, fWeaponAccuracyConeOfFireNormalizationMin, fWorkshopDefaultHealthForNonDestructibleItems, iBallisticProjectilePathPickSegmentsPlayer, iCombatAlternateTargetAttractionMinGroupCount, iCombatOptimalRangeTargetVisibilityGroupCount, iCombatPathingStraightPathIntervalMaxCount, iCombatRangedGrenadeThrowAtGroupTargetCountMax, iCombatRangedGrenadeThrowAtGroupTargetCountMin, iCombatStealthPointDetectionSoundThreshold, iCombatStealthPointDetectionVisualThreshold, iCombatStealthPointSneakDetectionSoundThreshold, iCombatStealthPointSneakDetectionVisualThreshold, iCombatTargetSelectorTargetSharedPenaltyThreshold. 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