Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If love really does make the world go around your world will be spinning faster than ever. ARTS & PURSUITS. You have been a bit hesitant to open up emotionally in recent weeks but as Venus, your ruling planet, aligns with Jupiter today that should no longer be such a problem. Remind them that you are their equal, not their servant. YOU's resident astrologer Sally Brompton reveals your weekly horoscope for 11th-17th April 2022. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21): Cosmic activity in one of the more romantic areas of your chart makes this a great time to let the people you love know just how much you appreciate their efforts on your behalf. (NEW YORK POST) 24 Oct-22 Nov. You seem remarkably confident at the moment thanks to the influence of a rare Jupiter-Neptune conjunction and you must put that self-belief to good use. Romance is on the rise. You make your plans and stick to it, but you need to control your tendency to behave moody, timid and spendthrift at times. Set them aside and focus on what you love. Invest everything you do with love. A 444 tattoo is not just a beautiful and significant symbol, but also a constant reminder of the spiritual guidance and protection that is always around us throughout the day. Stop harking back to the past and what might have been and focus on making the future a much better place. Home - Horoscope - If Today Is Your Birthday Sally Brompton. Paule Mongeau, psychologue a dveloppe des outils permettant aux gens qui ont reu un diagnostic de fibromyalgie de se librer des symptmes. If you try to restrict their freedom not only will you fail but you may encourage them to be more rebellious. What is going on. Why not give them a call and get back together today? As restrictive Saturn moves out your sign in March, Suddenly your world is full of openings and opportunities , All text and images are copyright Sally Brompton.