The QUEEN MARY's arch rival on the North Atlantic - the French Line's superb NORMANDIE - was studied in detail. On the orders of the neutral American government (in accordance with the Geneva Convention), only maintenance or construction work of a non-beligerent nature could be carried out on the liners moored along the New York waterfront. The QUEEN ELIZABETH at anchor off Nassau, Bahamas. The purpose of the visit was to enable Queen Elizabeth to present the ship with her personal standard, to be framed and hung in the first-class restaurant. Winter cruises from New York to the West Indies were poorly patronised and one was cancelled and replaced with an unscheduled Atlantic crossing. Tonnage: 83,673. It is said that ship repairers always complain that shipowners never give them long enough to complete annual overhauls. Though it was started it was never finished, due to the economic blizzard in the late 1920s. August 2 - 7 First time a complete division was carried on any ship. With flight time cut from twelve to less than seven hours, the lure was irresistible. The view ahead on a sunny day in the North Atlantic. "The voyage, while short, will be extremely difficult for all". These records, which collectively date from 1747 to the 1990s, can providebrief details of ships, the voyages they took and their crew. Labour disputes at sea and ashore also menaced the liner's schedule and on such occasions she was used as a massive pawn in various disputes involving tugmen, dockers, longshoremen or the crew. The outcome was the Cunard (Insurance) Act, passed in December 1930. WebRMS Queen Elizabeth History Pages. One week later work resumed on '534'. Before the ship had even left her berth, one of the six operational boilers developed leaks in its tubes and was declared inoperable. Colonel Bates declared that Cunard philosophy had always been that air and sea travel are complementary rather than competitive on the North Atlantic. The prominent square ventilation cowls on the Mary were also dispensed with on the new ship; fans of a newer design were installed inside the ship. Due to the outbreak of the Second World War, these two events were postponed and Cunard's plans were shattered. By New Year's Day 1972 the liner floated resplendent in her new livery of white hull and orange funnels, with the legend 'Orient Overseas Line' emblazoned along each side of her hull. During almost two decades following the end of the Second World War, young men in Britain were 'called up' for two years of National Service in the armed forces. On 7th August 1946 the QUEEN ELIZABETH entered the King George V dry dock where her 140-ton rudder was inspected. The following morning a small coastal collier was seen in the Irish Sea wallowing along at 6 knots. Cunard White Star Tourist Class, January 1949. Sir Basil Smallpiece said: Like a Greek tragedy the tale of woe gathered force. Two of the ship's fire warning system brass plaques were recovered by a dredger, and were displayed at The Aberdeen Boat Club in Hong Kong in an exhibit about the ship. On Sunday 9th January 1972, three fires started simultaneously on board. The QUEEN ELIZABETH at the anchorage at the Tail of the Bank. It is therefore possible, for example, to find records of deaths of soldiers and prisoners of war returning on ships from the Boer War. It was Chamberlain's firm belief that the British Government should guarantee a building loan to the Cunard Company on the condition that the two companies merged into one united front against the foreign competition. This would also free the fitting-out berth which was urgently needed for the DUKE OF YORK. Her funnels are 70 feet high from deck level. That evening the crew was paid off and just 193 were retained to take the, In the early morning fog of 28th November 1968, the QUEEN ELIZABETH left Southampton for the last time. He went on deck and saw three great ships - the two 'Queens' and the ILE DE FRANCE stationary. [21], The ship ran aground on a sandbank off Southampton on 14 April 1947, and was re-floated the following day. Queen Mary was retired from service on 9 December 1967, and sold to the city of Long Beach, California. The lady then tied her yacht up to a buoy (a forbidden practice carrying a heavy fine), and two days later Southampton Harbour Board received a letter from the lady alleging her yacht had been 'interfered with' by the QUEEN ELIZABETH. A major problem to be settled concerned the insurance of the liner while she was being built, together with the future full sea risks when she was operational. Shipwrecks and maritime incidents in 1947, Shipwrecks and maritime incidents in 1965, Shipwrecks and maritime incidents in 1972, RMS Queen Elizabeth from Victory to Valhalla. The result brightened up the ship considerably after the years of drabness. The ships would have to run without repairs for eleven months of the year. New York Mayor John Lindsay boarded the QUEEN ELIZABETH on sailing day 30th October to bid an official 'farewell'. at Southampton which was specially constructed for the 'Queens'. The National Maritime Museum holds 10% of agreements and crew lists for 1951-1976. The SEAWISE UNIVERSITY (ex QUEEN ELIZABETH). The UNITED STATES took the 'Blue Riband' on her maiden voyage. This would involve a great deal of dredging and the removal of rock outcrops that might hazard the ship's safe progress. in the Firth of Clyde, the U.K. terminal port for the G.I. Very few seem to have been preserved in official archives in the UK, although occasionally a Release (List M) for the whole crew may be found with the crew lists inBT 98. Then, with the same pair of gold scissors that Queen Mary had used to perform the launching ceremony of her namesake, she cut the red, white and blue ribbon which released the bottle of Empire wine to break, just in time, against the new ship's accelerating bow. With the aid of two local tugs the liner finally put down two anchors some six miles off Oranjestad, Aruba. The Government then proposed to lend the new company 9.5 million which would be divided into three portions: + 5 million for a furture sister ship - the QUEEN ELIZABETH. Some two thirds of Cunard's passengers crossed the Atlantic on holiday: hence the company's slogan 'Getting there is half the fun'. Seesection 7.2. For example, for a ship with the number 25820, search using 258* (include the asterisk) as your keyword. The C.G.T. During her construction she was more commonly known by her shipyard number, Hull 552. This also suffered from low bookings and became known as the 'Ghost Ship Voyage'. This would mean an expensive 'light' voyage to New York and, if the inspection failed, an equally expensive 'light' return trip back to the U.K. Cunard faced formidable competiion in the shape of the brand new liner FRANCE and the UNITED STATES operating a weekly integrated transatlantic service. Portions of the hull that were not salvaged were left at the bottom of the bay. Her brother, the Hon. With just enough room for a man to squeeze into his standee. In the early morning fog of 28th November 1968, the QUEEN ELIZABETH left Southampton for the last time. For the purpose of this list, they have been included as Cunard ships. The distance to be covered in a year would be about 145,000 nautical miles. Following his retirement, Sir James was in great demand as a lecturer and one day was telling some schoolchildren of the days when 2,000 lbs of bacon and 32,000 eggs were cooked for breakfast every day. On 11th July Bates replied asking Piggot to 'think of another good number'. Contrary to newspaper reports, this additional oil would not enable the world's largest liner to make the round trip without refuelling, but Cunard would be able to save some money if the current price of fuel oil was cheaper in England than the United States, or vice-versa. By 1960 the jets had 70% of the transatlantic business. The King George V Dock at Southampton, specially built for the 'Queens' was unusable because it was within range of Nazi bombers; the use of the American dock at Bayonne, New Jersey, was denied because of U.S. neutrality; the Esquimault dock on the west coast of Canada was just too far away, and the French dock at St Nazaire (built for the NORMANDIE) was out of the question. In addition to the normal painting, scaling, underwater inspection, removal of propellers, drawing of tailshafts and so forth; 157 tourist-class cabins were given air-conditioning and provision was also made to carry more fuel. The reason was the Chancellor of the Exchequer's apprehension at what might be asked of him by his critics when making the announcement of the order in the House, namely 'that this tender business was all a farce, and that the order was in Brown's pocket from the start. [citation needed]. The Directors decided that work must stop on No.534 - the QUEEN MARY - at noon on Friday 11th December 1931. [31] Position of the wreck: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}221943N 1140644E / 22.32861N 114.11222E / 22.32861; 114.11222. Half her crew was paid off and went on leave, whilst around 400 remained with the ship for maintenance, fire watch and to sail the ship on the coastwise voyage to the Clyde. Many do not survive at all whilst significant proportions of those that do survive are held at other archives, most notably: The National Archives holds the following proportions of surviving crew lists and agreements after 1861: Local archives took some of the records for the period 1863-1913 (see section 12). Additional competition in the form of the new UNITED STATES would also be a factor from mid 1952. Cunard was determined that the new ship would be based on the latest revolutionary developments that had taken place in naval architecture and marine engineering. In all, 2,228 passengers had booked passage on the QUEEN ELIZABETH's maiden voyage. the title of each video, exactly as I have shown it above. with the man above him practically resting on top of him. The Verandah Grill on the QUEEN ELIZABETH -, exclusively for the use of first-class passengers. It was on 3rd February 1971 that the first engine trials were carried out and sailing day was set for Wedmesday 10th February. Apparently the torpedo had exploded well away from the ship. On 27th March 1955 the QUEEN ELIZABETH sailed down the Channel as far as the Lizard to test the new stabilisers. Work on the QUEEN ELIZABETH proceeded rapidly and by February 1937 Colvilles were supplying steel to Clydebank for this ship at the rate of 500 tons a week. The maiden voyage had been arranged to depart from Southampton on 16th October 1946. The QUEEN ELIZABETH was reported as being in excellent shape with her engines in tip-top condition. The Americans wanted the work to be completed and then for the, The QUEEN MARY and the QUEEN ELIZABETH met for the last time when they were both at sea. An alternative was serving in the Merchant Navy, and the prospect of earning 2 a week in the forces, or being well paid in the merchant service proved to be a one-sided choice for many youngsters. In writing to Cammell Laird, Sir Percy said that he was not entirely confident that it could deal with such a large ship and that in particular they might not be able to move the ship into their fitting-out basin. and the QUEEN ELIZABETH together at New York on 10th March 1940. The speed required for the 112-hour passage on the various tracks used across the Atlantic according to the season would be between 27.61 and 28.94 knots. Since the Registry General of Shipping and seamen regulations covered only British seamen, details of engagement, such as length of engagement, could be different, allowing a lascar seaman to be contracted for a period longer than one voyage and sometimes for several years. This cumbersome organisation had involved double-accounting and separate staffing. While being constructed in the mid-1930s by John Brown and Company at Clydebank, Scotland, the build was Sir Percy Bates told the Southern Railway that it was a question of 'no dry dock, no ship'. [12] The interiors were designed by a team of artists headed by the architect George Grey Wornum. It was out of the question for the Elizabeth to sail up to John Brown's shipyard at Clydebank, so it was planned to ferry men and equipment out to the liner as she lay at anchor off the Tail of the Bank. Click onBT 98to search by date and name of British port where the ship was registered. Two masts and two funnels. WebThe eight ships which were passed into the ownership of the new concern were - ALPS, ANDES, BRITISH QUEEN, DAMASCUS, LEBANON, KARNAK, TENERIFFE and TAURUS. The trend of development in the design of Atlantic liners since the coming of steam had been towards larger and faster ships; the larger ships being more comfortable as they were less affected by the elements, whilst the increased speed shortened the trip. The certificate would then be given back to the seaman which is why they can be found in the personal collections of an individual or their family. She urgently needed to be drydocked to have the remains of her launch gear removed from her bottom plates which would then have to be cleaned and painted. The list was kept on board and then sent to the Register Office of Merchant Seamen, the central administration office of the Merchant Navy, on the ships return to Britain. [38][39], The wreck also featured in a flashback sequence in an episode of American Dragon: Jake Long. Mr C.Y. THE CUNARD - WHITE STAR LINER 'QUEEN ELIZABETH'. On 5th April 1968 Cunard announced its decision. They would follow the natural progression of developments then taking place in marine engineering and in naval architecture. [7], On the day RMS Queen Mary sailed on her maiden voyage, Cunard's chairman, Sir Percy Bates, informed his ship designers, headed by George Paterson, that it was time to start designing the planned second ship. This, then, is the story of the QUEEN ELIZABETH, the world's largest liner. The summer overhauls were routine and no special work was done. [9], The new ship improved upon the design of Queen Mary[10] with sufficient changes, including a reduction in the number of boilers to twelve instead of Queen Mary's twenty-four, that the designers could discard one funnel and increase deck, cargo and passenger space. GGA Image ID # 1d36e82385 Queen Elizabeth (1940) Cunard Line Built by John Brown & Co., Clydebank, Glasgow, Scotland. However the QUEEN ELIZABETH still carried a full complement on occasions: over 2,000 passengers were on board on one eastbound sailing in June, 1963. Agreements and crew lists from the 19th century are occasionally accompanied by ships logs and this becomes increasingly common for 20th century records. Rear Admiral Carruthers Joseph William. REINA DEL PACIFICO PACIFIC STEAM NAVIGATION. Apparently the torpedo had exploded well away from the ship. Artificial flowers were tried with the result that the company was inundated with complaints and Cunard rapidly re-introduced fresh flowers at a cost (in the late 1950s) of 850 per voyage. These lists do not include passengers who joined ships en route. These agreements are unlikely to be held in any archive in the UK, but if any do survive, they may be in the archives of shipping companies such as P&O or the British India Steam Navigation Company, or in the East India Company Archives held at the British Library. Other than for Southampton's Albion Band, the quayside was almost bereft of well-wishers. Only the berth at John Brown could accommodate the King George V-class battleships. John Brown Image The queen is greeted by Sir Percy Bates of Cunard John Brown Image The front cover of the official launching booklet for the Queen Elizabeth For the two meals a day that were provided there were six sittings, each of forty-five minutes. Queen Elizabeth leaving New York during her last voyage, 1968. [22] Despite specifications similar to those of Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth never held the Blue Riband, for Cunard White Star chairman Sir Percy Bates asked that the two ships do not try to compete against each other. All that required to be done was drydocking in Japan. He described it as 'a British understatement with a vengeance, as though the British world of ships and shiplovers looked the other way until she had gone. Undoubtedly the incomplete QUEEN ELIZABETH was the greatest dilemma facing John Brown's on the outbreak of war. King George VI had remained in London at the request of the Prime Minister. [citation needed]. With a design that improved upon that of Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth was a slightly larger ship, the largest passenger liner ever built at that time and for 56 years thereafter. Just after midnight on 25th September 1967 the two 'Queens' passed each other in mid-Atlantic, the QUEEN MARY makingher final eastbound transatlantic crossing. There was now no hope of her entering service as the jewel of the British merchant marine. after a visit to the Liverpool Cruise Terminal. Bdmn. Steam was raised on all boilers on 1st March. With these improvements, Cunard intended to keep the ship in operation until at least the mid-1970s. Between 1858 and the First World War, the Merchant Navy did not keep registers of its seamen, so crew lists and agreements are the only records you are likely to find of an individual merchant seaman during this time. These agreements had to be filed within 24 hours of the ships return to a UK port. The QUEEN ELIZABETH was back in service on the North Atlantic on 26th March 1966, but with 150 cabins still not completed, she carried Harland & Wolff workmen with her to finish the job. RMS Carpathia - History, Accommodations, & Ephemera Collection. The unreliability of statistics - or should it be said the ability to interpret them in several ways - is illustrated in the case of the UNITED STATES and the QUEEN ELIZABETH. A Court of Inquiry found that arson was the cause of the fires. It is comparatively short - a long weekend by the express steamers or six and a half hours by air. On board was the ship's namesake, Queen Elizabeth, and her two daughters, Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret. This was designed so that the Government would assume responsibility of the risk of the ship's insurance value over and above the amount which the market could absorb. In December 1974 the decision was taken to scrap the remains of the QUEEN ELIZABETH. Rodaway Thomas. During the first weekend of the war her newly erected forward funnel, resplendent in Cunard red and black, was hastily overpainted in grey. The size of the two proposed superliners was not dictated in any way by a desire on the part of Cunard to have 'Big Ships' for their own sake. As well as state-of-the-art weaponry and communications systems, HMS Queen Elizabeth boasts five gyms, a chapel and a medical centre. The, After disembarking the U.S. troops at Sydney on 6th April 1942, the QUEEN ELIZABETH remained in port for thirteen days before sailing for Fremantle on 19th April. On her maiden voyage the BREMEN crossed from Cherbourg to the Ambrose Channel Light Vessel off New York at an average speed of 27.91 knots, smashing completely the MAURETANIA's proud record of twenty years standing. First Armored Infantry Division (15,125 troops, 863 crew). WebLists can also include passengers who were family members of seamen. With Japan and the United States entering the war after the debacle of Pearl Harbor on 7th December 1941, the QUEEN ELIZABETH was laid up at Sydney for seven weeks. 10, RMS Queen Elizabeth, The Beautiful Lady. ", The QUEEN ELIZABETH making almost 30 knots on her sea trials. In the foreground are the United States. It was just over thirty years since she had launched the ship at Clydebank. When he asked for questions, one boy shot up his arm and asked: "How big were the frying pans?" The QUEEN ELIZABETH almost ready for launching, The QUEEN ELIZABETH towers over the tenements of Clydebank. On 8th May 1967, the axe finally fell and it was announced that the QUEEN ELIZABETH would be withdrawn a year earlier than originally planned - in the Autumn of 1968 after a final summer on the Western Ocean. The offender turned out to be a retired rear-admiral with a D.S.O. 1951onwards Captain Townley received two telegrams on his arrival, one from his wife congratulating him, and the other from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth thanking him for the vessel's safe delivery. After the formal speeches had been completed there was a pause as high tide and slack water were awaited. dry dock at Southampton for annual overhaul. WebThe Cunard - White Star Liner QUEEN ELIZABETH 1938 - 1972 LIVERPOOL SHIPS ACCRA OF 1947 ELDER DEMPSTER LINES AUREOL ELDER DEMPSTER LINES BRITANNIC and GEORGIC CUNARD WHITE STAR CARINTHIA CUNARD LINE EMPRESS OF BRITAIN CANADIAN PACIFIC EMPRESS OF CANADA LOSS BY FIRE The QUEEN ELIZABETH was ready for her trials in early October and sailed for the Clyde on the sixth of the month. The QUEEN ELIZABETH alongside the quay at Cherbourg. There was no one on deck, but when the yacht was hailed an old lady appeared from below. It occurred one day out of Ceylon and Dr Maguire remembered waking suddenly because the engines were slowing down. INS forms used to record information about passengers, crew members, and aliens: Form 680 or I-480, List or Manifest of Aliens Employed on the Vessel as Members of the Crew (used in 1945) Form I-481, List or Manifest of all Persons Employed on a Great Lakes Vessel (used in 1945) Paul earned a Masters of Archival Studies - a terminal degree from Clayton State University in Georgia, where he studied under renowned archivist Richard Pearce-Moses. But the prime reason for the day's visit was for the Queen to unveil a portrait of herself. The QUEEN ELIZABETH making her final arrival at Southampton at the. And so, on 24th June 1945, the QUEEN ELIZABETH left Gourock with her first load of returning G.I.s. Crew lists and agreements for Indian crew (or lascars) of British registered ships who enlisted on the Indian sub-continent are called Asiatic agreements. As 1939 wore on, men and materials were taken away from the liner as Admiralty work took priority, and the pace of work on board slowed down. It remained in the NORMANDIE until the outbreak of war, after which it was returned to the Hanley jewellers who made it. Launched, September 27, 1938. The now retired Commodore Marr and a former chief engineer of the ship were hired by Tung as advisors for the journey to Hong Kong. On August Bank Holiday, 1950, a yacht cruised across the fairway in the track of the QUEEN ELIZABETH. Therefore Cunard approached the Government and asked them if they would bear the additional burden. CPO. October 2 The 'Cassandra' column in the 'Daily Mirror' on 29th November 1961 was uncharacteristically enthusiastic about the QUEEN ELIZABETH. Reliable boilers would have to be chosen as there would be no opportunity for boiler cleaning in port. Following his retirement, Sir James was in great demand as a lecturer and one day was telling some schoolchildren of the days when 2,000 lbs of bacon and 32,000 eggs were cooked for breakfast every day. On the return southbound voyages the ships carried Allied wounded, internees or enemy prisoners-of-war, stopping off at Ceylon. Crew lists for ships on foreign voyages (Schedule C) An alternative site was found at Fort Lauderdale in Florida. Only a little fuel remained after the transatlantic crossing, but a barge moved alongside to take it off as necessary. with U.S. troops on a G.I. War seemed very much to be a likelihood on that September day, but the King had sent a message which Queen Elizabeth incorporated into her speech. This information will help us make improvements to the website. The QUEEN ELIZABETH entering the King George V Dry Dock at Southampton, The QUEEN ELIZABETH was ready for her trials in early October and sailed for the Clyde on the sixth of the month. This meant that the crew had to re-sign on foreign-going Articles. two express steamers became a reality in August, 1947. On her maiden voyage in 1928, the German liner BREMEN captured, the Blue Riband of the North Atlantic, crossing from the Bishop Rock. Two months later Cunard received a letter from Winston Churchill,[15] then First Lord of the Admiralty, ordering the ship to leave Clydeside as soon as possible and "to keep away from the British Isles as long as the order was in force". Tide and slack water were awaited five gyms, a yacht cruised across the fairway the. Clydebank, Glasgow, Scotland that air and sea travel are complementary rather than competitive on QUEEN... Naval architecture have been included as Cunard ships then, is the story of the New.! Was urgently needed for the QUEEN ELIZABETH making almost 30 knots on her sea trials engineering and in naval.... Hull that were not salvaged were left at the anchorage at the bottom of the business! 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