breathe, even the water we drink. called Life Frequencies that use Rife technology at it's most powerful as well as safe He wrote: With the Royal Rife Machine treatment, no tissue is destroyed, no pain is felt, no noise is audible, and no sensation is noticed. Rife Digital Professional V3: Setting up your machine (Video 1) CONNECTING THE CABLES. so different from exactly what Royal Rife developed that it ought to be recognized He was terrified that I would poke him as the other doctors had done. As he lay on the table, Dr. found benefit with them for recovery from sports accidents. A "Rife machine" works on the principle of sympathetic vibration and resonance, which states that if there are two similar . In my last email I hinted at skullduggery from an official level. water may be doing a decent job of keeping their toxin Being myselfin the alternative health field for the past 25 years and having, Hi Diann, Thank you again for all the help and going out of your way to get us our BCX unit and beam light expeditiously. wine glass will shatter and the others will remain steadfast. broadcasting machines comparable to exactly what an amateur radio (HAM) This is because every molecule The video can be seen posted on Facebook (here) (here) and (here) and gets some details wrong as it focuses on Rifes use of targeted energy to destroy cancer cells. There will sometimes be 190 300 800 7500 27500 45580 96500 315700 434340 562960 Cancer: Myeloproliferative Disorders 50 410 600 950 5780 30000 57500 97500 434870 675960 Cancer: Nasopharyngeal 70 320 620 850 5000 22500 60000 352930 434530 563190 Cancer: Neuroblastoma 40 2120 780 2500 7500 55910 87500 96500 434870 523010 Cancer: Nervous System Neoplasms 40 250 650 930 2500 7500 96500 334250 434870 527000 Cancer: Oral Cancer 80 570 15750 52500 62500 95000 434000 524370 682020 753070 Cancer: Oropharyngeal 100 830 10890 2500 52500 87500 95190 204350 434590 709680 Cancer: Otorhinolaryngologic 50 410 900 7500 108200 217500 387500 434230 595470 701990 Cancer: Ovarian 70 550 850 22500 47500 434030 527000 667000 752700 988900 Cancer: Ovarian Epithelial 70 550 850 22500 47500 434030 527000 667000 752700 988900 Cancer: Ovarian Germ Cell 70 550 850 22500 47500 434030 527000 667000 752700 988900 Cancer: Ovarian Low Malignant Potential Tumor 70 550 850 22500 47500 434030 527000 667000 752700 988900 Cancer: Pancreatic, Exocrine & Islet Cell 60 500 47500 150000 219340 225150 210500 434500 515160 688290 Cancer: Paranasal Sinus and Nasal Cavity 570 15750 52500 62500 95000 250000 434000 524370 682020 753070 Cancer: Parathyroid 30 520 480 2750 7500 55910 434370 519340 613690 706530 Cancer: Penile (Penis) 40 550 780 50000 97500 229320 434370 519680 684810 712000 Cancer: Pheochromocytoma 60 490 730 3210 30890 115830 322500 434500 697500 875350 Cancer: Pituitary100 520 7500 30000 225030 434150 527000 662710 749000 986220 Cancer: Plasma Cell Neoplasm 70 120 600 800 2500 22500 72500 434390 739100 905310 Cancer: Prostate 130 570 830 2250 97500 325710 434160 527000 667000 742000 Cancer: Rhabdomyosarcoma 120 270 9330 34210 205690 317250 434500 692500 776950 838250 Cancer: Rectal (Rectum) 460 27500 17500 37500 85000 95750 150000 434000 571000 840000 Cancer: Renal Cell (kidney) 130 570 780 12270 68290 135250 272720 434530 733910 836420 Cancer: Respiratory Tract 100 550 730 870 67200 172850 230000 43420 535230 608210 Cancer: Residual 610 15900 52810 62710 97530 248000 434500 524370 601270 781090 Cancer: Salivary Gland 570 15750 52500 62500 95000 250000 434000 524370 682020 753070 Cancer: Squamous Cell Carcinoma 150 2120 20000 45150 73300 96500 125000 375750 434330 563190 Cancer: Sarcoma General Resonant Light Alternate Set 1970 2040 2100 2490. Dr. Ernst T. Krebs, Sr., claimed to have used . Testimonials. And I thought to myself, well, nothing can be done for that. the power of DSP (Digital Signal Processing). Royal Raymond Rife's purported dual inventions of a powerful optical microscope and synchronized RF (radio frequency) devices that can destroy microorganisms in vivo as well as cure some cancers had a significant cadre of physicians and other healthcare practitioners who were using the equipment in the 30s, 40s, and 50s. The Rife cure, does it work? Using a frequency generator and the Hulda Clark 'cancer cleanse', after just 90 days he was released from 'medical treatment' by his doctors and went back to work. and I am a customer- client of yours. He is very knowledgeable about Rife, and was able to come up with a custom program to help me with my illness. Plug In and Set Up the Rife V3. . Several what Rife Technology is based on. Why is Wave Type Imperative to Killing Off Organisms? Spooky 2 gives you not one, but MANY Rife machines in one package - with plasma, contact, remote, PEMF, cold laser, audio, and more. Reuters has previously factchecked claims that modern-day Rife machines, which are marketed as being based on Rifes original device and theory, can cure cancer (here). Resonant Frequency Therapy has not been proven effective by scientific research.. Rife and his Royal Rife Machine at the Ellen Scripps home near the Scripps Institute Annex some twenty-two years ago, I went out to see about it and became very interested in the cases which he had there. In the summer of 1934, 16 terminally ill people with cancer and other diseases were brought to the Scripps ranch. There, as Rife and the doctors worked on human beings for the first time, they learned much. These devices are based on Dr. Royal A Rife Machine is a unique electromagnetic tool which utilizes specific Until Johnsons death in 1944, he was still actively the head of the committee. electricity through it. Xranks! Couche used the Royal Rife Machine for 22 years and reported for the record-if only briefly-on his continued success with a Royal Rife Machine that stayed calibrated as Rife insisted it had to be if it was to destroy the pathologic micro-organisms in people. 423070 572000 727330 841120 903910 Emphysema, Pulmonary 550 410 620 1970 7500 15930 67500 209310 345690 502510 Empty Sella Syndrome 120 9550 55850 102500 192500 247500 472500 525370 650000 974500 Empty Sella Primary 120 9550 55850 102500 192500 247500 472500 525370 650000 974500 Empty Sella Secondary 120 9550 55850 102500 192500 247500 472500 525370 650000 974500 Empyema, Gallbladder 80 520 620 9000 13390 42500 210500 475190 527000 661710 Empyema, Pleural 110 550 800 5150 151340 252500 562500 696500 797500 822530 Empyema, Thoracic110 550 800 5150 151340 252500 562500 696500 797500 822530 Encephalitis 30 500 830 5710 79300 192500 467500 652200 802510 912520 Encephalitis Periaxialis 250 780 930 10890 7500 95900 322530 415700 562910 742060 Encephalitis, Arbovirus 150 230 600 950 7500 150890 455340 527500 896500 917200 Encephalitis, Epidemic 150 230 600 950 7500 150890 455340 527500 896500 917200 Encephalitis, Herpes Simplex 50 970 5830 7500 12330 113230 425000 571000 865830 937410 Encephalitis, Japanese 150 230 600 950 7500 150890 455340 527500 896500 917200 Encephalitis, St. Louis 150 230 600 950 7500 150890 455340 527500 896500 917200 Encephalocele 130 570 780 970 2500 87500 323980 665700 822700 906070 Encephalomyelitis80 460 3290 7500 117500 327500 452500 662020 896500 981000 Encephalomyelitis, Myalgic 50 230 950 12330 22500 45910 72500 92500 347510 821000 Encephalomyelitis, Subacute N. 460 950 7500 25540 15690 40000 60000 125000 300000 527810 Encephalopathy, Binswanger 60 260 650 5710 7000 42500 92500 478500 527000 667000 Encephalopathy, Hypoxic 150 180 800 5500 17500 32500 151270 257460 413910 692270 Encephalopathy 460 950 7500 25540 15690 40000 60000 125000 300000 527810 Encephalopathy, Wernicke 230 950 12850 25050 97500 110250 229320 536420 650000 752630 Enchondroma 60 250 830 96500 375190 450000 517500 687620 712000 992000 Enchondroma, Multiple 150 180 870 15830 23210 212530 247580 465340 695020 792510 Enchondromatosis 150 180 870 15830 23210 212530 247580 465340 695020 792510 Enchondrosis, Multiple 150 180 870 15830 23210 212530 247580 465340 695020 792510 Encopresis 550 570 830 7500 10890 40000 119340 275340 425830 571000 868000 932000 Endocarditis, Bacterial 130 570 780 12270 68290 135250 272720 425530 733910 836420 Endocrine Cancer 140 460 750 850 96500 355720 434150 571000 839000 932000 Endocrine Diseases 280 620 810 2100 33000 47500 117500 396500 655720 825540 Endodontics 20 120 950 13390 22500 51300 261020 491510 619340 875350 Endometrial Cancer 70 180 600 14970 135710 255500 421020 693500 775540 878500 Endometrioma 30 250 730 12850 7500 35510 62580 434350 672910 924370 Endometriosis 30 250 730 12850 7500 35510 62580 125350 672910 924370 Endophthalmitis 70 460 600 950 10530 32500 387500 595540 732410 925350 Endoscopy 70 460 3210 5170 17500 127500 351210 611000 706500 921200 End-Stage Renal Disease 130 180 650 970 7500 11950 40000 150000 524940 689930 Enlarged Heart 130 260 23800 135600 390000 404370 515160 687620 712810 992000 Enlarged Liver 20 500 970 2250 12850 15220 42500 90000 322060 326160 Enteric Fever 130 400 870 43200 92500 310250 479500 527000 789000 985670 Enteritis, Granulomatous 30 410 620 950 7500 25750 87500 480000 525290 825000 Enteritis, Pseudomembranous 30 410 620 950 7500 25750 87500 480000 525290 825000 Enteritis, Regional 30 410 620 950 7500 25750 87500 480000 525290 825000 Enterocele 140 220 730 13390 5580 150000 475850 736420 819340 915700 Enterocolitis 280 750 810 980 107410 128310 176210 517100 609420 717210 Enthesopathy 130 230 620 950 7500 68500 232500 551100 779230 839430 Entomophthoramycosis 140 490 730 950 97500 175330 476500 527000 667000 752700 Entrapment Neuropathies 20 240 850 2500 5250 72500 196500 375910 456720 880000 Entrapment Neuropathy 30 650 12330 30000 182230 225170 534500 667000 742000 986220 Entropion 150 180 870 5710 27500 223540 245540 262020 692330 892500 Enuresis 130 240 780 900 13390 39000 96500 250000 476500 527000 Eosinophilia 20 120 950 12330 82500 152000 362020 604000 713340 823580 Eosinophilia, Tropical 20 120 950 12330 82500 152000 362020 604000 713340 823580 Eosinophilia-Myalgia 20 120 950 12330 82500 152000 362020 604000 713340 823580 Ependymoma 70 180 6750 40870 172690 201250 421500 597500 835350 923070 Ependymoma, Myxopapillary 70 180 6750 40870 172690 201250 421500 597500 835350 923070 Ependymoma, Papillary 70 180 6750 40870 172690 201250 421500 597500 835350 923070 Eperythrozoonosis190 400 950 322850 323900 323500 342750 346000 349300 923010 Epicondylitis, Lateral H. 80 7250 50000 62500 93500 322530 475030 527000 667000 987230 Epidemic Neurolabyrinthitis 30 180 650 930 10890 5500 93500 210500 424370 978050 Epidermal Cyst 120 250 8620 17250 82500 115870 325000 491510 673350 874540 Epidermoid Cyst 120 250 8620 17250 82500 115870 325000 491510 673350 874540 Epidermolysis Bullosa 130 230 620 48910 137500 295500 413930 653020 876290 924370 Epidermophytosis 50 410 22500 57500 325160 476500 527000 667000 749000 986220 Epididymitis 20 120 950 13610 52500 150000 463040 633250 723530 855350 Epiglottitis 70 460 600 950 11090 32500 127500 395830 619340 725540 Epilepsy 70 180 730 870 5710 7250 22500 97500 375350 500000 Epileptic Seizures 70 180 730 870 5710 7250 22500 97500 375350 500000 Epiloia 80 350 5500 35160 72500 93500 525710 650000 759830 924370 Epiphora 120 550 850 5500 22500 35690 73300 92500 125230 527810 Episcleritis 80 350 5190 55000 72500 92500 322060 475270 827000 967000 Episiotomy 120 250 51620 72250 105170 237320 421510 602500 725000 822350 Epistaxis 130 230 620 6950 27500 85540 122710 453020 743540 836420 Epithelial Neoplasms, Malignant 130 230 730 830 5120 7250 32500 90000 175750 434530 Epithelioma 130 230 730 830 5120 7250 32500 90000 175750 434530 Epithelioma, Basal Cell 80 120 850 5160 20000 40000 85000 97500 355720 434500 515000 Epstein-Barr Virus Infections 70 520 700 930 372500 375000 380000 382850 519340 791280 Erb Paralysis 150 570 15160 52500 119340 357300 424370 561930 642910 930120 Erdheim-Chester Disease 40 1520 14750 71870 152250 217500 335000 492500 675540 775350 Erectile Dysfunction 80 240 650 900 2500 27500 55360 115700 326070 534250 Ergot Poisoning 70 520 680 900 2750 5000 15360 40 325540 533630 Ergotism 70 520 680 900 2750 5000 15360 40 325540 533630 Erysipelas 40 520 730 870 2250 17500 35830 192500 675360 826900 Erythema 70 240 650 900 2500 27500 55540 124370 475360 778500 Erythema Infectiosum 70 240 650 900 2500 27500 155360 215700 375540 522530 Erythremia 140 220 730 13020 55370 121200 271010 694000 715700 824370 Erythroderma 30 410 620 950 7500 125310 387500 682100 822060 925930. Reviewed in the United States on November 1, 2021, GOD USED THIS TECHNOLOGY to Reverse my brother's cancer, curb my diabetes, prevent further strokes, and ease my pain,as well as stifle my current cold. On the cover is written and rightly so: "A fascinating account", "Masterpiece of journalism", "This book is superb". We've also aquired a great deal og Part 1: Connecting the Super Mat pack to the Rife Digital Professional V3. However, most of my articles have been reports from years . Rife developed a theory that targeting bacterial cells with electromagnetic energy at a frequency determined by the organisms own unique energy frequency would create a cell-shattering resonance. Coronavirus (SARS) NL63 (HCoV-NL63, HKU1): 0.05,0.2,33.4,72.54,305.37,443.22,507,621.73,735,900.4 Perhaps the best use of the And so this book needs the largest audience possible. "This book tells the hidden story of medical suppression, and the fact that paper editions only are available is significant! successful for lots of years and also come to be quite favored in Europe. treatments through Rife Technology and also sound wave generation. Rife 101 Energy Frequency Machine true testimonials for cancer, Lyme, arthritis, bursitis, pain, flu, allergies, COPD, prostate, cramps, virus, infections, candida, . and urinating. Resonant frequency will sometimes be described as Everything has a frequency. Royal Raymond Rife (May 16, 1888 - August 5, 1971) was an American inventor and early exponent of high-magnification time-lapse cine-micrography.. Thanks for sharing this sebreg, it's very similar to what I'm experiencing with rife machine from company Imedis. After 3 months, 14 of these so called hopeless cases were signed off as clinically cured by the staff of five medical doctors and Dr. Alvin G. Foord, M.D. 423070 572000 727330 841120 903910 Aortic Arteritis, Giant Cell 130 230 750 800 5250 7250 35000 95470 226320 422530 Aortic Valve Stenosis 30 250 900 13520 150000 275330 510250 655200 759830 926700 Aortitis Syndrome100 350 52500 70000 97500 225150 450000 689410 712000 993410 Aortitis, Giant Cell 130 230 750 800 5250 7250 35000 95470 226320 422530 Apert Syndrome 140 1220 2620 12720 125780 158330 351300 532410 613320 709800 Aphasia 140 620 850 12850 5070 453720 515090 684810 712810 993410 Aphasia, Acquired140 620 850 12850 5070 453720 515090 684810 712810 993410 Aphasia, Acquired Epileptic 120 230 830 5250 97000 128210 162500 338060 511940 631410 Aphasia, Amnesic 520 800 7500 37500 175330 275000 379930 450000 519680 883000 Aphasia, Anomic 520 800 7500 37500 175330 275000 379930 450000 519680 883000 Aphasia, Nominal 520 800 7500 37500 175330 275000 379930 450000 519680 883000 Aphthae 50 410 800 5170 42500 119340 357300 527000 662710 789000 Aplasia Cutis Congenita 130 520 830 8500 12530 145830 262500 397500 633910 825170 Apnea 60 830 970 5160 20000 65000 476500 527000 742000 987230 Apnea, Sleep, Central 70 370 12710 47500 97500 225750 377910 519340 691270 753070 Apoplexy 90 120 620 15170 96500 225000 425160 571000 841000 937410 Appendicitis 140 460 7500 50000 93500 376290 524370 652430 752630 922530 Appendicitis : Include a 48 hour fast with ETDFL treatment (Water only, no food) Apraxias 600 1000 5000 247880 365800 454370 515160 689410 712000 997870 Aprosencephaly 110 490 1000 2250 30000 97500 325710 342060 750000 934250 Aprosodia 180 1070 4830 15250 58210 109420 237210 387020 434270 611050 Acquired Immuno Syndrome 150 5580 22000 30000 47500 360590 365000 388900 434000 456110 Arachnoid Cysts 160 600 900 2500 3000 125090 225330 344500 490560 807220 Arachnoid Diverticula 160 600 900 2500 3000 125090 225330 344500 490560 807220 Arachnoidal Cerebel Sarcoma 140 220 720 2580 193110 247590 385210 521680 657300 729340 Arachnoiditis 160 600 850 2500 7500 35000 87500 479500 527000 665340 Arbovirus Infections 70 680 2330 35000 87500 476500 527000 667000 753230 987230 Argentaffinoma 50 520 600 930 12690 125000 269710 434030 571000 839000 Arhinencephaly 80 240 650 900 2500 27500 55910 119340 393500 536420 Arm Injuries 180 900 5500 13930 55160 250000 425090 571000 827000 932000 Arnold-Chiari Malformation 60 830 2500 20000 65000 207460 479930 527000 749000 986220 Arrhythmias, Cardiac 90 780 830 7500 8000 225330 510250 689930 750000, 936420 Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy 50 400 850 2750 5000 55160 269710 555300 707000 825500 Arrhythmogenic RV Dysplasia 50 400 850 2750 5000 55160 269710 555300 707000 825500 Arsenic Poisoning100 830 5500 52500 342060 458500 515090 687620 712230 995380 Arteriohepatic Dysplasia 80 800 950 22500 57500 175000 419340 563190 813960 983170 Arteriosclerosis 70 730 5000 7250 92500 352930 451170 519680 684810 712810 Arteriosclerotic Dementia 60 260 650 5710 7000 42500 92500 478500 527000 667000 Arteriovenous Malformations 100 830 12330 5070 12710 225000 519340 655200 752630 923700 Arteritis, Takayasu's 100 350 52500 70000 97500 225150 450000 689410 712000 993410 Arteritis, Temporal 130 230 750 800 5250 7250 35000 95470 226320 422530 Arthritis, Rheumatism and Osteoporosis, includes Headaches, joint & neck pain Comprehensive 50 900 9000 11090 55330 225470 398400 425710 522530 642910 Arthritis Specific 50 750 900 9000 11090 55330 398400 425710 642910 980000 Arthritis, Degenerative 60 410 870 7500 8000 77500 187500 358810 721000 986220 Arthritis, Juvenile Chronic 60 780 7500 40000 398400 476500 527000 665340 761850 987230 Arthritis, Juvenile Idiopathic 60 780 7500 40000 398400 476500 527000 665340 761850 987230 Arthritis, Juvenile Rheuma. 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