Complete all sections of this form. Strictly Necessary Cookie must be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. 1 year of legal questions related to your estate planning, answered by our network of attorneys. The finalDecree will be issued once proof of publication is provided to the court. Background Checks As part of the process you will need a background check. The judge or magistrate will complete the rest. This is the form that you will submit to your local newspaper to publish notice of the requested name change. (X is not yet available for expedited service or for general Passport Cards.). What if I'm not sure what I'm looking for? Social Security card with your new name. You must not have been convicted of a felony in this state or any other state or under federal law. [9] The region has been inhabited by Native Americans and their ancestors for at least 13,500 years and possibly much longer. It depends upon the party having satisfied the requirements for the process. A copy of this written notification must be provided to the Court. Only the information in the caption box is to be filled out. Furthermore, publishing may not be required if the child is a victim of child abuse ( 18-6-401) or a victim of domestic abuse ( 13-14-101(2)). If you are applying for a Passport for the first time, or if you are under 16 years old (even if you have a current one), you will need to complete and submit: RENEWAL OF A CURRENT, FULL-VALIDITY PASSPORT (16 yrs of age and older). You will be required to pay the $100 filing fee upon submission of your documents. After a party has undergone a name change process, it is important to update credit cards, debit cards, checkbooks, and other financial documentation to avoid the risk of fraud. Thereafter, they can request certified copies for proof and facilitate other name change processes in governmental facilities. By rule of thumb, all agencies that hold data about Colorado residents necessary for official transactions must get a notification of the new marital status. Remember to include payroll, email, internal directories, name tags, uniforms, business cards, 401k, etc. Complete all sections of the JDF 386 Petition form. Weve tried to put these in roughly the order that you should complete them, but some of it is personal preference. Click on Records on the right hand side, near the bottom. Your CBI background check should take no longer than four (4) weeks. JDF 387 Order for Change of Name to Obtain Identity-Related Documents. Law enforcement agencies are no longer required to provide fingerprinting for civil cases. Fill in the caption portion of the form only (court and petition information at the top of the form). Additional updates conducted by the DMV Colorado are vehicle titles and registrations. District court clerks for divorce, separation or annulment records. All CNCP staff are volunteers and 100% of your donation will go to helping trans Coloradans with their name and gender marker corrections. Search County Records Online Once your name is legally changed, you need certificate copies to update your name with schools, banks, employers and public agencies. *Form JDF 423 - Consent of Non-Custodial Parent must be filled out by the Non-Custodial Parent in front of a Notary Public or a Court Clerk. JDF 386 Petition for Change of Name to Obtain Identity-Related Documents. Prepare theOrder for Publication for Change of Nameform and attach it to your completed documents. Below is a link to the Colorado Bureau of Investigations website which includes information and instructions sorted by category: Application for a Social Security Card (SS-5), Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies, Division of Insurance, Form for Change of Name to obtain Identity-Related Documents (JD386), Order for Publication of Change of Name (JD426), Order for Change of Names to obtain Identity-Related Documents (JD387), Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies, Division of Real Estate, Department of Public Health and Environment, Vital Records Unit, Proof of age and gender (it could be an old drivers license or a birth certificate), Evidence of name change (marriage certificate, court order change of name, or a decree of divorce), Legal records of name change documents (court-ordered name change, marriage certificates, or a decree of divorce. What are the fees for a Name Restoration? You can pick this up from the Pride Resource Center (LSC 232) or from the Ram Card office. Once publication has occurred, you will need to file proof of publication with the court. For trans women and others who were assigned male at birth and have registered with the Selective Service, notification of a name change is legally required within ten days. This information only applies to a person who is 70 years of age or older, has not been convicted of a felony or adjudicated as a juvenile deliquent for an offense that would constitute a felony if committed by an adult in any state or under federal law, and is seeking a name change to harmonize name discrepancies necessary to be issued an identification card in Colorado. This document will serve as evidence of the childs change of name. WHAT YOU NEED: Certified name change final decree and DR-2083 (if you are also correcting your gender). If the partys spouse has a commercial drivers license, it will attract an extra $15.50. You are also responsible for providing certified copies of any criminal dispositions of the minor childthat are not reflected in the CBI or FBI records, and any other dispositions which are unknown, by contacting the agency where such actions occurred. Attach any other criminal disposition documentation the child may have and identify it as "Exhibit B". Once the Order is granted by the court, then publication with a newspaper will be the next step. Make sure to write the full legal name of the child and the proposed name on the caption box part of this form. The legal name change form can be downloaded from the Colorado State Judicial Branch. Prepare aNotice to Non-Custodial Parent by Publicationform and attach it to the Request to Publish Notice. Expect to receive a new social security card by mail. *Complete all sections of form JDF 433 - Petition for Change of Name (Adult). Do I need a criminal background check for my child? Wait 3 business days. Health Services Alerts Emergency Response Guide Emergency Management Homeland Security Travel Alerts Road Conditions Cyber Security Help Center A single-sided black and white copy of the proof of citizenship. Therefore, interested parties get referred to the courts of jurisdiction to get a change of name. To update information with them, call (303) 866-2100, or visit the ground address below: Colorado Energy Office Exhibit C- Written notification to DOC, Probation or Community Corrections (if this applies to you) If the Non-Custodial Parent cannot fill out and sign the JDF 423 -Consent of Non-Custodial Parent form, or if the location of the Non-Custodial Parent is unknown, you may ask the Court to order publication of the notice in a local newspaper. If your change of name request is approved by the court, a judge or magistrate will sign the document. Contact the court in the county where you are filing your name change petition to find out their process. JDF 1258 - Affidavit for Decree without Appearance of Parties (Civil Union) Insert your full legal name and the proposed name change in thecaption box on the form. Write to the IRS office where you file your returns (using the Without a payment address under Where Do You File, later) to Please read the guide below (JDF 432), before completing any forms. *The victim of domestic abuse as defined in 13-14-101(2), C.R.S. The petitioner (person filing the request) must be above the age of eighteen (18) and may only submit their filings to a court located in the county where the applicant resides. Mail or hand deliver the completed fingerprint cards to the FBI and CBI. Contact Us Courts Physical Address 100 Jefferson County Parkway Golden, CO 80419 Phone : 720-772-2500 Hours The courthouse facility is open Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. except for court holidays. A complete list of documents accepted by the SSA can be seen here. WebThe Colorado name change process: Vital Records Section Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South HSVRD-VS-A1 Denver, CO 80246-1530. Attach receipt or proof of legal name change from the Social Security Administration office (SSA). These companies will differ. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accommodations, appointment to visit a driver license office. WebPetitioner: The person filing a Petition for Change of Name. Adult Name Change (No Marriage or Divorce), Petition for Change of Name (70 Years of Age or Older), Public Notice of Petition for Change of Name, Final Decree for Change of Name to Obtain Identity-Related Documents, Motion to File without Payment and Supporting Financial Affidavit, Request to Publish Notice to Non-Custodial Parent of Change of Minors Name and Publication Order, Notice to Non-Custodial Parent by Publication, You are a victim of domestic violence as defined in, You are the victim of child abuse as defined in, You are a victim of domestic abuse as defined in, Proof of legal name change (e.g., court order, marriage license), Proof of identity (e.g., U.S. passport, U.S. drivers license), Proof of U.S. citizenship (e.g., U.S. birth certificate, U.S. passport). Destroy the old version(s). If you do not think you can afford it, you can request a waiver of the filing fee bycompleting formJDF 205Motion to File Without Payment and Supporting Financial Affidavit, and the caption box ofJDF 206Finding and Order Concerning Payment of Fees or visit our Filing Without Payment for complete information. Proof of identity. Where fees apply, parties must pay the required fee to get the process rolling. You should then provide the certified copy to theDepartment of Revenue so that they can issue you a new drivers license or identification card showing your new name. It takes about 24-48 business hours for changes to be processed with the Social Security Administration. *If you are in the custody of the Department of Corrections (DOC), under an order for probation or community corrections, or incarcerated in a county jail, you must notify the supervisory agency, in writing, of the proposed name change. 13-15-101 . Access Public Records. The citation we provide here is one that is media-neutral and does not depend on being located in a print edition of a book. However, a USAFretiree provided her experience: DEERS told me to call the US Air Force Service Project Office at 800-525-0102. If the publication was waived or was not necessary, the Final Decree for Change of Name will be issued by the Court after the hearing. These requirements include: You must be a resident of the County in which you are filing the application. JDF 386 - Petition for Change of Name to Obtain Identity-Related Documents Download PDF Download Word Document Revised 08/17 JDF 387 - Final Decree for Change of Name to Obtain Identity Related Documents Download 4:30 pm The Project Office must then follow existing Service procedures to send an update to Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS), or the Service equivalent pay office, to allow DFAS, or the Service equivalent pay office, to update its system with the corrected gender. WebUpdate you Preferred Name on Ram Web. Please enable Strictly Necessary Cookies first so that we can save your preferences! Be aware that payments apply only to persons under the age of 60 years. Please consult the information provided in the Colorado Courts Instructions for filing a Change of Name (Adult) for step-by-step details. 1600 Broadway, Suite 1960 The fees charged by these agencies are set by the agency and may change without notice. *Complete all sections of form JDF 421 - Petition for Change of Minor Child. Detailed instructions are included as part of this form. To findthe correct court, searchCourts by County. If not, update your name on each document and have it re-executed (signed in front of a notary). Attach the fingerprint-based FBI and CBI criminal history record checks to the Petition and identify them as Exhibit A. Expect to provide a certified copy of your name change and/or an updated ID. WebCounty vital records offices for birth and death records. Acceptable forms of documentation include: marriage license, divorce decree, court order, immigration records, or passport. Individual workplaces will differ. JDF 385- Instructions for Name Change (Prior Felons), JDF 386 - Petition for Change of Name to Obtain Identity-Related Documents, JDF 387 - Order for Change of Name to Obtain Identity-Related Documents. Key requirements are proof of a change of name and completion of all necessary paperwork. However, before the application can be submitted, you must conduct a fingerprint-based background check on yourself with both the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI). However, the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies, Division of Insurance, runs the largest coverage of insurance in the state. Credit card companies will also differ. Use the checklist below to make sure you are prepared: After the Court reviews the JDF 422 Petition for Change of Name it may issue a JDF 426 Order for Publication for Change of Name. Two recent color photographs, 22 inches in size (these can be obtained at Walgreens, CVS, etc); **PLEASE NOTE if your expired Passport is over 15 years from the date it was issued, you will need to use the NEW application form, DS-11. If publication is ordered, it must be done at least3 times within 21 days. If there is a good reason, the Court may allow a change of name other thanthe name under which you were convicted or adjudicated. Social Security Number. This form will be returned to you only upon proof of publication. The minor child must be a resident of the county in which you are filing the Petition for Name Change. You can pay by cash, check or credit card. Report Your Name Change to the Social Security Administration (SSA) Phone: (303) 894-7499. The Judge or Magistrate willsign this one. The results of each background check must be dated within ninety (90) days prior to filing the change of name request. A plausible reason for seeking a name change would be to harmonize discrepancies in names in order to get an identification card in the state. WebVisit the Colorado State Judicial Branch, Jefferson County page. Look on their website or call. Plus, legal help for 1 year. You can also use Amazon Smile to give 0.5% from every purchase you make! The power of 3 documents, all in 1 package. Upon calling the 4984 number, I reached MSGT (I think) Ed Yoder. To find the acceptance facility closest to you, visit the State Departments website, Passport Acceptance Facility Search Page, at call the National Passport Information Center at1-877-487-2778. WebSearch for business records | Department of State Search for records in the Business Database by business name, trademark, trade name, ID or document number. Once processed, both agencies will supply you with a full report. Complete instructions can be found in JDF 432 Filing a Change of Name. Included with your FBI fingerprint card should be a completed Applicant Information Form. To findthe correct court, searchCourts by County. In Colorado, the Division of Motor Vehicle (DMV) is the agency that handles name changes on drivers licenses. Submit the Application for a Social Security Cardby mail or in person to a Social Security Administration office. Mortgage companies in Colorado may be public or private. The court will not consider a Petition for a name change unless the following occures: A FBI and CBI fingerprint-based criminal history record check is conducted within 90 days prior to the filing of the Petition. *You must notify the CBI and the FBI, in writing, to add the proposed name change as an alias to your criminal history record. It also means that all notification or update processes must be accompanied by proof of marriage, that is, a marriage certificate. If the change of name request is being made for reasons other than marriage or divorce, or if the applicant is fourteen (14) years of age or older, the applicant must submit a fingerprint-based criminal background check in addition to the standard name change forms. 4:30 pm Go to a local law enforcement agencyto have your fingerprints taken on an FBI and CBI fingerprint card. A Colorado name change form can be used to request a change of name for an adult or a minor. Insert your full legal name and proposed name change in the caption box. More than six years before the Colorado Springs shooting, Nicholas Franklin Brink asked a Bexar County, Texas, judge to change their name to Anderson Lee Aldrich, when he was 15, court records show. NCTEhas a good website detailing each states requirements. Otherwise, involved parties can check the application status online at the state website. The fee is $17.75 for the first copy and $10 for each additional one. A minors name can be changed by filing a Petition for Change of Name with the court located in the county where the child resides. If the JDF 427 - Public Notice of Petition for Change of Name (Minor/Adult) is necessary, the judge or magistrate will determine that at the court hearing. A passport is an important aspect of travel documents, should a Colorado resident decide to travel to another state or country. Service Records (IPPS-A, MCTFS, etc) Each service has its own method of updating name and gender in their personnel systems. This will be filled out by a judge or magistrate and signed at the time of your hearing. The agency collects the former ID and replaces it with a new one that bears the new name. Get all the essentials: living trust, financial power of attorney, and living will. WebAmerican Song Book Lincoln Center, New York, NY Saturday, Feb 6, 2016 8:30 PM A Room of My Own June Havoc Theatre, New York, NY Friday, Feb 13-March 13, 2016 JDF 421- Petition for Change of Name of Minor Child, JDF 423- Consent of Non-Custodial Parent, JDF 424 - Request to Publish Notice to Non-Custodial Parent of Change of Minors Name and Publication Order, JDF 425- Notice to Non-Custodial Parent by Publication, JDF 426- Order for Publication for Change of Name, JDF 427-Public Notice of Petition for Change of Name (Minor/Adult), JDF 448-Final Decree for Change of Name. SSA is NO LONGER requiring documentation evidence (such as a doctor/physician letter) for gender marker corrections! Your physician does not need to give, nor should there be, any additional personal health information not included in the sample letter. Usually, it is simple as filling out a change of name/address form with the publisher. Make sure that the fingerprint-based criminal history record checks are conducted within 90 days prior to the filing of the Petition. Original form of identification (a valid U.S. driver's license, a former US passport, government employee identification, U.S. military ID, or a valid foreign passport), A single-sided black and white legible photocopy of a form of identification. A copy costs $0.25/page. Be sure to sign the petition either in the presence of a 5. We recommend adding rows and tracking exactly which agencies/companies that apply to you. Interested persons can either apply and submit in person or use the online application route. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. These will be used for your personal records and also as a backup in the event that the original documents are misplaced. After submitting your filings, you will need to pay either a $100 filing fee (county court) or a $227 filing fee (district court). File JDF 1825 Order for Name Restoration After Dissolution of Marriage/Civil Union or Legal Separation along with JDF 1824. Download the Public Notice of Petition for Change of Nameand fill in the applicable fields. If you have an attorney, let him/her know and they will update the relevant documents. There are fees associated with obtaining copies of records, but not for viewing the materials in person. Ask for proof of publication from the newspaper after the appropriate number of publications. The court will fill out the rest. Citizenship (such as a previous U.S. Passport, certified Birth Certificate, Certificate of Naturalization, or Report of Birth Abroad); Proof of Identity that contains your signature and photograph that is a good likeness to you (such as a previous U.S. Passport, a Drivers License, a Certificate ofNaturalization, Military Identification, or a Government Employee Identification Card); Two recent color photographs, 22 inches in size (these can be obtained at Walgreens, CVS, etc); and. Contact a locallaw enforcement agencyto have the childs fingerprints recorded on an FBI and CBI fingerprint card. JDF 388 Instructions for Filing a Change of Name for an Individual 70 Years of Age or Older, Forms for A Person 70 Yearsof Age or Older filing for a Name Change, JDF 389 - Petition for Change of Name (70 Years of Age or Older), JDF 387 - Final Decree for Change of Name to Obtain Identity-Related Documents. Check Your Enrollment Status WebBirth, death and other vital records | Birth, death and other vital records Department of Public Health & Environment Order or correct birth certificates, death certificates, and more. Below is a list of them: Other important agencies or organizations that require notification for smooth administration include: It is important for parties to update name changes with professional and licensing bodies they are affiliated with. *The court will ask you to pay afiling fee. How do I complete the fingerprint-based criminal history checks? They are still only offering M and F markers at this time, but changes are possibly slated to start mid-late 2023. Active-Duty/Reserves: Information is currently being compiled and will be made available as soon as possible. Public Notice: Change of name shall be published at least three times within 21 days from the date of the order in a legal newspaper in the county where this case is filed. You will need to submit a certified copy to the organizations marked with an asterisk. If the conviction or adjudication occurred in another state, you should submit the letter from CBI showing no CBI record exists and identify it as Exhibit B. Exhibit C ), Notice of confirmation of change of name from the Social Security Administration, or evidence of change of name on the new social security card, Proof of new address (bank statement, rent/mortgage record, utility bill). Home Self Help Name Changes Name Changes Forms. In order to change your name in Colorado for reasons other than marriage or divorce, you must file a written application with your local county court or district court. If the child has a living non-custodial parent and you know where the individual lives, you must notify them of the name change request by conducting either of the following procedures: If the child has a living non-custodial parent and you do not know where the individual lives, complete theRequest to Publish Notice to Non-Custodial Parent of Change of Minors Name and Publication Orderand sign it in front of a notary public or court clerk. Attach the criminal history report from the CBI and identify it as Exhibit B. Bring along your legal name change documents, confirmation from the SSA that your name has changed, proof of identity, proof of address, your social security number, and payment for the $27 fee. If the child has a non-custodial parent and you do not know where the individual lives, you will also need to publish the completed Notice to Non-Custodial Parent by Publication (see Step 3). Your new drivers license will be delivered to you within thirty (30) days. No specific form is required. The FBI background check can take as long as thirteen (13) weeks. Updating Your Gender Marker on an Existing Valid Passport or Getting a Passport for the First Time, As of April 11, 2022, X gender markers are available! If you can, just create a new account. If you have been adjudicated or convicted for a felony, you should attempt to file a Petition for Change of Name (Felon). This form was updated in Nov 2018 to add a non-binary option. If the name change is not requested in the Final Decreefor the divorce,the name change will have to be done in a separate case. Notifications: 36 Todays Forecast Legislators in at least two states are trying to allow transgender people to keep records of their name change out of the public record. There will be an area labeled Reason Fingerprinted in the upper-left portion of each card. How to Update Your Name in Colorado Records Whether you have changed your name through marriage or divorce, the process to have your records legally altered is the same: show an authorizing document that permits a name change. Addresses. The proposed name should be added as an Alias on this report. The proposed name changeshould be the name under which you were convicted or adjudicated. This document will be eventually be submitted to a newspaper in order to publish a notice for your change of name request. A fingerprint-based criminal history check is required from both the CBI (Colorado Bureau of Investigation) and the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation). It may take up to four (4) weeks for the CBI to process the background check. Here, you will find information and forms on how to update your name and gender marker in the State of Colorado. Make sure that the fingerprint-based criminal history record checks are conducted within 90 days prior to the filing of the Petition. Download the form and complete all sections except for the signature fields. After your filings have been submitted to the court, you will need to publish the completed Public Notice of Petition for Change of Name in a local newspaper at least three (3) times within twenty-one (21) days from the date that your Order for Publication for Change of Name was filed. We recommend tracking where you need to correct your name & gender marker by using our Excel spreadsheet or something similar.. Its easy to lose track of where youve submitted documentation and then following up to make sure theyre corrected. For additional information, please review Colorado Revised Statutes 13-15-101 and 13-15-102. A name change can be filed in county court or district court. Two forms of identification that are listed as acceptable on the federal Form I-9, one of which is a government-issued picture ID. Ifso, the Petition for Name Change must be filed in the same District Court as that case. Updating the name on your voter registration can be accomplished by submitting a new Colorado Voter Registration Form to the Colorado State Department of Elections. SEATTLE (AP) Legislators in at least two states are trying to allow transgender people to keep records of their name change out of the public record. A fingerprint-based criminal history check must be conducted within 90 days of filing the petition. You will want to keep at least one copy in a fire safe or safety deposit box where you can easily gain access to it. Next, download theFinal Decree for Change of Nameor, if you are above the age of seventy (70), the Final Decree for Change of Name to Obtain Identity-Related Documents. Like all others, the petition must contain a fingerprint-based record of the individual. Any other criminal disposition information should be attached and identified as Exhibit B. Divorce decree. Banks will differ. In these instances, they will schedule a hearing for you which you must attend to provide them with the additional information. Be aware that the Social Security Number does not change: only the names may change. Contact your Human Resources department, if one exists. Submit your filings to a Colorado courtlocated within your county of residence. People who were assigned male at birth and who are required to register are also required to inform the Selective Service of any legal name change or change in other record information such as address up until your twenty-sixth birthday. Acceptable name change documents include: Certified marriage certificate: US, city, county, state or US territory. Victim of domestic abuse as colorado name change records in 13-14-101 ( 2 ), C.R.S trust, financial power 3... The courts of jurisdiction to get the process you will need to submit a certified copy to the and... 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