Spokeswoman for the Pentagons inspector general,Dwrena Allen, downplayed what to most Americans will sound like the makings of an explosive scandal. let that number sink in) #darkskyfiles #pentagon #government Tesla first demonstrated wireless transmissions during a lecture in 1891. WebIn this story, we'll be finding out how the Pentagon somehow lost 35 trillion dollars, do you really believe them? More questions ahead: Still, Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have faced repeated questions about how they would pay for policy proposals such as Medicare for All and the new analyses may revive those questions, for Sanders in particular. bc1q5z3xe8syvrt5xd52880mgj644tv9d5q55rk6tc, MONERO ADDRESS: She experienced the wrath of the dental industry when she tried to publish her researchtitled The Neurotoxicity of Sodium Fluoride in Rats in the Journal of Neurotoxicology and Teratology that fluoride was neurotoxic. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Trillions explained away by a little benign neglect of simple documentation? The latest radio shows from our sister site. Biden went after Russian President Vladimir Putin hard during his SOTU address, but withheld harsh words for , Imane Fadil, the ex-model who claimed to have witnessed demonic rituals at Silvio Berlusconis mansion died mysteriously on March 1st at age 34. Thats what should have Why it matters: More broadly, the number highlights the persistent lack of internal financial controls at the Pentagon, which makes it extremely difficult to account properly for spending in the largest government budget. pretty much delete everything that had been recorded on their side and just re-record all the balances that Treasury has, Kociolek said. The bankers have always sought the perfect trade. The GAO estimated based on a sample that at least 96% of 181,947 automatic adjustments made in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2018 didnt have adequate supporting documentation., In laymans terms, this means that the DoD made adjustments to accounting records without having documentation to support the need or amount for the adjustment, said Dwrena Allen, spokeswoman for the Pentagons inspector general. In my original model of this hidden system, articulated in various books and at the first Secret Space Program conference in San Mateo, California in 2014, rehypothecation formed one of the techniques by which I speculated vast amounts of fraudulent liquidity could be created and kept from the public by a kind of double-bookkeeping. They were not traders willing to risk anything on real analysis. Pentagon loses 50 cents of every dollar allocated by congress. Thats what should have been the biggest news of 2021. Covid and The Ohio Train PSYOPS Exposed by Richard Gage! Todd Harrison of the Center for Strategic and International Studies says they represent a lot of double, triple, and quadruple counting of the same money as it got moved between accounts within the Pentagon. The Defense Department acknowledged that it failed its first-ever audit in 2018 and then again last year, when it reviewed$2.7 trillionin assets and$2.6 trillionin liabilities. The changes skew sex ratios in the frog population and could be a major cause of amphibian decline worldwide. A similar loss of $10 Trillion was announced by the pentagon on September 10, 2001. One of the few in Congress who have taken an interest in the missing $94.7 trillion is Tony Capaccio of Bloomberg first reported. Pentagon spokesman Christopher Sherwood said that annually, DoD has hundreds of billions of dollars of financial activity, and accounting adjustments are sometimes used to record activity in our financial reporting systems due to a lack of system capabilities or interfaces.. Learn how your comment data is processed. Countless manipulations about how they pulled of ventures to ensure guaranteed trades. The story is simple enough, and sadly, its a measure of how accustomed weve become to astronomical amounts of missing money, that at best it only raises an eyebrow. according to a recent Government Accountability Office report. While it shouldnt come as a surprise for an organization that has famously failed to ever pass an audit, the Pentagon was nevertheless able to shock some observers this week with a new batch of financial numbers. The spending adjustments follow the Pentagons first failed audit in 2018 and another failed audit in 2018, according to Bloomberg. Built ThePatriotConnection,com (Patri-X.com) to unite patriots, empower content creators, educate others, and to crowdsource a true accounting of history. The findings? The Pentagon Announces $35 Trillion Accounting Black Hole for 2019 Missing Funds HISTORY HEIST Skip to content Search Search for:Search Home News PO Box 1052 The enormity of the accounting adjustment defies any rational explanation. Missing Money 2021 Update The Missing Money (solari.com) All rights reserved. WebThe Real Reason The Pentagon Is Missing 35 TRILLION Dollars. Penn Wharton reportedly plans to follow up with additional analysis considering the effects of the tax plans if the revenue raised were used to fund investments that boost productivity. The latest estimate is up from$30.7 trillionin 2018 and$29 trillionin 2017, the first year adjustments were tracked in a concerted way, according to Pentagon figures and a lawmaker whos pursued the accounting morass. What people do not realize is thatBECAUSEof 911 hitting the very room where all the documents were concerning the Pentagon budget, the audit never took place. There has been a big course shift among macroeconomists in recent years over the risks and rewards of fiscal stimulus, he writes. Real outlays grew 1.7 percentage points a year faster than the historical average since the end of 2017; real receipts grew 1.8 percentage points slower, Fox says. What we were finding is the Department of Defense has such lack of confidence or unreliability in their own records that they on a routine basis . Although it gets scant public attention compared with airstrikes, troop deployments, sexual assault statistics or major weapons programs, the reliability of the Pentagons financial statement is an indication of how effectively the military manages its resources considering that it receives over half of discretionary domestic spending. With tax season now fast approaching, its not too comforting to know the Pentagon enjoys over half of all discretionary domestic spending forits global war machine in maintenance ofour humble RepublicEmpire. These two very convenient buildings that were attacked were most likely a major cover-up. According to the DoD, theresnothing to see here. Worse still, it seems to have endorsed a continual problem of missing money from the Pentagon. Change). A lot may be an understatement: According to government data, there were 562,568 adjustments made in the Pentagons books in 2018. There were546,433 adjustments in fiscal 2017 and 562,568 in 2018, according to figures provided by Representative Jackie Speier, who asked the Government Accountability Office to investigate, the report added. PLEASESHARE! Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Contact the author here. At first, I was skeptical worried that he was perhaps sent in by the club as they had done before with the nephew of uncle Ed Rothschild. Just days before the St. Louis presentation, Tesla addressed the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, on February 23, 1893, describing in detail the principles of early radio communication. $35 TRILLION still MISSING The Most Revolutionary Act, US Legislators Propose Ban on Central Bank Digital Currency The Most RevolutionaryAct, Mainstream Media and Woke Companies Continue to Plunge With Financial Losses CleverJourneys, The Biden Administration is Just Insane & Should Be Removed At Once ArmstrongEconomics, How Crooked Maricopa Election Officials Controlled the 2022 Narrative CleverJourneys, While Michigan Nurses Get 16%+ Raise, Illinois Nurses Sue Hospitals for Wage Theft CleverJourneys, Woody Harrelson Sneaks Covid Vaccine Mandate Joke Onto Saturday Night Live The Most RevolutionaryAct, What Were You Thinking? Forbes: The U.S. Air Force Just Admitted The F-35 Stealth Fighter Has Failed Salon: Even by Pentagon terms, this was a dud: The disastrous saga of the F-35 Esquire: This Country Is Spending $1.7 Trillion on Planes That Dont Work For that money, we could have cancelled American student loan debt. LIVE INTERVIEW WITH DEREK JOHNSON. The watchdog agency will release a report on the subject Wednesday after reviewing more than 200,000 fourth-quarter 2018 adjustments totaling $15 trillion. Although it gets scant public attention compared with airstrikes, troop deployments, sexual assault statistics or major weapons programs, the reliability of the Pentagons financial statement is an indication of how effectively the military manages its resources considering that it receives over half of discretionary domestic spending, Carpaccio says. Web584 votes, 77 comments. There were 546,433 adjustments in fiscal 2017 and 562,568 in 2018, according to figures provided by Representative Jackie Speier, who asked the Government Accountability Office to investigate, the report added. Tulsi Gabbard Files $50 Million Defamation Lawsuit Against Hillary Clinton, Davos: Jane Goodall says that global issues wouldnt be a problem if human population was 94% lower, https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/just-little-sloppy-record-keeping-pentagons-35-trillion-accounting-black-hole, Undeclared Components of Covid-19 Vaccines Symposium in Germany, Utah Police Update Investigation Into Alleged Ritualistic Child Sex Abuse; Involves Elites of Counties, US Air Force Presentation Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025, US Forest Service Begins Shooting Unauthorized Cattle From Helicopters In New Mexico, Whistleblower: The Pentagon Mandated COVID Vaccines, But Then Ignored Concerns About Adverse, Hollywood Producer Sentenced For Running Prostitution Ring That Supplied Well Known Wealthy Clients, FBI whistleblower raises concerns about bank record mining, undercover agents in J6 probe, The 65th Annual Grammy Awards held in Los Angeles is Another Satanic Ritual. Jeff Schogol In the end, HSBC had to plead and agree to criminal restitution and pay back the missing funds. Bloomberg attempted to get a handle on it further in explaining, The military services make adjustments, some automatic and some manual, on a monthly and quarterly basis, and those actions are consolidated by the Pentagons primary finance and accounting service and submitted to the Treasury.. Clearly, the Adjustments underscore weakness in Defense Department systems. ', By Non-Profit's Generic Drug Expansion, 'To Stop Now Would Be Foolish': Doubling Down on Services for High-Cost Patients, White House Prepared Short List to Shake Up HHS Leadership, Union Pushes for More IRS Funding Ahead of Tax-Filing Season, Jamie Dimon Says the Only Financial Market Bubble Out There Right Now Is in Sovereign Debt, Bernie Sanders Taunts Jamie Dimon Again After CEO Jabs Socialism, Congress Saw More Bills Introduced in 2019 Than It Has in 40 years, but Few Passed, Supreme Court Could Be Headed to a Major Unraveling of Public School Funding, We Missed the Exit: Banks Step Up Call to End Negative Rates, Big Business, Tech, Health Care Lead K Street Spending in 2019, Amazon Asks Court to Pause Microsoft's Work on Pentagon's JEDI Contract, For 2020, California Goes Big on Health Care, GOP Right Looks to Put Own Mark on Kansas Medicaid Expansion, GM to Spend $3.5B in Michigan Under Revised Tax Credit Deal, Theres No Such Thing as a Free Tax Cut, Conservatives Are Realizing That Middle-Class Tax Cuts Are the Real Winner. Articles may contain affiliate links which enable us to share in the revenue of any purchases made. Many of these older systems were designed without consideration for current financial accounting standards, Sherwood said. The governments claim was itcollapsed from fire. He said he was told by the head of the firm to come to him with guaranteed trades not recommendations. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. This missing money was reported four times for And it means that you're probably spending a lot of time moving money around instead of actually getting the work done, Clark said. ( Note carefully the date of this , Nikola Tesla gave the first public demonstration of radio in St. Louis on March 1, 1893, although he had presented his work prior to this behind closed doors. However, $35 trillion is close to 50-times the size of the Pentagons 2019 budget, so that means every dollar the Defense Department received from Congress was moved up to 50 times before it was actually spent, Clark said. Focusing on fiscal year 2019, $35 trillion in accounting adjustments is 47 times the $738 billion in authorized DOD funding in that year, and 1.6 times U.S. GDP of $21.4 trillion. The WTC was taken down with a Tesla device and Trumps uncle took the Tesla papers. One of the reasons why I think 9/11 was as much a financial crime and coverup as an excuse for wars for Israel. Elon Musk DEFENDS Scott Adams against WOKE CancelCulture!!! What it all means: The results arent necessarily surprising. The next day, the WTC was attacked as well as the pentagon itself. The Pentagon fail to provide physical evidence of alleged large computer system orders and other use of funds like. The size and scope of unsupported adjustments is deeply concerning because it tells a story of poor internal controls and lack of financial data integrity., While the Defense Department couldnt adequately support all accounting adjustments, that does not mean they were inaccurate or erroneous, said Allen. Sanders staff reportedly estimated that the tax would raise $315 billion over a decade. AMAZING INTEL BEING RELEASED NOW! The US, a banking subsidiary since Andrew Hamilton and the 1st Bank of the US sold the country to international bankers (65%) and domestic (25%) with 10% for the bank itself, has never defended freedom of any kind but has ALWAYS been on the offensive as the Revolutionary war was a Freemasonic one. Like what you're reading? Since then, despite dire predictions of Wild West showdowns and increased violence and accidents, not a single resident has been involved in a fatal shooting as a victim, attacker or defender. This milestone was the first non-Latin Vulgate text of the scripture to be produced in a millennium and the first ever to come off a printing press. Its the accounting system , it made $35 Trillion in corrections to a budget of less than 1 trillion. Economists, including the ones who would do official analyses of any tax legislation, assume that workers ultimately pay part of the corporate income tax in the form of lower wages, The Wall Street Journals Richard Rubin explains. Oddly enough, the section of the pentagon that was hit was where the financial analysts who came up with the discrepancy were located. In laymans terms, this means that the DoD made adjustments to accounting records without having documentation to support the need or amount for the adjustment, she said. So, like in your household budget: It would be like moving money from checking, to savings, to your 401K, to your credit card, and then back.. Speaking to Lawrence Sinclair of Sinclair News, Breitbart stated, Wait til they see what , Between March 1-17of2010,IRS agents identified the first 10 Tea Party case applications though not all had tea party in their name, according to a draft of The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) appendix. Spokeswoman for the Pentagons inspector general,Dwrena Allen, downplayed what to most Americans will sound like the makings of an explosive scandal. No government employees in that WTC7 building were in there when it collapsed. The latest estimate is up from$30.7 trillionin 2018 and$29 trillionin 2017, the first year adjustments were tracked in a concerted way, according to Pentagon figures and a lawmaker whos pursued the accounting morass. The birth rate is the lowest since the ministry began record-keeping in 1899, falling to a record The Pentagon moved a total of $35 trillion among its various budget accounts in 2019, Tony Capaccio of Bloomberg first reported. Naturally, the first and only question we should start with is:how is this even possible? Worse still, it seems to have endorsed a continual problem of missing money from the Pentagon. How about the 9400 unknown outcomes! Your email address will not be published. Subsequently, the Department will update the Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation and document strategies with specific outcomes and detailed procedures for achieving stated goals in the strategies.. Around three weeks ago on February 9 during the Blog Bash event in Washington DC, Breitbart made a prophetic comment that takes on a somewhat chilling nature given the fact that he died in the early hours of March 1st. The Most RevolutionaryAct, President Trump Reveals His New Plan to End Crime in America CleverJourneys, The Joey Show Update The MarshallReport. Strange people call you at strange hours to give you strange information. Both thus seem about equally to blame for the rise in the deficit., Fox also says that its not entirely clear that the deficits are cause for concern at the moment. Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA), who asked the Government Accountability Office to look into the issue, said the combined errors, shorthand, and sloppy record-keeping by DoD accountants do add up to a number nearly 1.5 times the size of the U.S. economy, and charged that the Pentagon employs accounting adjustments like a contractor paints over mold. The latest estimate is up from$30.7 trillionin 2018 and$29 trillionin 2017, the first year adjustments were tracked in a concerted way, according to Pentagon figures and a lawmaker whos pursued the accounting morass. In laymans terms, this means that the DoD made adjustments to accounting records without having documentation to support the need or amount for the adjustment,she said. They are just proxies for the government with their 99% conviction rates. Because we don't. Is the United States on The Same Calamitous Path as Yugoslavia? The Pentagons $35 Trillion Accounting Black Hole. CEO of Blackrock Warns A Spike In Inflation May Come As A Pretty Big Shock Its Not Transitory, Discover the untold story about the War in Ukraine in this eye-opening documentary, The US wants to Impose a New Economic Paradigm on the World. That all said, I had decades of phone recordings with conversations with all the main banks in NYC. According to the DoD, theresnothing to see here. The Sanders plan: Sanders has proposed a 1% tax on net worth above $32 million for a married couple, with the tax rising until it reaches 8% on wealth over $10 billion. Consider too that the current actual US budge for defense-related funding is$738 billion. in assets and a record current 2021 budget of $738 billion, has for the third year in a row failed its audit. Of phone recordings with conversations with all the balances that Treasury has, Kociolek said missing Money the. 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