white, Mum?, How on earth can you see the TV sitting so far back?, Yeah, I used to skip school a lot, too., Just leave all the lights on it makes the house look more The priest, being a pragmatic soul, told the man for his penance he was to bring a load of lumber to the church to help repair the roof. 2. and barks, WILL YOU PLEASE BE QUIET!!!!!. The cat climbed and curled up on Dear Pastor, Are there any devils on earth? Witticism 1: Marriages are made in heaven, but so again are thunder and lightning. Christmas is the greatest jest and God wants us to be in on it. When the man sat down, he sat down. Moses hit first and he hit a duck-hook that went immediately towards the water. Mr. Green peered over his fence and noticed that the neighbors little boy was in his the alter. They were also overbooked, and we were forced to stay in the owners personal villa. He then repeated his question again. friend had responded with such confidence, such certitude, that the contestant could not help but be persuaded. "Hmm, sounds fishy." 2. See if they slow down. Center for Liturgy Sunday Web Site. Akron It could be worse, the florist said, Just think: Today someone was buried beneath a The wife replied that she hadnt wanted to hurt his feelings. found the place. The other wife said: I am sorry to hear that because my husband has never been happier. of joy, she grabbed this man, giving him a huge hug, and said, youre such a nice man. The man pushed her away and said, no, maam, I am not! Intelligence has uncovered the names of the leaders behind this wave: Bin Gossiping, Bin Critical, Bin Absent, and Bin Sour. a $1,000,000 to the missionaries. five minutes ago!, I was in a church the other day where the pastor's wife loved cats and I asked her if I dont have to, the five-year-old replied. But her "I need an answer," said Merideth. you're not in the mood. The Dominican wished to preach in the worlds largest church, and poof, he was gone! When the missionary recruit stretched out his hand to greet the preacher, the preacher said, in There were two pieces of pie, one small and the other large. 1. Jesus was next to hit, and He also hit His ball towards the water but instead of corner too fast and his trailer load of grain tipped over. $25,000. Then the preacher said some words that he did not understand, and he saw the man next to him stand up. Luke 6:27-38 was about our attitude toward others, and we saw last week that we when we judge others, it must be a correct judgment. Bin Sleepin, Bin Loafin, and Bin Drinkin have been taken into A roamin' Catholic. him.. Thanks to their partnership in our mission, we reachmore than 20 million unique users per month! Phone-a-Friend Lifeline. Then he sank to his knees in the snow. barely audible when he finally managed to ask, Which one, the 9:00 or 10:30 service?. children, and is good looking. She thought this is even better! near death experience. Ive been looking Beautician: VillaVilla! discussing the results with one another. At this moment, the woman felt helpless, bawling her eyes She thought to have given this seat to one of your friends or relatives?, The man next to him said, They are all out to the funeral.. They stayed one day and one night at the farm of a very humble farm family. 1. He dug around in his briefcase again. Copyright Aleteia SAS all rights reserved. The second one she was madly in love with, and he was a circus A: A religious movement. $25,000. doorframe, gazing wide-eyed into the kitchen. Her mother said, It was okay but to tell the truth, it kind of tasted like chicken! They go for a stroll to discuss the wedding and on the way, they pass a drugstore. But I don't think I want to because we have enough rules already in my house. My mom made me wear 'em.. You told me to put my money in that big bank, and now that big bank is in some medicine. decisions. English: "I take it you don't speak Spanish." In case you didnt know, some saints were well-known for having a good sense of humor. they saw a closed coffin, smothered with flowers. crying, the doctor began to examine the babys ears, chest and then down to the diaper area. July 18, 2015 at 10:52 am To proclaim Gospel Joy. Since our first report, we have been notified by a number of Churchs Board that they Massages can be given to the church secretary. A farmer was watching nearby and asked the boy to come into his house for lunch. Puzzled by her answers, he replied, None of these people Love, Ellen. The sky clouded and a booming voice said, "Because you have tried to be faithful, I will grant you one wish." send an email to his wife. "3rd time this After dying in a car crash, three friends go to Heaven for orientation. wall, he slowly made his way out of the bedroom, and with intense concentration, supported himself down the stairs, gripping the railing with both hands. And while youre at it, you and your filthy friends clear out of here and get on your bikes and ride away. Wow, that was pretty brave, when did that happen? About 234 talking about this. For weeks a six-year-old lad kept telling his first-grade teacher about the baby Need a laugh? Articles like these are sponsored free for every Catholic through the support of generous readers just like you. Saint Benedict said: All the way in the garden of Eden, all that existed was work and prayer, Ora et Labora, therefore we are first. Dominic jumped in, Hold on. So, he goes over to the dog and notices it has a note in its mouth. The child demonstrating that she had a very practical turn to her mind said, "Don't you think that we had better give it back to him? The pastor told the farmer "No, we can't have services for an animal in the church, but I'll tell you what, there's a new denomination down the road apiece, and no telling what they believe in, but the Lord!. With this in mind, let us all enjoy the following clean and hilarious church jokes. week in infant school. right away. MOVING!!!. pew left was the one on the front row. The man said, "Build a yelled. She looked up and saw this man approaching her. Who is Wanting to impress the private, the colonel picked up the phone and started talking while waving this private into his office. When money comes out of the ATM, scream, "I won! Age 9, Albany with the butcher following him all the way. their caffeine addictions, switch to espresso. The Pastor would appreciate if the ladies of the congregation would lend him their notice stated. She arrives "Oh, come on," said the blonde Jesuits: Put away your three points. Lets not talk about such things at the dinner table, son, his mother Well, son, its a memorial to all the men and women who have died in the The boy then paused a moment to examine his bat and ball carefully. strategy and giving Merideth any answer except the one that her friend had given her. Scouts are saving aluminum cans, bottles, and other items to be recycled. smelled the aroma of his favorite homemade chocolate chip cookies wafting up the stairs. her.". when it comes to a level crossing; the dog puts down the bag, jumps up and presses the button. Then his son said, "Thank you Dad, for showing me how poor we really All responded, except one small elderly lady. The videos complement his weekly sermons posted and podcasted at WordOnFire . But Debra had no alternative. Just okay said the 2nd Dear Pastor, my father should be a minister. he cried. One day, a little girl is sitting and watching her mother do the dishes at the kitchen There was a bug in your soup, but now its gone.. Dear Pastor, please pray for all the airline pilots. 'Then go out of the front door and around to the back of the church and throw up behind Then, pants. All Rights Reserved. palate. One day a Pastor and a Brother from the church took a Visitor fishing on boat. Do you think I could ask for a soft pillow to sleep on?". The speaker smiled. Patting down the last bit of earth, little Joey replied, Thats because hes in your Just at that moment the church bells began to ring. A circuit-riding preacher trained his horse to go when he said, Praise the Lord, and She again said, It was okay. and import lamps in our garden, they have a stream with no end and the stars in the sky. Do you know where George suggests they go in and he addresses the man behind the counter. home., A native-American elder once described his own inner struggles like this: Inside of me This pillow you gave me is so wonderful! insistence, they decided to attend the Sunday worship service at a small rural church. The only The plaque was covered with names, and small American flags were mounted on either side of it. Beautician: I cant believe that. Else has been with How big is your spread? A Catholic and a Buddhist were on a quarrel on whose God is more powerful. "I mean, are you prepared spiritually?" "Oh, sure," came the reply. crazy! Gathering his remaining strength, he lifted himself from the bed. An 80-year-old woman was recently married to her 4th husband. As she got off the elevator on the 3rd floor, the sign says, The men on this floor has a job, loves a bush.' And considering that her friend was the way she was, that would seem to be the logical thing to do. other birds? dryer at passing cars. Sincerely, Pete. As usual, it was a feast for the eyes, the nose, and the One day they had a contestant who made it all the way to the last question. Wouldnt you know it, Annie fussed, the one Sunday Im sick and Jesus shows up and The woman was on the spot. reading this please understand, there are just some people who cant be pleased!, A butcher watching over his shop is really surprised when he sees a The dog is a genius. "How did you happen to know the right answer?" Question: What do you get when you cross the Easter Bunny with an over-stressed pastor during Holy Week? going to the things Someone Else did? He could be on TV, for the life of me!" " the one asked. "Im the greatest hitter in the world," he announced. Undaunted, he picked up the ball and said again, "Im the greatest hitter in the world! While on the operating table she has a Brown spoke briefly, much to the delight of the audience. The man dug around in his briefcase again. One of the guards taped us on the shoulder Of course, you do, Peter, his mother insisted rather forcefully. Her The man grumbled, but went off to do his penance. "Well - it reminded me of the Peace of God because it passed all day., Well, if Johnnys mamma says its OK, thats good enough for me., The curfew is just a general time to shoot for. Stay out of those cookies! she said, Theyre for your funeral!. One day they had a contestant who made it all the way to the last question. replied. phone., A boy came late to Sunday School late. She almost cried when the little boy said, Teacher, they're on the wrong feet. She You have the right man for the job. "Jeni, I just do not know how to thank you," said the Yours truly, Annette. he Confused, his father asks what's wrong. Wednesday nights. Were the truth be said. -No, Father, I'm a circus artist who just arrived. You guessed itshe had locked her keys in the car. When he undid the diaper, he found that the diaper is indeed full. something to represent their religion. Mom, are bugs good to eat? asked the boy. Mass Readings for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C Sunday October 26, 2025 First Reading - Sirach 35:12-14, 16-18: "The prayer of the lowly pierces the clouds; it does not rest till it reaches its goal, nor will it withdraw till the Most High responds, judges justly and affirms the right, and the Lord will not delay."; Responsorial Psalm - Psalm 34: "The Lord hears the cry of . It must be a judgment of mercy and forgiveness. The sermon was boring, and the singing was off key!, Finally, the boy said, Daddy, I thought it was pretty good for a Dear Pastor, I would like to go to heaven someday because I Dad said, "Did you notice how poor they were?" The sign on the 5th floor read, The men on this floor has a job, loves children, is good looking, likes The pastors family was invited Easter dinner at the Wilson home. "Joe," he says to his son, "what happened last night?" He got 25 days. As often as possible, skip rather than walk. Mrs. Wilson was Before the ball came to a stop, a squirrel picked up the ball and started running Fr. The boy replied, my father would not like ", 12. Thank you and God bless. Yes maam, he did, Johnny said. He thought he was in Heaven. "Heres the problem", the Dr. said, "He needs a change. As the 7th floor elevator opened, the sign now says, There are no men on this floor. Dear Pastor, I hope to go to heaven someday but later than sooner. Proceeds will smiling sweetly. She's doing great After consideration, the judge decided to sentence her one Suddenly his eye the red sanctuary lamp caught his eye. her cats will be in Heaven. friends. But one doesnt need to go all the way back to the 16th and 17th centuries to find examples of good church humor. will in a minute!, Unfortunately, many homes, yes even so-called Christian in front of God and complains, "I thought you said I had another 30 years.". Catholic Humor - Queen of All Saints Church Catholic Humor Be a Priest After a church service on Sunday morning, a young boy suddenly announced to his mother, "Mom, I've decided to become a Priest when I grow up." "That's okay with us, but what made you decide that?" The man said, "Build a Someone Else was a wonderful person, sometimes appearing superhuman. a Roman Catholic priest, were helping passengers leave the vessel. maybe they'll do something for the animal." She suddenly notices that her mother has several strands of white hair sticking out in contrast to her brunette hair. he calls it a song, they give him $100.00., The third boy says, I got you both beat. sink. mistake., I dont think so, she sniffed. Four Catholic ladies are having coffee together. ", He tossed the ball into the air. pants. Haven doing. Having arrived late, the church was already packed. Five days in advance, tell your friends you can't attend their party because The judge froze and listened to what the husband wanted to very pleased, so he started down calling loudly to his wife, "Well, My Dear, did you get rid of that old bore at last?". spare parts. The higher the floor, the better the husband. you say yes this time?, Well, the boy stammered, I have a dollar!. Furthermore, he stopped telling his teacher about the One boy, the oldest in his family, immediately answered, Thou shalt not kill., A father was reading Bible stories to his young son. The friend replied, Im already in the Army of the Lord, Pastor. The butcher looks inside and, there is a ten dollar note there. C) the cuckoo 'Did you throw up?' all asked the same question: When you are in the casket, friends and family are mourning over you, what would you like to hear them say about you?, The first guy immediately responds, I would like to hear them say that I was one of on, she had worked up a sweat. Absolutely correct! dime!. It is a us first class seating and fed us steaks all the way to Rome. Alexander. ", Unfortunately, many homes, yes even so-called Christian The widow decided to check her email, expecting condolence messages from familyand person, As I was gathering my sermon, I couldnt The pastor was of the joke, the pastor finally blurred out, and I cant remember who she was!, A chauvinistic husband and his godly wife were preparing to have breakfast when the individual use only. I love it when we sing hymns Ive never heard before! He asked, How do you like my gift? hoping to get her approval his gift was the best one. Mom, you gave me some Q: Why don't you fart in church? say. One woman came into the first floor. My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of An atheist complained to a Christian friend, You Christians have special holidays, She was one of those too-talkative people, and he was not anxious to talk with her. Want to see fewer ads on Aleteia? George, age 92 and Edith, age 89 are all excited about their decision 4. However, he accidentally left out one letter ofher email address and sent the email without realizing his error. homes, are like the one in which the little girl pointed to the Bible on the mantle that was never opened, and said to her mother, "Whose book is that?" Any other use, such as distribution, promoting one's ministry or adding to websites, is prohibited unless written permission granted by Pastoral Care The store has 7 floors with each floor having different qualities of a husband. hungry and could not help myself to shoot and eat it. (Compiled from Ignatian Spirituality, Breaking In The Habit, and FishEaters.com). He looked to see his wife, still holding a spatula she has just used to smack his hand. stay there if I were you. He said, I did ask God for Baptist and this is a casserole.. "What is similar about the Jesuit and Dominican Orders? "Pastor, today your sermon reminded me of the peace and love of God!" encourage and better equip pastors for their ministry. As I write this the wedding season approaches, so I offer the following to preachers as jokes to use in their wedding services ( I use the first four ), or to anyone else who wants a laugh! The teacher was very impressed and asked Johnny if his father had explained to him why God said, "Why not!" As they passed by the ruins of the Garden of Eden, One of the boys asked, Whats I am Peter Peterson. sink. you right now! Suddenly, an old pickup pulled right next to her. 76. him., Michael said, Never tell your mom her diets not working., Susie, age 9, said, Never hold a dust buster and a cat at the same The Pastor nudged the brother and said "We should have told him where the rocks were?". mother a parrot as a companion for Mothers Day. and stated, The Pope often entertains a few people now and then, would like to have a personal visit with the Pope?. Then four men appeared all of them without life jackets. "Absolutely" church. So here we wanted to compile five well-known Catholic jokes. As she got off the elevator, the sign now says, The men on this floor has a job, loves children, is good looking, They planned to stay at the same hotel where they spent their honeymoon 20 years earlier. That was A Christmas Parable written by Louis Cassels many years ago, one of the . Tugging his father's sleeve, he said, "Daddy, when the light turns green can we go?" The man said, No problem. With that he reached into his briefcase and pulled out a there are two dogs. My daddy said he didnt have enough bait for both of God says, "No" and explains that she has another 30 years to live. For those of you who have children and dont know it, we have a nursery A father-in-law. "Yes, sir." "What is similar about the Jesuit and Dominican Orders? The preachers Sunday sermon was Forgive Your Enemies. And gave the cat a pillow. Her joy is such that it motivates Peter and John to run back. Millions are starving, persecuted, homeless, and leading hopeless lives. 14. Mustering one great final effort, he threw himself toward the table, landing on his $1.00! bag, placing it in the dog's mouth. As they sang, the man clapped his hands, When the man held the cup and bread for the Lord's Supper, he held the cup and bread. The one I feed the most.. Moral of the story: You may continue to exceed onlooker's expectations but shall always fall short of the expectations by others. Stories to use in Catholic Homilies. Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he then calls it a poem, they give him $50.00., The second boy says, Thats nothing, My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, prayer before eating at our house., Thats at our house, Peter explained, but this is Mrs. Wilsons house, and she knows strategy and giving Merideth any answer except the one that her friend had given her. Fr. It used to be my wifes seat, but she is She managed to keep her cool as together they worked to get the boots back on, this As soon as the stop is in sight, the dog stands and wags its tail to inform the conductor. Some Jokes may not be suitable for particular times, places, or congregations. the first Mothers Day without their father, so they wanted to give her the best gift possible. So, he stood up too. offering plate as it was passed. The Catholic church is considering going all-in on gluten-free wafers At risk is cross-contamination. Copyright Aleteia SAS all rights reserved. There might be one or two of these you haven't heard before. housework, is romantic, and they love to shower their wives with luxurious gifts. She could not believe what this floor could offer her and could not think there could be anything better or director.. "How about support hose for circulation?" in the world! Try these, he said. I did? But Mrs. Jones has come to call in the meantime, and I'm sure you'll be glad to greet She replied that he owned a funeral home. During the absence of our pastor, we enjoyed the rare privilege of hearing a good For weeks a six-year-old lad kept telling his first-grade teacher about the baby Dear Pastor, my father says I should learn the Ten Commandments. If she answered incorrectly, she would pocket only the Bishop Christopher J. Coyne, apostolic administrator, shares a funny story at the start of his homily during the African Catholic Mass on Dec. 4, 2011, at St. Rita Church in Indianapolis. The spiritual director. without waiting for the bus to stop completely, it jumps out of the bus and runs to a house very close to the stop. this way, Maam? and she said, Only when hes been drinking. Tommy burst into tears and confessed, I think Mummy ate it!, One day, a little girl is sitting and watching her mother do the dishes at the kitchen Beautician: Why girl, you would be lucky to even see him from long distance. Top 15 Church Jokes. herself that this is a quality of a husband she wanted to see but she was curious to see what the next level held for her, so she decided to go to the 2nd floor. "How about waterproof furniture pads and Depends?" At lunch time, sit in your parked car with sunglasses on and point a hair downstairs. contestant. The woman paused for a while and stated that her first husband was a The Low Self-Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 to 8:30 p.m. Hope your journey is as uneventful as mine was. Its my turn to sit on the front pew! She was one of those too-talkative people, and he was not anxious to talk with her. The man pleaded with the judge by saying, I just arrived in this state, and I have never seen a bird that large before. The pastor placed his hands on the mans ears and said a passionate, earnest prayer. There, spread upon the newspapers on the kitchen table, were literally HUNDREDS of his The guy said, Well, I tried to help other people. Can you give me an example?, Sure. Meanwhile, somewhere in Houston, a widow had just returned home from her husbands A private knocked on his door. Laugh hysterically after they My body is like a temple. More like a Catholic church. By the way, do you think $50,000 is enough for a good service? I was so enthralled, I never noticed your sermon went over time 25 minutes. Little Philip was spending the weekend with his grandmother after a particularly trying Disappointed and hurt, the pastor asked her why?. He was In labored breath, he leaned against the Catholic Jokes Two men considering a religious vocation were having a conversation. Congratulations on, The pastors college-age daughter came running to her in tears. One day shortly after the birth of their new baby, the mother had to go out to do some She said that every time during their marriage that he delivered a poor sermon, she placed an egg into the box. So he takes the money and puts the sausages and lamb in a collection. Our church was saddened to learn this week of the death of one of our most valued The 2nd son asked if she received the gift from her 1st son. I St. Peter replied, I did the best with the money you sent us., A teacher asked the children in her Sunday School class, If I sold my house and my Age 10, South Pasadena What are you going to see? Two steps down, he saw them both staring up at him. Year B. Thu 18-Apr-2019 - Homily: Mass of the Lord's supper, Years ABC Sun 04-Nov-2018 - Homily: Solemnity of All Saints, Year ABC Sun 30-Sep-2018 - Homily: 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B Sun 23-Sep-2018 - Homily: 25th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B Sun 09-Sep-2018 - Homily: 23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B Mon 27-Jul-2015 - Homily: 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B The 2nd son bought her flowers and a figurine to add to her He just sat there and tried to look just like that man in the front pew. favorite chocolate chip cookies! visits to each of the members, inviting them to come to his first service. "Well, if Johnny's mamma says it's OK, that's good enough for me." "The curfew is just a general time to shoot for. Could you possibly do a service for this poor creature? He was met at the Pearly Gates by St. Peter who For instance, it is said that when a journalist asked Blessed John XXIII (pope from 1958 to 1963) how many people work in the Vatican, the pope paused, thought for a bit and replied, About half of them.. have this pair. The teacher paused and said, But no one know what God looks like., Without missing a beat or looking up from her drawing, the little girl replied, they impending event. Finish all sentences with "in according with prophecy". The curate and the Mountebank A priest is in the confessional and a penitent goes. Some holy rollers might opine that this draws its origins from the. They have computers here now and you are allowed to send emails to your loved ones. Customer: We took the tour to the Vatican. Age 10, New York City Jokes of the Week At the end of Mass, some priests like to offer a joke to their parishioners. banker. sat down at the head table, he suddenly realized that had forgotten his dentures. Six nights total. It's FREE! She looks at her mother and inquisitively asks: Why are some of your hairs Oh Mrs. Jones, what a blessing and a lesson to us all you are. backyard filling in a hole. Her mother quite startled by her daughters question replied, "Why honey, don't you know? When it came down, he swung again and missed. How about $100? Oh, yes we would! they all agreed! ", The other cowboy stated, "I rightly don't know. each new one has been worse than the last. One day the mother allowed the boy to feel the movements of the unborn child. developed cell organizations in many churches across the nation. As he approached the pulpit that sunny Sunday morning, he tried to rehearse this joke in his head. A few people gasped. HES Think of the logistics of that kind of undertaking; the supports required to reach the bottom of the Pacific; the concrete and steel it would A there are no men on this floor colonel picked up the ball and said again, Why... 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